Lec 2 What Is The Internet

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Everyone speaks and hears about the Internet, is new, modern and looks set to
change our way of life. But if you ask people what the Internet is many do not know
what to say. We will try to illustrate with a few simple ideas. Everyone knows that a
clear picture is worth a hundred ideas confusing.

We could say that the Internet is composed of a large number of computers that can
exchange information between them. It is a worldwide computer network.

Computers can communicate because they are united through and through
connections that use a common language or protocol, TCP / IP.


According to the plan we can see in the image, a user connects to the network (via a
modem or router, either via telephone line, cable, satellite, etc ...). From this point the
TCP / IP comes into play, thanks to him you can contact your Internet Service Provider
(ISP) making him aware of your physical address.

Using TCP / IP, the ISP assigns IP addresses to your PC and at that moment gives you
access to the network.

When we access a page we provide a domain that is translated into the DNS Servers
and localized. When we know what Web Server is the page you want to visit it
proceeds to download and display in the browser's PC.

Internet has boomed since approximately 1994, but existed long before computers
connected together so what happened then? Several things happen: the emergence of
the Web, telephone modems, free software for web servers and personal computers

Most importantly, it appeared the WWW (WorldWideWeb), who managed to make it

easier and attractive to use the network to all users by adding interactivity. Basically
through the introduction of hypertext, graphics and forms. Sometimes the word is used
as a synonym for the Internet Web.

Hypertext is what makes that clicking on a word or figure move from the page where
we are at a different page. This new page can be on another computer at the other
end of the world, this is what created the concept of surfing the Internet, we can visit
within minutes, almost without realizing it, information that resides on computers
located in different countries. Actually when we seek information that interests us is to
find, not knowing where you are physically.

The site also has improved the aspect of information through graphics and text
formatting, this is possible thanks to the creation of the language in which web pages
are written, HTML (HyperText Markup Language). Also appeared for free Web
browsers: programs to transform the HTML in Web pages.
Now the user feel heard by the computer, as can very easily get your opinions,
questions, complaints, etc.. through forms.

Other aspects that helped the growth of the Internet were the occurrence of low-cost
modems installed on a personal computer allowed it connects to the telephone network
through which the data arrives from the other computers connected to the Internet.

There was also an increasing number of personal computers with which most people
could access the Internet.

Nor should we forget that with the advent of free programs for creating web servers,
including Apache, thousands of small organizations and student groups could become
reporting issuers. Which made dramatically increase the number and diversity of
information available on the Internet totally free.

Unit 2. Internet access

In this unit we will try to explain the basics of the Internet connection as we can not
explain all practical cases, it depends on the configuration and there are hundreds of

You may also want to know the different possibilities of connection to the Internet,
basic telephone line, ADSL, ISDN, cable, phone, etc..

What is needed to connect to Internet?


To connect to the Internet will need several items. There are some elements that vary
with the type of connection you choose and others are common. Let's see generically
different elements and when we discuss each type of connection will see them in

In general, we need a terminal, a connection, a modem, a provider of Internet access

and a browser.

ball terminal

The terminal is the element that serves the user to receive and send information. In
the most common case the terminal is a personal computer or laptop, but can also be
a TV with a keyboard or a mobile phone, see below.

A low cost current computer is sufficient to connect to the Internet as the main factor
influencing the quality of Internet access is the connection speed, and this depends on
the type of connection you use, not personal computer. If you're using the personal
computer to work with other programs that require few resources, such as graphic
design programs that require more memory and a fast processor is recommended to
buy a midrange PC or high but if you're using Internet access and a word processor is
enough low-end computers.
It is better to spend the money on a good monitor rather than a very powerful

What needs to be clear is that for Internet go faster what is important is to have a fast
connection, a fast computer is not much by itself.

For desktop monitor 19 "will allow us to work with a higher resolution (1280x1024),
thus more clearly see the images and we will have more room on the screen to have
several windows open at once. A 17" monitor has a field of view smaller, but sufficient
for most users. With a 15 "monitor recommended resolution is 800x600 with which
some web pages will not be completely on the screen and have to use the scroll bars.
The number of colors depends on those who can handle the graphics card, but enough
with all current card.

