School Leavers Should Get Work Experience Before They Futher Their Undergraduate Studies

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School leavers should get work experience before they futher their

undergraduate studies. Do you agree?


What is meant by school leavers? School leavers are refers to someone

who has left school usually after completing a course of study instead of
continuing on to a college or university.
According to Ministry Of Human Resource Of Malaysia, 80 percent of
employees in a industrial sector are including a school leavers who ages
around 18 until 21 years old.
Actually, there are a lot of benefits of getting work experience for school
leavers before they futher their undergraduate studies.


Experience and Employability

Students will get a chance to taste the workplaces which might help them
to decide possible career interest and make themselve ready to face the
situation for their dream job.
With a previous job history and employer references, the next potential
employer can verify that the employee has good work habits and an ability
to learn new skills.
the experience or knowledge that they have gained while working will
definitely helps them to build a strong resume which in fact places them in
a better job.
A hugely competitive job market make young people or school leavers find
a job experience
has meant for some young people in recent years have been finding the
search for work experience almost as challenging as obtaining that dream

Earn Money
Cost to futher the studies are too costly according to the course so that,
the school leavers can save money to be use for futher the studies.
Its also helps to achieve future career targets they have already planned in
their life by starting a professional career at this stage for instance buying
a car and house.
Student who based on poor family can help and support the family
financial before futher the studies.
Time management
Student can manage, spend their time wisely and appreciate that long
break while waiting for application to futher studies
Can make a new friends and build a fresh graduate maturity about work.
Can avoid from doing negative activities.


In a nutshell, the School leavers should get work experience before they
futher their undergraduate studies because to gain the Experience and
Employability, earn money and for their time management during the
So that, im fully sanction that there are a lot of advantage when School
leavers get work experience before they futher their undergraduate

Recent study shows that student are not keen in wearing uniform. In
your opinion, do you think school uniform should be abolished?

Uniforms are seen almost anywhere in the world and are worn for many
different reasons that could range from going to a reunion to going to
According to ministry of education, wearing a school uniform is the one of
the cumpulsory law that must be follow by student at school in Malaysia.
Eventhough recent study shows that student are not keen in wearing
uniform, however school uniform should not be abolished as there are lot
of advantages instead of advantages about wearing uniform at school.


Identity of the school

Student will be proud to wear the uniform as the uniform give a sense of
belonging to particular school and create an identity for the school

Use during emergency such as accident

Teacher can identify the role of student at school

foster a sense of equality between students

abolished an inequality between students come from wealthy family
backgrounds and the students students grow up in poorer family
solves many instances of bullying, parental stress, and childhood
depression. discriminates againts what you wear.
don't have to waste time to choose what are they going to wear every
morning before going to school

cost effective
All students can afford school uniforms
students who wear school uniforms have to purchase uniforms only once in
a year.

Parents doesnt have to spend much money to buy clothes for their children
to school as children won't want to wear the same clothes once a fortnight


In a conclusion, eventhough recent study shows that student are not keen
in wearing uniform,however, school uniform should not be abolished
because it can shows an identity of the school, foster a sense of equality
between student and very cost effective.
So that, im fully agree that there are a lot of advantages of wearing a
school uniform as their give a positive impression of the school instead of
abolished it.

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