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Joanne Chapman Teacher's Book Updated for the revised FCE real MACMILLAN Contents Laser B1+ Teacher's Book Introduction ......... Unit | Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 Unit II Unit 12 Unit 13 Unit 14 Unit 15 Unit 16 Student’s Book Tapescripts 4 Family Ties...... ol The Open Road 18 Show you know! Units }-2...nu.26 Killing Time... Work Wonders 6 Show you know! Units 3-4 wu:44 The Global Village ...noceonennon 46 Come Rain or Shine... Show you know! Units 5-6 A Matter of Taste Out and AbOUE son Show you know! Units 7-8... Lab Report .. Let Me Entertain You Show you know! Units 9-10. The Learning Curve . Fighting Fit runnin Unit Test | Show you know! Units 11-12..116 | Art Attack Game, Set and Match Show you know! Units 13-14..134 Up in Smoke... sous 36 On the Run. 144 Show you know! Units 15-16..152 154 Photocopiable Tests 164 Unit Test 2 .. 167 Unit Test 3... Unit Test 4 Unit Test 5 176 Term Test ne 179 Unit Test 6 .. 182 Unit Test 7 sso. 185 Unit Test 8 ..... Unit Test 9... AIL Unit Test 10.. 194 Term Test 2 .. Unie Test Harn Unit Test 12 208 Unit Test 13 206 Unit Test 14... 209 Unit Test 15 212 Unit Test 16 vcncnnennn 215 Term Test 3 .. 218 Final Test. 221 Keyan 228 Tapescripts cnn 233 CD Tracklist. 240 people and ships E Family Ties page 6 transport The Open Road page |4 ‘Show you know! units 1-2 page 22 Killing Time page 24 Work Wonders Show you know! units 3-4 page 40 the media, communications The Global Village page 42 the weather ‘Come Rain or Shine page 50 Show you know! units 5-6 page 58 food and drink A Matter of Taste page 60 travel and tourisin Out and About page 68 Show you know! units 7-8 page 76 _—, scanning for specific formation (ECE Readi Part 3) scanning for specific information (ECE Reading Part 1) recognising discourse markers (FCE Reading Part 2) scanning for specific information (FCE Reading Part 3) scanning for specific information (FCE Reading Part 2) understanding mai concepts (FCE Reading Part 1) grammatical referencing (FCE Reading Part 2) text type and function (FCE Reading Part 3) 46> present (simple and continuous) tense review past (simple and tense review: present perfect, (simple and continuous) tense review: past perfect (simple and continuous) the passive the future (1) will, going to, present (simple and continuous) reported speech infinitives and -ing forms, key topic vocabulary, ‘word formation (prefixes) phrasal verbs with up, ‘metaphors (people) key topic vocabulary, conusable words, collocations (transport) key topic vocabulary, idioms (time), phrasal verbs with down, metaphors (time) key topic vocabulary, ‘word formation (suffixes), confusable words key topic vocabulary, phrasal verbs with on, Idioms (the media) key topic vocabulary, collocations (weather), confusable words key topic vocabulary, phrasal verbs with ou, collocations (cooking) key topic vocabulary, word formation (irregular forms), metaphors (life) @ FS predicting (FCE Listening Part 1), Soundbite: / and /ih identifying location (FCE Listening Part 2), Soundbites /w/ and /e! understanding attitude (FCE Listening Part 3), Soundbites /al listening for specific information (FCE Listening Part 4), Soundbites silent letters (1) listening for gist (FCE Listening Part 1), Soundbite: /a/ listening for specific information (FCE Listening Part 2), Soundbite: weak forms (1) identifying roles (FCE Listening Part 3), Soundbite: (ki, /g/ and Jaf listening for specific information (FCE Listening Part 2), Soundbite: /s/ and /2/ talking about family (FCE Speaking Part 1) comparing (FCE Speaking Part 2) ‘making suggestions (FCE Speaking Part 3) expressing uncertainty (FCE Speaking Part 4) talking about experiences (FCE Speaking Part 1) speculating (FCE Speaking Part 2) agreeing and disagreeing (FCE Speaking Part 3) aiving examples (FCE Speaking Part 4) stative verbs, ‘word patterns (FCE Use of English Part 1) would, used to, be wed to sword patterns (FCE Use of English Part 2) articles, synonyms (FCE Use of English Part 4) ‘comparatives and superlatives (FCE Use of English Part 3) countable and uncountable nouns, homonyms (FCE Use of English Part 3) question tags, (FCE Use of English Part 1) Indirect questions, prepositions (FCE Use of English Part 2) prefer, would rather, hhad beter, parts of speech (FCE Use of English Part 4) selecting correct register, informal lever/emall res essay ng an argument, awareness of target reader, informal letter/email layout and text structure, report using descriptive language, story selecting appropriate style, article using prompts, formal letter/email using set phrases, letter of application science and scanning for specific technology information (FCE Reading Part 2) ‘entertainment distinguishing fact and opinion (FCE Reading Part 1) Let Me Entertain You page 86 ‘Show you know! units 9-10 page 94 ‘education lexical referencing (FCE Reading Part 2) The Learning Curve page 96 health and scanning for specific firness information (FCE Reading Part 3) Fighting Fit page 104 Show you know! units 11 +12 page 112 theartsand understanding main. music points (CE Reading Part 2) Art Attack page |14 sport understanding text structure (FCE Reading Part 1) Game, Set and Match page 122 Show you know! units 13-14 page 130 fe the environment grammatical ee (FCE Reading Part 2) Up in Smoke page 132 crime scanning for specific information (FCE Reading Part 3) (On the Run page 140 Show you know! units 15-16 page 148 Writer's database page 150 Word pattern database page 156 Phrasal verb database page |57 ‘Speaking database page 158 Grammar database page 159 conditionals (1): zero, first, second ‘modals (1) relative clauses result clauses s, such, 9, ‘enough the causative ‘modals (2): modal perfect the future (2) future perfect (simple and continuous), future continuous conditionals (2): third key topic vocabulary, collocations, phrasal verbs with off key topic vocabulary, confusable words, collocations (entertainment) key topic vocabulary, phrasal verbs with over, ‘metaphors (the mind) key topic vocabulary, collocations: make/ do, metaphors (problems) key topic vocabulary, word formation (sulfixes), metaphors (description) key topic vocabulary, collocations, phrasal verbs with other particles key topic vocabulary, confusable words, ‘metaphors (ideas) key topic vocabulary, word formation (irregular forms), ‘word patterns En ee ee ee listening for specific information (FCE Listening Part 1), Soundbite: /s/ and /f/ predicting (FCE Listening Part 2), Soundbite: /9) predicting (FCE Listening Part 3), Soundbite: stress (1) listening for gist (FCE Listening Part 4), Soundbite: axl, Js and ei ‘identifying relationships (FCE Listening Part 1), Soundbites silent letters (2) listening for specific information (FCE Listening Part 2), Soundbite: stress (2) ‘understanding purpose (FCE Listening Part 3), Soundbite: /0/ and (a0! listening for specific information| (FCE Listening Part 2), Soundbite: weak forms (2) talking about hopes, (FCE Speaking Part 1) expressing attitude and pinion (FCE Speaking Part 2) prioritising (ECE Speaking Part 3) discourse management (FCE Speaking Part 4) talking about interests (FCE Speaking Part 1) comparing (FCE Speaking Part 2) expressing attitude and pinion (FCE Speaking Part 3) seeking darification (FCE Speaking Part 4) snes, in cas, as long as, ‘word patterns (FCE Use of English Part 2) parts of speech, ‘word formation (prefixes) (FCE Use of English Part 3) relative pronouns and prepositions, word patterns {FCE Use of English Part Infinitives of purpose, ‘word patterns. (PCE Use of English Part 2) gradable and ungradable adjectives and adverbs, synonyms (FCE Use of English Part 4) the unreal past, common mistakes (FCE Use of English Part 2) transferred negation, ‘word formation (FCE Use of English Part 3) ‘wishes and regrets, pacts of speech FCE Use of English Part 4) <9r paragraphing. informal letter/email cohesion, essay selecting correct register, {informal letter/email awareness of purpose, report ‘making recommendations, review selecting correct register, article using prompts, formal letter/email paragraphing, letter of application © Contents Family Ties Grammar: present simple and present ‘continuous / stative verbs topic vocabulary / word formation (prefixes) / phrasal verbs with up / metaphors (people) scanning for spectic information predicting talking about family selecting correct register Mand fi Reading Part 3; Listening Part 1; ‘Speaking Part 1; Use of English Part 1, Wing Part 2 (informal ltter/eral) * The phrase any ties means close connections or relationships between people within the same family eg Fomiy ties have become weaker over the past fify ears. * Write the phrase family ties on the board. Ask students what they think the ttle refers to, ‘Explain the meaning ofthe phrase family ties ‘Write the example sentence given above on the board * Elicit suggestions as to what the unit might be about CE family tes Family ties have become weaker over the past fy years ‘Aim: to introduce the topics that will be covered inthe unit * Read the Leok ahead box aloud to your students or ask a student to read it ‘+ Ask students to describe how families can be different. (¢g large families, small famikes, one-parent families, etc) Hime to medic e opi of aie trough personal oe Aik saders to workin prs to tak about the queso inthe Stan's Book Woda die Haaisay au ea ty as a *ifyou peer condi econ mele he whol ch by ruig he qetos and ning tre acento peteremen one © Before students attempt this task write these phrases on the board: close family and extended far * Elicit from the students which family members they would put ato each category. You might need to prompt them by offering a few suggestions, eg brother, cousin father, grandmother, ete (Chose family refers to those family members to whom you are directly related, for example, a parent, cid, brother or sister Extended family refers to those family members outside the close family and includes grandparents, cousins and aunts and uncles) * Ask students to write down as many words for members of a <10> Unit @ © You may wish to set a time limit of one or two minutes for this * Ask them to tick those people who belong to their close family and those who belong to their extended famly. » Exercise 1 ‘Rim: to scan for specifc information © Students are now going to read a magazine article about different families. Begin by asking if they can tell you what the title of the magazine article means and iit tel ther anything about the types of families that they are going to read about. * Asc students to read the article This can be done individually asa cass activity with different students being asked to different sections aloud to the rest of the class. ‘© Remind students that at ths stag they do not need to Understand all of the vocabulary as items will be covered in the Word Box section. © Elicit answers from a few students as to which family sounds most lke theirs and wry. ‘Background information 1 takes a sort iso short frm ofthe saying.‘ takes ol sors 10 moe 2 wor refers tothe fac hat people can be very aferent fom each rer eg nk Jocks aso ppl song, but en | suppose takes al sors This EEN * In order to check your students! understanding of the gist ofthe passage, elict the answers to the questions below. * Remind students that they don't have to reread large parts of, the passage but should look for clues or key words that might help them find the answer The key words have been undertined in each sentence 1 Who lives inAmerica? (Scott White) 2 Who has a stepmother coled Ina? (Mott Corna) 3 Who thinks she is very ck? (Btenbeth MeCIoud) ‘4 Who uses their computer a ot? (Julia Botha) 5 Who ploy ic hacky? Joshua Pome) Family Ties » Exercise 2 x ‘Rim: 10 skim for git to answer true or fale questions jo introduce new vocabulary * Read the frst question together * Before students do this exercise ask them to read the + Reming students that they can look atthe article, but they sentences. don't need to read it in deta again + Remind them of the importance of deciding before they . yer and ask students to justfyit by reading directly complete the sentences whether they need to look fora noun, adjective or verb inthe passage, «© Reming students ofthe importance of undertning where they _* Ask students to work individually or with a partner to found the © Ask students t est of the exercise 1 Ask students if there: they did't know the n te of the words and to look them ne start of the next ed reading the arte and whether t 1d get them to justify ther answers the passage. exercze. ly or with a partner to do the * Elicit answers. + words in the passage ring of * Bicit answers, asking for justification from the passage {LF ‘The worst thing i that I hare a room with Tom’ 2: 1 keep in ouch with fiends back home by emai! False ~ she keeps in touch with fends. not famiy 3% Toe 48: She has ling fay. ol the same onl cid SR Noboy realy cores Were al just 2 spot 3 dvorced > Brercise 3 4 remomes Aim: to practise an exam-type tak 5 sepssier * First mind students ofthe best way to approach i so that Skovng they becorne famitar wth exam teehrique 1 axopred ‘Remind ther ofthe importance of looking for key words or Saif broter phrases which a similar in meaning to the words in the quest ‘© Remand ther, too, ofthe importance of underlining where they the answer within the passage, as this makes it mu ‘quicker and easier for them to be able to justify and check oa choose five words from the Word Box: un sentences with the word missing ansne write their wap their sentences with a partner and try to fil * Fray erin them that some ofthe people maybe chosen more ® Students th ‘han once and that zome questions have mare than one answer in the missing word, * Ack students to work individually or witha partner * Blt answers, asking for justification from the passage. 1.3 (in any order) Ce Te gota stepbrother David and stepsister once? ‘Beng adopted is cfc fr many children Te got a brother stepsister and a half brother 4-5 (inany order) ‘A: The worst hing is thot | share a room wit Tom’ Bs “#5 qute neh There ae sof times when | dont have nyore to play with 6 Cé Tlve most ofthe year here with my dad and spend every summer with Mur in Chicogo! 