Lately they are having some success for small notebooks or netbook because they are
a good option for those who use the computer mainly to connect to the Internet and
require a lightweight laptop. These netbook screens are 9 "or 10" and weighs less than
a kgr.

Ball Connection

Communication between your computer and Internet needs transported through some
physical medium. The most basic way is through the telephone line, the most used in
Spain is ADSL and cable, but as discussed below can also be through wireless means.

Modem ball

The modem is the element that allows the connection between your PC and phone line
or transmission line. The computer works with digital information (zeros and ones)
while normally working telephone lines in analog form (different wave amplitudes and
frequencies). The modem enables a shift from analog to digital and vice versa, hence
its name, MOdulator DEModulator.

Depending on the type of Internet connection you choose will have to use a different
type of modem, a modem for basic telephone line is good for an ADSL line.

For dial-up connections can use an external telephone modem 56 Kbps Although in this
case the modem can be internal if it is installed inside the computer, which is the most
common option. Such connections are the slower, and there is no longer used.

The most common is to have a cable modem or DSL. In addition, may also be a router,
which allows us to share the connection with multiple computers. Forming a local
network with Internet access.

It is also common to have a wireless access point (Wi-Fi). With our equipment we can
connect it wirelessly, to access the network. Just keep in mind that unless we set users
and passwords to our wireless network, any computer in the radio range of the signal
can connect to internet using our connection.
In any case, either integrated into the router, and more or less powerful, you have a
modem which will communicate to our team with the world ..

Unit 3. Browsers (I)


The most used Internet service is the Web, followed closely by email. When we log
onto the Internet or surf the internet really we are referring to the Web. To access the
Web you need a program called a browser.

The Web information is available via web pages, these pages are written in HTML
internally, to transform this language in Web pages visible need a program, these
programs are called browsers or browsers (in English). These are complex programs
that perform many functions, but from the outset have been free and can be
downloaded from the web. The most used browser is Internet Explorer (IE).

A browser used to access the Internet, but you can use IE without an Internet
connection to view web pages you have recorded on the hard disk, a CD, DVD or other

The browsers are incorporating new technologies that are generated around the
Internet, every so often new versions appear, it should have updated your browser.

When a new version, the browser will automatically install the updates. You can also
visit the web browser and download the latest version. If you have an older version
you might when you visit certain sites can not see properly. For example, some
animations may not function properly, or a menu can not open.

Whether you want to update your version if you want to settle as a navigator here's
the details:

Internet Explorer Basics ball.

Basic ball and Mozilla Firefox.

The first browser that was released by the network was the Mosaic, in 1993. Later
became Netscape, which dominated the market until the arrival of Microsoft with its
Internet Explorer (IE) in 1996.

He started the "browser wars" in which lawsuits were filed against Microsoft for trying
to abuse its dominant position in the market for operating systems with Windows, to
make your IE.

This war in the courts was long disputed. But the trade war was clearly won by
Microsoft, which in 2005 had more than 90% of the browser market. The main
advantage of Microsoft was to have your browser pre-installed in Windows. What made
that most users will simply not bother to download and install another.

In recent years, Internet Explorer has been losing market share. Even if we add users
to IE 6, IE 7 and IE 8, it remains first.

In 2005 came to force a new competitor to IE, Firefox was the browser of the Mozilla
organization and continuation of the left (then) Netscape. This organization belongs to
the world of open source and not the business world as Microsoft.

ball Firefox is a modern browser that innovated with some very interesting features.
For example, Firefox has a blocking pop up windows (pop-ups), also has the possibility
of opening new websites in the same window using different flaps. In Firefox is built on
the upper right, several of the most popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, etc..

The main advantage of Firefox is to use the supplements, and the large number of
them are available, what features the browser adapts to user needs.

Although seeing as anger, these innovative features have been incorporated into other
browsers slowly.

