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Circle the correct past participle alternatives.


Louise wear/wears jeans at the weekend.

Thomas doesnt enjoy/enjoys cycling to school on cold days.

Where you do/do you live?

I dont/doesnt have any money for new clothes.

My brother watch/watches horror films on DVD every evening.

Sam doesnt wear/doesnt wears school uniform at his school.

What time do/does it start?

The children live/lives near the city centre.

Write sentences in the present continuous using the prompts.


They / play tennis / at the moment.


George / not live / with his parents.


I / have lunch / in the city centre.


Wendy and Jack / not wear / any shoes.


She / sit / over there.


We / not work / at the moment.


you / do your homework?


Which game / she / play?


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I / not come / with you.


10 We / put up / shelves in the kitchen.


Complete the sentences with the words in the box.






Jennifer ______________ sets her alarm for seven oclock on weekdays. She likes
getting up early.

Pamela is walking over to your house ______________. Shell be there in a


______________, Dan visits us on his way home. He comes once or twice a week.

I ______________ eat meat. Im a vegetarian.

We ______________ go to the cinema on Fridays. In fact, I think we go on three

Fridays every month.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Jenny ______________ (lose) her purse yesterday.

Amy ______________ (break) her leg badly in the bicycle accident last week.

Tim ______________ (give) my mum some flowers for her birthday last year.

We ______________ (not know) what time it was.

Sally ______________ (leave) at half past three on Monday afternoon.

Dan ______________ (worry) about handing in his homework late, but he always
finished on time.

I ______________ (not win) the match on Tuesday.

We ______________ (see) a really interesting programme on TV yesterday.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Simone ______________ (walk) home from school when it suddenly started to


What ______________ (Susie / wear) when you saw her last Monday?

Josie was eating lunch when someone ______________ (steal) her handbag.

______________ (you / meet) Dan when he got off the plane?

The sun was shining and the birds ______________ (sing) in the trees as I cycled
down the lane.
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Penny ______________ (not kiss) Tom on their first date.

We ______________ (win) 100 on last weeks lottery.

Circle the correct alternatives.


Danny used to play/had played the piano when he was young, but he
doesnt play it anymore.

Wendy didnt know/wasnt knowing what time it was when I asked her.

I was cooking/had cooked lunch when you phoned.

When we were small children, we would get/had got up really early at


We saw/had seen a good film last night.

Jo lost/was losing her tennis match when I left. I dont know whether she won
or lost in the end.

How much did you understand/were you understanding of the play?

Once, I broke/used to break my arm while playing basketball for my school.

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

Tim ______________________________ (just / ride) his bicycle across the Pyrenees.

Hes really tired!

Louise ______________________________ (buy) some new shoes last weekend.

Wendy ______________________________ (not eat) her breakfast yet. Thats why

shes so hungry.

Penny ______________________________ (already / visit) the most interesting

monuments today.

I ______________________________ (get) home about five minutes ago.

How long ______________________________ (you / live) in this lovely old house?

He ______________________________ (own) a yacht for over 20 years. He loves it.

Henrietta ______________________________ (not speak) to Carrie at last nights


______________________________ (you / hear) the news? Sophie and Ian are

getting married.

10 Paul and I ______________________________ (meet) for the first time many years

Complete the table with the comparative and superlative form of the adjectives.
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the biggest


the busiest


more exciting


the best

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Complete the sentences with words from Ex 8.


The Empire State Building in New York is one of ______________________________

buildings in the USA.

The shopping centre is ______________________________ today than it usually is

on a Monday.

Johns grade in the test was ______________________________ than his sisters. He

got 40%. She got 63%.

Elephants are ______________________________ than rhinos.

Sally Jenkins won an award as ______________________________ young actress in

a comedy play in 2012.

We went paragliding on holiday. It was fantastic! Its

______________________________ sport Ive ever tried.

It was freezing, windy and rainy! It was ______________________________ weather

Ive ever experienced!

Monday is ______________________________ day of the week for me! I have so

much to do then.

