Zoning Ordinance

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Hon. Renato V. Osmea
Hon. Rodolfo Y. Cabrera
Hon. Jessie M. Aznar
Hon. Ruben C. dela Cerna
Hon. Eleno V. Abellana
Hon. Christopher I. Alix
Hon. Manuel L. Concepcion
Hon. Ronald R. Cuenco
Hon. Rico R.F.S. Holganza
Hon. Gabriel V. Leyson
Hon. Anthony Jones Luy
Hon. Laurito M. Malinao
Hon. Rogelio V. Osmea
Hon. Ananias G. Ouano
Hon. Arnulfo R. Ravina
Hon. Felixberto A. Rosito
Hon. Fe Mantua Ruiz
Hon. Joy A.G. Young
Hon. Michael L. Rama

. . . . Presiding Officer
. . . . Pres. Protempore
. . . . Floor Leader
. . . . Asst. Floor Leader
. . . . Member
. . . . Member
. . . . Member
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. . . . Member
. . . . Member
. . . . Member
. . . . Member
. . . . Member
. . . . Member
. . . . Member
. . . . Member
. . . . Member
. . . . Member
. . . . Member

N o n e.
- - - o0o - - RESOLUTION NO. 1441
WHEREAS, the City of Cebu continues to experience dynamic growth due to a healthy
and progressive economic condition as a consequence of its broadening economic base through
more investment in-puts;
WHEREAS, the City also continues to expand and/or experience intensification of land
uses within the urban core with its attendant problems of congestion and urban sprawls due to
increasing population;
WHEREAS, the City has also become the hub of trade and commerce within the Cebu
Metropolitan Area, and in fact, the shopping center for the Visayas and Mindanao regions, besides
its position as the seat of education and culture in Southern Philippines;
WHEREAS, the Citys land use policies and strategies are reflected and contained in its
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance as a tool to control and manage growth, while also providing the
means to protect and enhance the Citys environment;
WHEREAS, due to these dynamic changes, there is, once again, a need to amend the
present Zoning Ordinance in order to cope with the present exigencies; and, to meet the needs and
demands of both government and private sector;
WHEREAS, to carry out changes in the Zoning Ordinance through the amendment of land
use classifications in order to provide the basis for better public comprehension and
implementation, it is also with resolve that the changes would minimize or eliminate the resort to
variances; eliminate the more hazardous and pollutive land use; and, also provide the basis for the
management and control of the Citys road system as a means to improve mobility.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Sangguniang Panlungsod of the City of Cebu, on motion of
Member Abellana, seconded by Member Concepcion,
RESOLVED, to approve the following ordinance :

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 2 -


SECTION 1. TITLE OF THE ORDINANCE - This shall be known
SECTION 1. AUTHORITY - This Ordinance is enacted pursuant to
Sections 16, 20(c), 458(vi), 458(ix) and 458(x) of Republic Act 7160,
otherwise known as the Local Government Code of 1991, authorizing local
government units to enact zoning ordinances; pursuant to Memorandum
Circular Number 74-20 of the Secretary of the Department of Local
Government dated March 11, 1974, authorizing the then City Councils to
create and organize their respective City Planning and Development Board;
pursuant to Presidential Decree 399 and 1517, requiring local clearance of
proposed buildings; and pursuant to Section 303 of Presidential Decree No.
1096, otherwise known as the National Building Code of the Philippines,
making reference to approved standard requirements on zoning and land use
and incorporating the same as part of the National Building Code as
embodied in Paragraph 3, Section 203 of said decree.
SECTION 2. PURPOSES - This Ordinance is designed and enacted
2.1 promote and protect the health, safety, peace,
morals, comfort,
convenience and general welfare of the
2.2 guide, control and regulate future growth and
development in accordance with the development plan of the

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 3 -

2.3 protect the character and stability of residential,

commercial, industrial, agricultural and open space areas within
the city and provide the orderly and beneficial development of
the same;
2.4 provide adequate light,
convenience of access to property;




2.5 provide safety from fire, pollution and other

hazards to life and property;

prevent undue congestion of population;

2.7 regulate the location of buildings and the use of

buildings and lands adjacent to streets and thoroughfares in
such a manner as to obviate the danger to public safety caused
by undue interference with existing or prospective traffic
movements on such streets and thoroughfares; and

supplement provisions of National Laws.

comprehensive Zoning Ordinance is a regulatory measure which is enacted to
identify the various land use districts, designate the allowable uses therein
and prescribe physical and performance standards based on the Development
Plan for the City of Cebu and on Zone and District Plans prepared by its City
Planning and Development Staff and adopted by its Sangguniang Panlungsod
through a Resolution on November 12, 1989.
geographic location of Cebu City, the strategy is to develop it as a center of
trade and commerce. The comprehensive Zoning Ordinance is herein framed
to approach the modern concept of development and is cumulative in scope.
It is based on the development plan prepared by the Cebu City Zoning Board
as adopted by the Sangguniang Panlungsod. The planning approach is to
induce development towards the hinterlands to accommodate future
population overspill. Provisions for a circumferential highway, made
expedient by PD 399, with access roads are envisioned to provide relief to
traffic at the urban section. The land use planning is interphased with the
planning of the metropolitan transportation system.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 4 The architectural design of buildings must respect Filipino heritage,
culture, character and the historical background of the site. All structures
shall blend with the surroundings to preserve order and ecological balance.

There shall be established related building design pattern or standards within

districts to enhance its architectural unity, structure stability and fireprotective properties. The zonification of the City of Cebu shall be
complemented with a development program which prioritizes the primary
strategy of achieving a city that will harmonize with nature and improve the
life of its inhabitants.


Starting at the intersection of Guadalupe-Pahina River and the

proposed extension of Quezon Boulevard, going all the way northwards along
the Guadalupe River, as it intersects with M. Velez Street; thence, eastward
along M. Velez Street, continuing eastward through the rear of the Provincial
Capitol as it intersects with Villalon Drive; thence southward, along Villalon
Drive down to a point 100 meters from N. Escario St.; thence eastward 100
meters from and parallel to N. Escario St.; thence, eastward 100 meters from
and parallel to Escario Street as it intersects with Gorordo Avenue and 100
meters beyond; thence, an imaginary line 100 meters parallel to and northeast
of Gorordo Avenue, going southward as it intersects with Gen. Maxilom
Extension; thence, eastward along Gen. Maxilom Extension as it intersects
with M.J. Cuenco Avenue; thence, along M.J. Cuenco Avenue going all the
way down as it intersects with Quezon Boulevard; thence, along Quezon
Boulevard going westward along the existing Boulevard facing Cebu Harbor
and its proposed extension as it intersects with Guadalupe-Pahina River at the
point of beginning.
The following rules and regulations must be observed in the CBD and
PCZ-Tourist Belt Zones :
5.1 The construction and/or expansion of private
educational institutions within the CBD shall not be allowed;
5.2 The change of use of existing buildings or any part
thereof within the CBD into private educational institutions
shall not be allowed;
5.3 All non-conforming uses within the CBD/PCZTourist Belt zone except existing private educational
institutions shall be given a phase-out period of one (1) year
after the approval of this Ordinance.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 5 SECTION





The area bounded by N. Escario on the North; Gorordo Avenue on the

East; Gen. Maxilom Avenue on the South; and Pres. Osmena Boulevard on
the West; including 100 meters strip on the other side in the case of the first
three roads abovementioned; in the case of Osmena Boulevard, the boundary
shall be Don Gil Garcia Street on the West, extending as an imaginary line
southwards as it intersects with P. Del Rosario Street; F. Ramos Street, Arch.
Reyes Avenue up to Foodland in Banilad; then Arlington Pond Street; Juan
Luna Avenue (formerly San Jose dela Montana St.) in Mabolo with a 100
meters strip width on both sides.
Establishment of auto repair shops, selling of motor vehicles spare
parts and/or accessory shops, street side vulcanizing shops, battery and
radiator tank repairs and other on-street vending, warehouses and other
incompatible activities which promote environmental degradation and
obstruction to traffic shall not be allowed within the Prime Commercial Zone
and Tourist Belt Area (PCZ-TB) .

6.1 The City Government shall promote the
undertaking of tourism-oriented projects within the Prime
Commercial Zone and Tourist Belt (PCZ-TB);
6.2 Commercial establishments and civic clubs shall be
encouraged to participate in beautification projects and other
activities that shall benefit the tourist industry;
6.3 All activities that tend to generate congestion
and/or obstructions to the smooth flow of traffic shall be

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 6 C.



Delineation of the Civic Center :

6.4.1 Block A -

The area bounded by Jakosalem on the west;

Urdaneta on the north; M.J. Cuenco Avenue on the east
and Quezon Blvd. on the south.

6.4.2 Block B The Port Area bounded by M.J. Cuenco Avenue on

the west; Legaspi Extension on the north; Quezon Blvd.
and the vicinity of Pier 1 on the east; and, also Quezon
Blvd. on the south.

Land Use Control/Policies :

In order to achieve compatible land uses relevant to the

establishment of the Civic Center, the following policies shall be
adopted :
6.5.1 Undertake efforts to preserve and enhance
the character of the area as a Civic Center;
6.5.2 Provide phase-out period of one (1) year for
non-conforming or incompatible activities which promote
environmental degradation; or, which also pose as
obstruction to the smooth flow of traffic, such as
streetside vulcanizing, road side battery and radiator
repairs; and, sidewalk vendors and squatters;
6.5.3 Promote the architectural design of buildings
which respects the Spanish-Cebuano heritage, culture and
historical background;
6.5.4 Promote or encourage the establishment of
tourism-oriented projects within the site; and, to provide
the necessary support to its linkage activities including
infrastructure requirements.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 7 6.6 Limited Urban Renewal or
Targets for the Civic Center and the Development of the Port
Area Urban renewals or redevelopment projects shall be
undertaken on a phase by phase basis depending on the
availability of funds or resources. The following strategies shall
be undertaken :
6.6.1 An integrated area development approach for
Plaza Rizal, City Hall site, Magellans Cross and Basilica
del Sto. Nino block to produce a consolidated public park

and promenade; and, linked or integrated with the Port

Area Development Project;
6.6.2 Remove or resettle squatters and vendors
who are mainly contributory to the environmental
degradation of the Civic Center. A consolidated health,
sanitation, drainage and waste disposal program shall be
undertaken for the site;
6.6.3 Identify all city government-owned land
parcels which can be retrieved from their present
occupants and include these parcels to the Civic Center
Development scheme;
6.6.4 Remove or demolish dilapidated and
unsightly structures, including burnt-out buildings which
are still found in the area.
As used in this Ordinance, the terms and phrases identified and
included in the GLOSSARY which is attached hereto as Annex A and made
integral part thereof shall have the meaning and definition correspondingly set
forth in the said GLOSSARY unless otherwise indicated. Said GLOSSARY
shall be kept, signed and sealed in the same manner as the rest of the

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

out the provisions of this Zoning Ordinance, the City is hereby divided into
the following districts :
R - 1 For Low Intensity Residential Districts;
R - 2 For Medium/High Intensity Residential Districts;
C - 1 For Low Intensity Commercial Districts;
C - 2 For Medium/High Intensity Commercial Districts;

I - 1 For Low Intensity Industrial Districts;

I - 2 For Medium/High Intensity Industrial Districts;
In-1 District for Government buildings, and institutions
of higher learnings;
In-2 District for all special public and private institutions;
Institutional/Recreational Districts
Parks and Open Spaces Districts;
Agro-Industrial Districts (AI);
Agricultural Districts;
PLAND - Planned Area for Necessary Development Districts;
Transport and Utilities (TU); and
Forest Conservation Districts.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 9 SECTION 2. OFFICIAL ZONING MAP - The designation, location
and boundaries of the district herein established are shown in the two sheets
of Official Zoning Maps of the City of Cebu, approved by the City Mayor,
attested by the Secretary of the Sangguniang Panlungsod and bearing the seal
of the City and hereby adopted as integral parts hereof and incorporated as
Annex B and B-1. The color scheme adopted conforms to HLURB
Copies of the Official Zoning Maps shall be filed with the Cebu City
Zoning Board, the Sangguniang Panlungsod, Office of the Building Official,
the Department of Engineering and Public Works and the Department of
Planning and Development.
In the event that all copies of the Official Zoning Maps are damaged,
destroyed, lost or become difficult to interpret because of the nature of the
number of changes and additions, the Sangguniang Panlungsod, may, by
resolution, adopt a new Official Zoning Map which shall supersede the prior
Official Zoning Map.

Unless the prior Official Zoning Map has been lost, or has been totally
destroyed, the prior maps or any significant parts thereof remaining shall be
preserved, together with all available records pertaining to its adoption for
Maps) Cebu City has a total land area of 32,880 hectares with only fifteen
percent (15%) of the terrain flat and is composed of eighty (80) barangays.
The demarcation line between urban and rural sections of the City of Cebu is
described as follows :
Starting on the southwest at the intersection of the political boundary
of Cebu City and Talisay and a line 300 meters north from and parallel to the
centerline of Cebu South Road; thence along this line 300 meters north from
and parallel to the centerline of Cebu South Road until it joins Sabellano
Street (Quiot) at 300 meters from the Cebu South Road; thence along the
southeast edge of E. Sabellano Street up to a point 100 meters from the center
line and to the left of F. Llamas Street; thence along a line 100 meters from
the centerline and to the left of F. Llamas Street up to its intersection with
Katipunan Street; thence along a line 200 meters from the centerline and to
the north of Katipunan Street up to a point 300 meters from the centerline of
M. Velez Street; thence along an imaginary line 300 meters from the
centerline and to the left of M. Velez Street and following R. Duterte Street
up to a point 400 meters from the centerline of V. Rama Avenue; thence

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 10 towards the northwest along an imaginary line 400 meters from the centerline
and to the left of and following V. Rama Avenue up to its intersection with
Guadalupe River; thence towards the northeast along an imaginary straight
line up to its intersection with Lahug Creek;
thence continuing
northwestward until a point 300 meters along the east bank of Lahug Creek;
thence northeastward to a point of 600 meters distance. Thence curving
southeastward 600 meters distance until it intersects with the prolongation of
the preceeding
imaginary straight line; thence on this prolonged
imaginary straight line up to its intersection with Mahiga Creek and the
proposed Cebu City Circumferential Road; thence northwestward along the
east bank of Mahiga Creek until the political boundary of Barangays
Talamban and Budlaan; thence northward along the political boundary of
Barangay Talamban and Talamban River; thence northeastward until the north
bank of Butuanon River; thence along the north bank of Butuanon River until
the political boundary of Cebu City and Mandaue City.
The Urban and Rural Areas of the City of Cebu are further subdivided
into districts using the indicated north meridian on the map as reference line.

URBAN SECTION - constitutes fifteen percent (15%) of total areas of

Cebu City.




West Block -

Starting at a point along the boundary line between Barangay

Tisa and Barangay Guadalupe, the line proceeds northwest, following
the boundary line of Guadalupe; thence north and northeast, following
the same boundary line until it intersects with a point 200 meters from,
and southwest of the Guadalupe-Napo Road; thence southeast for 900
meters, the line turns southeast until it intersects with the point of

Northwest Block -

Starting at a point northwest of the boundary of OPPRA Village

at Barangay Lahug, the line proceeds northwest for 200 meters, turning
northeast along the southeast boundary of the Girl Scouts site (Camp
Marina) and the Osmena Memorial Park until it intersects with the
boundary line of Beverly Hills Subdivision; thence northwest,
following the boundary line between Osmena Memorial Park and
Beverly Hills until it intersects with the Boy Scout Camp road at the

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 11 vicinity of the City Zoo; thence northeast, following the southern
boundary of the Boy Scout Camp, turning northwest until it intersects
the boundary line between Barangay Lahug and Barangay Busay;
thence northeast, following the same boundary line until it intersects a
point 100 meters southwest of the Lahug-Busay Road; thence
southeast, following a line 100 meters from and parallel to LahugBusay Road until it reaches a point opposite the P.C. Hills,
approximately 450 meters before reaching the intersection of GorordoLahug-Busay Road; thence southwest, in a straight line passing thru
the southern boundary of Beverly Hills Subdivision and intersecting
with the Capitol-OPPRA road until it intersects the point of beginning.

North Block -

Starting at a point 100 meters east of Lahug-Busay Road in the

vicinity of P.C. Hills, the line proceeds northward 100 meters from and
parallel to Lahug-Busay Road until it intersects the boundary line
between Barangay Lahug and Barangay Busay; thence northeast,
following the same boundary line until it intersects the limit of the
Residential II zone 300 meters from, and southeast of, Talamban River;
thence eastward, following the boundary line of the same Residential II
zone until it intersects a point 200 meters from, and west of, Talamban
Road in the vicinity of Silver Hills Subdivision; thence the line
continues southward following a line 100 meters from and est of
Talamban Road, excluding the University of San Carlos and Banilad
Elementary School sites, all the way down to and until it intersects
with Mahiga Creek; thence northeast, following Mahiga Creek up to
approximately 700 meters as the line turns southeast, passing thru the

northwest boundary of the III Military Area Reservation until it

intersects the point of beginning.



Northwest Block - 1 -

Starting at a point 100 meters north of the Cebu South Road and
200 meters east of Bulacao River, the line proceeds northwest
following a course 200 meters from and parallel to Bulacao River until
it reaches the boundary line between Barangay Bulacao and Barangay
To-ong; thence northeast along the same boundary line passing thru
the northeast boundaries of Barangays Pardo Proper; Kinasang-an;
Quiot; Punta Princesa and Tisa; until it intersects the southwest
boundary of Barangay Guadalupe; thence northeast along the

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 12 southeast boundary of a Residential 1 zone and the northwest boundary
of a (green) open space zone; continuing northeast until it reaches the
western boundary of Buena Hills Subdivision; thence the line proceeds
northwest until it intersects the boundary line between Barangay
Guadalupe and Barangay Sapangdaku; thence northwest following the
same barangay boundary until it intersects a point 100 meters beyond
Guadalupe River;
thence southeast following a line along the
southeast boundary of the (green) open space comprising Camp
Marina; until it intersects the northwest boundary of OPPRA; thence
northeast along the boundary line of a Residential 1 zone passing thru
the southern boundary of Beverly Hills Subdivision; across the northern
end of Sanson Road, until it intersects a point 100 meters from, and
west of, the Lahug-Busay Road;
The line continues southeast 100 meters from and parallel to the
Lahug-Busay road until it intersects a point 100 meters from Gorordo
Avenue; thence southwest following a line 100 meters northeast of and
parallel to Gorordo Avenue until it intersects with the Lahug Creek;
thence along Lahug Creek until it intersects a point 100 meters from
the southern boundary of U.P. Compound; thence westward until it
intersects a point 100 meters before reaching V. Rama Avenue; thence
northward, 100 meters east of and parallel to V. Rama Avenue, turning
around the Guadalupe oval (Parish Church), maintaining the same 100
meters parallel line; thence southward 100 meters west of and parallel
to V. Rama Avenue until it intersects a point 100 meters before
reaching M. Velez St.; thence the line proceeds southwest, south and
southeast, 100 meters from and parallel to the curvature of M. Velez
St., towards Salvador Extension until it intersects a point 100 meters
before reaching Katipunan St.; thence northwest, following a line 100
meters northeast of and parallel to Katipunan St., until it intersects a
point 100 meters beyond the extension of F. Llamas St.; thence
southwards, crossing thru Katipunan St. and proceeding on a line 100
meters west of and parallel to F. Llamas St., until it intersects a point

100 meters before reaching Sabellano St.; thence westward and

southwest following the curvature 100 meters from and parallel to
Sabellano St., until it intersects with the Aznar-Sta. Lucia Road;
thence southeast following the same road until it intersects with
Sabellano St., passing thru the rear of Pardo (Poblacion Church);
thence the line continues southwest 100 meters northwest of and
parallel to the Cebu South Road until it intersects the point of

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 13 2.