Ball In September 2008 came the other hand browser from Google, the Chrome. Given
the strength of Google in the network is likely to achieve a significant market share.

ball is also available for Windows users to Apple's Safari browser.

ball Another noteworthy browser and Opera users is enough. Very lightweight and has
a philosophy of total configuration by the user program and compliance to the letter of
the standards published by the W3C.

Unit 4. Search Engines (I)

At one time, at the beginning of the Internet in the '90s, when searching for something
through the network of networks was exhausting work and boring, now things have
changed. Usually one is surprised at how easy and fast it is seeking information.
Sometimes it's very rewarding to find something that did not even know existed and
exceeds our expectations. One of the reasons why the Internet engages people. It's
like being in front of a giant dump on the first kick and find a diamond.
Of course you should know before searching the Internet, is what we tried to explain in
this unit.
In this videotutorial can see the concepts we discuss in this issue.
Let's start with Google search
Let's go see the features and management of search engines as an example. I hope it
Start with the most used search engine, Google.
To start click here or type http://www.google.com in the address bar of your browser.
Or just type "google" in the address bar, the browser will start your browser and
probably will appear in their web address Google in the first position.
Once you open the page, this is the initial screen of Google. Most options do not
appear until you move the mouse cursor.
l first detail to note is that Google detects the language of your operating system and
the screen presents you in that language. In our case in Spanish. Also detects our
country, and shows the appropriate browser version (pictured, Spain).
You can also go directly to Google Spain: www.google.es, Google Mexico:
www.google.com.mx, Argentina: www.google.com.ar, and many other countries where
Google has its own page for that country.

At the bottom right, you can see a link to Google.com if you insist on going to

Even you can manually choose the interface language and language Google search by
clicking on the Search Settings link located in the upper right corner. If you want to
see more detail visit this page Basic Basic.

The display of Google is very simple. It has a central text box where you type in what
we seek, the button to start search Search with Google and some other things with
pretty descriptive names, and now we will not see. Then we will explain in detail the
results screen.

This clear and simple style was not fashionable until Google came before, search
engines have a very dense screens, with many options, advertising, etc..

Unit 5. The e-mail


Some people think the Internet is not too useful, but when they said they can
communicate with anyone anywhere in the world within minutes, they can even send
pictures, sounds and files with large amount of data, so this quick and easy, can begin
to change their minds about the usefulness of the Internet. For some e-mail or email is
the most used Internet service along with the Web.

There are several types of accounts, POP3, IMAP and SMTP, POP3 here talk of being
the most used.

The Internet mail, like regular mail should be private, that all programs to read mail
password protection feature. Although this does not ensure that someone can intercept
the mail while traveling through the network.

To avoid this, you can use encryption systems such as PGP, to encrypt the message
before sending it over the network and decrypted upon arrival.

e ball operation.

The e-mail or e-mail is a way to send messages between computers over the Internet.

Like most Internet services, mail is based on client / server architecture. Let me
explain, in simplified terms, what this architecture. Clients are the computers of users
who use the mail and the server is the computer that handles mail, the server belongs
to the entity providing the mail.

When someone sends an email, first come to your mail server that sends it to the
recipient's server, where the message is stored in the recipient's mailbox. When the
recipient connects to the server, it will send all pending messages. Therefore do not
care if the customer is connected or not the Internet at the time a message is sent.

We can configure our mail so that each time you boot or read the messages waiting to
read them when I click the Receive button.

The mailbox can be fixed size, so if they accumulate many messages on the server and
the client does not read your mail may be blocked. Even before the server usually
sends a warning message for emptied the mailbox. When we say an e-mail account,
for example, refer to 20 Mb available space on the mailbox server. This was more
common several years ago. But now, major email services offer sizes reaching several
GB, which makes filling is not our mail.

The process client / server is more complicated than described here, since messages
are sent downstream from check to ensure that at each step the data is received well.

