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Complete the wishes

Wolkswagem produces cars

Rio is going to host the games

I wish ___________ to work

He wishes he ___________ (play)
the guitar

The police arrested the thieves

I wish I ____________ (relax) at

the beach now

We are going to set up the table

They wish they

_____________(be) rich

Report the following


Complete the if clauses

I am a doctor

If I _________ (win) the lottery,


He has a nice house

He __________ (buy) a car, if he

had Money
I would travel, if I _________
(have) Money

The have been to London twice

He _______ (like) to go out if he

has free time

He played soccer yesterday

If I have time tomorrow, I

__________ (go) to the

She has bought a car

If I ________ (be) you, I _________

(not/go) to the party

They have traveled a lot


I usually _________ (play)

videogame, if I __________
(have) time
They __________ (steal) the car,
if they ________ (have) the

He has finished his job

We didnt go to the movies

He isnt tired
Transform the senteces to
the passive form
Rolex makes watches

She doesnt play cards

He didnt work yesterday

Complete with: enough,

plenty, too much too many

She _________________ (go) home

early yesterday
He ________________ (work)

I havent got__________ Money

There is ____________ of food
There isnt ____________ beer for
I havent had ___________ water

______He_______ (bring) the

_________they_________ (go) out
______we____________ (not/finish)
one hour ago?

I do ____________ of exercise
They have ________ cars

Transform these sentences to

negative and interrogative

There is _________ of time for us

to arrive at the station
Theres ____________ noise in
There are ____________ things to
do in little time

I have just arrived

He has recently traveled

We have already played

I earn ___________ Money for me

and my Family
They have gotten here early
Talk about these obligations
(supposed to)

She has visited her mother

He _________________ (work)
every day

Find the mistakes and

correct them

You ______________ (close) the

shop yesterday

I wish I am a millionaire, if I
were one I travel everywhere.
The places I has visited is very
beautiful, but there places I has
been yet, that I wanted to go.

When I was a kid, I

_______________ (organize) my
toys, but I ______________
(not/pay) my bills
He ______________ (not/watch)
the baby

He didnt work last night, but

he was sick, he hasnt called to
talk to the boss, he asked his

friend carlos. So told to the boss

he hadnt worked because he
has been sick

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