Northwest Block - 2 -

Starting at a point along Atty. W. Geonzon St., northeast of the

III Military Area Reservation, the line proceeds northwest following
the northern boundary of the III Military Area Reservation until it
intersect a point along the northwest boundary of the III Military Area;
thence northeast until the line intersects with Mahiga Creek; thence
southward following Mahiga Creek until it inersects a point 200 meters
from Mahiga Bridge (Banilad-Talamban road); thence the line
proceeds northwards passing thru but excluding the portions within
Banilad Elementary School site and the USC Talamban Compound,
until it intersects a point within the northern boundary of Silver Hills
Subdivision, 300 meters south of Talamban River; thence westward
until it intersects the boundary line between Barangay Talamban and
Barangay Budla-an; thence north-northeast, following the same
boundary line until it intersects a point 100 meters before reaching
Talamban River; thence eastward, following a line 100 meters south
of and parallel to Talamban River until it intersects a point 100 meters
west of Talamban Road; thence southward, passing thru the eastern
boundary of Silver Hills Subdivision and continuing southward 100
meters west of and parallel to the Banilad-Talamban Road, excluding
the USC Talamban Compound and the Banilad Elementary School site,
until it intersects with Mahiga Creek; thence the line proceeds
westward, following Mahiga Creek for approximately 50 meters,
turning southward and passing thru Montebello Villa Road as it extend
towards San Miguel Street within Barangay Apas until it intersects the
point of beginning.

North Block -

Starting at a point 100 meters north of Talamban River and also

100 meters west of Talamban Road, the line proceeds westward 100
meters north of, and parallel to, Talamban River until it intersects the
boundary line between Barangay Talamban and Barangay Budla-an;
thence north-northeast, following the same barangay boundary line and
turning eastward for approximately 300 meters; thence northeast again
along the boundary line with Barangay San Jose until it intersects a

point 200 meters before reaching Budla-an River; thence eastward,

following a line 200 meters south of, and parallel to, Budla-an River
until it intersects a point 100 meters before reaching the TalambanTigbao Road; thence southward, following a line 100 meters west of,
and parallel to, the Talamban-Tigbao Road, continuing southeast 100
meters northwest of and parallel to the Poblacion Talamban Road until
it intersects the point of beginning.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 14 4.

East Block -

Starting at a point along the boundary line with Mandaue City

100 meters north of Talamban, the line proceeds westward until it
intersects a point 100 meters reaching Highway 77; thence northeast,
following a line 100 meters southeast of and parallel to Highway 77,
turning northwest as it crossed Canduman Road until it intersects a
point 100 meters before reaching Talamban-Tigbao Road; thence
north-northeast, following a line 100 meters east-southeast of and
parallel to Talamban-Tigbao Road until it intersects a point 200 meters
from Butuanon River; thence the line turns southeast 200 meters from
and parallel to Butuanon River until it intersects with the Cebu CityMandaue boundary line; thence the line continous southwards, until it
intersects the point of beginning.


common point at the boundary among
Barangays Pamutan, Buhisan and Sapangdaku, approximately 5
kilometers from MBM No. 21; thence, northwestward following the
boundary line of Sapangdaku and Pamutan up to the common point of
the boundary of Bonbon, Pamutan and Sapangdaku; thence
northeastward following the boundary line of Sapangdaku and
Bonbon, Kalunasan and Babag, Busay and Babag, Budla-an and
Malubog, Pulangbato and Sirao, Pulangbato and Binaliw, and Pit-os
and Binaliw until a point of the boundary of Cebu City and
Municipality of Consolacion; thence southward following the
boundary of Cebu City and the Municipality of Consolacion until it
intersects a point of the boundary between Pit-os and Bacayan
continuing southwards along the boundary with Mandaue until it
reaches the point intersecting the urban-rural boundary of Talamban;
thence westward along the urban-rural boundary line until it intersects
a point in the boundary of Buhisan and Guadalupe;
northward along the boundary line between Buhisan and Sapangdaku;
thence northwestward up to the point of beginning.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 15 IV.



Block A ( South) -

Starting at a point along F. Jaca St. 200 meters north of Cebu

City-Talisay boundary, the line proceeds northwest 200 meters
northeast of and parallel to the Cebu City-Talisay boundary as it
intersects with the Cebu South Road, continuing northwards up to 100
meters beyond the Cebu South Road; thence northeast, following a
line 100 meters northwest of and parallel to the Cebu South Road,
passing thru the rear of the Pardo Church until it intersects with J.
Tabura St.;
thence northwest along J. Tabura St., crossing C.
Sabellano St. up to a point 100 meters beyond;
thence the line
proceeds generally northeast following the curvatures 100 meters
northwest of and parallel to C. Sabellano St., until it intersects a point
100 meters due west of F. Llamas St.; thence northward following a
line 100 meters west of and parallel to F. Llamas St., crossing
Katipunan St., up to a point 100 meters beyond; thence southeast,
following a line 100 meters northeast of and parallel to Katipunan St.,
crossing the Kinalumsan River until it intersects a point 100 meters
west of Salvador St.; thence the line proceeds along a northwest to
northeast direction following the curvature 100 meters from and
parallel to Salvador St. as it connects with R. Duterte St., and, until it
intersects a point 100 meters due west of V. Rama Avenue;
Thence the line continue southward 100 meters west of and
parallel to V. Rama Avenue until it intersects a point 100 meters due
north of Natalio Bacalso Avenue; thence southwest following a line
100 meters northwest of and parallel to Natalio Bacalso Avenue until it
intersects the Kinalumsan River;
thence southward following the
Kinalumsan River until it intersects with C. Padilla (Bridge); thence
westward following C. Padilla and the Cebu South Road up to the
intersection at Kinasang-an; thence southward following F. Jaca St.
until it intersects the point of beginning.

Block B (V. Rama Strip and Capitol Site) -

Starting at a point due west of V. Rama Avenue, the line

proceeds northward following a parallel route 100 meters west of
upper V. Rama Avenue, forming a circumferential line around the
Guadalupe Church site; thence southward, still at 100 meters east of
and parallel to V. Rama Avenue until it intersects a point 450 meters
north of M. Velez St.; thence the line turns eastward crossing the

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 16 Guadalupe River, proceeding towards the Camputhaw area until it
intersects with Lahug Creek; thence the line follows the course of
Lahug Creek southwards until it intersects a point 100 meters north of
N. Escario St.; thence westward 100 meters north of and parallel to N.
Escario St. until it intersects with Villalon Drive; thence northward
along Villalon Drive for 200 meters, turning westward thereafter,
passing thru the rear of the Provincial Capitol and proceeding along a
line 100 meters north of and parallel to M. Velez St.; thence the line
continues westward, crossing the Guadalupe River and V. Rama
Avenue until it intersects the point of beginning.

Block C (Lahug Strip) -

Starting at a point 100 meters beyond the intersection of

Gorordo Avenue and Salinas Drive, the line proceeds north and
northwest 100 meters west of and parallel to the Cebu Veterans Drive
(formerly Lahug-Tawagan Road) all the way to the boundary line of
Lahug and Busay; thence northeast, along the same boundary line,
crossing the Cebu Veterans Drive Road up to 100 meters beyond;
thence south and southeast, 100 meters east of Cebu Veterans Drive
until the line intersects a point in the vicinity of the north boundary of
the Cam Lapu-lapu Military Reserve;
thence northeast, for
approximately 150 meters until it intersects the line serving as the
Camp Lapu-lapu north boundary; thence southeast, following the
southwest boundary of Camp Lapu-lapu as it crosses Camp Lapu-lapu
Road, continuing southeast along Stephenson St., until it intersects the
line formed by St. Lawrence St.;
thence northwest, 100 meters
northeast of and parallel to Salinas Drive until it intersects the point of

Block D (Banilad-Talamban Strip) -

Starting at a point 100 meters from and east of Mahiga Bridge

along the Banilad-Talamban Road, the line proceeds westward,
following the Mahiga Creek as it intersects with the Mahiga Bridge,
continuing westward up to a point 100 meters beyond the bridge;
thence northward 100 meters east of and parallel to the BaniladTalamban Road, excluding the Banilad Elementary School and
University of San Carlos sites, until it reaches Talamban proper;
thence northeast, 100 meters east of and parallel to the TalambanTigbao road until it intersects a point 200 meters before reaching
Butuanon River; thence eastward, following a line 200 meters from
and parallel to Butuanon River as it crosses the Talamban-Tigbao
Road until it intersects with Highway 11;

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 17 -

Canduman Road and turning south and southwest 100 meters east of
and parallel to Highway 77 until it intersects with the Talamban River;
thence southwards 100 meters east of and parallel to the BaniladTalamban Road until it intersects with Cabangcalan Road; thence
eastward, following Cabangcalan Road until it intersects with the Cebu
City-Mandaue boundary; thence southward following the same
boundary line until it intersects the point of beginning.

Block E (North Kasambagan) -

Starting at a point 100 meters east of Banilad-Talamban Road

along the western boundary of the Cebu Country Club, the line
proceeds northward 100 meters east of and parallel to the BaniladTalamban Road until it intersects with the Mahiga Creek; thence
eastward along the Mahiga Creek as it turns southward until it
intersects the eastern boundary of the Cebu Country Club; thence
southwest and westward as it follows the northern boundary of the
Cebu Country Club until it intersects the point of beginning.

Block F (South Kasambagan) -

Starting at a point 100 meters east of Archbishop Reyes Avenue

and Juan Luna Avenue intersection, the line proceeds northeast 100
meters southeast of and parallel to the Banilad-Talamban Road until it
intersects the western boundary of the Cebu Country Club; thence
eastward, following the southern boundary line of the Cebu Country
Club until it intersects a point 100 meters before reaching Mahiga
Creek; thence the line continues southward, 100 meters from and
parallel to Mahiga Creek, turning southwest to intersect with the
alignment of Sindulan St.; thence, along Sindulan St., proceeding
southwest until it intersects a point 100 meters from Juan Luna Avenue;
thence northwest, following a line 100 meters northeast of and parallel
to Juan Luna Avenue until it intersects the point of beginning.

Trans-Central Highway Commercial Strip -

The whole length of Trans-Central Highway starting from the

urban boundary of Lahug up to the boundary of Cebu City and the
Municipality of Balamban at Sitio Gaas, Barangay Tabunan, at 200meter strip on both sides of the road for a total of 400-meter strip.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 18 V.


West Boundary -

Starting at the intersection of the proposed extension of Quezon

Boulevard and the Pahina-Guadalupe River, the line proceeds
northwest along the same river until it intersects with C. Padilla St.;
thence westward, along C. Padilla St., until it intersects with the
Kinalumsan River; thence northwest along the same river until it
intersects a point 100 meters along Natalio Bacalso Avenue (formerly
South Expressway); thence along a line 100 meters west of and
parallel to Natalio Bacalso Avenue, until it intersects a point 100
meters due west of V. Rama Avenue; thence northwards, following a
line 100 meters west of and parallel to V. Rama Avenue until it
intersects a point 100 meters beyond M. Velez Street.

North Boundary -

Starting at a point 100 meters west of V. Rama Avenue, the line

proceeds eastward 100 meters north of and parallel to M. Velez St.,
intersecting with V. Rama Avenue and Guadalupe River, passing thru
the rear of the Provincial Capitol until it intersects with R. Clavano St.;
thence southward, until it intersect a point 100 meters north of N.
Escario St.; thence eastward, 100 meters north of and parallel to N.
Escario St., until it intersects with the Lahug Creek; thence northward,
following the Lahug Creek until it intersects a point 100 meters west of
Gorordo Avenue; thence northeast, following a line 100 meters west
of Gorordo Avenue until it intersects a point 100 meters beyond Salinas
Drive; thence the line proceeds southeast at 100 meters northeast of
and parallel to Salinas Drive until it intersects with the Old Airport
Road; thence north-northeast, following the same old airport road
passing thru Montebello Road at the rear of the Country Mall until it
intersects with the Mahiga Creek.

East Boundary -

Starting at a point at the Mahiga Creek 150 meters northwest of

Mahiga Bridge along the Banilad-Talamban Road, the line proceeds
southeast following the Mahiga Creek until it intersects with the Cebu
City-Mandaue boundary 100 meters from the bridge;
southward, along a line 100 meters east of and parallel to the
Banilad-Talamban Road until it intersects a point 100 meters due east
of Juan Luna Avenue (formerly San Jose dela Montana St.); thence
southeast, along a line 100 meters northeast of and parallel to Juan
Luna Avenue until it intersects with S. Cabahug Street.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 19 4.

South Boundary -

Starting at a point along S. Cabahug St., 100 meters northeast of

Juan Luna Avenue, the line proceeds southwest, crossing Juan Luna
Avenue until it intersects with N. Joaquino St.; thence southeast, along
N. Joaquino St., until it intersects a point 100 meters north of
M. J. Cuenco Avenue (Cebu North Road); thence southeast, as the line

follows the curvature 100 meters northeast of and parallel to M.J.

Cuenco Avenue until it intersects with Manalili St.; thence eastward,
following Manalili St. until it intersects with M.J. Cuenco Avenue;
thence southward, along M.J. Cuenco Avenue until it intersects with
Quezon Boulevard at the Port Area; thence westward, along Quezon
Boulevard until it intersects the point of beginning.

North Reclamation Area -

Starting from a point of the bulkhead and five (5) meters from
the CDC drainage canal outlet of the NRA; thence northwestward and
following the canal boundary some 5 meters and at the eastside from it
all the way until the southwest of the Queen City Gardens; thence
along the northwest side of 7th Avenue; thence along the northeast
boundary of the Queen City Gardens until its intersection with the
drainage canal; thence crossing Juan Luna Avenue (formerly San Jose
dela Montana St.) and following the drainage canal 5 meters southeast
of it until its intersection with the downstream portion of Subangdaku
River and following this river until its outlet and up to the northeast
corner of the North Reclamation Wharf;
thence following
southwestward the berthing line up to the point of beginning.


South Block (Pardo, Mambaling, Pasil, etc.) -

Starting at a point along the shoreline of Cogon-Pardo and the

terminal point of A. Gabuya St., the line proceeds northwest, following
A. Gabuya St. until it intersects with F. Jaca St.; thence northeast,
following F. Jaca St., until it intersects with the Cebu South Road at
Kinasang-an; thence the line continues northeast and eastward
following the whole length of the Cebu South Road and C. Padilla St.
until it intersects with the Guadalupe-Pahina River; thence southeast,
following Guadalupe-Pahina River until it intersects the shoreline at
Pasil; thence westward and southwest, following the shoreline along
Pasil, Suba, Sawang Calero, Mambaling, Basak-Pardo and CogonPardo until it intersects the point of beginning.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 20 2.

East Block (Port Area, Tejero, Mabolo, Kasambagan, etc.) -

Starting at a point where Quezon Avenue and Legaspi St.

Extension intersects, the line proceeds northwest along Legaspi St.
Extension until it intersects with M.J. Cuenco Avenue; thence
northwards, following M.J. Cuenco Avenue until it intersects with
Manalili St., proceeding westward following Manalili St. until it
intersects a point 100 meters from M.J. Cuenco Avenue; thence
northward and northeast, following a line 100 meters west-northwest
and parallel to M.J. Cuenco Avenue until it intersects with N. Joaquino
St.; thence northwest following N. Joaquino St. until it intersects
with C. Tudtud St., proceeding northeast along C. Tudtud St. until it

intersects with Juan Luna Avenue; thence north-northeast following the

alignment of Sindulan St., until it reaches a point 100 meters from and
west of Mahiga Creek; thence northward, following a line 100 meters
from and west of Mahiga Creek until it intersects the southern
boundary of the Cebu Country Club; thence northeast, following the
same boundary line until it intersects with Mahiga Creek; thence
southward, following Mahiga Creek crossing the Cebu North Road,
down to a point where the northeast boundary of the Cebu North
Reclamation and the City of Mandaue meets; thence southwest,
following the whole length of the Channel which serves as the
boundary line of the Cebu North Reclamation Area until it intersects
with Quezon Avenue; thence the line continues along Quezon Avenue,
passing along Piers 3, 2 and 1 until it intersects the point of beginning.

South and Southwest Block -

Starting at a point along the boundary between Cebu City and

Talisay at Barangay Inayawan, the line proceeds west and northwest
following the same boundary line until it intersects with the Bulacao
Bridge along the Cebu South Road; thence northward, following
Bulacao River up to a point 100 meters from Bulacao Bridge, turning
northeast until it reaches a point 200 meters from Bulacao River;
thence southward, crossing the Cebu South Road, and proceeding
along a line 200 meters from and parallel to the Cebu City-Talisay
Boundary line, until it intersects with F. Jaca St.; thence northeast,
following F. Jaca St. until it intersects with A. Gabuya St. turning
southwest along A. Gabuya St. until it reaches the shoreline; thence
the line proceeds southward along the Inayawan shoreline until it
reaches the point of beginning.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 21 2.

Northwest Block (Sitio Canduman, Talamban) -

An area bounded on the northwest by Barangay Bacayan; on the

northeast by the City of Mandaue; and on the south and southwest by
the Butuanon River.

University of the Philippines, Cebu (Main Campus) -

Bounded on the north by Sudlon Road; on the east by Gorordo

Avenue; on the south by Sampaguita (Lahug West) St.; and on the west
by Lahug River.

Bounded on the north by an unnamed road south of Cebu City

Garage; on the east by a proposed road between Gorordo Avenue and
Camagong St.; on the south by an unnamed existing road parallel and
north of Sampaguita (Lahug West) St.; and on the west by Gorordo

Apas-Lahug District (3rd Military Area Reservation) -

Bounded on the northwest by the Cebu City Circumferential

Road; on the northeast and east by a tributary of Subangdaku River and
the western and southern boundary of Gonzales Subd.; on the
southwest by the road leading to the Lahug CAA Tower and Weather
Bureau Building and its prolongation; on the southwest, west and
northwest by a line 100 meters from and parallel to the centerline of
Cebu Airport Road (Salinas Drive) and the eastern boundary of an
unnamed subdivision.

Banilad-Talamban Development Priority Area (DPA) -

Beginning at a point 50 meters from the intersection of

Talamban-Balamban Road and the branch road of M.L. Quezon St. at
the northwest side; thence southward, along the northwestern side of
Talamban-Balamban Road until its intersection with a proposed road
opposite the northernmost side of Ma. Luisa Estate; thence westward,
along this proposed road until its intersection with the portion side of
Ma. Luisa Estate; thence northward, parallel to the TalambanBalamban Road until its intersection with a line perpendicular to the
Talamban-Balamban Road, such perpendicular line passing through the
southernmost portion of Silver Hills Subd.; thence eastward along this
perpendicular line until it intersects the west side of TalambanBalamban Road which is the point of beginning.
Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.
Page - 22 IX.

See Rural Section.


RURAL SECTION - Constitutes eighty-five percent (85%) of total

area of Cebu City.




Residential - 2 District -

Lots of Gorones Development Corporation with an area of 13.9

hectares located at Nasipit, Talamban.



Commercial-1 District/Tourist Zone District -

The Lahug-Tawagan-Busay Road up to the boundary of

Barangay Malubog, as the initial route of the Cebu Trans-Central
Highway between the City of Cebu and the Municipality of Balamban,
shall be classified as Commercial-1 Strip Zone with a width of 100
meters on both sides.

The mountain barangays of Babag, Malubog, Bonbon, Sirao and
a portion of Barangay Pung-ol-Sibugay.
( Timberland ) shall be
classified as Institutional/Recreational Zone.
The site of the
Kan-irag Golf Course and Sports Complex including Barangay
Sirao, shall be included in the Institutional/Recreational Zone.



Good Shepherd Convent Area -

Bounded on the north and northwest by the proposed

circumferential road; on the west by an unnamed existing road leading
from M. Velez St. (R. Duterte St.) to the Good Shepherd Convent; on
the south by the urban limit; and on the east by a proposed road
leading from M. Velez St. to the intersection of the proposed
circumferential road and the urban limit.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 23 2.