Customers must have a program-mail client, eg Outlook or Firebird. The server is a

computer program that has a mail server that can handle thousands of email accounts.
Normally the mail server resides on a machine other than the web server, for this may
at some point the web server is not working but the mail server, or vice versa.

An email has several components, the mailing address of the destination, the message
text and maybe some more things as attachments, etc..

An email has a fixed structure:

nombre_cuenta @ server_name

eg andres.lopez @ hotmail.com

Each email address is unique for everyone, can not be two identical email addresses.

When we connect to the Internet through a provider we normally assign one or more
email accounts. We can also create us accounts on websites that offer free like
Hotmail, Gmail, yahoo, etc..

There are three basic ways to use the mail through a mail program, using webmail and
using instant messaging programs ..

Mail program. For example, Microsoft Outlook, the Mozilla Thunderbird, Eudora, etc..
These are specific programs for working with mail and we have to install on your PC.
The first time you have to configure them using the account data and mail server.
Therefore it is only practical use in the home PC and work.

They can handle multiple accounts at once no matter who you provide the account.
They have many more options than webmail. In the picture on the next page you can
see the overall look of Outlook 2007.

Webmail. As its name suggests, is to use the Web Mail. One advantage of webmail is
that from any computer with Internet access can read and send our mail without
having to configure anything. We will explain some things more than Webmail.

Instant messaging has nothing to do directly with the email, but has the characteristic
that when an email arrives warns us at the same moment, also informs us when
connecting a member of a list of users that we we created previously. At that point we
decide to write an email or set up a conversation in a chat.

Unit 6. Communicate on-line (I)

The Chat

Chat or talk on the Internet allows instant written between two or more people over
the Internet.

If you have never participated in a chat you can imagine it as a room where people
gather to discuss a subject without any moderation or strict rules. What happens is
that instead of using the voice to communicate using the keyboard and computer
screen, although participants may be thousands of km. away from each other the
conversation is real time.

Before entering the chat you will have to choose a nickname or pseudonym ( "nick"),
which is the name that others will see in the chat. We should not give your real name.

Will also choose one from among the chat rooms available, each on a different subject.
For example, friends, trivia, youth, business, sports, love, etc.. Once inside the chat
you will see a screen similar to this next image shows the Terra chat.

Chats can be found in almost all portals, for example, ChatMania, Wanadoo, Ya.com,

In the middle are the messages that participants sent in front of each message is the
name of the sender. Just below is a blank line where you type your message, to send
you need to press the Submit button that is on the right.

In the right column is a list of the pseudonyms of the participants. When someone
enters or leaves the chat line appears that reports them.

If there are few participants in the chat you can read messages from all others and
establish a conversation between everyone, but if there are many entries is a little

The solution is to switch to private chat between two. How do depends on each chat,
usually just double-click the right name and open a window in which only two people

Unit 7. Forums and Discussion Groups (I)


A Forum on the Internet is a place where people share their views, experiences and
questions on any topic in a hierarchy.

That is, a forum allows you to start a topic to which others can respond and express
their opinions or respond to a topic that has raised another person. These topics are
organized into groups called Forums.

So the final structure of a forum is usually this:

This method is very useful because you can be a problem and return within a few days
(or hours, depending on the frequency at which the forum is visited) to find the answer
put forward by anyone who has provided to help you.

In this way we are able to send messages into space, and if they are interesting, may
even cause a massive response .. answers to these are called Hilo.

A forum thread is not just a question raised has been very successful and therefore it
is followed by many people. Some threads may have dozens of answers, where many
times to get to understand the latest messages conclusion must read the entire thread.

This tool is, therefore, very handy when raising doubts about something. You can get
to a forum and ask how old do you wean a puppy, it is likely that someone will answer
a few days it is recommended at 4 to 6 weeks.
Unit 9. Learning on the Internet (I)
Internet education is experiencing a boom, every day there are more websites that
offer online courses and there are more students who take these courses and most are
satisfied with the teaching received.

This is because the Internet is an excellent vehicle for human communication and
education is essentially a process of communication between teacher and student.

