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While there is admittedly no
place in true Christianity today
for legalism of any kind, as
adult sons of God, we are
continually exhorted by our
inspired apostle, Paul, to
conform our minds to the mind
of God by studying the doctrine
given to the Body of Christ.
"And be not conformed to this
world; but be ye transformed
by the renewing of your mind,
that ye may prove what is that
good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." (Romans
12:2). Each day should bring us closer to completely sharing
God's worldview so that we can labor together with him in
making it known.

Because we now have a relationship with God through our

Lord Jesus Christ, it follows that we should desire to
understand and appreciate him by reading his word. When we
increase our understanding of him through what he has
revealed in the Scriptures, we then know better how to please

Israel in Old Testament times received a knowledge of God's

will through commandments and ordinances given to them
through Moses and the prophets. But even with clear
direction from God, Israel chose to seek after other "gods,"
breaking God's heart in the process. Today, we, the Gentile
Body of Christ, are not under laws and ordinances as Israel
was; but we are given a fresh opportunity to know God and to
show our love for him by remaining faithful to him despite
the seductions of the world, the flesh, and the Devil.
Today we have not only the Scriptures, but a vast array of
historical facts at our fingertips. Ignorance is no excuse. The
pagan origins of most popular holidays are thoroughly
documented and available. "Easter" is so named after a
Babylonian fertility goddess by the name of "Ishtar," who was
worshipped under many different guises by pagan peoples
centuries before Christ. Legend has it that she was hatched
from a giant egg and was associated with magical rabbits that
laid eggs on the day commemorated to her in the Spring. The
Canaanites (and Israel) worshipped her as Ashtaroth, the
"queen of heaven," warned of in Jeremiah 7:18. Judges 2:13
and 10:6 are only two of the places where the sad fact of
Israel's turning to Ashtaroth and Baal are recorded.
Easter is still celebrated today all over the world. At first
glance, there doesn't seem much harm in coloring eggs and
buying chocolate rabbits, especially for our children. I've
been as guilty of that as anyone! But as a Christian who loves
the God who bought me out of bondage with the blood of his
only Son, I've come to understand that there is something
monstrously dangerous underlying a day of seemingly
innocent celebration.

"It's not like we're worshipping Ishtar!" (or, at Christmas,

Nimrod). This is the defense of the practice you're likely to
hear from Christians who love these holidays. But what do
you call it when you indoctrinate small children with the idea
that there are real mysterious creatures called, "the Easter
Bunny," and "Santa Claus," to whom they are to give thanks
and praise for rewards received? Sure, you intend to "un-
indoctrinate" them at some point, but isn't the damage already
done? When they discover that you "lied" to them about these
supernatural characters, should you really expect them to trust
you when you implore them to believe on the Lord Jesus
Christ? Is it any wonder that many kids "grow out of
believing in Jesus" when they encounter academic pressures
to do so at school? Can you see the satisfaction that Satan
must receive from this conundrum?
We have the liberty to partake of certain worldly festivities;
but if we truly love and respect God, should we cavalierly
teach our children to pay homage to false gods? With one son
who is now an avowed atheist, I wish I had the opportunity to
go back and undo that damage. Christian parents, please
consider carefully if you want to take this kind of risk with
your children's salvation! I don't have grandchildren yet, but
when I do, they will hear the truth from me no matter the

"Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received

mercy, we faint not; But have renounced the hidden things of
dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word
of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth
commending ourselves to every man's conscience in the sight
of God." (2 Cor. 4:1, 2).

For more articles on living according to the revelation of the

mystery (Eph. 3), please visit “The Mid Acts
Dispensationalist at

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