Punta Princesa-Tisa Area -

Beginning at the intersection of Buhisan Road and the

prolongation of the centermost radial road of the proposed Cebu South
Port Development and Reclamation Project; thence southeastward
until its intersection with a road at the northernmost
portion of Boys Town; thence southwestward along the road forming
the eastern boundary of Boys Town until its intersection with the road
at the southwest boundary of Boys Town; thence northwestward,
along the western boundary of Boys Town until its intersection with
the northern boundary of Boys Town; thence southwestward, along
the prolongation of road at the northernmost boundary of Boys Town
until its intersection with the prolongation of the centermost radial road
of the Cebu South Port Development and Reclamation Project; thence
northward, along the prolongation this radial road back to the point of


Rural Areas) :

Parks and Open Spaces shall include but not limited to the
following :


All existing open spaces of commercial and residential



Existing plazas and playgrounds;


3-meter strips on both banks of rivers, esteros, drainage canals

and waterways for urban areas;


Fort San Pedro and vicinity.


Green space shall be defined as an open space that is

planted with grass, plants and trees. It likewise includes the
planted areas of street islands, sidewalks; front, side or rear
setbacks; and parks. Green space shall not include paved
streets and completely paved sidewalks;
parking lots,
atriums and swimming pools.
The roofs and balconies of
buildings and parking structures shall not be considered as green
space even if they are planted.


Sudlon National Park.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 24 -



Central Cebu National Park not affected by the proposed

MCWD Watershed Reservation.


Cebu Zoo.


Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts camps.


20-meter strips on both banks of rivers, creeks and waterways

and those within forest districts for rural areas.


Any change in the use of any or portion of the declared parks

and open spaces shall be subject to the requirement of a green
space consisting of at least 20% of the original park and open



Existing Forest Reserved and Watershed Areas, except those

areas declared for commercial and institutional purposes as
provided under this Ordinance.

All rural barangays except those areas which have been
converted into residential and/or commercial purposes pursuant to
existing provisions of the Local Government Code.



Banilad-Talamban Development Priority Area (DPA) -


Starting at a point 100 meters west from M.L. Quezon St. and
located at the political boundary of Mandaue City and Cebu
City; thence northwestward, along the line 100 meters from and
parallel to M.L. Quezon St. until it intersects a point 100 meters
from the centerline of Talamban-Balamban road;
northward, along a line 100 meters from and parallel to the
centerline of Talamban-Balamban Road until it intersects a point
105 meters from the east bank of Talamban River; thence
southeastward along a line 105 meters from the eastbank of
Talamban River until it intersects the political boundary of
Mandaue City and Cebu City; thence southward, following the
political boundary of Mandaue City and Cebu City up to the
point of beginning.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 25 2.

Starting at a point 105 meters from the southbank of Talamban

River and 100 meters from Banilad-Talamban Road; thence
northwestward along a line 105 meters from and parallel to
Talamban River until its intersection with the urban limit; thence
northeastward, along the urban limit until a point 105 meters
from the northeast side of Talamban River;
southeastward, along a line 105 meters from and parallel to
Talamban River until its intersection with a point 100 meters
from the centerline of Banilad-Talamban Road;
southward, along a line 100 meters from and parallel to BaniladTalamban Road to the point of beginning.


Starting at a point 205 meters from Butuanon River and located

at the political boundary of Mandaue City and Cebu City; thence
northward, along a line 205 meters from and parallel to the
upstream course of Butuanon River until it intersects the urban
limit; thence northeastward along the urban limit until a point 5
meters from the southwest side of Butuanon River; thence
southwestward along the line 5 meters from and parallel to the
downstream course of Butuanon River until it intersects the
political boundary of Cebu City and Mandaue City; thence
southwestward along this political boundary until the point of


Starting at a point along Bulacao River 100 meters from north of

the Cebu South Road, the line proceeds northwest following
Bulacao River until it intersects the boundary with Barangay
Toong; thence northeast following the same boundary line up to
the point 200 meters from Bulacao River; thence southeast

following a line 200 meters southwest of and parallel to Bulacao

River; thence southwest following a line 100 meters from and
parallel to the Cebu South Road until it intersects the point of


Areas under this district must be referred to the Zoning Map Annex
B colored light brown.


All spaces above esteros, creeks and other public waterways; public
plazas, parks and playgrounds as well as public roads.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 26 SECTION 4. INTERPRETATION OF DISTRICT BOUNDARIES Where uncertainty exists with respect to the boundaries of any of the
aforesaid districts as shown in the Official Zoning Map, the following rules
will apply:

Where district boundaries are indicated that

approximatelyfollow the center of streets or highways,
line, or highway right-of-way lines, such as centerlines,
lines or highway right-of-way lines shall be construed

to be


Where district boundaries are so indicated that they

approximately follow the lot lines, such lot lines shall be
construed to be the boundaries.


Where district boundaries are so indicated that they are

approximately parallel to the centerlines or street lines of
streets, or the center or right-of-way lines of highways, such
district boundaries shall be construed as being parallel thereto
and as such distance therefrom as indicated on the official
zoning map. If no distance is given, such dimension shall be
determined by the use of the scale shown on said official
zoning map.


Where the boundaries of a district follows a stream, lake or

other bodies of water, said boundary line shall be deemed to be
at the line limit of the political jurisdiction of the community,
unless otherwise indicated.
Boundaries indicated as
following shorelines, shall be construed to follow such
shorelines and in the event of change in the shoreline, shall
be construed as moving with the actual shorelines. Boundaries
indicated as approximately running parallel to the centerlines of

streams, rivers, canals or other bodies of water shall be

construed to be parallel to such lines. Boundaries indicated as
parallel to, or extension of indicated features not specifically
indicated on the zoning map shall be determined by the distance
in the district boundaries.

Where a boundary line divides a lot or crosses unsubdivided

property, the location of such boundary shall be indicated on the
zoning map using the scale appearing on such maps.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 27 4.6

Where a lot of one ownership, as of record at the effective

date of this Ordinance, is divided by a district boundary line, the
lot shall be construed to be within the district where the major
portion of the lot is located. In case the lot is bisected by the
boundary line, it shall fall in the district where the principal
uses fall.


Where a district boundary is indicated as one lot-deep, said

depth shall be construed to be the average lot depth of the lots
involved within each particular city block.
however, any lot has a depth greater than said average, the
remaining portion of said lot shall be construed as covered by
the one-lot depth zoning district if the remaining portion has an
area of less than fifty percent (50%) of the total area of the
entire lot. If the remaining portion has an area equivalent to
fifty percent (50%) or more of the total area of the lot, then
the average lot depth shall apply to the lot which shall
become a lot divided and covered by two or more different
zoning districts, as the case may be.


Where a zoning district boundary line is indicated in the

zoning map, one block deep or a fraction thereof, such
boundary line shall be scaled or determined by the Zoning

Notwithstanding the herein enumerated permitted land uses, lot area
requirements, setback and yard requirements, building height and buildable

area regulations, the Zoning Administrator may upon due notice and hearing
on the applicant concerned, and with the concurrence of the Cebu City
Zoning Board, allow their similar and compatible uses and enforce alternative
requirements and regulations which are consistent with the goals and
objectives of the development plan and the planning and zoning standards of
the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB). The use regulations
hereunder listed in each district are not necessarily exclusive.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 28 SECTION
DISTRICT. - In Low Intensity Residential (R-1) Districts, no building,
structure or land, and no building or structure shall be erected or altered, in
whole or in part, except for the following:
1.01 one-family dwelling; two-family dwellings; churches or
similar places of worship, and dwellings for the religious and
seminaries; nursery and kindergarten schools, provided that they
do not exceed two(2) classrooms; and day-care centers;
1.02 barangay centers, public civic centers, neighborhood and
community centers, libraries, police stations, fire stations, and
public utility structures necessary for the service of the area
upon approval of the layout plan by the zoning official and
subject to such conditions and safeguards as deemed
appropriate by the same zoning official;
1.03 clubhouses, mini-golf, lodges and other social centers, parks,
playgrounds, pocket parks, parkways, promenades and playlots
and other recreational uses such as golf courses, tennis courts,
baseball diamonds, swimming pools and similar uses operated
by government or private individuals as membership
1.04 boarding houses provided that rooming/boarding should be
limited to five (5) persons only; plant nurseries and track
provided no manure or foul odor or dust-providing substance
shall be stored; neighborhood convenience stores (sari-sari
stores) selling miscellaneous items provided that the consent of
the Homeowners Association in the area has been obtained;
1.05 accessory uses customarily incidental to any of the
aforementioned permitted uses located on the same lot, provided
that such accessory uses shall not include any activity
conducted for monetary gain; (a) servants quarter (b) home
laundries (c) houses for pets such as dogs, birds, rabbits, and
the like of not more than four (4) square meters in floor area (d)
pump houses and small power plants and machineries
customarily used in connection with churches, schools,

museums, parks, playground, community centers, golf courses

and dwelling and their accessory buildings, provided that :

such power plant and other machineries are so placed as

to cause the least inconvenience to adjoining residence;

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 29 (b)

that they do not cause serious injury or nuisance to

occupants through fumes or gases, dust, smoke, noise or
vibrations or other similar nuisance;


that such power plant, if other than electric should be used

only in cases of emergency or power failure with a power
of not more than one (1) horsepower;


provided further, that if the power employed is electric

meter and used exclusively for airconditioning, for power
pumps, and for household appliances such as washing
machines, refrigerators and the like, any number of
horsepower necessary is allowed.

1.06 auxillary uses customarily conducted in dwelling and homes

such as officies of physicians, surgeons, dentists, architects,
engineers, lawyers and other professionals provided that such
professionals are members of the family residing in the premises;
and, provided further, that not more than six (6) semiprofessional assistance are employed at any time; that in no case
shall more than twenty (20%) percent of the floor area of the
building to be used for said professional practice;
1.07 Advertising signs not exceeding two (2) square feet in size when
used to advertise the lease, hire or sale of a building or part
DISTRICTS. - In Medium/High Intensity Residential (R-2) Districts, only
the following uses are permitted :
2.01 all uses permitted in R-1 districts;
2.02 residential condominiums of the townhouse type provided that
the building should not exceed five (5) storeys in height;
apartment houses, (multi-storey) apartments, hometels, tenement
housing and dormitories and mass housing, provided that the
said building should not exceed five (5) storeys in height; multifamily dwellings, accessories, boarding house;

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 30 2.03 sanitariums, rest homes, philanthropic or charitable institutions,
nursery, kindergarten, elementary and high schools, provided
that these will not exceed twenty (20) classrooms;
2.04 offices with no actual display, sale, transfer or handling of
office commodities in the premises;
2.05 clinics, family planning clinics/industrial clinics; local civic
centers and local auditoriums, halls and exhibition areas;
2.06 customary incidental home occupation such as barber and
beauty shops, tailoring and dress shops, retail drugstores
and small-scale cottage industries such as embroidery,
sewing, handicrafts, shellcrafts, and the like, conducted
within a dwelling, provided that (1) a maximum of ten (10)
persons are employed; (2) no mechanical equipment is used,
except if such is permissible for purely domestic or
household purposes; (3) not more than thirty percent (30%) of
the floor area of any one floor of the dwelling is devoted to
such home occupation; (4) provided further, that such home
occupation does not require internal or external alterations, or
involve construction features or use of equipment not
customary in dwellings.
2.07 pension houses; apartels;
2.08 carenderias, food stores, canteens;
2.09 shoeshine/shoe repair shops;
2.10 retail of liquor provided they should not be served
minors (below 18 years of age);


2.11 customary accessory uses and building incidental to any of the

above permitted uses.
SECTION 3. - LOW INTENSITY COMMERCIAL (C-1) DISTRICTS. In Low Intensity Commercial (C-1) Districts, only the following uses are
permitted :
3.01 all uses permitted in R-1, R-2 and R-3 Districts;
3.02 restaurants;

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 31 3.03 pawnshops, photo and portrait studios, tailoring and dress shops,
retail drug stores, bakeshops and bakery good stores; personal
services shops such as : watch repair shops, laundries and
3.04 take-home kiosks, ice cream parlors, soda fountains, fruit stands,
fish and poultry stores, dairy products, candies and other related
goods stores;
3.05 radio, television and other electrical appliance repair shops,
customary accessory uses and buildings incidental to any of the
above-permitted uses like storage rooms;
3.06 colleges, universities, vocational and technical schools;
3.07 messengerial services and other related subbusinesses;
3.08 general retail establishments, such as curio or antique shops, pet
shops, aquarium stores, book stores, art supplies and novelties,
jewelry shops, flower shops, and liquor wine stores/retail of
3.09 dance and voice studios, speech clinics and self-defense schools;
3.10 hotels/motels
3.11 local dry markets and supermarkets;
3.12 athletic and sporting goods stores;
3.13 parking buildings/areas; parking areas for travel agencies and
other similar businesses;
3.14 skating rinks, carnivals and recreational shows, bowling and
billiard pool rooms, pelota courts, swimming pools;
3.15 cottage and home industries, such as sewing (RTWs),
upholstery, embroidery, assembly of handicrafts and custom
jewelry, provided that :

the maximum number of hired laborers/

workers is only 20;

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 32 -


the number of machines is one of each kind

and limited to 1/2 horsepower only;


the allowed maximum working area is only

100 square meters.

3.16 review centers;

3.17 catering and food processing/food preserving, such as :

apa, lumpia wrapper-making;


chorizo, corned beef/pork-making;


native foods (bibingka, budbod and the like);


salted peanuts, peanut butter;



3.18 Home occupation such as repacking of dry goods (no chemicals)

such as sugar, flour, cooking oil, seasoning, dried fruits and dried
3.19 stevedoring and other similar agencies, transportation offices,
brokerage, garage services; shipping and steamship companies;
travel agencies and tourist bureaus; and other similar
transportation offices;
DISTRICTS. - In Medium/High Intensity Commercial (C-2) Districts, only
the following uses are permitted :
4.01 all uses permitted in R-1, R-2, R-3 and C-1 districts;
4.02 hardware and auto supply stores, auto sales, storage rhinecraft
and aircraft retail stores; accessory, spare parts, equipment and
rental and sale yards; warehouses and storage facilities for nonhazardous and non-obnoxious materials;

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 33 4.03 amusement centers, theaters, off-fronton stations; off-track
stations, dance halls or cabarets restaurants, beerhouses,
delicatessen, confectionary shops and automats, soda fountains,

groceries, super clubs, night and day clubs and discohouses;

reducing saloons; health studios, massage and sauna parlors;
4.04 sign and billboard shops; engraving and photo development
shops; printing, blue/white printing and publishing shops and
other allied industries; watch sales and services; locksmith and
other related services; building materials stores such as electrical
and electronic stores, plumbing supply stores; ceramics, clay
cement and other similar products;
4.05 dry goods stores; haberdasheries, ready-made and knitted wear
stores; apparel repair and other related repair services; and
footwear shops;
4.06 gasoline service stations/filling stations;
4.07 tire and vulcanizing shops;
4.08 battery repair and recharging shops, upholstery shops; and
second hand stores;
4.09 banks/savings and loan associations (related functions; money
4.10 other storage and shops for conducting retails business and local
shopping establishments;
4.11 telephone and telegraphic exchanges; general hospitals and
specialized general hospitals; welfare and charitable institutions;
government buildings; and customary accessory uses and
buildings incidental to any of the above permitted uses;
4.12 radio, phono graphs and record shop; musical instrument stores;
printing/bookbinding shops; publishing shops and other related
4.13 mortuaries or viewing chapels with preparation rooms, provided
the processes and equipments used conform to the sanitary
standards set by the City Health Officer;
4.14 bus terminals;

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 34 4.15 taxicab services; carbarns; trucking and hauling services;
common carriers and other similar transportation offices;
4.16 building materials storage yards; hollow blocks and other
concrete products without machineries;
4.17 storage of crates and caskets;

4.18 playgrounds or athletic fields.

shall be established High Growth Commercial Zones whose areas are of
developments comprise not less than ten (10) hectares. Considering the
magnitude of its development and for the purpose of preventing unfair
competition with average commercial areas of developments, the following
regulations shall be adopted and observed :
5.A.1 -


Accessory Use shall mean a minor use of a building
or lot which is related to, and necessary for, the operation or
enjoyment of any of the permitted principal uses.
Convention Center shall mean a place where
cultural, civic, commercial or professional assemblies are held.
Display Room shall mean a place where items are
exhibited for viewing and inspection only. This term does not
include retail shops or stores.
Educational shall mean the use of a building which
provides instruction or training leading to elementary, high
school, college and/or post-graduate degrees, and vocational or
technical training, except those which produce disturbing noise
and obnoxious odors.
Floor Area Ratio or FAR shall mean the numerical
value obtained by dividing the floor area within a building on the
lot by the area of such lot; provided that in areas designated as
Mixed-Use Development or as Planned Unit Development, FAR
shall mean the numerical value obtained by dividing the
aggregate floor area of all building of the development by the
land area of such development.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 35 6.
Green Space shall mean an open space that is
planted with grass, plants or trees. Green space may include
parks, the planted areas of street islands, sidewalk, front, side/s
and rear setbacks, but shall not include paved streets, completely
paved sidewalks, parking lots, atriums, and swimming pools.
The roofs and balconies of buildings and parking structures shall
not be considered as Green Space even if they are planted. For
purposes hereof, the term parks shall mean open areas
intended for active or passive recreation which may include
landscaped promenades, sitting areas, childrens play areas,

gardens, lawns, tree hedges, and water elements such as

fountains, falls, lagoons and streams.
Gross Floor Area shall mean the total floor space
within the perimeter of the permanent external building walls,
consisting of areas devoted to Permitted Uses, such as office,
residential or retail areas, corridors, lobbies, vertical penetrations
(which shall mean stairs, fire escapes, elevator shafts, flues, pipe
shafts, vertical ducts, and the like, and their enclosing walls),
rest rooms or toilets, storage rooms and closets, covered
balconies and terraces, interior walls and columns, and other
interior features; but excluding covered areas used for parking
and driveways, including vertical penetrations in parking floors
where no office, residential or retail units are present, and
uncovered areas for AC cooling
towers, overhead water tanks, roof decks, laundry areas and
cages, wading pools and swimming pools, whirlpools or
jacuzzis, gardens, courts or plazas.
The Gross Floor Area of a building shall be computed by
measuring to the center line of the dominant portion of the
permanent external building walls. The dominant portion shall
mean that portion of the permanent external building wall which
is fifty percent (50%) or more of the vertical floor-to-ceiling
dimension measured at the dominant portion. If there is no
dominant portion, or if the dominant portion is not vertical, the
measurement for area shall be to the center line of the permanent
external wall where it intersects with the finished floor line.
Hospital shall mean a place or building where
persons suffering from illness or infirmity are confined for

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 36 9.
Hotel shall mean a place where rooms are offered
for hire as a temporary abode principally for travelers and which
provides general kitchen and public dining room services and
such other services intended for the convenience of the guests,
including specialty retail outlets primarily oriented toward hotel
guests (but excluding the retailing of general merchandise),
provided such retail outlets do not occupy more than three
percent (3%) of the Gross Floor Area of the Hotel building. This
term does not include motels or residential buildings.
10. Institutional shall mean the use of a building or
place for Hospital, Educational, Religious, Convention Center
and Museum.

11. Lot shall mean a designated parcel of land on which

a principal building and its accessories as a complete and
individual unit are or may be built.
12. Mixed-Use Development shall mean the use of the
lot in a manner that combines two (2) or more lots of the
following Permitted Uses : Office, Residential, Retail, Hotel,
Recreational, Convention Center, and Museum.
13. Office shall mean a use of a building or a place
predominantly for the administration or management of a
business or for the conduct of a profession. This term includes
Display Rooms but does not include factories, industrial plants,
machine shops, retail establishments, hospitals or veterinary
clinics. However, for lots designated for Mixed Office/Retail,
Office/Retail/Residential retail establishments shall be allowed at
the ground floor.
14. Open Space shall mean an area reserved
exclusively for parks, playgrounds and recreational areas.
Park shall mean the use of an area for active or passive
recreation which may include landscaped promenade, seating
areas, childrens play areas, gardens, lawns, trees, hedges and
water elements such as fountains, fall, lagoons and streams.
Parking shall be allowed in an area used as a Park if such
parking is underground and allows the use of the ground level as
a Park.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 37 15. Parking Area shall mean an area within the lot
unenclosed or enclosed in a building, and used for the temporary
storage of motor vehicles.
15.1 Common Parking shall mean a building or an
area intended for the temporary storage of motor
vehicles for the general public, whether for
compensation or not. Said area may include
drivers canteens, motor fuel pumping stations or
other facilities directly related to its functions as a
Common Parking Area.
Common Parking Areas shall be equivalent
to 2.5% of the gross land area to be developed.
15.2 Surface Parking shall mean the use of a lot
for parking or common parking without parking
structures constructed thereon.

