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CS440 Programming Languages -Project 1

Scheme: LL Parser Generator

In our unit on syntax analysis weve learned how LL(1) PREDICT sets are constructed
from FIRST and FOLLOW sets. In the current project you will build, in a purely functional
subset of Scheme, a parser generator that implements these constructions.
To get you started, Im providing a 300-line skeleton file. You will want to study the code in
this file carefully.
The key function you are to implement is the following:
(define parse-table
(lambda (grammar)
;;; your code here; my version is about 15 lines long,
;;; (but it calls other functions described below)

The input grammar must consist of a list of lists, one per non-terminal in the grammar. The first
element of each sub-list should be the non-terminal; the remaining elements should be the
right-hand sides of the productions for which that non-terminal is the left-hand side. The sublist for the start symbol must come first. Every grammar symbol must be represented as a
quoted string. As an example, here is our familiar LL(1) calculator grammar in the required
(define calc-gram
'(("P" ("SL" "$$"))
("SL" ("S" "SL") ())
("S" ("id" ":=" "E") ("read" "id") ("write" "E"))
("E" ("T" "TT"))
("T" ("F" "FT"))
("TT" ("ao" "T" "TT") ())
("FT" ("mo" "F" "FT") ())
("ao" ("+") ("-"))
("mo" ("*") ("/"))
("F" ("id") ("num") ("(" "E" ")"))

The parse table, as returned by function parse-table, must have the same format, except that
every right-hand side is replaced by a pair (a 2-element list) whose first element is the predict
set for the corresponding production, and whose second element is the right-hand side. If you
(parse-table calc-gram)

the Scheme interpreter should respond

(("P" (("$$" "id" "read" "write") ("SL" "$$")))
("SL" (("id" "read" "write") ("S" "SL")) (("$$") ()))
(("id") ("id" ":=" "E"))
(("read") ("read" "id"))
(("write") ("write" "E")))
("E" (("(" "id" "num") ("T" "TT")))
("T" (("(" "id" "num") ("F" "FT")))
("TT" (("+" "-") ("ao" "T" "TT")) (("$$" ")" "id" "read" "write") ()))
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CS440 Programming Languages -Project 1

("FT" (("*" "/") ("mo" "F" "FT")) (("$$" ")" "+" "-" "id" "read"
"write") ()))
("ao" (("+") ("+")) (("-") ("-")))
("mo" (("*") ("*")) (("/") ("/")))
("F" (("id") ("id")) (("num") ("num")) (("(") ("(" "E" ")"))))

A parse function is provided that accepts a grammar and an input string as arguments. It calls
the parse-table function and then uses it to parse the input, printing a trace of its actions as
it does so, in a manner reminiscent of the Dparse output from the PL/0 compiler. You can
use this function to test your code.

A possible implementation strategy

There are many ways to implement parse-table. Feel free to choose whatever strategy appeals
to you. If youre not sure where to start, there is a skeleton of a few routines that may provide
some guidance. These dont necessarily embody the best strategy.
This code uses two main data structures: a right context structure and a knowledge
structure. A right-context function is provided to generate the former for any given
symbol B. The function returns a list of pairs. Each pair consists of a symbol A and a list of
symbols such that for some , A B . As an example, if you type
(right-context "SL" calc-gram)

the Scheme interpreter should respond

(("P" ("$$")) ("SL" ()))

This tells us that SL appears on the right-hand of two productions in the grammar: one with P on
the left-hand side and one with SL on the left-hand side. In the former, the portion of the righthand side after the SL is $$. In the latter, the portion of the right-hand side after the SL is empty
(that is, SL is the last thing on the right-hand side). In a similar vein, if you type
(right-context "mo" calc-gram)

the Scheme interpreter should respond

(("FT" ("F" "FT")))

This tells us there is only one production with a mo on the right-hand side. It has FT on the lefthand side, and F FT after the mo on the right-hand side.
The right-context information is useful for constructing FOLLOW sets.
Assuming you use the suggested strategy, you will need to compute the knowledge structure
recursively. This structure consists of a list of 4-element sub-lists, one per non-terminal. Each
sub-list contains (1) the non-terminal itself (call it A), (2) a Boolean indicating whether we
currently think that A * , (3) our current estimate of FIRST(A) {}, and (4) our current
estimate of FOLLOW(A) {}. It is much easier in to keep track of separately, rather than to
include it in the FIRST and FOLLOW sets.
The function to generate the knowledge structure is
(define get-knowledge

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CS440 Programming Languages -Project 1

(lambda (grammar)
;;; your code here; my version is a little under 30 lines

If you type
(get-knowledge calc-gram)

the interpreter should respond

(("P" #f ("$$" "id" "read" "write") ())
("SL" #t ("id" "read" "write") ("$$"))
("S" #f ("id" "read" "write") ("$$" "id" "read" "write"))
("E" #f ("(" "id" "num") ("$$" ")" "id" "read" "write"))
("T" #f ("(" "id" "num") ("$$" ")" "+" "-" "id" "read" "write"))
("TT" #t ("+" "-") ("$$" ")" "id" "read" "write"))
("FT" #t ("*" "/") ("$$" ")" "+" "-" "id" "read" "write"))
("ao" #f ("+" "-") ("(" "id" "num"))
("mo" #f ("*" "/") ("(" "id" "num"))
("F" #f ("(" "id" "num") ("$$" ")" "*" "+" "-" "/" "id" "read" "write")))

This tells us, for example, that FT generates epsilon, but F does not, and
that FOLLOW(mo) = {(, id, num}.
As the base of its recursion, get-knowledge uses an initial, empty structure generated by
function initial-knowledge, which is provided. At each step of the recursion the function makes
use of utility routines that extract information from the current structure:
(define generates-epsilon?
(lambda (w knowledge grammar)
;;; your code here; my version is 7 lines long
(define first
(lambda (w knowledge grammar)
;;; your code here; my version is 10 lines long
(define follow
(lambda (A knowledge)
(cadddr (symbol-knowledge A knowledge))))
; This is simpler than the other two functions, because it only needs
; to work for individual non-terminals, not for lists of symbols.

If you work in pairs on this assignment, one possible division of labor is for one partner to
write generates-epsilon?, first, and parse-table, while the other partner writes getknowledge. A better strategy, however, may be to start by having one partner write generatesepsilon? while the other writes first. Then sit down together and write getknowledge and parse-table. This is one of those assignments where two heads may work better
than one.
Important: you are required to use only the functional features of Scheme; functions with an
exclamation point in their names (e.g. set!) and input/output mechanisms other than load and
the regular read-eval-print loop are not allowed. (You may find imperative features useful for
debugging. Thats ok, but get them out of your code before you hand anything in.)

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CS440 Programming Languages -Project 1

Extra Credit suggestions
1. Modify your parse-table function to print a helpful error message if the input
grammar is not LL(1).
2. Modify your parse-table function to print warning messages if there
are useless symbols in the grammar: symbols that cant appear in any valid
sentential form (i.e. in any derivation of a string of terminals from the start
3. Modify the parse function so that it builds and then displays the parse tree.
4. (Hard) Implement syntactic error recovery.

Quiz 2
Before the beginning of the next class, finish the quiz 2 on Moodle by answering the
following questions:
1. What does the following code do? Explain your answer.
(apply * (map + '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6) '(7 8 9)))

2. The sort routine in the skeleton file implements a simple version of the classic
quicksort algorithm. Which element does this version use as a pivot (the value
around which to partition the list)?
3. When you open a program in DrScheme/Racket, what color does it use to
display quoted character strings?

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