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Rural Tourism ( Ratz & Puczko 1998)

Rural tourism simply means a form of tourism taking place in rural areas or settlements,
providing employment and income to local population and offering individualized holi-day
products to consumers. Rural tourism is based on accommodation service which is
complemented by additional services and facilities relying on the local social, cultural and
natural resources, which are exploited according to the principles of sustainable development.
According to Rtz & Puczk, it seems to be simple to define rural tourism as tourism that
takes place in the countryside, but this definition does not include the complexity of the
activity and the different forms and meanings developed in different countries. According to a
broader definition, rural tourism includes a range of activities, services and amenities
provided by farmers and rural people to attract tourists to their area in order to generate extra
income for their business. If this broader concept is accepted, rural tourism covers not only
farm tourism, which is what rural tourism means for most peo-ple, but also special interest
nature holidays, touring in rural areas, and the services in-clude accommodation plus events,
festivities, gastronomy, outdoor recreation, produc-tion and sale of handicrafts and
agricultural products, etc. (Rtz & Puczk 1998). How-ever, it is impossible to find a
concrete universal definition of rural tourism. It can be different from country to country and
time to time, but it has many potential benefits for including employment growth, an
expanded economic base, repopulation, social im-provement, and revitalization of local
crafts. At the same time, tourism is not the solu-tion to all the problems that are there in the
rural areas but it has number of positive at-tractions. It is one of the many opportunities that
rural communities might consider to improve productivity and income.
Rural Tourism Development in nepal , Felipe Ludena Vaquerizo 2013 Tampere University of
applied science. Hal 9-10

Rural Tourism (Soekadirjo)

Tourism is an activity that people engage in various activities in the society. In the context of rural
tourism, the rural community as a provider of travel services involving humans with very diverse
activities ranging from travel agencies, transport services, accommodation services, food
services, tourist souvenir sales services, services to tourist attractions. All of these activities are
related one to another in a social system called systemic linkage (Soekadirjo, 1996).
To discuss the aspects of tourism as a major factor influencing the rural transformation means
seated rural tourism as a spatial mobility (Soekadirjo, 1996). In the rural tourism context, the
daily life of agrarian activities is main tourist attraction such as plowing paddy field, planting, and
harvesting, or playing the tradisional musics. This attraction needs to be promoted that requires
marketing to be known by tourists as one of the alternative products that could be chosen. Tourist
itself will need to be able to accces the destination. Those four elements which are tourist
destination, marketing, tourist, and transportation (Soekadirjo, 1996) have to be considered. But
there is another version of four key elements to be thought (Cooper, 1998) which are demand,
destination, industry and government organizations, and marketing. Those elements are
interrelated to each other, so talk about one of the elements will also offend other elements.

Aspects request (demand) connected with the purpose element (destination) forms the type of
tourist attraction and tourist motives. Rural tourism linked to cultural motives travelers
considering not only the rural tourist came to watch and enjoy the attractions but they usually do
a research culture in the local rural area (Puswira, 2011). Therefore the village which could be a
tourist destination is the rural villages that have a unique point of view according to travelers with
cultural motives (Tim Puswira, 2010a, 2010b).
From the supply side of the rural tourism, the main aspects that must be considered regarding
tourist attractions, accommodation and other services related to hospitality are tour guides,
souvenir sellers, culinary diversity. (Tim Puswira, 2010, 2010a , 2010b, 2011, 2012).
Rural Tourism Royo Vela

Tourist attractions present rural cultural attractions as the main object although it may also be
associated with other attractions such as natural attractions (natural rural environment),
historical attractions (historical buildings and the remains of the past or the environment, and
artificial attractions are often also complement the original natural rural attraction (RoyoVela, 2009). For accommodations in rural tourism houses normally utilize the facilities of
accommodation (homestay), while other facilities depending on the potential that exists in
every village.
On the other hand, the role of the rural community as a provider of tourist attractions in this very
strategic. Rural communities used to perform both the agricultural activities and non-agricultural
activities in order to increase revenue Friedman (1988). Therefore, the readiness of rural
communities in developing tourism activities is easier, in fact they spontaneously adapt to this
new activity.
Rural Tourism (Fagence , 1997) (Fandeli, 2000)
The paradigm of rural tourism is trying to involve the local society for their own (Fagence, 1997).
The involvement also boosted the local society to wilded their local object, which is manage by
themselves to increase their income from tourism. This pattern is based on some criteria which
are (1) infrastructure preparing and monitoring by local owner, (2) local society entrepreneurship,
(3) increase the local agriculture and other income, (4) a potential structure to actuate the local
society development also boost their local justice and mutual understanding. The local tourism
alternative principle also described (Fandeli, 2000) as (1) make do all the infrastructure owned by
local community (2) increase the local community benefit (3) simple to make a light a mutual
relationship among local community (4) involving local community (5) apply the responsible
tourist ethics (6) keep the service quality control. Based on all the principle explained above,
there is only one related with the tourist need.


