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Life of Pi English Script

Pi: Srivardhan
Mr. Okamoto: Shreyas
Mr. Chiba: Rayid
Mr. Okamoto: We are losing the sight of the point of this investigation. We are here
because of the sinking of a cargo ship. You are the sole survivor. And you were only
a passenger. You bear no responsibility for what happened. We
Pi: Chocolate is so good!
Mr. Okamoto: We are not seeking to lay criminal charges. You are an innocent
victim of tragedy at sea. We are only trying to determine why and how the Tsitsum
sank. We thought you might help us, Mr. Patel.
Mr. Chiba: Mr. Patel?
Pi: Tigers exist, lifeboats exist, oceans exist. Because the three have never come
together in your narrow, limited experience, you refuse to believe that they might.
Yet the plain fact is that the Tsitsum brought them together and then sank.
Mr. Okamoto: What about this Frenchman?
Pi: What about him?
Mr. Chiba: Two blind people in two separate lifeboats meeting up in the Pacific the
coincidence does seem a little far-fetched, no?
Pi: It certainly does.
Mr. Chiba: We find it very unlikely.
Pi: So is winning a lottery, yet someone always wins.
Mr. Okamoto: We find it very hard to believe.
Pi: So did I.
Mr. Chiba: I knew we should have taken the day off. You talked about food?
Pi: We did.
Mr. Okamoto: He knew a lot about food.
Pi: If you can call it food.

Mr. Chiba: The cook on the Tsitsum was a Frenchman.

Pi: There are Frenchmen all over the world.
Mr. Okamoto: Maybe the Frenchman you met was the cook.
Pi: Maybe. How should I know? I never saw him. I was blind. Then Richard Parker
ate him alive.
Mr. Okamoto: How convenient.
Pi: Not at all. It was horrific and it stank. By the way, how do you explain the
meerkat bones in the lifeboat?
Mr. Chiba: Yes, the bones of a small animal were
Pi: More than one!
Mr. Chiba: - of some small animals found in the lifeboat. They must have come
from the ship.
Pi: We had no meerkats at the zoo.
Mr. Okamoto: We have no proof they were meerkat bones.
Mr. Chiba: Maybe they were banana bones. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Mr. Okamoto: Atsuro, shut up!
Mr. Chiba: Im very sorry, Okamoto-san. Its the fatigue.
Mr. Okamoto: Youre bringing our service into disrepute!
Mr. Chiba: Very sorry, Okamoto-san.
Mr. Okamoto: hey could be bones from another small animal.
Pi: They were meerkats.
Mr. Chiba: They could be mongooses.
Pi: The mongooses at the zoo didnt sell. They stayed in India.
Mr. Okamoto: They could be shipboard pets, like rats. Mongooses are common in
Pi: Mongooses as shipboard pests?
Mr. Okamoto: Why not?
Pi: Who swam in the stormy Pacific, several of them, to the lifeboat? Thats a little
hard to believe dont you think?
Mr. Okamoto: Less hard to believe than some of the things weve heard in the last
two hours. Perhaps the mongooses were already aboard the lifeboat, like the rat you

Pi: Simply amazing the number of animals in that lifeboat.

Mr. Chiba: Simply amazing.
Pi: A real jungle.
Mr. Okamoto: Yes.
Pi: Those are meerkat bones. Have them checked out by an expert.
Mr. Okamoto: There werent that many left. And there were no heads.
Pi: I used them as bait.
Mr. Chiba: Its doubtful an expert could tell whether they were meerkat bones or
mongoose bones.
Pi: Find yourself a forensic zoologist.
Mr. Okamoto: All right, Mr. Patel! You win. We cant explain the presence of meerkat
bones, if that is what they are, in the lifeboat. But that is not our concern here. We
are here because a Japanese cargo ship owned by Oika Shipping Company, flying
the Panamanian flag, sank in the Pacific.
Pi: Something I never forget, not for a minute. I lost my whole family.
Mr. Chiba: Were sorry about that.
Pi: Not as much as I am.
[Long silence]
Mr. Chiba: What do we do now?
Mr. Okamoto: I dont know.
[Long silence]
Pi: So, you didnt like my story?
Mr. Okamoto: No, we liked it very much. Didnt we Atsuro? We will remember it for
a long, long time.
Mr. Chiba: We will.
Mr. Okamoto: But for the purposes of our investigation, we would like to know what
really happened.
Pi: What really happened?
Mr. Chiba: Yes.
Pi: You want words that reflect reality/
Mr. Chiba: Yes.

Pi: Words that do not contradict reality?

Mr. Chiba: Yes.
Pi: But tigers do not contradict reality.
Mr. Okamoto: Oh please, no more tigers.
Pi: I know what you want. You want a story that wont surprise you. That will
confirm what you already know. That wont make you look higher or further or
differently. You want a flat story, an immobile story. You want dry, yeastless
Mr. Okamoto: Uhh
Pi: You want a story without animals.
Mr. Okamoto: Yes!
Pi: Without tigers or orang-utans.
Mr. Okamoto: Thats right
Pi: Without hyenas or zebras.
Mr. Okamoto: Without them.
Pi: Without meerkats or mongooses or giraffes or hippoptamuses.
Mr. Chiba: We dont want them.
Pi: So Im right. You want a story without animals.
Mr. Okamoto: We want a story without animals that will explain the sinking of the
Pi: Give me a minute, please.
Mr. Okamoto: Of course. I think were finally getting somewhere. Lets hope
he speaks some sense.

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