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Generous to a Fault?


What particular Big Five personality traits and what

elements of core self-evaluation appear to characterize Mr. Feuerstein?

Mr. Feuerstein appears to be characterized by agreeableness. Agreeableness is a

tendency to be compassionate and cooperative rather than suspicious and antagonistic
towards others. The trait reflects individual differences in concern for social harmony.
Agreeable individuals value getting along with others.
They are generally considerate, friendly, generous, helpful, and willing to compromise
their interests with others. Agreeable people also have an optimistic view of human
nature. They believe people are basically honest, decent, and trustworthy.


How do you think Mr. Feuerstein's social skills may have

contributed to his capacity to raise money for his ailing company?

As Feuersti; described it, he felt that his employees were "like his family" because, after
all, they gave many years of their lives to the company. How, after all this commitment
on their part, could he turn his back on them and walk away? He could not; he was more
willing to risk his own financial ruin by struggling to keep the company afloat than to
sacrifice the welfare of the people who worked so diligently in his factory.
In the face of the enormous difficulties, Feuerstein stood his ground, and his employees
pitched in to help. They agreed to work for lower wages and they gave up overtime pay.
This was a big concession, which when taken along with Feuerstein's efforts helped to
save the company. Every day he got on the phone, seeking to raise the needed money.


What evidence, if any, do you believe points to the

possibility that Mr. Feuerstein has a high level of achievement motivation?

Many observers expected aging owner Aaron Feuerstein to take insurance

settlement, walk away from the business, and retire. But he did not.

Mr. Feuerstein surprised the world, instead of surrendering; he hired a consultant

skilled at rescuing sinking companies and redoubled his efforts to save Malden Mills.

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