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Project Name: Im Watching You

Page: 1

Close Up shot of laptop,

Zooms out to a Mid Shot of

Point of View from laptop and a

Close Up of Kates Facebook

variation of photos of Kate,

computer screen, which shows

Close Up showing Kates face.

message from Scott

Sarah and Scott appears.

Kates Facebook profile page.

Close Up as Kates face is seen.

Low Angle Mid Shot of Kate

Long Shot of Scott in his

Over the Shoulder Close Up at

taking a photo of her underwear


Scott looking at his phone.

on bed.

Project Name: Im Watching You

Page: 2

Long Shot of Kate sitting on

Low Angle Close Up of Kates

Close Up of Kates face as she

Point of View from phone



replies to Scotts message.

looking at a Close Up of Kate,

she removes her jumper and
takes a photo.

Title appears in the center of

frame, Im Watching You

Close Up of Scotts face.

Mid Shot of Scott and the

Mid shot of Computer screen as

camera Tracks him walking

Scott drags the photo to a

towards his laptop.


Project Name: Im Watching You

Extreme Close Up of the

loading bar.

Close Up of Scotts face.

Page: 3

High Angle Mid Shot of Kate

Mid Shot of Kate lying on her

lying on her bed

bed, shot from her right side


Point of View from phone and a

Point of View from Kate and a

Mid Shot of Kate and Panning

Point of View from laptop with

Close Up of Kates face.

Close Up of phone which shows

as she walks towards her laptop.

a Mid Shot of Kates facial

messages from Sarah.


Project Name: Im Watching You

Page: 4

Extreme Close Up of Kates

Long Shot of Kate walking

Close Up of her feet as she


down the street.


Close Up of her left arm.

Mid Shot of her upper body.

Extreme Close Up of her eyes.

Close Up of her right arm.

Over the Shoulder Mid Shot of


Project Name: Im Watching You

Page: 5

Point of View from Sarah as she

Over the Shoulder Long Shot of

Zooms In to a Mid 2 Shot of

Mid 2 Shot of Kate and Sarah

looks at a Mid Shot of Kate and

Sarah as she walks towards

Sarah and Kate.

sitting on a bench.

Scott arguing. They will be

Kate and they hug each other.

framed by the window.

Over the Shoulder Mid Shot of

Over the Shoulder Mid Shot of

Over the Shoulder Mid Shot of

Wide Shot of Sarah walking

Kate looking at Sarah while

Sarah looking at Kate while

Kate looking at Sarah while

down a street.

Sarah says, Maybe theres

Kate says, Like what.

Sarah says, Leave it to me.

something we can do.

Project Name: Im Watching You

Close Up Shot of her heels as

Close Up of her shirt showing

she walks.

her cleavage.

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Close Up of Sarahs face.

Point of View from Sarah and a

Close Up of her phone as she
receives a text message and
replies, Revenge.

Low Angle Close Up of Sarahs

High Angle Long Shot of Kate

Close Up of Kates face resting

face smiling.

lying flat on her bed.

her chin on her hands.

Long Shot of Scott and Sarah.

Project Name: Im Watching You

Close Up of Sarah laughing.

Point of View from Kate

looking at her phone, which
reads, Sarah sent a photo.

Page: 7

Mid Shot of Scott as he takes

High Angle Shot of Kate lying

Close Up of Kate looking at her

his top off.

flat on her bed.

phone and it buzzes.

Close Up of Kates reaction.

Mid Shot of Kate opening up

Close Up of Kates hand on the

her laptop.


Project Name: Im Watching You

Close Up of the mouse cursor

Extreme Close Up of Kates

hovering above the upload


Page: 8

Extreme Close Up of Kates


Close Up of her hand on the

mouse as she clicks.


Extreme Close Up of Kate

Close Up of Kate hovering

Close Up of loading bar

Close Up of Kates face as she

biting her lips.

above the cancel button.

reaching 100%.

breathes heavily.

Project Name: Im Watching You

Page: 9

Close Up of screen, which

Long Shot of Sarah walking

Over the Shoulder Mid Shot from

Close Up of Kates face as she

reads, Upload Successful

into Kates bedroom and is

Sarah looking at Kate and says, I

sighs before nodding.

standing opposite her.

got it! Naked like the day he was

born. Did you upload it?

Long Shot of Sarah walking

Mid 2 Shot of Kate and Sarah

Close Up of Kates face as she

Mid 2 Shot of Sarah and Kate

over to Kate and sits next to her

sitting on her bed. Sarah says,

looks down, hesitates and says,

sitting on Kates bed, they turn

on bed.

Thatll teach him! How do you


their heads towards the

feel now? Was it worth it?

cameras direction as the laptop


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