16. Permitted Use shall mean any of the activities for

which the lot and building thereon are designed, arranged
or intended and for which they are occupied or
17. Planned Unit Development or PUD shall mean a
development on a large area of land characterized by the
integration of multiple uses in one or more buildings on
the site according to a master plan designed for a defined
area, wherein density is regulated by controlling total floor
area of the various buildings in relation to the overall area
of the land, rather than controlling the sizes of individual
18. Recreational shall mean the use of a building which
provides facilities for users to enjoy their social creative,
cultural or health activities.
19. Religious shall mean the use of a building or a
place of worship or spiritual devotion.
20. Residential shall mean the use of a building or a
place for dwelling, including an apartment hotel or
apartelle. This term does not include a hotel or motel.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 38 21. Residential Penthouse shall mean a residential use
which may be allowed in the uppermost two (2) floors of
an office building which should have a minimum of eight
(8) floors. However, the subdivision developer may
provide more residential uses in lots designated for Mixed
Office/Residential, Office/Retail/Residential subject to the
applicable Gross Floor Area (GFA) ratio.
22. Retail shall mean the use of a building or a place
for the sale of merchandise, commodities or goods to
customers for their consumption.
23. Use shall mean the activity for which the lot and
building thereon are designed, arranged or intended and
for which they are occupied or maintained.
24. Utility and Service Areas shall mean areas reserved
for community service facilities including, but not limited
to, sewage treatment plant, electrical substation, water
pumping station, barangay center and police station.


The following rules shall be observed and applied in this

Zone except when the context clearly indicates


Gender - the masculine gender includes the feminine and



Plural or Singular - the singular number includes the plural and

the singular.
The developers shall prescribe the permitted
building/land uses with the corresponding floor area ratios
(FARs) subject to the approval by the Cebu City Zoning Board
as the latter may deem appropriate taking into consideration and
in consonance with the total/overall development concept of the
project and that of the neighboring land development project/s.
Subject to the favorable recommendation of the
Cebu City Zoning Board and approval of the Sangguniang
Panlungsod, the subdivision developer shall have the right to
designate another or additional use exceeding FAR, for any lot
within the development project provided that such other or
additional use shall be limited to Educational, Religious or
Hospital uses. In such cases, the building to be constructed for
such uses shall follow the FAR of the original Permitted Use for
the lot.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 39 5.A.2.3

The following are the allowable permitted uses :










Mixed-Use Development

5.A. Retail
5.A. Office/Hotel
5.A. Residential
5.A. Mixed Retail, Office, Hotel and
5.A. Mixed Retail, Hotel, Convention
Center and Museum

Planned Unit Development

5.A. Office
5.A. Residential
5.A. Mixed Office and Residential



Common Parking


Mixed Common Parking and Office

5.A.2.3.10 Mixed Common Parking and Residential

5.A.2.3.11 Sports Club
5.A.2.3.12 Park/Playground

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 40 5.A.2.4
In areas where more than one Permitted Uses are
allowed, a building may be constructed and dedicated to any or a
combination of such Permitted Uses.
Accessory Uses - The following Accessory Uses
are permitted :
5.A.2.5.1 In an office building where ResidentialPenthouse is Permitted, Residential use shall be limited to the
upper-most two (2) floors and the building should have a
minimum of eight (8) floors. However, for lots designated for
Mixed Office/Residential, Office/Retail/Residential, the
Residential use shall not be limited to the uppermost two (2)
floors of the building subject, however, to the applicable GFA
ratio. In both cases, the building should have a minimum of
eight (8) floors if the lots are assigned maximum Floor Area
Ratios of eight (8) or nine (9).
5.A.2.5.2 In buildings for Office, Residential, Retail,
Convention Center, Hotel and Recreational Uses, Display
Rooms where items are exhibited for viewing and inspection
only shall be allowed. However, in addition to display rooms
where items are exhibited for viewing and inspection, lots
designated for Mixed Office/Retail, Office/Retail/Residential
uses, retail establishments such as but not limited to, restaurants,
cafes, canteens, business centers and banks shall be allowed on
the ground floor.

5.A.2.5.3 Retail outlets may be permitted in buildings

for Hotel and Recreational Uses only if they are specialty Retail
outlets primarily intended for the convenience of members,
provided such outlets do not occupy more than 3% of the Gross
Floor Area of the building. However, for lots devoted to mixed
Office/Retail, Office/Retail/Residential Uses, retail outlets may
be also permitted so long as the total Gross Floor Area of retail
shall not exceed 15% of the total Gross Floor Area of the
building; each Retail establishment shall have a maximum Gross
Floor Area of 500 square meters; and the type of Retail
establishment that may be allowed are restaurants, cafes,
canteens, business centers, banks, and others subject to the
approval of the Vendor.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 41 5.A.2.5.4 Restaurants, canteens or food-serving
establishments devoted to serving meals and snacks for the
benefit of the building occupants may be allowed to operate in
the building for Office or Residential Uses; Provided that strict
sanitary and health regulations shall be observed and
implemented, particularly the adoption of pest control measures;
and provided further, that such restaurant, canteen or foodserving establishments shall not be located on the basement or
ground floors of such building. However, in a building for
Hotel, Convention Center or Recreational uses, restaurants may
be allowed even on the basement or ground floors.
5.A.2.5.5 Structures exclusively devoted to parking or
as part of a building devoted to some other Permitted Uses shall
be allowed.
5.A.2.5.6 A building intended for Common Parking
may also be devoted to Office, Residential or Mixed Office and
Residential uses, provided such building shall have a maximum
number of parking slots equivalent to twice the lot area divided
by thirty-five (35.0) square meters, and provided further that, in
addition, such building shall have the number of parking slots
required for its Office, Residential or Mixed Office and
Residential areas.
5.A. In Common Parking areas, pumping
stations exclusively for the dispensing of gasoline, diesel
or other fuel may also be permitted, provided that the
operation of such pumping stations shall be subject to
review by the City Government from time to time with

respect to the safety of adjoining buildings and the general

5.A. Drivers canteens having an area of
not more than thirty-five (35.0) square meters may be
located within Common Parking areas.
The uses mentioned in the preceeding paragraphs
do not include industrial plants, factories and machine shops.
In no case shall the foregoing Accessory Uses
become the predominant use of a building.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 42 5.A.2.8
If necessary, an internal zone classification maybe
prescribed by the developer to properly and effectively delineate
its respective permitted uses.
5.A.3 FLOOR AREA RATIO Building density shall be controlled by setting a maximum Floor
Area Ratio (FAR). In every case, the Gross Floor Area (GFA) of a
building should not exceed the prescribed Floor Area Ratio multiplied
by the lot area. In all cases, in setting the maximum permitted Floor
Area Ratios, the developer shall consider the permitted building uses
and the location of the building subject to review and approval by the
Cebu City Zoning Board. The maximum permitted Floor Area Ratios
shall not exceed a multiplier of 16.0 for such Permitted Uses as Office,
Residential, Hotel and Mixed-Use. However, the developer may
prescribe a lower FAR mutliplier for different permitted uses, subject
to the approval of the Cebu City Zoning Board. In all cases, however,
the lower FAR applies.
ONE BUILDING - except in Mixed-Use and
Planned Unit Development where more than one building may
be constructed, only one building should be constructed on a
single lot. However, a separate structure devoted exclusively to
covered parking and/or to house machinery to service the
essential functional requirements of the building may be
RE-SUBDIVISION - a single lot cannot be resubdivided after it has been sold by the subdivision developer.
However, two or more lots may be used for a single building;
provided that in such case, all the lots shall be considered as a
single lot for the application of this Zone.

Likewise, two or more lots may be consolidated into a

single lot, which may later be re-subdivided into its original
components or into a lesser number of lot; Provided that none of
the resulting lots shall be smaller in area than the smallest lot
before consolidation; Provided, further, that this limitation shall
be made or shall be given a prominent mention in the contracts
involving areas of this nature in the Zone.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 43 5.A.4.3


5.A.4.3.1 The building must be constructed at a

distance of not less than four (4) meters from the lot
boundary fronting a principal street, and two (2) meters
from the lot boundary fronting a service street or an
access roadway. The building may be constructed flush
with the property line on the common boundaries with
adjoining properties. If the building will be built away
from the common boundaries with adjoining boundaries,
then in such case, a minimum setback of two (2) meters
from the property line must be observed.
The setback must be measured from the property line to
the nearest projection of the building. This sub paragraph
shall not be applicable to the Mixed-Use and Planned Unit
5.A.4.3.2 Loading and unloading platforms, if any must
have a minimum setback of ten (10) meters from any
street. Ramps to parking structures are excluded from this


5.A.4.4.1 Except for lots devoted to Surface Parking at

least twenty percent (20%) of each lot shall be used
exclusively for Green Space. A lot devoted to Surface
Parking shall not be required to reserve 20% of such lot
for Green Space; Provided that at least 20% of the entire
area of development shall be used exclusively for Green
5.A.4.4.2 In developments on a large parcel of land
with two or more permitted uses, however, the 20% Green
Space requirements shall be computed on the land area of
such development irrespective of any subdivision of said

area, or donation or conveyance of any portion thereof to

another party.


5.A.4.5.1 The foundations or footings of a building on

the side where the facade of the building coincides with
the property line, shall not be allowed to project beyond
the property line.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 44 5.A.4.5.2 Foundation or footings of a building in any
area which are close to a creek, drainage canal or existing
culvert shall not be less than two (2.0) meters deep, and
shall be at least three (3.0) meters away from the creek,
drainage canal or culvert.
EAVES, ARCADES, CANOPIES OR CASINGS Eaves, arcades, canopies, casings or any other similar
architectural or structural features shall not be allowed to project
beyond the property line. In cases where such eaves, canopies,
casings or any architectural or structural features exist, the
extreme outer edge of the same shall be considered as the
building line.
CAR PARKING - Land developments classified
provide car parking requirements in conformity with the planned
concept of developments, as follows :

Number of Parking Slots :


At least 1.0 parking slot for every 100 square meters of
Gross Floor Area.
Guest Rooms : At least 1.0 parking slot for every 5
Restaurants, Coffee Shops, Ballroom, Miscellaneous
Food Shops : At least 1.0 parking slot for every 15
meters of seating area.
Meeting Rooms : At least 1.0 parking slot for every
50 square meters of Gross Floor Area.
Retail Shops on Hotel Premises : At least 1.0 parking

slot for every 50 square meters of Gross Floor Area.

Health Club : At least 1.0 parking slot for every 25
square meters of Gross Floor Area.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Retail Shops/Stores and Fastfood Centers : At least
1.50 parking slots for every 100 square meters of
Gross Floor Area.
Restaurants : At least 3.30 parking slots for every
100 square meters of Gross Floor Area.
Theaters : At least 1.0 parking slot for every 50
square meters of spectator area.
Entertainment Centers : At least 1.0 parking slot for
every 50 square meters of Gross Floor Area.
FOR RELIGIOUS USE : At least 1.0 parking slot for
every 50 square meters of spectator or congregation
least 1.0 parking slot for every 3 classrooms.
FOR HOSPITALS : At least 1.0 parking slot for
every 12 beds.




requirements specified
in this Sub-Section may be adjusted to take into account
variations in the peak accumulation of parked vehicles as
the result of different activity patterns within the said
developments. The provisions of Rule XIX of the
National Building Code, which requires that 100% of the
parking requirements of the dominant use and only 50%
of each of the non-dominant uses shall be provided, may
be applied.
combined with either Office, Residential or both, the
minimum number of parking slots shall be equivalent to
twice the lot area divided by thirty-five (35.0) square
meters, provided that, in addition, such buildings shall

have the number of parking slots required in this SubSection for its Office, Residential or Mixed Office and
Residential areas.
Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.
Page - 46 5.A.4.7.2 The parking slot should not be less than
twelve (12.0) square meters, in area, measuring 2.40
meters by 5.00 meters for perpendicular or diagonal
parking, and 2.00 meters by 6.00 meters for parallel
parking. Tandem parking for two (2) cars only may be
Service driveways should provide
unobstructed ingress and egress to and from the parking
slot at all times. Dropped-curb (mountable-sidewalk)
parking slots which are directly accessed from the street
without entering an internal driveways shall not be
5.A.4.7.3 Parking, buildings, structures and/or podiums
must comply with the required Green Space as provided
in Section 5.A.4.4.


5.A.4.8.1 In all cases, vehicular entrances and exits

shall not be allowed along street corners and street
5.A.4.8.2 Vehicular entrance and exits shall always be
along service streets, except for Hotels, Commercial
Centers and Sports Clubs where vehicular entrances and
exits may be along principal and/or service streets.
However, a corner lot with two sides facing service streets
must always have its vehicular entrance and exit along
service street at the rear side of the lot.
5.A.4.8.3 A lot which faces a principal street but does
not have a frontage along a service street shall have its
vehicular entrance and exit along a principal street, except
for lots though facing a principal street but are accessible
for entry and exit through an access roadway within the
the service entrances for utilities shall be conducted into the
building by means of underground conduits or pipes from the
main service lines. A water pump directly connected to the
water main is not allowed. However, a water pump may be
installed to draw water from a ground storage tank of adequate
capacity supplied by natural pressure from the water main.
Except for the subdivision developer, no owner shall be allowed

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 47 to install a deepwell within his lot to draw underground water for
his use.
SIGNS - Commercial business or advertising signs
when affixed or attached to the facade or side/s of the building
shall not be allowed to project outside the property line. In
cases where such signs are erected or constructed within the lot,
the same should be attractive in character and design.
SEWAGE DISPOSAL - Sewage disposal must be
effected through a connection to the sewerage disposal system
covering the area. Roof drainage and surface run-off must not
drain into the sewerage system.
All provisions pertaining to the High Growth
Commercial Zone shall not affect other provisions of this
-In Low Intensity Industrial (I-1) Districts, only the following uses are
permitted :
6.01 all permitted uses in R1, R2, C1 and C2 districts;
6.02 all uses included in a PLAND unit development;
6.03 manufacture of bakery products, including baking bread, cakes,
pastries, pies and similar perishable bakery items;
manufacturing of biscuits, cookies and hopia, and similar dry
bakery products; doughnuts and hopia; ice cream cone (apa) and
wafer; manufacturing of macaroni, spaghetti, vermicelli noodles
and the like; baking bibingka (rice cake) and other bakery
6.04 manufacture of made-up textile goods (except wearing apparel),
including house furnishing; textile bags, canvas bags, and other
canvas products; jute bags, life bags and other miscellaneous
made-up textile goods (except embroideries and weaving
6.05 manufacture of leather products and leather substitutes including
luggage, handbags, wallets and small leather goods and other
miscellaneous products of leather and leather substitutes;

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 48 -

6.06 manufacture of footwear (except vulcanized or moulded rubber

or plastic footwear), including shoes, slippers, sandals and
footwear part; wooden shoes;
6.07 manufacture of wooden and cane container and small cane
wares, including sawali, nipa and split cane, bamboo rattan and
other cane products and wares;
6.08 manufacture of wood and cork products not elsewhere classified,
including charcoal, wood carving and crafting cork products,
shoe laces and other similar products; and miscellaneous wood
6.09 manufacture of wearing apparels (RTWs), covering custom
tailoring, and dressmaking shops; mens and boys garments,
womens, girls and babies garments; hats, gloves, handkerchiefs,
neckwear and other related clothing accessories; raincoats and
waterproof water garments (except jacket) and miscellaneous
wearing apparels;
6.10 manufacture or assembly of office computer and accounting
machinery, including typewriters; cash registers, weighing,
duplicating and accounting machines; electronic data processing
(EDP) machinery and its accessories; major renovation and
repair of office machines;
6.11 manufacture or assembly of radios, televisions and other
communication equipment apparatus, including radio and
television receiving sets; transmitter; signalling and detection
equipments; telephone recording equipment; tape recorders and
other sound recording equipments; phonographs or record
players and other electronic equipment apparatus;
6.12 manufacture and assembly of professional and scientific and
measuring controlling equipment, including laboratory and
scientific instruments, i.e. ammeter, barometer, chemical
balance, etc.; taximeter, thermostats, etc., surgical, medical,
dental equipments and medical furniture; medical sanitary
napkins, surgical gauge, antiseptic dressings, prosthetic
appliances (abdominal supporter, ankle support, arch support,
artificial limb, kneecap, etc.);

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 49 -

6.13 manufacture of sporting and athletic goods (except firearms),

rubber and plastic products, including sporting gloves and mills,
balls (not of rubber or plastic); gymnasium and playground
equipment, sporting tables (billiard, pingpong, pools, etc.) and
other sporting and athletic goods;
6.14 manufacture or assembly of photographic and optical goods
including photographic equipment and accessories, optical
instrument, eyeglasses and binoculars, optical lenses; and major
repair of optical instruments and equipment;
6.15 manufacture or assembly of watches and clocks, time clocks,
time watches and the like;
6.16 manufacture of jewelry and related articles of precious metals,
semi-precious metals and pearls; silverware and plated wares;
articles of corals; precious metals and precious stones;
6.17 manufacture of musical instruments, including pianos, string
instruments, wind and percussion instruments, electronic organs
and other miscellaneous musical instruments;
6.18 lechon or whole pig roasting;
6.19 manufacture of heavy equipment, i.e. bulldozers, graders, etc.;
6.20 iron works assembly, welding - steel fence and steel windows;
6.21 ice plants and cold storages;
6.22 airport terminals and other related support services;
6.23 cemeteries and memorial parks and customary accessory uses
and buildings incidental to any of the said uses; crematorium,
funeral parlors which include embalming and processes for
preparation of cadavers for embalming purposes;
6.24 machinery and machine shops/stores, machinery equipment
supply and related wholesale trade; steel shops; glassware
shops; household equipment and appliance shops; employment
services; new syndicated services, branch offices; and office
equipment and repair shops;

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 50 6.25 building materials storage yards for non-pollutive and nonhazardous materials; hollow blocks and other concrete products

without machinery;

storage and production of crates and

6.26 automobile wrecking yards;

6.27 lumber yards institutional uses as university complexes and other
commercial business and activities not elsewhere classified;
6.28 auto repair shops. (Note : all shops shall be provided with
adequate working space not less than 500 square meters and no
vehicle repair or no storage shall be allowed on the road right-ofway);
6.29 chromium and nickel plating shops;
6.30 all body building and assembly of motor vehicles;
DISTRICTS. - In Medium/High Intensity Industrial (I-2) Districts, only the
following uses are permitted :
7.01 all customary support facilities and services to the area;
7.02 all uses included in a PLAND unit development;
7.03 all uses permitted in an I-1 districts;
7.04 manufacture of cocoa, chocolate and sugar confectionary,
candies, chewing gums, popcorns, peanuts and other nuts; other
chocolate and sugar confectionary products;
7.05 manufacture of food products, including dessicated coconut;
starch and its products; ice (ice blocks, cubes, tubes, crushed
ice); flavoring extracts; steamed native food products (poto,
siopao, etc.); food products (vinegar, vetsin, etc.); and coffee
roasting and grinding and egg processing;
7.06 manufacture of prepared animal feeds, including prepared feed
for animals and fowls, fish meal, dog and cat food, and oystershell grinding;