Several years ago appeared to distance education, used the mail and self-learning
books. Later, when personal computers began to become popular emerged computer-
assisted instruction (CAI) that was sitting at the computer and follow the instructions
that this was giving, these courses are more interactive courses by mail but had the
disadvantage of the lack of help.

When the student had a problem was discouraged because it was difficult to find
someone to help him and was in a situation that made it difficult to continue with the
This problem has a solution on the Internet easier because it is very easy to get help
from the teacher through email, chat, IP telephony or videoconferencing.

Today it is possible to establish a true virtual classroom if you have enough bandwidth.

In a real classroom, students see and hear the professor's explanation made on the
board, to their peers in a virtual classroom, students also see and hear the teacher,
instead of the board support the explanation is the screen computer, the student can
directly ask the teacher, the teacher can see the display of the student and realize
what he is doing wrong to correct him. It is also possible to let the students see all the
questions from their peers and talk to them.

In this scenario the educational process can be carried out perfectly. In some cases,
even with some advantages over classroom teaching. Of course, there are some

Advantages of online education

No ball movement

The student does not have to travel to the school. For people with mobility problems or
live in remote sites is a great advantage. Not having to travel significant savings in
time and money.

No timetable ball

It is easier to adjust schedules to conduct the study. Activities that do not need the
teacher can be made at any time.

Barata ball

An Internet course is cheaper than one face, as it can reach many people and a
teacher can serve more students in a class attendance.

Customizable ball

Online education is more customizable. Each student can study at their own pace and
level, in a live class students who are not in the middle of the class are harmed, the
more advanced they get bored listening to stuff they already know and the most
backward are lost and can not follow rhythm.

Participatory ball

For students who are shy or with communication problems is easier to communicate
with the teacher and their peers through email and chat wondered out loud to the
teacher. This problem is more common than thought, many times students do not ask
questions because they are embarrassed to speak publicly or because they think the
teacher and their peers will think he is doing a stupid question. When asked by mail
other students do not see the question.
Multimedia ball

It have more multimedia and interactive elements in teaching integrated more

completely than in conventional teaching. Through photos, videos and sound can be
created very attractive courses for students who will motivate and make learning more
effective. In many cases the classes will be limited to hearing about the teacher and
read a book.

Tracking ball

You can do detailed monitoring of the performance of each student from the different
data that can be obtained as the connection time, the areas studied, the questions
asked, results of assessments and self assessments, etc..

Updated ball

Contents updated. It's much easier to update a course on the Internet, for example, a

Unit 10. Internet Security (I)


Computer viruses are programs that inadvertently installed on the computers, carry on
their destructive role and can spread to other computers.

Pathways are diverse and have evolved over time. A few years ago when there was no
Internet, preferably propagated through diskettes. Then they started to use as a
means of expanding the programs that were downloaded over the Internet.

The most used means of spread are the e-mail (Internet mail) and Web pages. Using e
as dispersion medium has several advantages from the standpoint of the virus. It is a
very fast and used by many people, a virus can be replicated millions of times in a few
days in the following way.

The virus arrives by mail to a computer and sends itself to all email addresses listed in
Address Book. When you reach another computer re-sends itself to all addresses listed
in it, and so on.

Viruses that use Web pages and Internet are also able to reproduce very quickly since
a page can be accessed by thousands of people daily.

The life cycle of a virus could be this, go into your computer, that is, infects us, and
cause runs normally damage, then tries to copy itself to other computers, ie spread.
When it is detected by some antivirus program or user is removed and die. Let's see
this in more detail.

For our computer is infected with a virus or spread, the virus code has to be recorded
on our computer, the easiest way to do this for a virus is when copying files, and you
only need to hide inside the file you're copying .

If we can not only read information infect, for example, if we read the contents of a CD
or visit a web page there is no danger of infection. This is the norm, but there are
exceptions, as we shall see, as sometimes happens that we are recording things in our
computer without realizing it.

