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Dating Vocabulary


Remember! Real princes don't go Dutch on a first date!

love at first sight: amor a primera vista, flechazo

to have a crush on someone: cuando te gusta alguien
to ask someone out: pedirle a alguien que salga contigo
to turn someone down: rechazar a alguien
to be in a dry spell: llevar un tiempo sin conocer a nadie especial
to meet people online: conocer a gente en la red
to pick someone up (at a bar...): ligar con alguien a quien no conoces (en un bar...)
to chat someone up: conversar con la intencin de ligarse a alguien a quien no conoces (en
un bar...)
to have a one-night stand: tener un rollo de una noche
a lover: amante
an affair: una aventura (ms de una vez)
to go on a date: tener una cita
to fix someone up/set someone up: concertar una cita a otras dos personas
a blind date: cita a ciegas
a double date: cuando quedan dos parejas en vez de una (para quitar un poco de presin)
to stand someone up: no presentarse a la cita. Dar plantn.
to go Dutch: pagar la cuenta a medias
to have things in common: tener cosas en comn
to flirt with someone: coquetear/tontear con alguien
to go out with someone/see someone/date someone: salir con alguien (relacin informal)
Are you seeing someone?
to fall in love: enamorarse
to be two-timing: tener ms de una relacin al mismo tiempo
to see someone on the side: quedar con alguien a escondidas de tu pareja
to cheat on someone: serle infiel a alguien
a womanizer: un mujeriego
to break up with someone: romper con alguien
to go steady: ir en serio
to live together: vivir juntos
to have a serious/committed relationship: tener una relacin muy estable
to propose (to someone): declararse (planes de boda)
to get engaged: comprometerse (planes de boda)
the fianc: el prometido; the fiance: la prometida
to get married: casarse
wedding: boda
anniversary: aniversario
to get divorced: divorciarse
love at first sight: amor a primera vista. Flechazo.
turn someone down: Rechazar. Dar calabazas.

Dating Vocabulary

A: Tom and Tammy have been dating for 5 years now.

B: Did you hear that Tom proposed to Tammy last week?
A: Really! So are they engaged now?
B: No! Tammy found out that Tom was cheating on her so she broke up with him.
A: Well, if he is going to be a two-timer he shouldnt propose to her.
B: That is what he gets for cheating.
A: Yeah, and the girl he was seeing on the side also has a fianc!.
B: Wow, every day is like a soap opera in Toms life, isnt it?
To ask someone out - to ask someone to go on a date
To date - to see someone repeatedly in a romantic sense
To fall in love - to find someone that you love
To go out - to date once, to go out repeatedly (often used in the present perfect continuous form)
To court - to try to date someone (older English, not often used in modern, everyday English)
To go steady - to date regularly over a long period of time Tim and I are going steady.
To have a boyfriend / girlfriend - to have a continuing relationship with one person
Do you have a boyfriend? - That's none of your business!
To arrange a marriage - to find marriage partners for other people
In the US most people find a partner by dating. However, it's common to arrange marriages in a number
of cultures around the world.
To woo someone - to try to go out or date someone
Speed dating - modern technique to find someone to date, people speak to each other quickly one
after the other in order to find someone to date
Speed dating might seem strange to some, but it certainly helps people find others quickly.
Online dating - sites that help arrange relationships by meeting possible romantic partners online
As many as one in three marriages start with online dating these days.
Courtship - period of time during which a man tries to convince a woman to marry him (not
generally used in modern English, but common in English literate)
The courtship lasted for six months, after which the couple married.
Relationship - when two people have a committed attachment to each other
I'm in a relationship at the moment.
Match made in heaven - two people who are perfect for each other
Bob and Kim are a match made in heaven. I'm sure they'll have a happy and healthy marriage.
Love at first sight - what happens when someone falls in love the first time they see someone
I feel in love with my wife at first sight. I'm not sure it was the same for her.

Dating Vocabulary

Love affair - a romantic relationship

Their love affair lasted for more than two years.
Blind date - to go out with someone you have never seen before, blind dates are often arranged by
friends. She was surprised at how much fun she had on her blind date last week.
To propose - to ask someone to marry you
I'm going to propose to Alan next week.
To ask someone to marry you - to ask someone to be your spouse
Have you asked her to marry you yet?
To ask for someone's hand in marriage - to ask someone to marry you
Peter arranged a romantic dinner and asked Susan's hand in marriage.
Proposal - the question made when asking someone to marry
He made his proposal when they brought out the champagne.
Engagement - the state of being engaged, making the promise to marry each other
They announced their engagement at the Christmas party last week.
Fianc - the person to whom you are engaged
To get married - the action of becoming husband and wife
To marry - to get married
To say "I do" - the agree to marry the other person at a wedding
The bride and groom said "I do" after their vows.
anniversary - the day of your wedding, celebrated by married couples
Golden anniversary- Silver anniversary
Marriage - the state of being married
Their marriage is very good. They've been married for twenty years.
Wedding - the ceremony during which people get married
The wedding was lovely. I couldn't help crying a little.
Vow - the promise made between two people during a wedding
We exchanged our vows in front of our family and friends.
Bride - the woman who marries
Groom - the man who marries
Best man- the chief attendant of the bridegroom at a wedding.
Bridesmaid- a girl or young unmarried woman who attends a bride at her wedding.
Reception: a formal party for guests, such as one after a wedding.

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