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 51 7.07 manufacture of tobacco products, including cigar, cigarettes,
chewing and smoking tobacco; curing and redrying tobacco
leaves and miscellaneous processing of tobacco leaves;
7.08 manufacture of furniture and fixture (except primarily of metal),
including wood and rattan furniture (including upholstery); box

beds and matresses; wood and cane blinds; screens and shades;
and miscellaneous furniture and fixture;
7.09 manufacture of containers and boxes of paper and paperboard;
7.10 manufacture of drugs and medicines, including medicinal and
pharmaceutical preparations;
7.11 manufacture of pottery, china and earthenwares, including table
and kitchen articles (except coarse earthenwares); coarse clay
products and pottery;
7.12 manufacture of structural clay products, including clay bricks
and hollow clay tiles, but not sundried; clay tiles and other
miscellaneous structural products;
7.13 manufacture of cutlery, hand tools and general hardware (except
table flatware); and blacksmith shops;
7.14 manufacture of electrical appliances and housewares, including
industrial and commercial electrical appliances; household
cooking, heating and laundry appliances and the like;
7.15 manufacture of electrical apparatus and supplies not elsewhere
classified, including electrical wires, cables and wiring devices;
dry cells, storage batteries and other kinds of batteries; electric
lamps and fixtures; and other electrical apparatus and supplies;
7.16 manufacture or assembly of motorcycles and bicycles, scooter,
pedicabs and tricycles; side cars of tricycles; bicycle parts;
major repair of bicycles and motorcycles;
7.17 manufacture of non-metallic mineral products;
7.18 manufacture of mineral products not elsewhere classified;

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 52 7.19 power plants and related activities; and
7.20 water plants and related activities;
7.21 slaughtering, preparing, preserving and dressing meat; custom
slaughtering service only; meat processing, curing (except
processing of ham, bacon, sausage and chicharon); and other
slaughtering; preparing and preserving meat products;

7.22 manufacture and processing of dairy products, including ice

cream, sherbets, icedrops, ice candy and the like; milk (filled,
reconstituted or recombined, condensed or evaporated); butter
and cheese; natural fluid milk (pasteurizing, homogenizing,
vitaminizing, bottling of natural animal milk and cream and
related products); natural cheese and other dairy products;
7.23 canning and preserving of fruits and vegetables; i.e. fruit juices,
vegetable juices, vegetable sauces; quick freezing and cold
packing of fruit and vegetables; and other miscellaneous canning
and preserving of fruits and vegetables;
7.24 canning, preserving and processing of fish, crustacea and similar
foods, including dried or smoked, cured fish and other marine
products; patis and bagoong; quick freezing and cold packing of
fish and other seafoods; and processing, canning and preserving
of other seafoods;
7.25 manufacture of vegetables and animal oils and fats, including
coconut oil milk, vegetable oil milk (except coconuts); refined
cooking oil and margarine; fish and marine oils;
7.26 grain mill products, including rice, corn, flour and synthetic
coffee from corn, rice and other cereals;
7.27 distilling, rectifying and blending spirits and liquors, ethyl
alcohol, etc.;
7.28 manufacture of wine, including from grapes or grape mashes;
and other wines or local wines from juices of local fruits;
7.29 manufacture of malt and malt liquors;

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 53 7.30 manufacture of softdrinks and carbonated products, including
instant beverage and syrups and other non-alcoholic beverages;
7.31 manufacture of unprepared feed and other grain milling;
7.32 manufacture, refining of sugar products, including sugarcane
milling (centrifugal and refined); muscovado sugar milling;
7.33 manufacture, spinning, weaving and finishing of textiles,
including hemp textile, cotton textile, ramie textile, jut spinning
and weaving, rayon and other manmade fiber textile and narrow

fabrics; and also covering, bleaching and dyeing; miscellaneous

and knitting mills;
7.34 manufacture of hosiery products, including underwear and
outerwear knitting, fabric knitting and other miscellaneous
knitting mills;
7.35 manufacture of carpets and rugs, mats and mattings;
7.36 manufacture of cordage, ropes and other related products from
abaca, sisal, henequen, hemp, cotton, paper, etc.;
7.37 manufacture of textiles not elsewhere classified, including
linoleum and other hard-surfaced coverings; artificial leathers;
oil cloth and other fabric (except rubberized); coil fiber batting,
padding and upholstery filling except coil; and miscellaneous
textiles not elsewhere classified;
7.38 tanneries and leather finishing;
7.39 manufacture of rough lumber (worked/unworked lumber);
manufacture of veneer, plywood and hard wood doors, windows
and sashes; preserving of wood, and sawmills with logging
7.40 manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboard, pulp mills, and
paper and paperboard mills;

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 54 7.41 manufacture of basic industrial chemical (except fertilizers)
including inorganic acids, alkalis and chlorine; inorganic salts
and compound; compressed and liquified gases; industrial
alcohols; organic acids and compound, except industrial
alcohols; dry ice and other basic industrial chemicals;
7.42 manufacture of synthetic resins, plastic materials and man-made
fibers, except glass;
7.43 manufacture of paints, varnishes and lacquers, shellac, stains and
7.44 manufacture of pulp, paper and paperboard articles not
elsewhere classified, including paper stationary, envelopes and

related articles, and other miscellaneous pulp and paper

7.45 manufacture of soap and cleaning preparations, perfurmes,
cosmetic and other toilet preparations;
7.46 manufacture of chemical products such as waxes and polishing
preparations; candles, inks, and other miscellanous chemical
7.47 manufacture of tires and inner tubes, including tire retreading
and recapping;
7.48 manufacture of rubber products not elsewhere classified,
including rubber shoes and slippers, processed natural rubber
(not in rubber plantation), industrial and moulded rubber
products, and miscellaneous rubber products;
7.49 manufacture of plastic products not elsewhere classified,
including plastic footwear, furniture and other fabricated plastic

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 55 7.50 manufacture of glass and glass products, including flat glass,
glass containers and miscellaneous glass and glass products;
7.51 rock-crushing plants;
7.52 incandescent lamp plants;
7.53 manufacture of organic fertilizers;
7.54 sewerage treatment plants and related activities;
7.55 waste disposal and treatment plants;
7.56 manufacture of plaster;
7.57 manufacture of non-metallic mineral products not elsewhere
classified, including statuary, art goods, cut stones and marble

products, asbestos products; abrasive

miscellaneous non-metallic mineral products;



7.58 iron and steel industries, including products of blast furnace,

steel works and rolling mills, and products of iron and steel
7.59 manufacture of furniture and fixtures primarily of metal,
including household metal furnitures, office, store and restaurant
metal furniture; metal blinds; screens and shades; and
miscellaneous furniture and fixtures primarily of metal;
7.60 manufacture of structural metal products, including fabricated
structural iron and steel; architectural and oriental metal works;
bulbcaps, tanks and other structural sheet metal works;
7.61 manufacture of fabricated metal products except machinery and
equipments, including metal cans, boxes and containers, stamps
roasted and engraved metal products; fabricated wire and cable
products; metal sanitary wares and plumbing fixtures, heating,
cooking and lighting equipment except electrical; blacksmith and
welding shops products (doing job order, etc.); sheet metal
works generally manual operations; other fabricated metal
machinery and equipment;

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 56 7.62 manufacture of engine and turbines except motor vehicles,
marine and aircraft;
7.63 manufacture of agricultural machinery and equipment, including
assembly of agricultural machinery and equipment, native plow
and barrow, major repair of agricultural machinery;
7.64 manufacture of metal and woodworking machinery, including
metal cutting, shaving and finishing;
7.65 manufacture of special industrial machinery and equipment
(except metal and wood working machinery), including
assembly, rebuilding, repairing of food and beverage making
machinery; textile machinery and equipment; paper industry
machinery; printing trade machinery and equipment; rice mills;
machines for clay, stove and glass industries; leather and leather
products; construction machinery; and assembly, repair,
rebuilding of miscellaneous special industrial machinery and

7.66 manufacture or assembly of machinery and equipment except

electrical not elsewhere classified, including industry machinery,
elevators and escallators; sewing machines; cooking ranges,
water pumps;
and machine shop service operations
(repairing/rebuilding or custom job orders);
7.67 manufacture of electrical industrial machinery and apparatus,
including electric motors and generators; electrical distribution
and control apparatus; electrical welding apparatus; repair and
construction of electrical motors; transformers and other
electrical industrial machinery and apparatus;
7.68 shipbuilding and repair, including boat building and repairing;
ship repairing industry (dock yards, drydocks, shipyards; and
manufacture of barges, tugboats, lighter, rowboats, bancas,
sailboats; and miscellaneous shipbuilding and repairing;
7.69 manufacture or assembly of railroad equipment, including
locomotives and parts; railroad and street cars;

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 57 7.70 manufacture or assembly of automobiles, cars, buses, trucks and
trailers; motor vehicle parts (clusters, brakes, axles, etc.); bodies
of jeeps, buses, coaches; and rebuilding/major alterations (but
not ordinary repair) of motor vehicle engines and bodies;
7.71 manufacture or assembly of aircraft or airplanes; aircraft engines
and parts; and rebuilding, alterations and repair of aircraft;
7.72 manufacture of transport equipment, including animal drawn
vehicles, hand-drawn vehicles, man-pushed or drawn, childrens
vehicles and baby carriages; and miscellaneous transport
equipment not elsewhere classified;
7.73 manufacture of motor vehicles;
7.74 power plants;
7.75 manufacture of engines and turbines;
7.76 mining and quarrying;
7.77 manufacture of electrical appliances and supplies;

7.78 customary agricultural operations including livestock and

dairy farms;
7.79 processing of agricultural and commercial food products;
7.80 manufacturing industries not elsewhere classified; including
manufacture of toys and dolls; pens, pencils and other office and
artist materials; umbrellas and canes; buttons; brooms, brushes
and fans, needles, pins, fasteners, and zippers; insignia, badges
and similar emblems signs and advertising displays (except
printed); miscellaneous manufacturing industries; and
manufacture of other structural metal products;
7.81 coal and charcoal yards.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 58 SECTION


For land uses following under the use regulations for I-1 and I-2
districts which are not listed in Sections 6 and 7, the corresponding
certification as to non-pollutive or highly pollutive and further classified as
non-hazardous, hazardous and extremely hazardous, shall first secure an
Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) from the Dept. of Environment
and Natural Resources (DENR).
No industry listed under use regulations for I-1 and I-2 districts shall be
allowed inside areas alloted to purely residential subdivisions existing prior to
the approval of this Zoning Ordinance even if such residential subdivisions
are within the Industrial Districts as described in this Ordinance.
DISTRICT - In Transport/Utilities (TU) district, only the following uses are
permitted :
9.01 bus/jeep, taxi terminals;
9.02 carbarns;
9.03 depots;
9.04 freight storage and handling;
9.05 airport and related facilities;

9.06 piers, harbors, dockyards and related facilities;

9.07 power generating plants/stations.
SECTION 10. - AGRO-INDUSTRIAL DISTRICTS. - In AgroIndustrial Districts, only the following uses are permitted:
10.01 rice and corn mills;
10.02 slaughtering; drying and reserving of meat (beef, hogs and
10.03 preservation, canning and treating of food stuffs.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 59 SECTION
DISTRICT - This district shall be for government buildings, institutions of
higher learning, special public and private institutions, like :
11.01 City Hall building;
11.02 police and fire departments;
11.03 health and puericulture centers;
11.04 main libraries and museums;
11.05 telephone exchanges;
11.06 colleges and universities;
11.07 seminaries, nunneries and monasteries;
DISTRICT - This district shall be for special public and private institutions,
like :
12.01 city hospitals; big private hospitals;
12.02 special hospitals, like :

hospital for the insanes;


hospitals for the heart patients;


hospitals for lepers.

12.03 orphanages, homes for the aged and other welfare homes;
12.04 rehabilitation centers, like :

for unwed mothers;


for drug addicts;


for alcoholics.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

SPACES. - Parks and open spaces provide ecological balance within the
community and at the same time provide inexpensive recreational places for
the inhabitants. The following shall be the allowable uses :
13.01 city plazas, parks and playgrounds;
13.02 zoos, botanical gardens;
13.03 planetaria;
13.04 natural banks - three (3.00) meters on each side of waterways
within the urban section and twenty (20) meters on each side
outside the urban section;
13.05 camp sites for Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts; and the
13.06 Osmena Shrine.



Lusaran Dam (proposed); and


Mananga River Basin (inside Cebu City).

14.02 MCWD Watershed Reservation - this is a portion of Central

Cebu National Park.
14.03 Areas classified by the Dept. Of Environment and Natural
Resources (DENR) as forest zones and declared as non-alienable and non-disposable.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

DISTRICT - This district shall be for commercial production of farm
products, like :
15.01 rice and corn and their corresponding mills;
15.02 mango, coconut, coffee and other fruits;
15.03 vegetables;
15.04 poultry, piggery and the raising of other animals and fowls;
15.05 copra making;
15.06 fishponds; saltbeds.
For all allowed uses in the Agricultural Districts, effective measures
against pollution of the air and all waterways must be undertaken and the
necessary safeguards must be instituted to prevent them from becoming a
SECTION 16. PHYSICAL STANDARD DEFINITION Criteria established to regulate the height and bulk of buildings in relation to
the land use.
R-1 DISTRICT - (Low Intensity Residential Area)
No building or structure for human occupancy, whether public or
private, shall exceed more than two (2) storeys from the street level fronting
the building.
R-2 DISTRICT - (Medium/High Intensity Residential Area) No building or structure intended for human occupancy, whether public
or private, except public housing and similar buildings or structures, shall

exceed more than five (5) storeys, however, no building shall be built to abut
property lines.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 62 C-1 AND C-2 DISTRICTS (Low and Medium/High Intensity
Commercial Areas) There shall be no limitation except that no building shall be built to a
height exceeding one and one-half (1 1/2) times the width of the street on
which the building abuts. A building may exceed the above height provided
that the portion of the building higher than one and one-half (1 1/2) times the
width of the street is set back from every street one (1) meter for each six (6)
meters or less in excess of one and one-half (1 1/2) times the width of the
street. Where a corner lot is involved, the height limitations for the wider
street shall govern for a distance of forty (40) meters along the narrow
intersecting street.
I-1 AND I-2 DISTRICTS (Low and Medium/High Intensity
Industrial Areas) - Same as C-1 and C-2 Districts.
For Residential, Commercial and Industrial Districts, where there are
certain areas such as along air traffic routes and on areas of historical
significance, height limitation shall be imposed based on set standards of
respective agencies concerned.
R-1 DISTRICT (Low Intensity Residential Area) The lot area shall be not less than two hundred (200) square meters for
a single-family dwelling; three hundred (300) square meters for two-family
dwelling, with a lot width of not less than sixteen (16) meters. The principal
building and the accessory building shall not cover more than seventy percent
(70%) of the total area of the lot.
R-2 DISTRICT (Medium/High Intensity Residential Area) The lot area shall not be less than one hundred (100) square meters for
single-family dwelling; one hundred sixty (160) square meters for a twofamily dwelling with a lot width of not less than eight (8) meters. All other
dwelling types shall be provided with not less than twenty-four (24) square
meters of lot area per family.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 63 All buildings including accessory buildings shall cover not more than
seventy percent (70%) of the total lot area.
C-1 DISTRICT (Purely Commercial areas)

When a building is designed or intended to be used or is used for

purely residential purposes, it shall have a lot area of not less than one
hundred (100) square meters for a single-family dwelling and not less than
one hundred sixty (160) square meters for a two-family dwelling. Business
buildings on corner lots shall cover not more than ninety percent (90%) of the
total area of the lot and not more than eighty-five percent (85%) if they are on
inner lots.
C-2 DISTRICT (Commercial and Compatible Industrial Uses) When a building is designed or intended to be used for purely
residential purposes, it shall have a lot area of not less than one hundred (100)
square meters for a single-family dwelling and not less than one hundred sixty
(160) square meters for a two-family dwelling. Business buildings on corner
lots shall cover not more than ninety percent (90%) of the total lot area and
not more than eighty-five percent (85%) if they are on inner lots.
I-1 DISTRICT (Non-Pollutive Industrial Uses) When a building is designed or intended to be used for purely
residential purposes, it shall have a lot area of not less than one hundred (100)
square meters for a single-family dwelling and not less than one hundred sixty
(160) square meters for a two-family dwelling. Business buildings on corner
lots shall cover not more than ninety percent (90%) of the total area of the lot
and not more than eighty-five percent (85%) if they are on inner lots.
All buildings including accessory buildings, shall cover not more than
eighty percent (80%) of the entire area of the lot.
I-2 DISTRICT (Pollutive Industrial Uses) When a building is designed or intended to be used for purely
residential purposes, it shall have a lot area of not less than one hundred (100)
square meters for a single-family dwelling and not less than one hundred sixty
(160) square meters for a two-family dwelling. Business buildings on corner
lots shall cover not more than ninety percent (90%) of the total area of the lot
and not more than eighty-five percent (85%) if they are on inner lots.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 64 All buildings including accessory buildings, shall cover not more than
seventy percent (70%) of the total area of the lot.

Residential structures classified into R-1, R-2 where :

* R-1 means a residential area with a density of 20-40
dwelling units/hectare;
* R-2 means a residential area with a density of 70 or
more dwelling units/hectare;
The setbacks required in R-1, R-2 are
the following :


R - 1

R - 2

Front Yard

5.00 m.

2.00 m.

Rear Yard

2.00 m.

2.00 m.

Side Yard

2.00 m.

2.00 m.


Side Yard -

Abutments may be permitted on only one side yard

provided that :

a firewall shall be constructed with a minimum

height clearance of one (1.00) meter from that
part of the roof directly attached to it on all side
and 0.50 meter measured horizontally from the
outermost horizontal projection of the building;


there shall be no opening in the party firewall;

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 65 c)


the firewall shall have a minimum fire-resistive

rating of one (1) hour as certified by the
Architect designing the plans.


Abutments may be permitted on the rear yard

provided that :



the abutment shall not occupy more than onethird (1/3) of the total rear width;


all conditions in (a to (c above are complied with;


less than 2.00 meters setback shall be allowed at

the rear provided, that such access shall not
be less than 1.50 meters in width.


Abutments may be permitted on the front yard of

R-1 and R-2 zones provided that :



the abutment shall not occupy more than onethird (1/3) of the front width of the lot;


no openings on wall abutting the street shall be

allowed except entrance only.

Commercial and Industrial buildings shall have the

following setbacks :

Rear and Side Yards :


that adequate patio and open space requirements

are met as provided for in this Section;


that a firewall be constructed with a two-hour

fire rating and with a minimum clearance of
1.00 meter from that portion of the roof
directly attached to it.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 66 -



Residential Houses - minimum of 20% of the lot area.


Commercial Buildings :
One (1) to two (2) storey bldgs.
Three (3) to four (4) storey bldgs.
Five (5) to six (6) storey bldgs.
Seven (7) storey & above bldgs.

- 6.00 sq.m.
- 9.00 sq.m.
- 15.00 sq.m.
- 16.00 sq.m.
2.00 sq.m. for
every additional


Commercial establishments and/or offices
occupying the ground floor shall provide parking spaces, the ratio of
which shall be one (1) parking slot for every fifty (50) square
meters of the gross floor area.
The succeeding floors shall
provide parking spaces, the ratio of which shall be one (1) parking
slot for every one hundred (100) square meters of the gross floor
Restaurants, ballroom, function rooms, bars,
entertainment and physical fitness clubs shall provide parking
spaces, the ratio of which shall be one (1) parking slot for every
twenty (20) square meters of the gross floor area.
Department stores and supermarkets shall provide
parking spaces, the ratio of which shall be one (1) parking slot for
every twenty (20) square meters of gross floor area on the ground floor
and one (1) parking slot for every sixty (60) square meters of the gross
floor area on the succeeding floors.
Warehouses and storage bins shall provide parking
spaces, the ratio of which shall be one (1) parking slot for every two
hundred fifty (250) square meters of gross floor area.
Any change of usage as mentioned herein
without first complying with the parking space ratio as
abovementioned shall result in the cancellation/revocation of the
business permit of said establishment, without prejudice to the nonissuance of the building permit or permit to change the plan or use.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 67 16.05.6

Hotels shall provide one (1) parking slot

per 10 rooms.

Hotels shall provide one (1) Tourist Bus

Slot per 100 rooms.