Once the file is virus on your computer has to run to carry out its functions. Having a
recorded file on your hard disk does not mean that this virus has done everything that
has to do, it may not yet executed. But more often is that you just entered into the
computer the file is run.

There are several ways to run, for example, we can implement ourselves without
realizing it when you open a mail attachment. Another form of self-launch is to alter
the configuration of the computer to run whenever you start the computer.

So every time you copy something in our computer can also be copying a virus.

The most common routes of infection are:

1 - e-mail.

2 - Get off the Internet for download files.

3 - Get off the Internet via ftp files.

4 - Copy USB flash drives, CD, etc..

5 - Visiting web sites.

6 - Use of focus groups.

7 - Use of networks.

8 - Use of P2P networks.

1 - e-mail

It is the most important method of infection today. Allows virus spread at great speed
as they send millions of emails every day. Some viruses are only activated if you open
attachments that accompany the message.

Other viruses are activated simply by opening the mail and read the message. If we
turned the preview in our mail program means that all messages are read to show the
subject and sender, but we do not open this message, the mail program itself opens
and we can therefore infected. Later in the precautions section you can see how to
turn off the preview.

Read the post, in many cases is an action that causes information to be recorded on
our computer. Because the messages are downloaded from the mail server and saved
on a hard drive.

2 - Get off Internet download file

There are many websites that give the possibility to download files by clicking a link, it
opens a dialog to ask what our hard disk folder we want to make the file and start the
download. If the file you downloaded is infected can infect your computer. The virus
can usually review these files before opening them.

3 - Get off the Internet via ftp files

This is another way to download files over the network. For this we use ftp programs
like Cute-FTP or FileZilla, these programs allow you to connect to a server and copy
files from the server to your computer and if we are allowed from your computer to the

4 - Copy USB flash drives, CD, etc..

Increasingly fewer files are exchanged through this system, since it is more convenient
to send them online. But there are many viruses that create a boot file on the USB
infected. By putting it in another computer, the system executes the boot file,
executing the virus.

5 - Visiting web sites.

Normally web pages contain text, graphics, sound, animation and video. The browser
will only read these elements are displayed on the screen, so web pages can not be
infected because they do not usually contain programs that run on your computer.

However, some websites can record information on our computer via ActiveX controls
and Java applets without us being aware of it. This is an extremely dangerous infection
that is increasingly being used more, especially to spread spyware.

Normally for a web page can infect their visitors must be the rightful owner or
webmaster of that page to install the viruses with the intent to propagate, so you can
surf the pages all serious on the network. Almost 100% of the servers have antivirus
that prevent the possibility of sending viruses through their websites.

Faulty construction of browsers are also involved in this. Many times when scheduling
the operation of browsers are left with gaps or holes that malicious individuals use
weaknesses against us. In fact, in September 2006 found a bug in Internet Explorer
that could install anything on a browser simply by visiting a website.

In the latter case, user interaction in the infection is almost zero, usually (and in other
cases) we get infected by downloading a file, run a program or clicking on certain link.
By capturing this kind of failure the result can be chaotic for nothing more Visit our
team would be at the mercy of anyone.

Anyway, as said before, this is only isolated incidents that are resolved by patching
(fixing) the browser program. And yet, the servers and trusted websites tend not to
have these types of problems.

The only solution is to use caution and to visit only sites that we feel safe. And do not
click any link does not install everything that we offer.

6 - Use of discussion groups, chat rooms, IRC.

In the discussion groups messages are exchanged and sometimes attachments, similar
to mail. Although the focus groups used a transmission system other than mail, it is
possible that if we open one of these attachments can infect us.

Potentially any means of transferring files is likely to be used to deliver a virus.

7 - Use of networks.

We can infect using global networks (Internet) or local networks.

So far the clearest case of infection through the Internet has been the Sasser virus
that infects computers by simply connecting to the Internet without the user visits a
particular Web page or download a file.

When we use a local network are sharing resources with other computers on the
network, if any of the computers on the network is allowed to write on a hard drive
could transfer a virus.

8 - Use of P2P networks.

