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HSM 340 Health Services Finance Entire Course

HSM 340 Week 1 Assignment; Financial Laws and Regulation

HSM 340 Week 1 DQ 1 Finance and the Regulatory Components
HSM 340 Week 1 DQ 2 Reimbursement and Payment Determination
HSM 340 Week 2 DQ 1 Accounting Conventions and Methods
HSM 340 Week 2 DQ 2 Financial Performance
HSM 340 Week 2 Quiz
HSM 340 Week 3 DQ 1 Cost Categories
HSM 340 Week 3 DQ 2 Cost Information
HSM 340 Week 3 Quiz
HSM 340 Week 4 DQ 1 Financial Sources
HSM 340 Week 4 DQ 2 Financial Theories and Concepts

HSM 340 Week 4 Midterm Exam


Question: (TCO 4) Which of the following is part of a statistics



Question: (TCO 4) The following is an example of a _____________

budget: The budget for the radiology department is different at 90
percent occupancy than at 80 percent occupancy.


Question: (TCO 4) Effectiveness is a relationship between:


Question: (TCO 3) What is the main reason that relative value units
(RVUs) often are used in health care?


Question: (TCO 3) Your controller has told you that the marginal
profit of DRG 209 (major joint procedure) for a Medicare patient exceeds
the marginal profit for an average charge patient. Why might this occur?


Question: (TCO 2) The heading of every financial statement should

contain the:


Question: (TCO 2) Which of the following is the BEST example of a

financial metric?

Page 2

Question: (TCO 4) Formulate your answer based on the below

information. Costs per case increased to $4,900 from a budgeted value of
$4,750. This increased actual total costs by what amount?..You have
been asked by management to explain the variances in costs under your
inpatient capitated contract.


Question: (TCO 4) Based on the information below, assume that the

only change in the original example data is that Blue Cross raises their
discount to 20 percent. What price should be set? You have been asked

to establish a pricing structure for radiology on a per-procedure


Question: (TCO 4) What is the amount of variance that can be

attributed to the difference between budgeted and actual volume? Use
the following data to calculate the variances. The following information
has been prepared for a home health agency.


Question: (TCO 2) Explain the difference between the accrual basis

of accounting and the cash basis of accounting?


Question: (TCO 2) What is an audit (in the context of financial



Question: (TCO 1) What are social responsibility and ethics as they

relate to business-oriented organizations? How should social
responsibility and ethics affect the decisions of even for-profit


Question: (TCO 2) Define and describe the purpose of fund

accounting (now called net assets).

HSM 340 Week 5 Assignment; Capital Budgeting Process

HSM 340 Week 5 DQ 1 Capital Investments
HSM 340 Week 5 DQ 2 Future and Present Value
HSM 340 Week 6 Assignment; Cash and Working Capital
HSM 340 Week 6 DQ 1 Cash and Assets
HSM 340 Week 6 DQ 2 Cash Resources
HSM 340 Week 7 DQ 1 HMO, MCO and Health Plans

HSM 340 Week 7 DQ 2 Financial Policy

HSM 340 Week 7 Quiz

HSM 340 Week 8 Final Exam


Question: (TCO 4) When would it make sense to use a flexible budget

as compared to a forecast budget?


Question: (TCO 7) Explain the difference between a horizontal

merger and a vertical merger.


Question: (TCO 1) Describe the Outpatient Code Editor.


Question: (TCO 1) What is the primary provision of the EMTALA.


Question: (TCO 3) Use the following data to calculate the variances

in problem. data Your hospital has been approached by a major HMO to
perform all their MS-DRG 470 cases (major joint procedures). They have
offered a flat price of $10,000 per case. You have reviewed your charges
for MS-DRG 470 during the last year and found the following profile: The
HMO in the above example has indicated that their doctors use less
expensive joint implants. If this less expensive implant is used, your
medical supply charges would be reduced by $2,000. What is the
estimated reduction in variable cost?


Question: (TCO 2) Explain the difference between the accrual basis

of accounting and the cash basis of accounting.?


Question: (TCO 2) What are the double-entry accounting system and

the duality concept? How are they related?


Question: (TCO 5) Define an annuity.


Question : (TCO 5) What avenues are available for for-profit

healthcare providers to increase their equity position?


Question: (TCO 6) Describe the two major components of a working

capital management strategy?


Question: (TCO 6) What is the general rule of thumb about when to

borrow long-term or short-term?


Question: (TCO 5) How should the interest rate and n periods of

compounding be modified if compounding for less than one year?

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