Theater-Restaurants shall provide one (1)

Tourist Bus Slot per 100 seating capacity.


Condominium office buildings shall have the

same parking requirements as provided for in
Section 17.05.1.


Theaters and cinemas shall provide one (1)

parking slot per twenty-five (25) square
meters of spectator area.


Convention Center-Auditorium shall provide

one (1) parking slot per 25 square meters of
gross floor area.


Convention Center-Theater Restaurants shall

provide one (1) parking slot per 20 square
meters of gross floor area.



All dwelling units, i.e. single-detached, duplex,

cluster houses, apartment units having a floor
area of 100 square meters each unit shall provide
one (1) parking slot.


All of the above with building areas of 200 square

meters or more shall provide two (2) parking slots.


Multi-family dwelling units, i.e., rowhouses, apartment units, having a floor area of less than 100
square meters per unit shall provide one (1) parking
slot per four (4) units.


Condominiums and studio-type buildings shall

provide one (1) parking slot per unit.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 68 e)

Low-cost Condominiums (Socialized and Economic

Housing including Government-assisted or subsidized
housing projects) shall provide one (1) parking slot
per 10 units.


Apartelles shall provide one (1) parking slot per unit.


Pension/boarding/lodging houses shall provide one

(1) parking slot per 10 beds.



Hospitals or Medical Buildings -


Private Rooms shall provide one (1) parking

slot per room.


Semi-Private Rooms of not more than four

(4) beds shall provide one (1) parking slot.


Wards shall provide one (1) parking slot per

ten (10) beds.


Doctors Clinic shall provide three (3) parking

slots per clinic.


Accessory Rooms shall provide one (1) parking

slot per 20 square meters of gross floor area.


Places of worships shall provide one (1) parking

slot per twenty-five (25) square meters of gross
floor area.


Public assembly buildings such as stadiums

nd auditoriums shall provide one (1) parking
slot per 25 square meters of spectator area.


Elementary, secondary, vocational and trade

schools shall provide one (1) parking slot per five
(5) classrooms.


Colleges/Universities shall provide one (1) parking

slot per classroom/laboratory.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 69 SECTION 17 - PARKING REQUIREMENT COMPUTATION The off-street parking requirement rating may be reduced in
accordance with any or all of the following applicable conditions,
provided such conditions are permanent :

Only off-street service and loading bay requirements are

to be provided on the area where the building structure to

be erected is designated as a prime commercial zone and

tourist belt;

In mixed occupancies, the parking requirements shall be

the sum of 100% of the dominant use and 50% of each
of the non-dominant use;


In areas where adequate public parking lots/multi-floor

parking garages are available within 200 meters of the
proposed buildings / structures, only 20% of parking
requirements may be provided within the premises;


In computing for parking slots, one (1) fraction of 0.50 and

above shall be considered as one (1) slot.



For buildings / structures intended for the use or

occupancy of the handicapped, the following minimum provisions
shall be observed :

One (1) accessible parking slot for the handicapped

per fifty (50) parking slots up to one hundred fifty
(150) slots and an additional slot for every one
hundred (100) slots thereafter;


Wheelchair transfer areas; one between two spaces

which directly connect to accessible walks of travel
and accessible building entrances; wheel bumper
shall be used if parking lot pavement is at same
level as accessible walkway;

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 70 3)

Maximum distance of accessible parking area from

facility served, parking areas for the physically handicapped shall be within 60 meters of the facility
being served. This shall be measured from the
farthest parking space along accessible path to the
closest accessible entrance;


All accessible parking spaces for the handicapped

shall have the international symbol of access. All
signs are to be in white graphics on a dark blue background. Size for exterior use shall be 30 cm. by 30
cm. Or 60 c.m. by 60 cm. Lettering for brief facility
identification for the partially sighted shall be a mini-

mum height of 5.00 cm.





Retail and wholesale commercial establishments shall

provide one (1) loading slot for each establishment.


Multiple Retail Stores in one building or commercial

complex shall provide a common loading and unloading area.


Hotels and hospitals shall provide one (1) loading slot.


All private schools shall provide a 5.00 meter wide
driveway along the whole frontage and located within the
property for the purpose of easing traffic congestion
within the vicinity of the school.


Criteria shall be established to control noise, odor, smoke,
toxic, or noxious matter, vibration, fire and explosive hazards,
and glare or heat generated by or inherent in uses of land or
buildings. Failure to comply with any of these standards shall
result in the immediate suspension of operations unless
safeguards shall have been instituted by the
owner or
management and accepted as adequate and satisfactory by
the official concerned.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 71 1)


vibration producing machinery shall be enclosed by a
building and shall be provided with effective noiseabsorbing materials, noise silencers and mufflers, an open
yard of a distance of not less than twenty (20)
meters from the street or adjoining property lines and
property planted with dense trees as buffers.
minimize vibrations, a machinery should be mounted
on shock-absorbing mountings, such as cork set or
reinforced concrete foundation or a floating isolated
foundation set on piles, as needed by the machinery
concerned to reduce all noise and vibration to a
reasonable minimum. Noise which is objectionable due to
intermittence, beat frequency or high pitch shall not be
allowed unless enclosed in a soundproof building as
tested and approved by the official concerned.





SMOKE - Any smoke emitted from any source for a

period aggregating seven (7) minutes in any thirty
minutes, particularly when starting a new fire, shall
have a density not greater than No. 2 of the Ringelmann
DUST, DIRT AND FLY ASH - The emission of dust, dirt,
or fly ash from any source or activity which shall pollute
the air and render it unclean, destructive, unhealthful or
hazardous, or cause visibility to be impaired, shall not
be permitted. In no case whatsoever shall dust, dirt or fly
ash be allowed to exceed 0.63 grams per cubic meter of
flue gas at stack temperature of 60 degrees centigrade
nor to create a haze with the opaqueness equivalent to or
greater than No. 1 of the Ringelmann Chart.
ODOR AND GASES - The emission of foul odors
and gases deleterious to public health, safety and general
welfare shall not be permitted.
Emitting foul odor
activities and obnoxious gases shall be enclosed by airtight buildings provided with air conditioning systems,
filters, deodorizing and other cleaning equipment.
GLARE AND HEAT - Glare and heat from any operation
or activity shall not be allowed to be radiated, seen or
felt from any point beyond the limits of the property.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 72 6)

INDUSTRIAL WASTES - Industrial plant wastes shall

be disposed of only in a manner which will not create
any nuisance to the neighboring properties or uses to the
public in general. Water receiving standards for M.I. shall
be set by NPCC and shall be complied with.


SEWAGE DISPOSAL - No sewage dangerous to the

public health, safety and general welfare, shall be
discharged into any public drainage system, natural
waterway or drainage channel.
7.01 Acidity or alkalinity shall be neutralized to a ph of
7.0 as a daily average on a volumetric basis with a
temporary variation of ph 5.0 to ph 10.0;
7.02 Wastes shall not contain any insoluble substances in
excess of 10.0 ppm or exceed a daily average of
500 ppm or fail to pass a No. 8 standard sieve;
7.03 Wastes shall contain no cyanides and no halogens
and shall contain not more than 10 ppm of the

following gases: Hydrogen Sulfide, Sulfur Dioxide

and Nitrous Oxide;
7.04 Wastes shall not have a chlorine demand greater
than 15 ppm;
7.05 Wastes shall not contain any grease or oil or any oil
substance in excess of 100 ppm or exceed a daily
average of 25 ppm.

SEWERAGE DISPOSAL - The Water Receiving

Standards set by the National Pollution Control
Commission (NPCC) shall be complied with.


FIRE AND SAFETY HAZARD - The storage and

handling of flammable liquids, gases or explosives, shall
be done in the safest manner possible. All bulk storage
receptacle for any flammable liquid, gas or explosive shall
be located in conformity with the Fire Code of the
Philippines (PD1185).


OPEN STORAGE - All open storage of materials,

equipment and the like shall be located outside of the
required yards and the view of such open storage shall be

Res. no. 1411, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 73 screened from the street by solid walls or greenbelt
planning strips.

TRAFFIC - All employees and freight traffic into and out

of any compound shall be so managed at all times that the
effect on any neighboring uses and on the outside traffic in
general will be minimized to the greatest extent.


OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING FACILITIES Every permitted use which needs parking and
loading facilities for its employees, customers,
commercial and other transport vehicle shall be provided
with its own off-street parking and loading facilities
located either on the same lot with the principal use or
building or on another lot located not more than fifty (50)
meters from same use or building, which distance shall
be required and computed from property line to property
line. The required facilities may be located on the front
yard or any other allowed yards.
The fact of parking areas being provided in another
lot in accordance with the immediately preceding
paragraph shall be deemed an encumbrance only to the

extent of the number of parking bays on said lot and the

same shall be pro tanto, annotated in the title of the lot
where the same is designated or located. In that case, the
encumbrance shall specifically cite the area in terms of
square meters to which the lot is encumbered.
The use of an existing parking area located in or
designated for an existing building shall not be designated
or allocated for another construction or establishment.
In cases of burnt buildings, no such requirements
for parking areas shall be required provided that the new
structure to be reconstructed thereon shall have the same
area, height and use as that of the previous building.
On renovation of existing buildings which will not involve
any change of use and increase in area, parking
is not required, provided, that no such requirement had
been imposed when said building was originally
constructed. In case the renovation of the building or
any part thereof results in the increase of the floor area or
involves a change of use, the computation of the required
Res. No. 1441. Ord. No. 1656. contd.
Page - 74 parking spaces shall be based on the entire floor area of
the building concerned.
The parking regulations provided in this section
shall likewise apply to commercial, residentialcommercial and institutional buildings.
FEE a)
In cases where the required parking facilities
cannot be possibly provided or that the provision or
construction of the said facilities would entail or
necessitate prohibitive or impractical costs to the owner of
the establishment or building, the said owner may pay, in
lieu of the required number of parking slots or loading
facilities, a parking area requirement exemption fee in an
amount herein below provided.

(per Square Meter)
: (Previous) : OLD PARKING












- 700.00
- 1,100.00
- 1,600.00
- 2,100.00
- 2,600.00
- 3,000.00
- 3,600.00
- 4,000.00
- 4,500.00
- 5,000.00
- 5,500.00
- 6,000.00
- 6,500.00
- 7,000.00
- 8,000.00
- 9,000.00

: 24,400.00
: 36,400.00
: 52,000.00
: 68,400.00
: 118,200.00
: 134,000.00
: 146,000.00
: 158,000.00
: 175,200.00
: 192,400.00
: 209,600.00
: 226,800.00
: 244,000.00
: 261,200.00
: 278,400.00
: 295,600.00
: 312,800.00



Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 75 b)

The Cebu City Zoning Board shall determine and

decide, after due investigation and deliberation,
whether or not the applicant for the parking area
requirement exemption fee is entitled thereto.


All proceeds from the abovementioned enumerated

fees shall be deposited in an account designated
as a Trust Fund for the purpose of securing lots
where public parking areas/building may be
established or constructed and for the maintenance


In high rise buildings/structures of more than three

(3) storeys, no parking exemption shall be
allowed on the succeeding storeys after the third


All parking spaces adjacent to main streets and 20

meters from the corner of any main streets shall be
designed such that vehicles parking thereat shall
park in a nose-in nose-out manner. For this
purpose, the Traffic Division or the Zoning Board
shall make available to everyone concerned a
list or information on streets considered as main


Areas designated as parking spaces shall be

paved with concrete or asphalt and provided w/
appropriate and discernible markings thereon.


All private site development plans for road and

driveways exiting towards the main thoroughfares
and 20 meters from the corner of any street

must be approved by the Cebu City Zoning

Board prior to securing a building permit.
This shall be determined by the City Appraisal Committee
subject to the approval of the Sangguniang Panlungsod.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 76 ARTICLE VI
regulations set by this Zoning Ordinance within each district unless otherwise
provided, shall apply uniformly to each class or kind of structure or land, as
follows :

No building, structure or land shall hereafter be used, or

occupied, and no building or structure or part thereof
shall hereafter be erected, constructed or reconstructed,
moved or structurally altered except in conformity with
all the regulations herein specified for the district in
which it is located.


No building or other structures shall hereafter be erected

or altered :

to exceed the prescribed height or bulk in that zone

or district;


to accommodate or house a greater number of



to occupy a greater percentage of lot area;


to have narrower or smaller yard requirement or in

any other manner contrary to the provisions of this
Zoning Ordinance.


No yard or lot existing at the time of the passage of this

Zoning Ordinace shall be reduced in dimension of areas
below the minimum requirements set forth herein.


Any form of land development such as site grading,

construction of curbs and gutters, fencing, etc., shall not
be allowed unless adequate provisions are made for

adequate environmental protection to safeguard the

areas adjacent to the proposed development from
flooding, noise pollution and other physical effects
contrary to public welfare. No fence for any purpose shall
exceed a height of 2.50 meters nor shall it obstruct

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 77 the easement of light and view or drainage by gravity.
Except for the use of interlink wires, solid fencing of
private roads is strictly prohibited as this will deprive
adjoining building owners the right of free air, access and
environmental comfort.
No road nor drainage
construction in subdivision areas or private and public lots
shall be undertaken without first securing a construction
permit from the City Engineer. The road permit and
drainage permit fees shall be determined by the Cebu City
Zoning Board
duly passed by the Sangguniang
Panlungsod and approved by the City Mayor. A surcharge
of 100% shall be imposed if construction is started
before a permit is obtained.

The consent of homeowners associations and/or barangay

associations and adjacent property owners shall first be
obtained before any permit for any land development is
issued, covering an area of 5,00 square meters.


All land development projects covering housing

subdivision, horizontal condominiums, residential
condominium, must conform to the rules and regulations
as stipulated in PD 957. All applications for housing
subdivisions and residential condominiums must have the
necessary clearance from the National Housing Authority
(NHA) before any action is taken regarding such
applications. The City, in recognizing the objectives of
subdivision dwellers, must respect and uphold all
regulations and by-laws governing the same in so far as
they are not inconsistent with existing laws.


Ten percent (10%) of all residential land use district shall

be reserved for low-cost housing as shall be determined
by the Cebu City Zoning Board and approved by the
Sangguniang Panlungsod.


Company housing in industrial establishments shall be

encouraged and allowed, subject however, to regulation
and approval by the Cebu City Zoning Board.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

constructions, activities may be required by the Zoning Administrator of the
City Government to submit an Initial Environmental Examination (IEE), a
draft and final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and an Environmental
Impact Assessment (EIA) as shall be required by the National Environmental
Protection Council (NEPC) for review.
The following requirements for IEE shall be submitted by the applicant
or project proponent :

information on the project proponent (name and address);


location of project (use maps to show specific project site);


project description (type, objectives and purpose, size,

estimated cost and description of surrounding areas);


suggested mitigation measures and alternations;


identification and evaluation of environmental impacts.

The requirements for the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and

the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) shall be in accordance with the
guidelines established by the National Environmental Protection Council
(NEPC) of the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB).
SECTION 3. SPECIAL USE PERMIT - The following shall require a
Special Permit from the Sangguniang Panlungsod upon recommendation from
the Cebu City Zoning Board in accordance with the criteria below prescribed
subject to payment of corresponding fees.

Dumping Sites :

Adequate fencing shall be put up to prevent undue

scattering of wastes;


Poisoning of rats and spraying of flies and the

general maintenance of the dumping sites shall be
the sole responsibility of the applicant;

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 79 -





The dumping site shall not be located outside of the

applicants premises if private, and shall be located
within a reasonable distance from residential zone,
if public;


Other sanitary requirements of the Code of

Sanitation shall be complied with.

Composting Plants :

They shall not as far as practicable be located

within residential zones;


A site inspection shall be required to determine that

the proposed plant does not constitute safety hazard
to the adjacent land use and to the community in


Their sound maintenance shall be the sole

responsibility of the applicant and/or the persons
running them.

Radio Transmitting Stations / Towers:


They shall be located within commercial zones;


Their sound maintenance shall be the exclusive

responsibility of the applicant/or persons running


Where public welfare demands, however, they may

not be denied location in some residential zones,
provided the preceding condition is complied with.

Private Landing Strip, Runway, Heliports and Helipads :


They shall not be located within residential zones;


They must be at least 100 meters from the nearest

residential zone or residence;

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 80 -




A written authority to operate shall be obtained

from the Bureau of Air Transportation by the
applicant at least 90 days before the intended date
of operation, and a notice shall be posted or
published in at least one of the daily newspapers to
determine public opposition to the proposed landing


Sworn statements of the owners of the adjoining

lands signifying their conformity or non-conformity
to the proposed landing site shall be obtained by the
applicant at least 30 days before the intended date
of operation.

Cockpits :

They shall be located at least 200 meters from the

nearest residential, commercial or institutional
structures in the community;


They shall be located in open areas so as not to

cause undue noise, annoyance, traffic hazard or
other dangers to the safety and order of the
community nor disturb the undertaking of the
allowed uses in the vicinity;


Adequate parking space, noise-reducing facilities

and buffer areas planted to trees with a width of at
least three (3) meters shall be provided.

Open Storages :

They shall be located within reasonable distance

from schools, churches, hospitals and other similar
buildings, preferably 60 to 90 meters away or more;


Their sound maintenance shall be the sole

responsibility of the applicant.

SECTION 4. TRAFFIC GENERATORS - All traffic generating

buildings and structures allowed in any of the districts must provide for
adequate parking spaces for the employees, clients and visitors.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 81 -

SECTION 5. POLLUTION CONTROL - For effective pollution

control, all manufacturing industries must apply for locational clearance from
the National Pollution Control Commission (NPCC) and the Housing and
Land Use Regulatory Board (HLURB).

Advertising and business signs to be displayed or put up, when

allowed by this Ordinance, for public viewing in any of the
districts herein enumerated must comply with the provisions of
Chapter XX of Presidential Decree No. 1096 (otherwise known
as the National Building Code of the Philippines) and its
Implementing Rules and Regulations. No posters, signs,
signboards, billboards or markers shall be allowed within a
distance of 25 meters from the center of any public road,
thoroughfares, highways or freeways within the City of Cebu.
Streamers are rohibited for display across public thoroughfares.
Subject to Government policies, rules and regulations, posters,
signs, signboards and billboards are allowed to be constructed,
installed or maintained only in the following areas or instances in
the City of Cebu :
6.a.1) On the site and within the premises or walls of the
office, building, factory or plant of the persons or
company advertising their profession, services or
6.a.2) Subject to the restrictions hereinabove specified
and with the approval of the City Traffic Operation
and Management (CITOM) which shall hereafter
promulgate, for the guidance of the advertising
public, the necessary implementing guidelines, rules
and regulations, directional signs pointing to a
particular office, building, factory or plant shall be
6.a.3) With the prior consent or permission from the lot
and/or building owner, in the pier areas, public
markets and bus terminals, whether public or

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 82 6.a.4) With the prior approval of the Cebu City Mayor,
and upon the recommendation of the Cebu City
Zoning Board which shall hereafter promulgate the

necessary guidelines, rules and regulations, and on

a temporary basis, in any place within the City of
Cebu, posters, signs, signboards and billboards
announcing the construction of any building or the
holding of forthcoming events;
6.a.5) Subject to the prior written consent of the owners
of surrounding properties, public or private, and
subject to the prior approval of the City Mayor,
upon recommendation of the Cebu City Zoning
Board and subject to the policy, guidelines, rules,
and regulations which the said Board shall
hereafter promulgate, neon signs in any place in
the City of Cebu, and
6.a.6) Subject to the policy, guidelines, rules and
regulations which shall hereafter be issued by the
Cebu City Zoning Board and subject to the prior
approval of the City Mayor, upon the
recommendation of the said Board, posters, and/or
signs may be installed on any bus and other vehicle
plying in the City of Cebu, provided that the said
poster or sign shall be firmly and securely attached
to the said bus or other vehicle so as not to
endanger the health and safety of any person
coming in close contact with the said bus or other
GENERAL PROVISION - Any and all posters, signs, signboards and
billboards which are hereby authorized to be installed, constructed and
maintained shall bear the sticker issued by the Office of the City Zoning
Board. Any such posters, signs, signboards and billboards without the said
sticker shall be considered to have been installed, constructed and maintained
without the required permit and must be removed by the owner thereof within
five (5) days from receipt of a written notice to do so from the Office of the
Building Official of the City of Cebu. If not so removed by the owner, the
same shall be removed by the City Government at the expense of the owner
thereof. Sign posting on arcade-columns are strictly prohibited.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 83 6.b) Outdoor advertising signs and other sign structures, whenever
permitted, shall be constructed in such a manner that the same
shall not obstruct the view of the public as to constitute a traffic
hazard, or otherwise defile, debase or offend aesthetic and
cultural values and traditions.