P2P networks (eMule, Ares, kazza, BitTorrent, ...) are designed for sharing files and
are used by millions of people around the world, so are the ideal place to put files with
the mixed virus sound files. It must be said that these networks take steps to avoid
the presence of detectable virus and as it removes any or warn users.

Unit 11. Blogs (I)


A Blog or weblog is a website that contains a series of text entries or items that are
updated periodically. Thus, most current text foregrounds to be the first thing visitors
see upon entering the page.
Usually blogs (short for Weblogs) are used as personal journals, where its creators find
a way to convey their ideas to the world.

Due to the revolutionary capabilities of reach of the Internet, weblogs have become an
avenue of expression worldwide. Creating one is easy and keep it only entails a
minimum commitment from time to time, also anyone from anywhere in the world can
read and comment on it.

In fact, what most of these sites have in common is the feedback. Each entry that is
produced, jointly issued a link that leads to the comments section of that entry, so
anyone can leave your opinion or comment on the website.
Unit 11. Blogs (I)


A Blog or weblog is a website that contains a series of text entries or items that are
updated periodically. Thus, most current text foregrounds to be the first thing visitors
see upon entering the page.

Usually blogs (short for Weblogs) are used as personal journals, where its creators find
a way to convey their ideas to the world.

Due to the revolutionary capabilities of reach of the Internet, weblogs have become an
avenue of expression worldwide. Creating one is easy and keep it only entails a
minimum commitment from time to time, also anyone from anywhere in the world can
read and comment on it.

In fact, what most of these sites have in common is the feedback. Each entry that is
produced, jointly issued a link that leads to the comments section of that entry, so
anyone can leave your opinion or comment on the website.

Unit 12. Web 2.0 (I)


In the beginning, the Internet was a fairly static. All your pages are created in a fixed
and rarely updated, so its content was quite predictable and offered very little
interaction with the user. This was the Web 1.0.

Gradually, the dot-com began to use new technologies and adapted their pages more
dynamic content that achieved greater wealth of content through their ability to
communicate with databases. Managers emerged contents and forms were becoming a
real site. The improved user interaction.

We were watching the Web 1.0 was closer to offering services that display content,
gradually the situation improved and companies like Google, Amazon and Yahoo
(among others) began to become well-known Internet giants. Many people called this
stage of Web 1.5.

Little by little, and the result of several conferences (see Web 2.0 Conference), several
large companies and experts decided that to get most out of the network of networks
had to change their point of view: Web 2.0 was born.

As Ross Mayfield (SocialText steering) then coined: Web 1.0 era for commerce, Web
2.0 is for people.

Following these meetings emerged new concepts and trends that would soon be
reflected online.

Web 2.0 is emerging as an attitude and not a new technology. A new way in which the
user is in control of information. According to this new philosophy, to the employer a
website is no longer theirs to become ours. Represents the evolution from traditional
applications to the user-oriented web applications. Some applications that generate
and are generated by the collaboration, providing real services to replace (long term)
desktop applications (Office, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, etc ...).

Another way to look is the one found in Microsiervos.

Web 2.0 is not a remake but a new way of doing things.

Principles of Web 2.0

In these conferences are distilled a few key concepts on how to create the Internet:

Evolution towards software ball anywhere. Internet is now the platform.

Repeto ball to the standards set by the W3C. The more standardized information easier
to find the will to share.

Using ball formatting styles (such as in newspapers) to separate the information.

Content syndication ball. It should not be necessary for users to visit us to see our new
products, we are offering them.

Ball Using interactive technologies: AJAX, Flash, Flex, Lazlo.

ball The user must control information. Social networking and communities.
Following these principles will emerge new companies emerge and they begin to work
differently. They offer services to users, ceasing to be a mere element showing pages
and pages of static information with which it was impossible to interact.

As you can see from now on, many have adopted these new guidelines, and if
everything continues as it is now very likely that this trend comes to settle down. Yet
we must remember that not all companies will be born which will remain. It is not the
first time I attended a tech bubble and we know that many of them fall by the

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