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Sales order no not appearing in MD04

1. When the avl chk value is 2, all sales orders are displayed in MD04.
2. When we change the avl check value now to 1 for the material, in MD04 the sales orders disappear.And blank
MRP element data values are seen.
3. Now change the value back to 2 and create a sales order. The new sales order created alone is displayed.
Previous sales orders as in step1 do not appear/reappear again.
Gives a feeling that your initial avl check value was 1 and you created a sales order (which is not showing up in
Then you changed the value back to 2 and all sales orders created after this are appearing. Check the material
master whether you made such a change and confirm.
Double click on the blank line in MD04 and see if it shows 'Total Reqmts' as 'Order' which should confirm that your avl
check setting was 1 at one point of time in the material master.

Reference order : 12138 , 12139

Use: - If an order item is backdated
1. Order quantity not complete or
2. Required delivery date has not been confirmed in time.
Scenario:Backorder processing is functionality in SAP where we can change the commitments and over-ride the
blockage of stocks marked against sales documents/deliveries.
For e.g.

1. You receive an order from a very important customer for material "A" but the entire
quantity of A is committed to another customer "B" via earlier sales orders and this is
where BACKORDER processing helps you to change the commitment and shift stock
due for B to A.
2. While doing sales order the material is not available sometimes at that time we give the
delivery date whenever we expect goods. if the goods available earlier than delivery
date we can go back with sales order and deliver the goods before first delivery date

Types of Backorder
There are two types of Back order processing
1. Manual Backorder
2. Reschedule Backorder

1. Manual Backorder Processing

In this process we can reduce the confirmed quantity of line item of one sales order and reallocate
that quantity to item of another sales order.
This process can be done through two ways
SD Document: - [V_RA]
Material: - [CO06]
T.Code: - [V_RA]

Here we have to fill either Material date or Customer Data along with Organizational Data

Select all open sales order for which you want to do Backorder processing.
Then click or Backorders button.

1st row tell us on dated 12.08.2012 plant 1000 (summation of all storage locations) received total
stock of 10pcs.
2nd row tell us, sales order number 12100 required of 10pcs and confirmed also 10pcs which is
available on dated 17.08.2012
3rd row tell us, another sales order number 12101 created which required quantity is 5pcs but not able
to confirmed on material available date.
4th row tell us, mobile material is available 10pcs in only storage location 0001 of plant 1000 from
dated 12.08.2012.
Because of few reasons business wants to do delivery on basis of high priority of sales order 12101.
For this we have to deallocate the 5pcs from sales order 12100 and reallocate to the sales order

Select the 2nd row which represent to sales order 12100 and clicks on Change confirmation button.

Change committed field from 10 to 5.

Click on Copy button.

Now you can see the 2nd row sales order number 12100 confirmed quantity changed from 10to 5.
And for that deallocated quantity 5pcs from sales order 12100 can reassign to sales order 12101 and
confirm on dated 17.08.2012
For this select 3rd row sales order 12101 and click on change Confirmation button

Now change the committed field from 0 to 5 and press enter then you will find above screen.
Then Click Copy Button

Now you can see for sales order 12101 is available on dated 17.08.2012 with confirmed quantity 5.
2. Rescheduling Process.
When it should use:a. When we reduce the confirmed quantity of one sales order and want to allot to another
sales order automatically on basis of delivery priority rule.
b. Or for one few sales orders created during non availability of stock that time system will
provide delivery date to in future date on basis of delivery scheduling calculation after
that stock is available before Delivery confirmation date then we wants to redetermine
the available date and delivery date on basis of delivery priority rule.
The Delivery priority is taken from the customer master in sales order and can be used as a sort
criterion for orders during rescheduling process.

T. Code [V_V2]

Fill material and plant deselect Simulation and execute.

Click on YES button in pop up box of Updating Backorders in sales

Here system shows that for sales order 12100 get new confirm quantity is 10pcs before that it was
only 5pcs.
The backorder reschedule does the job that your users are doing manually i.e. "re-allocating" the
available stock to the open orders.
V_RA:- backorder list and V_V2:- backorder reschedule for online processing.
V.15 Backorder List
We can set up a regular batch job with programs SDV03V02 and/or RVV50R10C.

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