Seasons and Weather1

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Hallo, dear students. Take your seats. What mood are you in?
What did you do at the weekends? Did you play snowballs?
What is the weather like today?
3 .
Today well discuss Seasons and weather
3. .

Lets read and translate the poem about weather.

When the weather is wet
We must not fret.
When the weather is cold,
We must not scold.
When the weather is warm,
We must not storm,
But be thankful together
Whatever the weather!
4. .
1. Match the words from 2 columns. ( /):
matching, reading, translation.( in pairs)
MODEL: 1. The sky h. sunny, grey, clouded, overcast,
blue, bright
1. The sky

a. It is grey windy, stormy,

cloudy with some sunny spells,
to drizzle

2. Autumn weather

b. Tropical, moderately
continental, subtropical.

3. Temperature

c. It is dry with lots of

sunshine, high temperatures, a
heat wave, showers,
thunderstorms, oppressive heat

4. The air

d. It is chilly or freezing, with

severe gales, heavy snow, hail.
Roads are slippery , there are
icicles on houses, to hail,

5. Climates

e. Dry, humid, pure, warm,

chilly, crisp, fresh

6. Weather

f. It is changeable, mild, harsh

with heavy or pouring rain,
cloudy weather without

7. Spring weather

g. High, low, minimum,

maximum, to increase to
drops, falls

8.Winter weather

h. Sunny, grey, clouded,

overcast, blue, bright

9.The wind

i. light, stormy, icy, south, to

get up, to blow, to drop

10. Summer weather

j. Fine, perfect, lovely, terrible,

nasty, rough, miserable

Keys: 1-h; 2-a; 3- g; 4- e; 5- b; 6- j;7- f; 8- d;9- i; 10- c

2. Fill in the gaps with the words and word combinations
which fit the gaps the most: drizzle, to hail, snowdrift,
chilly, a gust of wind, oppressive heat, freezing,
thunderstorm, to thunder, snowy.
1) Tomorrow will be cloudy with outbreaks of rain and
_______________. 2) Its ______________ in here can I close
the window? 3) Weve had a very _____________ winter this
year. 4) If it _______________, small hard balls of ice fall from
the sky like rain. 5) How do you manage to work in this
____________ ______________ without air conditioning? 6) A
sudden _________ ____________ blew his umbrella inside out.
7) A _____________ is a large pile of snow formed by the
wind. 8) I felt a bit ___________ so I put on a jacket. 9) A
____________is a storm with thunder and lightning and
usually heavy rain. 10) When it ____________ during a
storm, a loud noise comes from the sky.
2.Which of these words might be used to describe the
weather on the pictures( . p. 118)in pairs.
5. Seasons and weather
P.R. Answer my questions
1. Why do we like winter so much?
2. Why do people try to spend more time in the open air in
3. Is summer the best season for tourism?
4. Where did you go last summer?
5. Do you like late autumn?
6. What do you usually do on a nasty rainy day?
7. Were you fond of playing snowballs and making snowmen
when you were a child?
W.R. Read, translate, be ready to finish the sentences
after reading
- The weather depends on.

- In autumn the ..
- We call Indian summer, when.
- In winter the streets..
- By the end of winter..
- Nature awakens.
- The trees begin to bud.
- After spring .
A. R. In 4 groups discuss advantages and disadvantages
of each season (1group- winter, 2- summer, 3- spring, 4autumn).
6. ( Write why do you like this or that weather
6-10 sentences))
Start: I like winter, because
- conclusions
- h/a Retell the text Seasons and weather. Learn the
- marks

Pupils Handout
When the weather is wet

We must not fret.

When the weather is cold,
We must not scold.
When the weather is warm,
We must not storm,
But be thankful together
Whatever the weather!
1. Match the words from 2 columns.
MODEL: 1. The sky h. sunny, grey, clouded, overcast, blue, bright
1. The sky

a. It is grey windy, stormy, cloudy with

some sunny spells, to drizzle

2. Autumn weather

b. Tropical, moderately continental,


3. Temperature

c. It is dry with lots of sunshine, high

temperatures, a heat wave, showers,
thunderstorms, oppressive heat

4. The air

d. It is chilly or freezing, with severe

gales, heavy snow, hail. Roads are
slippery , there are icicles on houses, to
hail, snowdrift

5. Climates

e. Dry, humid, pure, warm, chilly, crisp,


6. Weather

f. It is changeable, mild, harsh with

heavy or pouring rain, cloudy weather
without precipitation

7. Spring weather

g. High, low, minimum, maximum, to

increase todrops, falls

8.Winter weather

h. Sunny, grey, clouded, overcast, blue,


9.The wind

i. light, stormy, icy, south, to get up, to

blow, to drop

10. Summer weather

j. Fine, perfect, lovely, terrible, nasty,

rough, miserable

Fill in the gaps with the words and word combinations which fit the gaps
the most: drizzle, to hail, snowdrift, chilly, a gust of wind,
oppressive heat, freezing, thunderstorm, to thunder, snowy.
1) Tomorrow will be cloudy with outbreaks of rain and _______________. 2)
Its ______________ in here can I close the window? 3) Weve had a very
_____________ winter this year. 4) If it _______________, small hard balls of ice
fall from the sky like rain. 5) How do you manage to work in this
____________ ______________ without air conditioning? 6) A sudden _________
____________ blew his umbrella inside out. 7) A _____________ is a large pile
of snow formed by the wind. 8) I felt a bit ___________ so I put on a jacket.
9) A ____________is a storm with thunder and lightning and usually heavy
rain. 10) When it ____________ during a storm, a loud noise comes from the

2.Which of these words might be used to describe the weather on the

pictures( p. 118)in pairs.
3. Finish the sentences after reading the text Seasons and
- The weather depends on.
- In autumn the ..
- We call Indian summer, when.
- In winter the streets..
- By the end of winter..
- Nature awakens.
- The trees begin to bud.
- After spring .
4. In 4 groups discuss advantages and disadvantages of each season
(1group- winter, 2- summer, 3- spring, 4- autumn).
5. ( Write why do you like this or that weather 6-10 sentences))
Start: I like winter, because
6. h/a Retell the text Seasons and weather. Learn the vocabulary.

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