All sign structures mentioned in Section 6.b hereof, whenever

permitted, shall be constructed with advertisement on one side

6.d) In order to determine whether or not the sign structures

mentioned in Section 6.b hereof are to be constructed in
accordance with the accepted standards of design, construction
and maintenance, all applications for the installation of the
abovementioned structures shall first be reviewed and recommended for approval by the Cebu City Zoning Board and the
Office of the Building Official.

After the approval of this Ordinance, all sign structures which

are not in conformity with the provisions hereof shall be
removed or reconstructed in a manner as may be directed by the
Office of the Building Official within the following period :
6.e.1) Within five (5) days from receipt of written notice for sign structures constructed or installed without
the required permit;
6.e.2) Within ninety (90) days - for sign structures constructed or installed with permit.


No more than one sign shall be constructed, placed, created or

maintained on any premises except (a) gasoline stations shall be
allowed one additional sign which may be a free-standing sign;
(b) premises situated in buildings located on corner lots, may
have one sign on each exterior wall which abuts a street; (c)
premises with accessways to an alley may have one additional
sign directly adjacent to the alley access way; (d) theaters may
have additional wall signs, not to exceed a total of 100 square
feet, for the purpose of advertising their current and forthcoming

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 84 No flashing or blinking signs shall be constructed, placed,
created or maintained on any advertisement if allowed, which is
situated on the side of any public road, thoroughfare, highway,
freeway within the territorial jurisdiction of the City of Cebu.
6.g) Without prejudice to the penalties provided in Article VIII,
Section 10 hereof, within ten (10) days after apprehension for
violation of the provisions of this Section and before the
corresponding charges shall be filed in the proper court, the City

Mayor may impose a compromise penalty of not less than two

hundred (200) pesos per square meter of the sign structure
installed in violation of the provisions of this and other related
ordinances. Should the violation consist only of excess
dimension, the compromise penalty, if paid, shall free the
violator from any criminal or civil prosecution. The imposition
of a compromise penalty is fully discretionary on the part of the
City Mayor and may not be demanded by the violator.
DISTRICT - On a corner lot in any residential district, nothing shall be
erected, placed or planted or allowed to grow in such a manner as materially
to impede vision between a height of seven hundred sixty-two millimeters
(762 m.m.) above the centerline grade of intersecting streets in the area
bounded by the street lines of such corner lot and a chaflan or line adjoining
points of said street lines five (5) meters from the point of intersection. A
chaflan must always be provided on street corners, with or without arcades.
Nothing herein
contained shall require any change in the plans, construction, size or
designated use of any building, structure, or part thereof from which a
building permit has been duly granted prior to the adoption of this Zoning
Ordinance, provided the construction of such building, structure or part
thereof shall have been started within one (1) year from the date of the
issuance of such permit. If construction is started after a one (1) year period,
no construction shall be allowed unless a new building permit for the
construction of the building in accordance with this Zoning Ordinance shall
have been issued. Provided further, that building permits issued shall be in
conformity with the provisions of PD 1096, otherwise known as the National
Building Code of the Philippines.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

LANDS INCLUDED IN ANY DISTRICT - Should land, or any portion
thereof revert to private ownership and the said street or public land does not
appear on the official zoning map as included in any district, the regulations
provided for in this Zoning Ordinance which are applicable to the most
restricted district immediately adjacent to the land under consideration shall
be applied to such land or portion thereof.
or designated to be used as residence shall be allowed in any rear lot unless
such has an exclusive right-of-way easement over a path of at least four (4)
meters leading to a street and there shall be not more than one (1) building for
each easement. Two or more buildings, however, may be allowed for corner
path if the right-of-way easement is at least six (6.00 m.) meters wide.

SECTION 11. ACCESSORY BUILDING - No accessory building

shall be erected in any required yard and no separate accessory building shall
be erected within 1.50 meters of any building.
SECTION 12. PEDESTRIAN ALLEYS - Pedestrian alleys of 3.00
meters or less in width exclusively used for pedestrian purposes and existing
previous to the adoption of these regulations may be considered as part of the
required yard, provided that in the application of the provisions of this
section, only up to the centerline of such alley may be considered as part of
the yard for the building on either side of said alleys.
SECTION 13. PRIVATE ALLEYS - Private alleys or path covered
by easement of right-of-way may be considered as part of a required yard for
those buildings only for which such private alleys or easements are intended.
STRUCTURE - In any district where more than one structure may be
permitted to be erected on a single lot, the yard and other requirements of this
Zoning Ordinance shall be met for each structure as though it were erected on
an individual lot.
building hereafter erected or moved shall be on a lot adjacent to a public
street, or with access to an approved private street, and all structures shall be
so located on lots as to provide safe and convenient access for servicing, fire
protection and shall have the required off-street parking.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

BOUNDARY LINE - Lots abutting on a district boundary line shall conform
to the yard requirements of the more restrictive district boundary by the line.
SECTION 17. DWELLING GROUP - When it is impracticable to
apply the requirements of this Zoning Ordinance to individual building units
in a residential compound consisting of two (2) or more buildings, a permit
for the construction of such compound may be issued provided that the plans
thereof conform to the following conditions :

That the buildings are to be used only for residential

purposes and such accessory uses are permitted in the
district where the compound is located;


That the average lot area per family or dwelling unit in

the compound, exclusive of the area used or to be used
for streets or driveways, is not less than the lot area per
family required in the district;


That there is provided within the tract on which the

residential compound is to be located an open space for
playground purposes within an area equivalent to at least
an aggregate area of five percent (5%) of the required lot
area per family, but in no case less than 100 square
meters, provided that where the residential compound is
intended for less than ten (10) families, the setting aside of
such area for playground purposes is dispensed with as
this open space may be used as part of the yard
requirements for the compound;


That there is provided within the tract on which the

residential compound is to be erected or immediately
adjacent thereto an adequate private garage or off-street
parking area depending on the needs of the residents and
their visitors.


certificate of non-conformance for all non-conforming uses shall, upon proper
notice, be applied for with the Zoning Administrator by the owner or agent of
the property after payment of a fee in the amount of One Thousand Pesos
(P1,000.00) otherwise the non-conforming use may be condemned and
removed at the owners expense.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 87 SECTION 19. LEVELLED SIDEWALKS - The provisions of
Ordinance No. 927 which is an ORDINANCE REQUIRING OWNERS OF
continue to have its force and effect and shall be valid and subsisting upon the
approval of this Zoning Ordinance.
19.1 Service counters of any establishments shall not be
constructed or located immediately adjacent or
abutting a sidewalk. They shall be located in the
interior portion of the establishment.
service counters constructed or located in violation
hereof shall be renovated in conformity with the
foregoing provision within six (6) months from
approval of this Ordinance.
19.2 No portion of either entrance or exit ramps and
steps shall intrude into the sidewalk pavement,
neither a portion of gate openings shall swing
towards the sidewalk.

OUTSIDE THE BUILT-UP AREAS All proposed development or
improvement on lands, whether public or private, within the strip of 1000
meters along any existing, on-going or proposed public highway or road
outside the built-up areas of towns, cities and settlements shall secure a
locational clearance from the Human Settlements Regulatory Commission
pursuant to PD 399 and its implementing rules and regulations.
SECTION 21. ARCADES - The heights of arcades shall be in
accordance with the Arcade Development Plan of Cebu City. Whenever
required by existing building and zoning regulations, arcades shall be
The width of the arcade and its height shall be uniform throughout the
street; provided, that in no case shall an arcade be less than 5.00 meters
above the established sidewalk grade.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 88 1.

The following streets shall be provided with a uniform

arcade height of 5.00 meters above the established
sidewalk grade :

National Streets :

C. Padilla;
D. Jakosalem-Wharf to P. Del Rosario Section;
M.J. Cuenco-Legaspi to Gen. Maxilom;
Colon-Mabini to Guadalupe River Section;
Magallanes Street;
M.C. Briones Street;
F. Gonzales-Wharf to M.C. Briones Section;
F. Calderon Street;
Sanciangko-Osmena Blvd. to Guadalupe River
Osmena Boulevard;
A. Borromeo Street;
Gen. Maxilom Avenue
M.L. Quezon Boulevard
D. Jakosalem-P. Del Rosario to Gen. Maxilom;
V. Sotto Street;
Tupas Street;
Marginal Wharf Roads;
Lapulapu-Manalili to Estero Section;

1.1.19 P. Burgos Street;

1.1.20 R. R. Landon Street;
1.1.21 5th Street;
1.1.22 8th Street;
1.1.23 Fifth Avenue;
1.1.24 Fourth Avenue;
1.1.25 Arellano Boulevard.

City Streets :

Legaspi-M.J. Cuenco to Colon Section;

P. Gullas Street;
P. Lopez Street;
Progreso Street;
Sanciangko-Osmena Blvd. to D. Jakosalem
F. Gonzales-M.C. Briones to Osmena Blvd.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 89 1.2.07

Plaridel Street;
P. Del Rosario Street;
Manalili-M.J. Cuenco to Progreso Section;
Leon Kilat Street;
Tuti Street;
F. Rallos Street;
Espeleta Street;
Logarta Street;


commercial, industrial and institutional buildings of not less than four (4)
storeys shall provide an area of not less than twenty (20) square meters to be
utilized as cafeteria or canteen for the use of the occupants in said buildings.
22.1 The buildings aforementioned shall likewise provide an
elevator or escalator and the corresponding fees to be paid
therefor shall be the same rate provided under the
National Building Code of the Philippines (P.D. 1096).
SCHEDULE OF ROAD DETAILS - The purpose in providing a
Schedule of Road Details is to (a) establish the width of city streets or road
right-of-ways; (b) establish the width of sidewalks; and (c) establish a

schedule of arcaded streets and open sidewalks which shall be compulsory on

all applications for building construction.
For Schedule of Road Details, please refer to the next page.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

following restrictions and prohibitions in the construction of streets, roads
right-of-way, sidewalks and arcaded streets shall be observed :

All curbs and gutters shall be of the same height with a minimum
height of eight inches (8). A depressed curb and gutter is only
allowed on driveways.


No ramp extensions will be allowed beyond the curb and gutter

line towards the road.


All existing and proposed gasoline stations must submit their site
development plans for driveway entrance for approval by the
Cebu City Zoning Board.


All gasoline station signs must be approved by the Cebu City

Zoning Board as shown in their locations.


All building constructions shall conform to the Schedule of Road

Details and the grade and elevation of concrete curb and gutter
shall be established by the Office of the Building Official.


Only one entry point or driveway with a maximum width of 3.00

meters along the sidewalk shall be allowed for every lot fronting
the street. An exit point with the same width may be allowed
provided the length of the lot fronting the street shall not be less
than 15.00 meters.


The policy of nose-in nose-out shall be strictly adhered to in

the provision of parking slots or driveways.


No back out parking shall be allowed on all public roads;

(Back-out parking means backing the vehicle towards the road


Sidewalks shall immediately abut the street as per approved


2.10 All established roads right-of-way shall be free of free-standing

signs unless used for traffic control.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 102 2.11 A planting scheme shall be submitted for approval for sidewalks
with a schedule of planting strips prior to the approval of the
building permit.
2.12 No columns more than 1.00 meter in width shall be allowed
parallel to the road on arcaded areas.
2.13 No columns more than 0.80 meter in width shall be allowed
perpendicular to the road on arcaded areas.
2.14 No building encroachments shall be allowed on roads right-ofway.
2.15 All roads right-of-way should be free of any obstructions;
whether temporary, permanent or rolling.
2.16 In cases where the owner of the proposed road right-of-way has
not yet been paid, the Cebu City Zoning Board shall recommend
to the Sangguniang Panlungsod appropriation of funds to pay for
the said road right-of-way.
2.17 In cases where the owners sign a waiver indicating that they
would knock down the structure constructed on the road rightof-way at their own expense, the Cebu City Zoning Board shall
recommend to the Sangguniang Panlungsod appropriation of
funds for the payment of said road right-of-way to be used either
as road, sidewalks or planting strips.
SECTION 3. 3.1


All new roads within subdivisions approved by the Housing and

Regulatory Board under the standard set by the Subdivision and
Condominium Law shall conform to the Citys Neighborhood

Development Plans and to the approved Schedule of Road


The opening of new subdivisions classified as socialized housing

site under Batas Pambansa No. 220 as recommended by the
National Housing Authority may be exempted from the minimum
standards set by the Road Details provided at least one 10-meter
wide access road shall conform to the alignment of the
Neighborhood Plan.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.


New building construction shall be required to set back to the

required limits in accordance with the approved widening lines
as set by the Schedule of Road Details. Renovation or repairs of
existing buildings are exempted from this requirement provided
that there shall be no extension of its length and width towards
any side.


The owners, lessees, administrators or beneficial possessors of

any lot or building affected by any road widening project shall
be given a 90-day notice before the implementation of the same.
The implementation of the said road widening project may not
commence until after due compensation based on the
government appraisal value shall have been made.


Any lot or building owner may avail of tax credits for portion of
properties affected by the implementation of road opening and/or
road widening project.


Any person who violates
any of these provisions shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of
not less than FIVE HUNDRED PESOS (P500.00) but not more than
ONE THOUSAND PESOS (P1,000.00) or by imprisonment of not less
than ONE (1) MONTH but not more than SIX (6) MONTHS or both,
such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the court. In case of
violation by a corporation, partnership or association, the penalties
shall be imposed upon the erring officers.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

BUILDING - The lawful uses of any building, structure or land at a the time
of adoption or amendments of this Ordinance may be continued although such
use does not conform with the provisions of this Ordinance, provided that :

No such non-conforming use shall be enlarged or increased or

extended to occupy a greater area of land than that already
occupied by such use at the time of the adoption of this
Ordinance, or moved, in whole or in part, to any other portion
of the lot or parcel of land where such non-conforming use exists
at the time of the adoption of this Ordinance;


No such non-conforming uses which has ceased for more than

one (1) year or has been changed to a use permitted in the
district in which it is located shall again be revived as a nonconforming use;


Any non-conforming structure, or one or more of a group of nonconforming structures related to one use under the ownership,
which has been damaged by fire, flood, explosion, earthquake,
war, riot or other such force majeure may be reconstructed
and used as before, provided that such reconstruction is not
more than 50% of the assessed value of the structure or


The total structural repair and alteration that may be made in a

non-conforming structure shall not, during its remaining lifetime
that is, subsequent to the adoption of this Ordinance, exceed
twenty-five percent (25%) of its assessed value;


Such non-conforming use may be enlarged or extended only if

the entire building is thereafter devoted to conforming use;

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 105 6.

No such non-conforming use may be enlarged, increased or



No such non-conforming use may be enlarged, increased or

moved to displace any conforming use;


No such non-conforming structure may be enlarged or altered in

a way which increases its non-conformity, but any structure or
portion thereof may be altered to decrease its non-conformity;


No such non-conforming portion or structure may be destroyed

by any means to an extent of more than 50% of its replacement
cost at the time of destruction, it shall not be reconstructed
except in conformity with the provisions of this Ordinance;


Should such structure be moved for any reason, it shall thereafter

conform to the regulations for the district in which it is located
after it is moved; and


All non-conforming uses shall be subject to development

controls as prescribed by the Building Official or Plan
Enforcement and Regulation Center, as the case may be.


SECTION 1. ENFORCEMENT - This Zoning Ordinance shall be

enforced and administered by the Zoning Administrator who shall be
appointed by the City Mayor in accordance with the existing Civil Service
ADMINISTRATOR - The Zoning Administrator shall be a reputable person
of good moral character and shall possess specialized knowledge, training
and/or experience in physical planning, construction and/or technology.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 106 SECTION 3. DUTIES OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR The Zoning Administrator shall :

Strictly administer and enforce the provisions

of this Ordinance;


Issue a locational clearance on zoning in

collaboration with the Office of the Building
Official and the Housing and Land Use
Regulatory Board (HLURB) on cases where
and when warranted;


Maintain a record on all zoning permits,

zoning and land use verification certificates
and non-conforming uses;


Submit a monthly report to the Cebu City

Zoning Board on the following :

The progress and problems encountered

in the administration and enforcement of
this Ordinance making the necessary
comments and/or recommendations
therefor; and


All exceptions and variances granted by

the Cebu City Zoning Board in order to
correspondingly update the official
zoning maps and classification.


Recommend to the Mayor the issuance of an

order for the removal of any use in violation of
this Zoning Ordinance upon the owner, agent
or tenant of the building or land, or upon the
architect, builder, contractor or other persons
who commit or assist in the commission of the
said violation;


Forward to the Office of the City Attorney the

institution of appropriate legal actions for any
act or acts in violation of this Ordinance
committed by any person, natural or juridical;

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 107 3.7


Conduct investigation on all applications for

variancesfrom the zoning ordinances and
submit recommendations to the Cebu City
Zoning Board;
Take any other action authorized by this
Ordinance to ensure compliance with or
prevent violation of any of the provisions


Development Council shall be renamed as CEBU CITY ZONING BOARD
which shall be composed of the following :


City Mayor
- Chairman
City Dev. Coordinator
- Member
City Attorney
- Member
City Administrator
- Member
City Treasurer
- Member
City Assessor
- Member
City Engineer
- Member
Building Official
- Member
Chairman, Committee on
Police, Fire and Penology,
Sangguniang Panlungsod
- Member
Chairman, Committee on
Social Services, Urban Poor,
Housing and Urban Development,
Sangguniang Panlungsod
- Member
Representative from the
Academic Sector
- Member
Representative from the
Civic Sector
- Member
Representative from the
Business Sector
- Member
Representative from the
Professional Sector
- Member

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 108 SECTION 5. The CEBU CITY ZONING BOARD shall have the
following powers and duties :

To review on appeal the decision of the Zoning

Administrator concerning the interpretation,
administration and enforcement of this


To grant or deny, with or without conditions,

all applications for exceptions or variances in
accordance with the conditions herein set


To determine other uses in addition to those

specifically listed as permissible in each of the
Zoning Districts when in the judgement of the
Board such other uses are similar to and not
objectionable to the public welfare than those
listed. In no instance, however, shall the
Board determine, nor shall these regulations
be so interpreted, that a use shall be permitted
in a zone when such use is specifically listed
as first permissible in a less restricted zone;


To call upon the Station Commanders of the

Cebu City Police Stations or their authorized
representatives to assist in the enforcement of
this ordinance.

SECTION 6. MEETINGS - The Board, in furtherance of its duties

shall meet once a week at the place of its principal office in City Hall, Cebu
City, at a time designated by the majority of its members. For each meeting,
the members shall be entitled to an honorarium in the amount of FIVE
HUNDRED PESOS (P500.00) per member; Provided, however, that
collected or paid honorarium shall in no case exceed four (4) meetings a
SECTION 7. SECRETARIAT - To assist the BOARD in the
performance of its duties and functions, there is hereby created a Secretariat
which shall be composed of the following :

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 109 -


SECRETARY - who shall document the proceedings of

the BOARD; keep its records and other related
documents; notify the members of the scheduled meetings;
and to perform such other functions that the BOARD may
designate or assign;


PROCESS SERVER - who shall be incharge in the

sending of notices and other processes issued by the
BOARD to all parties concerned; and to perform such
other functions that the BOARD may designate or assign;



inspect all applications for variances/exceptions and any
other matters brought to the attention of the BOARD;
submit comments and recommendations on such matters
inspected; and to perform such other functions that the
BOARD may designate or assign;


The BOARD SECRETARY shall be taken from existing

personnel of the Office of the City Planning and
Development Coordinator or as designated by the
Chairman and shall be entitled to an honorarium in the
amount of THREE HUNDRED ( P300.00 ) Pesos for
every meeting attended;
EVALUATORS shall likewise be taken from the existing
personnel of the City Planning and Development
Coordinator and shall be entitled to reimbursement of
transportation expenses pursuant to existing auditing rules
and regulations.