10 Circle the correct alternatives.


Sue likes listening to a/the radio.

What do you usually do at a/the weekend?

Jo enjoys working as a/() doctor in a large hospital.

Could you bring me a/the glass of water, please?

Amanda would like to study the/() chemistry at university.

Do you think there used to be life on the/() moon?

Its important to try to help animals survive in the/() wild.

Ill be there in a/the minute. 9

We got up early in a/the morning.

10 Would you like another cup of a/() coffee or tea?

11 Match the sentence halves.
__ 1

Amanda doesnt own

a any new shoes.

__ 2

Rebecca has bought

b some trousers.

__ 3

Tim hasnt got many

c time.

__ 4

Bob doesnt have much

d friends.

__ 5

Ive learnt a few

e German.

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__ 6

Sue speaks a little

f words.

12 Complete the sentences with in, at or on.


Jack lives ______________ France.

The film starts ______________ six oclock.

I spent the weekend ______________ home.

The bus is ______________ time.

Its five oclock ______________ the morning.

I put it ______________ the cupboard.

My birthday is ______________ October.

What was ______________ TV last night?

Claire was waiting ______________ the bus stop.

10 Sue lives ______________ the countryside.

13 Complete the table with the correct form of the pronouns.
subject pronoun

object pronoun


possessive pronoun





14 Complete the sentences with words from Ex 13.


Robert enjoys horror movies but I dont like ______________ very much. Theyre
too scary.

My two brothers are tall, but ______________ arent well-built.

Both these bags belong to us. And the backpack over there is ______________,

Im sorry, but these shoes arent ______________. I have a black pair, not a
brown pair. Do you think someone has taken them by mistake?

Give ______________ the ticket. He loves opera so hell really appreciate a free

Im sorry. I didnt know it was ______________. I should have known because its
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got your name on it!

15 Correct the errors in the sentences.


Are they going see a film?


What will she to say if Emma phones?


Who you are meeting tonight?


What will you buying Robert?


Is going he to visit his aunt at the weekend?


At this time tomorrow, Ill sitting on a beach.


Barry is no going to wait.


Jenny wont have eating before her friends arrive.


16 Complete the reported statements.


Were going to play tennis later, they told us.

They told us that they ______________________________ play tennis later.

I rang Jill two days ago, he said.

He said that he ______________________________ Jill two days before.

How much money do you have? he asked.

He asked me how much money I ______________________________.

She has broken her leg, he said.

He said that she ______________________________ her leg.

Do you enjoy eating out? she asked.

She asked if I ______________________________ eating out.

Tom isnt doing anything at the moment, she said.

She said that Tom ______________________________ anything at that moment.
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17 Order the words to make sentences.


published / Magazines / by / are / our company / .


tomorrow / The / shown / be / will / documentary / .


has / A / arrested / burglar / been / just / .


in the 1970s / houses / Were / the / built / ?


been / cant / The / announced / winner / have / yet / .


later / be / isnt / allowed / James / going / into / to / the club / .


18 Circle the correct alternatives.


If you want to win, you have to/would have to enter the competition first.

If she went/had gone to the party she would have probably had a good time.

I dont/wont lend you any more money if you keep spending it in the way
you do.

We might go to the beach if it stays/stayed sunny.

If you had/youd have more free time, would you take up a new hobby?

If Paul ate less food, he wont/wouldnt put on so much weight.

If you were calling/had called, I would have come and picked you up.

Where did you/would you work if you could change your job?

19 Write the best options to complete the sentences.


Well watch TV ______________ you have a better idea.

a if

c than

Ive ______________ been to Scotland. I went there last year.

a ever

b unless

b just

c already

Well leave ______________ Jack has put his coat on. So just wait a minute.
a before

b as soon as

c while

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Amy hasnt tried windsurfing ______________.

a yet

c never

______________ Tom was cooking lunch, I set the table.

a Yet

b just

b While

c On

Ive worked here ______________ four months.

a for

b since

c during

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