Village, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 2014 hal 89-92.

Jurnal 1: Strategies: A R Tuoroall fTooru Driesvmelopment and Conservation,

Bernard Lane 2005 hal : 13
Over a similar time-span, tourism in rural areas has grown, partly because of market forces,
seeking different kinds of holiday, and partly as a result of government initiatives (Lane,
1991a; Weiler & Hall, 1992). This growth has been most noticeable in the countries of the
developed world, where sophisticated economic diversification agencies have been hard at
work promoting new uses for the countryside, influencing both potential providers of tourism
facilities, and the markets for rural tourism through press and media contacts. Tourism is seen
as an agent for rural economic re-generation and as a way of valorizing conservation
(Bramwell, 1990; Jamieson, 1990; Brown & Leblanc, 1992).
Surveys show that rurality is a unique selling point for holidays in the countryside.
Customers look for high quality and unspoiled scenery, for peace, quiet, and, to some
extent, solitude, and for the personal attention which small-scale tourism enterprises can offer
to their guests (Krippendorf, 1987; P.A. Cambridge Economic Consultants, 1987).
Jurnal 2:
Definition of Rural Tourism : Any form of tourism that showcases the rural life, art, culture
and heritage at rural locations, thereby benefiting the local community economically and
socially as well as enabling interaction between the tourists and the locals for a more
enriching tourism experience can be termed as rural tourism. Rural tourism is essentially an
activity which takes place in the countryside. It is multi-faceted and may entail
farm/agricultural tourism, cultural tourism, nature tourism, adventure tourism, and ecotourism. As against conventional tourism, rural tourism has certain typical characteristics
like; it is experience oriented, the locations are sparsely populated, it is predominantly in
natural environment, it meshes with seasonality and local events and is based on preservation
of culture, heritage and traditions.
Jurnal 3:
Jurnal 4:
Rural Tourism for Local Economic Development,
DRGULNESCU, Maricica DRUU hal : 197 tahun 2012


Rural tourism is based on three axes: space, people, products because (Florina Bran, Marin
Dinu, Tamara Simon, 1997, p7)

The area without human existence can not support the coexistence;
People without space or products have only a limited capacity to receive;
Products that are not based space and people have only a short existence and can not
deliver sustainable development locally


Ciprian Pavel
Rural tourism market is the result of interference of the two components: demand and supply
of rural tourism. The evolution of rural tourism activity is not reflected only by analyzing
fluctuations indicators that emphasizes supply situation: number of rural tourist
accommodation structures, existing accommodation capacity, accommodation capacity in
operation. There are also two other important indicators with which (to complete the image of
changes) the rural tourism activity is facing. They capture the state of rural tourism demand
and are represented by the number of tourists arriving in reception rural tourism in Romania
and the number of overnight stays related to those units.
Daru1*, Maior Corneliu, Mihai Larian Brad, Eugeniu Avram 2010 hal : 1
Rural tourism is a topical and ancient phenomenon at the same time. The interest for health
recovery in the rural environment began to grow during the 19 th century, as a response to
stress caused by the expanding urbanism and industrialization. The important fact is that rural
tourism in our era is different if we refer only to the number of tourists involved, which has
increased significantly, and the tourism that developed in all types or rural settlements,
without being limited to areas of an exceptional beauty.( Mitrache et al., 1996)
According to a broader tradition, rural tourism includes a series of activities, services,
accommodations offered by farmers, peasants and inhabitants of the rural environment, in
order to attract tourists to their area, which generates additional revenues for their
businesses. By this broader concept, rural tourism does not only comprise farm tourism or
agritourism, but also activities regarding vacations in the midst of nature, trips to rural areas,
as well residential tourism, in which services include, apart from accommodation, also social
events, festivities, outdoor recreation, production and sale of manufactured products and
agricultural products, etc. (Bran et al., 1997)
Regarded from this point of view, rural tourism is a particular, more complex form of
tourism, comprising both the actual touristy activity (accommodation, boarding house,
touristy circulation, programme development, performance of basic and additional services),
and the economic, usually agricultural activity, practiced by tourists hosts (productive
activities of agricultural products processing within the household and commercialization of
these products to tourists or through commercial networks), as well as leisure activities.
(Alecu et al., 2006)

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