SECTION 8. VARIANCES - Variances which are defined to be

exceptions of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be granted only by the
Cebu City Zoning Board after a public hearing shall have been conducted and
all concerned properly notified and given the opportunity to present their
comments and objections to the said application. Before an application for a
variance shall be granted, the BOARD must find :

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 110 8.1

that the strict application of the provisions of the

Zoning Ordinance would result in practical
difficulties or unnecessary hardships inconsistent

with the general purpose and intent of the zoning


that there are special circumstances applicable

to the subject property such as size, shape,
topography, location or surroundings that do not
apply generally to other property in the same
zone and vicinity;


that such variance is necessary for the

preservation and enjoyment of a substantial
property right or use generally possessed by
other property in the same zone and vicinity but
which because of special circumstances and
practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships, is
denied to the property in question;


that the granting of such variances will not be

materially detrimental to the public welfare or
injurious to the property or improvements in the
same zone or vicinity in which the property is
located; and


that the granting of the variance will not

adversely affect any element of the General
In granting a variance, the BOARD shall
impose such conditions as will remedy disparity
of privileges and which are necessary to protect
the public health, safety and welfare. A variance
shall not be used to grant a special privilege, nor
to permit a use substantially inconsistent with
the limitations upon other properties in the same
zone and vicinity, nor to grant relief from selfimposed hardships.
A variance granted under the provisions of this
Ordinance shall expire and become null and
void if the building or work authorized therein is
not commenced within a period of one (1) year
from the date of such grant.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 111 SECTION 9. SLIGHT MODIFICATIONS - The Cebu City Zoning
Board shall have the power and duty to grant slight modifications in yard and
area requirements of the Zoning Ordinance when circumstances make the
literal application of the yard and area requirements impractical.

In granting a slight modification, the BOARD may impose such

conditions as are deemed necessary to protect public health, safety and
granting of a variance and slight modification shall be as follows :
10.1 A written application for availment of a variance or
slight modification shall be filed with the Secretary
of the Board indicating thereon the section of this
Ordinance under which the same is sought and
stating the grounds therefor;
10.2 The Board Secretary shall fix the time and place for
the public hearing and same shall be published in
any local newspaper for three (3) consecutive days
prior to the scheduled public hearing;
10.3 A written notice of the public hearing shall be
served on the applicant, the owners of the
properties adjacent to the property which is the
subject of the application prior to the scheduled
public hearing. Notice of such hearing shall
likewise be posted on the property subject matter of
the application at the City Hall and in the Barangay
Hall of the barangay concerned at least one (1)
week prior to the said public hearing;
10.4 At the public hearing, any party concerned may
appear or his/her agent or counsel;

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 112 10.5 All applications for variance or slight modification
shall be acted upon by the Board within a period of
ten (10) days from the date said application is filed.
Any applications not acted upon after the period
aforestated shall be considered approved; provided,
however, that the running of said period shall be
stayed while the applications had been recognized

and subjected to deliberation/evaluation by the

decision/resolution of the Board shall become final and executory if after the
lapse of five (5) days from receipt of said decision/resolution, no motion for
reconsideration is filed with the Board. Only one motion for reconsideration
shall be allowed herein.


SECTION 12. ZONING PERMIT - For structures, areas and

buildings of any occupancy or mixed occupancy or occupied in connection
with a business, the Zoning Administrator shall certify that the business
applied for is in compliance with the zoning regulation. No Zoning Permit
and land use verification certificate shall be issued if new developments or
substantial change or use of occupancy had occured. Instead, application for
the new developments or change shall be applied for and the corresponding
change of occupancy shall be secured pursuant to P.D. 1096.
SECTION 13. BUSINESS PERMIT - Business permits shall be
issued only if the following documents are submitted and attached to the
application; inspection permits for zoning; electrical; mechanical; sanitary
and health certificates; certified copies of the certificate of occupancy, of
signboards erection permit and of fire safety, as shall be necessary. For those
buildings specifically without certificate of occupancy, or change of
occupancy and/or those buildings with signboards but without erection
permits, the owner shall be required to secure the same within six (6) months
from the date of issuance of the conditional business permit.
For this purpose, all business permit applications filed with the
Licensing Division of the Office of the Mayor shall be referred to other
appropriate offices.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 113 SECTION 14. ZONING FEES 14.1 Land Use Development Fees ROAD CONSTRUCTION

P200.00 for the first 10.00 linear meters;

P2.00 for every linear meter after 10.00 meters;
P200.00 minimum fee for a road length of less
than 10.00 meters.


P100.00 for the first 5.00 linear meters;

P1.00 for every additional linear meter after
5.00 meters;
P100.00 minimum fee for a bridge length of
less than 5.00 meters.


P50.00 for the first 10.00 linear meters;

P0.50 for every additional linear meter
after 10.00 meters;
P50.00 minimum fee for a drainage length
of less than 10.00 meters.

The application for the construction of privately-owned road, bridge

and drainage system shall be made with the CEBU CITY ZONING BOARD
for verification of conformity with the Citys Development Plans, and
thereafter approved by the City Engineer. The fees, as scheduled, shall be
collected by the City Treasurer.
14.2 Variance/Slight Modification Fees Application fee of P1,000.00 shall be collected by
the City Treasurer from applicants for variances and
P500.00 for slight modifications before it is acted

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 114 14.3 Certificate of Non-Conformance All establishments declared as non-conforming by
the CEBU CITY ZONING BOARD as per Revised
Zoning Ordinance, shall be made to secure a
Certificate of Non-Conformance. A fee as provided
under Article VI, Section 18, hereof shall be
collected by the City Treasurer for Certificate of
establishments shall attach their Non-Conforming
Certificates in applying for business permits.

15.1 Occupancy shall be classified in accordance with

Section 701 of Presidential Decree 1096, otherwise
known as the National Building Code of the Phils.:


Group J

Residential Dwellings
Residential Hotels and Apartments
Educational and Recreational
Business and Mercantile
Storage and Hazardous
Assembly other than Group I
Assembly occupant load 1,000
or more
- Accessory

15.2 Certificate of occupancy shall be issued, denied,

suspended and/or revoked pursuant to the provision
of P.D. 1096.
15.3 For any change of occupancy, a new certificate
must be secured subject to the provisions of
Section 309 of P.D. 1096;
15.4 Pursuant to the implementing rules and regulations
of P.D. 1096, a certified copy of the certificate of
occupancy or change occupancy shall be framed
and posted within the premises of the building or

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 115 business establishment. Violation of this provision
shall mean a fine of such amount to be determined
by the Cebu City Zoning Board and approved by
the Sangguniang Panlungsod and the City Mayor.
SECTION 16. Deed of Restrictions or Agreements of Commercial
and Residential Developers should be respected provided that the provisions
in the said deed are not less stringent than the provisions of this Ordinance.
SECTION 17. PENALTY - Any person who violates any of the
provision of this Ordinance shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of
not less than THREE THOUSAND PESOS (P3,000.00) nor more than FIVE
THOUSAND PESOS (P5,000.00) or by imprisonment of not less than six
(6) months nor more than one (1) year or both, such fine and imprisonment at
the discretion of the court.
In case said violation is committed by a
corporation, partnership or association, the penalty shall be imposed upon the
President and Manager thereof.

SECTION 18. AMENDMENTS - The Sangguniang Panlungsod

may, from time to time upon recommendations by the Cebu City Zoning
Board, alter, amend, modify, supplement or repeal any provision of this
Zoning Ordinance.
This Ordinance shall be subject to review every three (3) years.
SECTION 19. SEPARABILITY CLAUSE - Should any section or
provision of this Zoning Ordinance be declared by the Courts to be
unconstitutional or invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the
Zoning Ordinance as a whole or any part thereof, other than the part so
declared to be unconstitutional or invalid.
SECTION 20. REPEALING CLAUSE - Any Ordinance or parts
thereof which is/are inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance is
hereby amended or deemed modified.
SECTION 21. EFFECTIVITY CLAUSE - This Ordinance shall
take effect immediately upon its approval.
(Members dela Cerna and Young were out.)
- - - - o0o - - - -

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656

Page - 116 I HEREBY CERTIFY to the correctness of the aforequoted
Acting City Secretary
Presiding Officer


Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 117 ANNEX A

ACCESSORY USE - a use incidental and subordinate to the

principal use of the building and/or land.


ACCESSORIES OR ROW-HOUSES - a house/houses of not

more than two (2) storeys composed of a row of dwelling units entirely
separated from one another by party wall or walls and with an
independent entrance for each dwelling unit.



- changes in an
existing building involving interior or exterior work and/or increase or
decrease of the area of the building.


APARTMENT - a room or suite of two or more rooms, designed

and intended for, or occupied by one family for living, sleeping and
cooking purposes.


APARTMENT HOTEL - an apartment house which may furnish

dining room service and other services for the exclusive use of its


APARTMENT HOUSE - a building or portion thereof which is

designed, built, rented, leased, let or hired out to be occupied, or which
is occupied, as the home or residence of three or more families living
independently of each other and doing their own cooking in the
building, and shall include flats and apartments.


BANQUET HALL - a large building or place, public or private, used

for formal dining especially with speeches or with entertainment.


BOARDING HOUSE - a house where boarders are provided with

lodging, with five or more sleeping rooms and meals for fixed sum paid
by the month, or week, in accordance with previous arrangement.


BOTANICAL GARDEN - a tract of land used for the culture and

study of plants, collected and grown for scientific and display


BUILDABLE AREA - the remaining space in a lot after deducting

the required minimum open spaces.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 118 11.

BUILDING - any structure built for the support, shelter, or enclosure

of persons, animals, chattels, or property of any kind.


BUILDING ACCESSORY - a building subordinate to the main

building on the same lot and used for purposes customarily incidental
to those of the main building such as servants quarters, garage, pump
house, laundry, etc.


BUILDING, MAIN - one of which the principal use of the land on

which it is situated is conducted.


BUILDING HEIGHT - the vertical distance from the established

grade elevation to the highest point of the coping of a flat roof, to the
average height of the highest gable or a pitch or hip roof, or to the top
of the parapet, if the roof is provided with a parapet. In case of sloping
ground, the average ground level of the buildable area shall be
considered the established grade elevation.


BUILDING LINE - the line formed by the intersection of the outer

surface of the enclosing wall of the building and the surface of the


BUS TERMINAL - a private station where public utility buses

regularly discharge and received passengers and/or where such
vehicles are repaired and maintained.


COTTAGE INDUSTRIES - establishments or firms which conform

to the standards set forth by the Department of Trade and Industry


DISTRICT - any area of land which may comprise a portion of a


19. DORMITORY - a building where many persons are provided with

board and lodging facilities in a common hall for a compensation.

DWELLING - a building or any portion thereof which is not an

apartment house, lodging house, or a hotel, as defined in this
Ordinance which contains one or two dwelling units of guest
rooms, used, intended or designed to be built, rented, leased, let or
hired out to be occupied, or which are occupied for living purposes.


DWELLING, ONE-FAMILY - a detached building designated for,

or occupied exclusively by, one family.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 119 22.


house having one party wall and one side yard.


DWELLING, TWO-FAMILY, DETACHED - a house or structure

divided into two separate and independent living quarters by a wall
extending from the floor to the ceiling, and provided with two side
yards. Each portion provides complete living facilities for the



dwelling as above defined except that it is provided with one side yard.


DWELLING, MULTI-FAMILY - a building used as a house or

residence of three (3) or more families living independently from one
another, each occupying one or more rooms as a single housekeeping


FAMILY - a group of individuals living under one roof and

considered as part of a single housekeeping unit.


FILLING STATION - a retail station servicing automobiles and

other motor vehicles with gasoline and oil only.


GARAGE - a building or portion thereof in which a motor vehicle

containing gasoline, distillate or other violative, flammable liquid in
tanks is stored, repaired, or kept.


GARAGE COMMERCIAL - a garage where automobiles and

other motor vehicles are housed, cared for, equipped, repaired or kept
for renumeration, hire or sale.


GARAGE PRIVATE - a building or a portion of a building in which

only motor vehicles used by the tenants of the building or buildings on
the premise are stored or kept.


NON-COMMERCIAL GARAGE - see private garage.


GUARD HOUSE - an accessory building or structure used by a

security guard while on duty.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 120 33.

HOME OCCUPATION - any manufacturing activity especially of

home-made products wherein no outside employees are hired and no
machineries are being used.


HOSPITAL - an institution providing health services primarily for inpatient, and medical or physical care of the sick or injured, included as
an integral part of the institution, such related facilities as laboratories,
out-patient department, training facilities, and staff offices.


HOTEL - a building with rooms occupied or intended to be occupied

for hire as temporary boarding place of individuals with a general
kitchen and public dining room service but no provision for cooking in
any individual suite or room.


LODGING HOUSE - any building or portion thereof, containing not

more than five guest rooms which are used by not more than five
guests where rent is paid in money, goods, labor or otherwise.


LOT - a parcel of land on which a principal building and its

accessories are placed or may be placed together with the required
open spaces. A lot may or may not be the land designated as lot on
recorded plot.


LOT DEPTH - to mean horizontal distance between the front line

and the rear lot line of a lot measured within the lot boundary:

Corner Lot - a lot situated at the junction of two or more

streets, forming an angle or lot more than one hundred
thirty five degrees.


Inside Lot - a lot fronting on but one street or public alley

and the remaining sides bounded by a lot line.


Through Lot - an inside lot with frontage of the street.


Width Lot - the average horizontal distance between the

side lot lines.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 121 39.

MANUFACTURING INDUSTRY - an industry which involves the

chemical or mechanical transformation of inorganic products whether
the transformation is done by a power-driven machine or by hand or
whether it is done in a factory or in the workers house.


MEZZANINE - a low story between two-lofty ones, it is called by the

French Entresol or Inter-Story; said area shall not be more than 50%
of the floor where it belongs.


MOTEL any structure with several separate units, primarily

located along the highway or close to a highway, where motorists may
obtain lodging with parking space and, in some instances, meals.


MUSEUM - a non-profit, non-commercial establishment operated as

a repository, or a collection of nature, scientific or literary curiosity or
objects of interest such as works of art. This doesnt include the
regular scale of distribution of the objects collected.


NURSERY/DAY CARE CENTER - a place where children are

temporarily cared for and trained in the parents absence.


PARK - a pleasure ground set apart for recreation of the public to

promote its health and enjoyment.


PARKING BUILDING - a building of several floors used for

temporary parking of motor vehicles or various floors and may be
provided with services allowed for service stations.


PARKING LOT - an off-street open area, the principal use of which

is for the parking of motor vehicles by the public whether for
compensation or not or as accommodation to clients or customers.


P H - negative logarithm of Hydrogen ion concentration.


P.P.M. - parts per million.


PRIVATE PET HOUSE - a building or structure for the keeping of

domestic pets for the enjoyment and/or protection of the members of
the family residing within the dwelling.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 122 50.

PROFESSIONAL OFFICE - the office of a person engaged in any

occupation, vocation or calling not purely commercial, mechanical, or
agricultural, in which professed knowledge in some department of
science or learning is used by its practical application to the affairs of
others, either advising or guiding them in serving their interest or
welfare through the practice of an art found therein.


RECREATIONAL CENTER - a place, compound of building or a

portion thereof open to the public for recreational and entertainment


RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM - a building containing at least

five or more apartment units with common areas and facilities, each
apartment owner having exclusive ownership and possession of his


RESTAURANT/OWNER EATERIES - a rental establishment

primarily engaged in the sale of prepared food and drinks for
consumption on the premises.


a printed or photographically
reproduced series of four shades or gray by which density of smoke
emissions from incinerators or other smoke stacks may be estimated.
A clear stack is recorded as 0 while a 100% black smoke is recorded as
No. 5.
Shades of Gray :
80% dense smoke recorded as No. 4;
60% dense smoke recorded as No. 3;
40% dense smoke recorded as No. 2;
20% dense smoke recorded as No. 1.


SERVANTS QUARTERS - a room within the dwelling or in an

accessory building where servants, maids or helpers of the family are

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 123 56.

SERVICE STATION - a building and its premises where gasoline,

oil, grease, batteries, tires and car accessories may be supplied and
dispensed at retail and where, in addition, the following services may
be rendered and sales made and no other:

Sale and servicing of spark plugs, batteries and distributor



Tire servicing and repair, but not recapping or regroving;


Replacement of mufflers and tail pipes, water hose, fan

belts, brake fluids, light bulbs, fuses, floor mats, seat
covers, windshield wipers and wiper blades, greases,
retainers, wheel, bearing, mirrors and the like;


Radiator cleansing flushing;


Washing and polishing, and sale of automotive washing

and polishing materials;


Greasing and lubrications;


Emergency wiring repairs;


Minor servicing of carburators;


Adjusting and repairing brakes;


Minor motor adjustments involving removal of the head

or crankcase or raising the motor;


Sale of soft drinks, packaged foods, tobacco and similar

convenient goods for service station customers and
incidental to the principal operations.


Provision of road maps and other informational materials

to customers, provision of rest rooms facilities.

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 124 Uses permissible at a filling station do not include major
mechanical and body work, straigthening of body parts, painting,
welding, storage of automobiles not in operating conditions or other
works involving noise, glare, fumes, smoke, or other characteristics to
any extent greater than normally found in service stations. A service
station is not a repair garage nor a body shop.

SHOPPING CENTER - a group of not less than 15 contiguous

retail stores originally planned and developed as a single unit with
immediate adjoining off-street parking facilities.


STABLES - any structure designed and intended for the enclosure,

shelter or protection of any horse or carabao.


COMMERCIAL STABLES - a stable wherein the animals kept

are for business or racing purposes.


STORE - a building or structure devoted exclusively to the retail sale

of a commodity or commodities.


THEATER - a structure used for dramatic, operatic, motion picture

and other performances, admission to which entrance money is
received and no audience participation and meal service are allowed.



structure regularly catering to tourists and travelers, containing several
independent rooms, providing common facilities such as toilet,
bathrooms, living and dining rooms, and kitchen and where a
combination of board and lodging may be provided.


TOURIST ORIENTED PROJECT foreign and local visitors legal projects.


WAREHOUSE - any building, the primary purpose of which is the

storage of goods, wares, merchandise, utilities and/or another personal

a composite attraction of

Res. No. 1441, Ord. No. 1656, contd.

Page - 125 65. YARD - an open space at grade between a building and the adjoining
lot lines unoccupied and unobstructed by any portion of a structure
from the ground upward:



Front Yard - the yard lying between the side lot line and
between the front lines of the lot and the
nearest building lines.


Side Yard


Rear Yard - the yard lying between the side lot lines
and between the rear lines of the lot and
the nearest building line.

- the yard lying between the side line of the

lot and the nearest building line between
the front yard and the rear yard line, or
between the front and the rear lot lines in
the absence of the front and the rear yards.

NON-CONFORMING USE - a legal use of a building or tract of

land in existence at the date of the adoption of this Ordinance, which
does not conform with the use and regulation of the zone where it is
situated, or such use in existence at the date of the adoption of
amendments to the Ordinance which does not conform with the use and
regulations of the zone where it is situated.

67. EASEMENT - an encumbrance imposed on an immovable for the

benefit of another immovable belonging to a different owner.
68. ZONING - in general, the demarcation of a community into zones
and established regulations to govern the use of the land (commercial,
industrial, residential, types of residential, etc.) and the location, bulk,
height, shape, use and coverage of structure within each zone. (Taken
from the HSC Glossary prepared by the D.A.P.).
69. ZONING PERMIT - an official finding that a planned use or
structure complies with the Zoning Regulations or is allowed by the
granting of an exception or variance. No new development or
substantial change of use can occur until such permit is issued. (Taken
from the HSC Glossary prepared by the D.A.P.).

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