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Hallo, dear students. Take your seats. Today well continue discussing
art in general and painting trends and genres in particular.
2. .
Im interested in your attitude towards art. What do you know?
What do you feel? What do you remember? Answer my
questions:(1 question for 1 student).
1) How do you understand the word art?
2) What painters do you know?
3) What styles of painting can you name?
4) When did you go to the picture gallery last time? Have you
ever been there?
5) What is your favorite picture?
6) What does the word masterpiece mean?
7) When nature is depicted, what is that?
8) Are you good at painting?
9) Do you prefer visiting a cinema to visiting a gallery or v.v.?
10) What can art give people?
11) What do you remember from the history of painting?

4 /.
Lets recollect the information from the text, in pairs:
- the role of art; - art museum; - classicism; - art in the 20 th
century; Pablo Picasso; Ukrainian styles of painting.
5 .
What genres do you know? (A. Nesvit p.156Ex.1)
Name the most popular genres of painting? (landscape, seascape, portrait, still life)
Can you explain the most popular genres of painting?

A landscape is a picture representing a tract of country with the various objects it contains.
A seascape is painting or other artistic representation of the sea.
A portrait is a painting, picture or representation of the person, especially of a face generally drawn from
A still life is a painting of such unanimated subjects as fruit, flowers and other decorative things.
Genre painting is a painting which represents scenes from every day life in a more or less realistic way.

Have you ever heard about Levitan? Can you name his pictures? What genre are we
going to describe? ( p.158 read about landscapes)
Reading and translation
Fill in the gaps with the following words:

In the foreground; is executed with; splashes of

colour; scarcely discernible;
predominate in

After Reading:
Make up a plan of describing a landscape, in a group of 3.
1) THE GENERAL EFFECT. (The title and the name of the artist. The
or trend represented. Does it appear natural and spontaneous or
and artificial).
2) THE CONTENTS OF THE PICTURE. (Place, time and setting. Any
attempt to render the emotions of the model. What does the artist
accentuate in his subject?).
Does the painter concentrate on the analysis of details?

What tints predominate in the colour scheme? Do the colours blend

Are the brushstrokes left visible?).
4) INTERPRETATION AND EVALUATION. (Does it exemplify a high
degree of artistic skill? What feelings or ideas does it evoke in the
5 .
Describe the picture according to the plan.( in groups: 1 groupthe general effect; 2 group-.)

Can you give another title to this picture?

6 .
1 Can you give another title to this picture?
Modal verb can, could, will be able to.

) to ( to have
to, to be ought (to), ought (to), need dare ,
to, ).
) ,
) Present Indefinite
( to have (to)).
2. (p.400, Ex. 491,492).
7. . .
1. (+ )
2. 10 . can
PAINTERS AND THEIR CRAFT. A fashionable /self-taught/ nature
artist; a portrait /landscape painter; to paint from nature /memory
/imagination; to paint mythological /historical subjects; to specialize in portraiture
/still life; to portray people /emotions with moving sincerity/
restraint; to depict a person /a scene of common life /the mood of...; to
render /to interpret the personality; to reveal the person's nature;
to develop one's own style of painting;
to conform to the taste of the period; to break with the tradition; to be
advance of one's time; to expose the dark sides of life; to become famous
COMPOSITION AND DRAWING. In the foreground /background; in
the top /bottom /left-hand corner; to define the nearer figures more sharply;
to emphasize; to be scarcely discernible; to convey a sense of space; to place the figures
against the landscape background; to merge into a single entity; to blend
with the landscape; to accentuate something.
to combine form and colour into harmonious unity; brilliant /lowkeyed
colour scheme; the colour scheme where ... predominates; muted in
colour; the colours may be cool and restful /hot and agitated /soft and delicate
/dull /oppressive /harsh; the delicacy of tones may be lost in a reproduction.
IMPRESSION. JUDGEMENT. The picture may be moving /lyrical
/romantic /original /poetic in tone and atmosphere; an exquisite piece of
painting; an unsurpassed masterpiece; distinguished by a marvellous sense
of colour and composition; the picture may be dull /crude /chaotic /a colourless
dab of paint; obscure; unintelligible; gaudy; depressing; disappointing;
cheap; vulgar.

PAINTERS AND THEIR CRAFT. A fashionable /self-taught/ nature

artist; a portrait /landscape painter; to paint from nature /memory
/imagination; to paint mythological /historical subjects; to specialize in portraiture
/still life; to portray people /emotions with moving sincerity/
restraint; to depict a person /a scene of common life /the mood of...; to
render /to interpret the personality; to reveal the person's nature;
to develop one's own style of painting;
to conform to the taste of the period; to break with the tradition; to be
advance of one's time; to expose the dark sides of life; to become famous
COMPOSITION AND DRAWING. In the foreground /background; in
the top /bottom /left-hand corner; to define the nearer figures more sharply;
to emphasize; to be scarcely discernible; to convey a sense of space; to place the figures

against the landscape background; to merge into a single entity; to blend

with the landscape; to accentuate something.
to combine form and colour into harmonious unity; brilliant /lowkeyed
colour scheme; the colour scheme where ... predominates; muted in
colour; the colours may be cool and restful /hot and agitated /soft and delicate
/dull /oppressive /harsh; the delicacy of tones may be lost in a reproduction.
IMPRESSION. JUDGEMENT. The picture may be moving /lyrical
/romantic /original /poetic in tone and atmosphere; an exquisite piece of
painting; an unsurpassed masterpiece; distinguished by a marvellous sense
of colour and composition; the picture may be dull /crude /chaotic /a colourless
dab of paint; obscure; unintelligible; gaudy; depressing; disappointing;
cheap; vulgar.

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