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Yesterday, we told you about Sports and Entertianment Law as a career option in

india. Today we focus on ports in india and the issues it faces. Sports in India
is a highly popular affair and every Indian city, village, town and locality is
an active participant in a variety of sports, making sports one of the most com
mon elements which binds us together. But being present on a large scale, in va
r ious forms and varieties, one of the major problems with sports in India is th
e necessity of concrete Sports Laws. The high competition, millions and billions
o f Rupees present in Sports via sponsorships and franchises, sports becoming a
co mmodity that is being exploited via advertisements are some of the principal
rea sons why sports cannot simply be termed as a pastime or source of entertain
ment. Globalization and popularization have made sport a business affair and the
re is nothing wrong with that. But it must also be taken into consideration that
sport s is after all a mode of recreation which many people across our nation w
ish to be a part of and make a living out of it. Not governing it via laws may r
esult i n some people trying to exploit sports, especially since it is a highly
profitab le field at present. The act of sporting has become like any other econ
omic acti vity and the absence of laws will make it vulnerable and open to explo
itation. S cams related to prestigious sporting events such as the Commonwealth
Games, IPL, Olympic Games Bidding etc have come out in the open and proved the v
ulnerabilit y of the field. Hence the presence of strong laws to govern and ensu
re smooth an d clean functioning of sports is necessarily recommended. - Sports
in India might look like an all popular affair from above, but close ob servance
leads us to conclude different opinions. Sport in India is affected by a string
of major problems and the presence of strong sport laws is welcomed in order to
eradicate these problems from the vicinity of sports. The issues faced by us ne
ed to be looked at seriously and then solved using the mechanism of a st rong sp
ort law. - The policy of Indian Sports and the issues of Labor have been a troub
ling one for quite some time now and need urgent attention. There are numerous s
ports bod ies present throughout India and each of them tend to execute their ow
n laws, in the process forgetting the Labor issues that are predominant part of
the sport. Poor wages, illegal termination of contracts, exploitation on the bas
is of work ing hours are all present in sporting corners of our nation. Common s
port laws a ddressing the labor issues of sportsmen would help bring an end to a
ll these nui sances and ensure fair play, literally. - As mentioned earlier, spo
rt in India has become a money making machine and a n umber of people have a ten
dency to exploit sport for their own monetary gains. G overnment bodies in assoc
iation with private agencies have made a lot of money o ver the last few years a
nd due to the absence of a concrete sport law, they have not been responsible en
ough to be accountable. Breach of contracts and agreemen ts, not providing recor
ds of expenditure have become common amongst both state a nd regional sports boa
rds. A strong sport law will ensure that board and clubs a re unable to engage i
n such activities from now on. - Issues related to harassment, especially of wom
en athletes is a matter of conc ern and shame as far as Indian sports is concern
ed. Protecting the rights of spo rtspersons should be the ultimate aim of any sp
orting law as there are the peopl e responsible for sporting recreation and ente
rtainment. Harassment of sportsmen should be punished according to the Sporting
laws and a strong sports law is re quired for the purpose. - The issue of broadc
asting is a highly important one as we come across news rep orts regularly regar
ding the problems related to broadcasting of sports. While s porting events like
Cricket and Football tend to find favorable broadcasters, le sser watched sport
s such as Kabaddi, Boxing, Hockey, Wrestling etc struggle with broadcasting righ
ts and have to settle for underpaid broadcasts which they do n

ot deserve. A strong and committed Sporting law will ensure proper and unexploit
ed broadcasting rights for a majority of sports played throughout the nation. P
r oper Broadcasting will also ensure that a large number of people get visual ac
ce ss to all kinds of sporting events held throughout the country, resulting in
the benefit of sports itself. Barring the above mentioned issues, the world of I
ndian sports faces problems in the mode of performance enhancement drug usage by
athletes in order to do well, corruption amongst sporting boards and committee
members, absence of proper org anization, inability to look after retired sports
men and several others. A set o f proper sporting laws will ensure that all thes
e issues and problems are taken care of and sport becomes a respected and well g
overned mode of national recreat ion. The ultimate aim of any type of law is to
make sure that the society functi ons properly under its shadows. The creation o
f a set of proper sporting laws wi ll also try and aim to do the same.

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