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Role play 1 - Student A

Youve just arrived in your first country at the beginning of your world tour. Youre
worried about money and so youd like to find a cheap hotel to stay in. Try and
convince your friends that this is the best option.
Role play 1 - Student B
Youve just arrived in your first country at the beginning of your world tour. You want
to start your holiday in style and stay in a nice hotel. Try and convince your friends
that this is the best idea.
Role play 1 - Student C
Youve just arrived in your first country at the beginning of your world tour. Your
friends have got different ideas about where they would like to stay. Listen to them
and decide who you agree with.
Role-play 2 - Student A
Youre now in your second country but unfortunately youve just been mugged and
have lost your bag with your passport, air tickets and money in it. Youre at the
police station to report the theft.
Role play - Student B
Youre now in your second country but unfortunately your friends bags been stolen.
Youre at the police station to help your friend.
Role play 2 - Student C
Youre a police officer. Two westerners are in your police station to report a theft.
You dont believe their story. Ask them a lot of questions to find out if they are telling
the truth.
Role-play 3 - Student A
Because of the mugging you phone home to talk to your parents. You want your
parents to send you some money urgently because you have no money left.
Reassure your parents that everything is OK and get as much money as possible.
Role play 3 - Student B
You are Mum. You are upset about what has happened to your child. You dont want
to send him/her any money because you want him/her to come back home

Role play 3 - Student C

You are Dad. You are upset about what has happened to your child. You dont want
to send him/her any money because you want him/her to come back home

Role-play 4 - Student A
Youre in Malaysia and youve fallen in love with Asia. Now you really want to go to
Thailand because youve heard theyve got the best beaches in the world. Try and
convince your friends to come with you.
Role play 4 - Student B
Youre in Malaysia and feel quite happy. Your two friends have got very different
ideas about where to go next. Listen to your friends and then tell them what you
would like to do.
Role play 4 - Student C
Youre in Malaysia but you want to leave. You are tired of travelling and you miss
your home and your home cooking. Try and convince your friends to come home
with you.

Role-play 5 - Student A
Youre ecstatically happy. Youve fallen in love with a boy/girl from the country you
are visiting and youve decided you want to buy a house on the beach and live there
forever. Tell your friends about your big decision.
Role play 5 - Student B
Your friend has something important to tell you. Listen carefully and then respond:
You think your friends gone mad and he/she is going to make a terrible decision.
Think of all the reasons why his/her plan is crazy and convince him/her to come
back home with you.
Role play 5 - Student C
Your friend has something important to tell you. Listen carefully and then respond:
You think your friends gone mad (crazy) and he/she is going to make a terrible
decision. Think of all the reasons why his/her plan is crazy and convince him/her to
come back home with you.

Your partner wants you to come out
tonight but you dont want to. Make
excuses why you can not go out tonight.

You are having a party tonight for your
friend. It is a surprise party so you can not
tell your partner why they need to come.
Convince you partner to come to the

You are a teacher and your student is
failing the class. They have missed the
mid-term and do not always come to
class. Convince your partner it is their
responsibility to do better in class.

You are a student and have missed the
mid-term. You have been very busy with
family, a part-time job and studying for
the post-graduate exam. Convince the
teacher to give you a make-up mid-term

You are sick. You don't think you are
very sick and do not want to go to the
doctor. Give as many excuses as you can
to explain why you can not or should
not go.

Your friend is sick. You think they are very
sick. Convince your friend to go to the

Your neighbor has been playing music
loudly lately. You have a busy schedule
and an exam. Your exam is next week
and you need your neighbor or be quiet.
Convince them to be quieter.

You are a singer and are practicing for an
important show. This show could change
your career. You must practice. You dont
care who you bother. Convince your
neighbor this is very important and will
only last a few more days.



You are a shopper and want to buy some

clothes. You really like them and would
really like to buy them. Discuss the
clothes and barter a price.

You are a shop owner and have some

really nice but expensive clothes. You
know you can sell them for a good price so
you are not willing to sell them cheap.
Discuss the clothes and barter a price.

You have to find people to perform in a
school show. You are running out of time
and need to find people now. Convince
your partner to perform at the show.

Your partner wants you to perform at a
school show. You are shy and dont like
performing. You have no desire to
perform. Make excuses not to perform.

You and your partner are going on
vacation together. Make suggestions
where you should go together. Anytime
your partner makes a suggestion think
of a reason it is not a good idea.

You and your partner are going on vacation
together. Every suggestion your partner
makes you dont like. Give a reason. You
dont have many good suggestions

Your friend is really smart and does well
in school. However, your friend has
decided to look for a job after
graduation and not pursue a postgraduate degree. Convince your friend
getting a post-graduate degree is a good

You have decided to look for a job after
graduation. You dont really like school.
You need money to help support you
family. Do not agree with your partner.
Give reasons.

You are going to be among the first
colonizers of a new planet. What do you
want to bring? Make suggestions and
convince your partner these items
should be taken.

You are going to be among the first
colonizers of a new planet. Your partner
wants to bring certain items. Disagree will
your partner, give reasons and make new



Your partner has been under a lot of

stress lately. Express concern and give
some advice to help them.

You have been under a lot of stress lately.

You do not want to talk about it and you
are not interested in receiving advice.

Your friend wants you to join a health
club, or gym. You dont want to. Give
reasons and try to avoid joining.

You want your friend to join a health club
(gym) with you. Make suggestions and try
to convince them it is a good idea.

You and your partner both have the
same teacher. You dont like the
teacher or the class or the subject. Give
reasons and details.

You and your partner both have the same
teacher. You do not think the teacher is
bad and you like the subject. Convince
you partner the teacher is not so bad.

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