17: ‘tsourds strange ond abit compleated butt st realy” 8B: Julio Botho is fern South Mica... Her fy is ng n London at the moment Sometimes | wonder about my rea family Josh and his brothers... have their own ice hockey team and they practise every evening’ what their family is «ily > Brercise 1 ‘Aim: to review present tenses * Before students do the exercises on tis page, ask them to the lesson starts. * The first exercise refers back tothe reading passage so that students can se the grammar in question being used in context. * Read the sentences and ask students to tell you which tense is being used in each sentence. ‘Ask students to match each sentence to its explanation. 1d 2e 30 4c 56 i to write fve sentences of their own, which can be mal ta # Ack student matched to the lit of explanations in ae » Brercise 2 fi * Students work individually or with a partner to do the exercise * Blt 10 practise using present tenses in context asking students to give reasons fr thelr answer fe nformation i the Grammar database 1. goes: a regular habit 2 ae staying: a temporary stuaton 3 doesn't drive: a general obit 4 lives a genera rth 5 argue: reguior habit » Exercise 3 im: to practise using present tenses * First ite this sentence on the board: am playing voteybal fs © Ask students to explain to you what i wrong with the tence (The present simple is used to tak about habits) * Go through the first sentence together © Tel them # Ask lethea 1 Aske regu Asie What ten © Remind students to go through this process of asking themselves questions about the sentence before they filin the gaps. * Students then work individually or with a partner to do the note the missing verb for the moment ing or on action? (an action) habit or a temporary situation (a regular habit) clo we use for regular habit? (present simple) 1g0 2ore ving 3 omleaming 4 dent lke 5.om tying 6 see {am playing volleyball for my loc » Brercise 4 to further practise using present tenses «First go through the frst one together Tall the missing words 1 Ask tha feeling or on actin? (an act © Asics ita temporary sitvation? (a habit) © Askls a regr habit (an annoying habit) + Aske What tense do we use for annoying habs? (present team, * Students then work indvidualy or with a partner to do the |My brothers abways complaining about me to my parents 2 In ou house, we always eat inner together and ike ft 3 My stepsster plays the piano and she knows hundreds of songs. ‘4 chink Muri having a shower She usualy has a shower at hs tre 5 My relationship wth my sster is gertng better 6 dont believe everything my brother tls me. » Bxarcise 5 to ident incorrect use of present tenses © Students now work individually to find si mistakes in a short paragraph + Remind them tore hich they thine urage them to ask themselves the kind of questions that they were asked in exercises 3 and 4 * Students should then work individual * Blcit answers «© After students have completed this exercise, write this sentence (on the board: My mum is being a teacher and my dd is working from students why the present contruous is used in the Underlined part ofthe sentence. (isa temporary stuation) © Elcit whys being a teacher‘is incorrect. (The prese is used for general truths:My mum is o teacher...) 1d through the text once, undertning verbs line 42s being should bei! line 7:_ Its feling should bet fel line 8: 1am not arguing’ should be: dont ave’ line 9: gts worse’ shoud bes getting worse line 12: Yom teling’should be te" line 13: My cousin Tm, stays’ should be: My cousin Tim s staying’ on) My mum is being a teacher and my dod is working os a water unt fe finds a etter job «12> Family ee > Exercise 1 es used to deseribe p 1 Either do this exercise as a class, or divide the class into small ups and encourage ther to uve a dictionary in order to fn the meaning of any unknown words + Bei pst Ask students to do the © Elicit answers ambidous 2 pessimistic 3 popular 4 amusing § generous G-sensive 7 optimistic 8 sesh 9 considerate 10 modest 11 orogont ‘© Write the headings positive and negatne on the board he lst of adjectives inthe Students to tell you which they think ae positive 1 Ask students to look a Book an oe positive ‘mbicus/popularfomusinglgenerosiserstvel coptimistclconsideratelmodest scriptions of someone's character and which are negative negative pessimsticlsefishlorogant © Brainstorm any other descriptive adjectives that elicit which category they should ft int. * Encourage indvidual students to come up and write their ideas ‘on the board hey know a » Exercise 2 ‘Aim: to practise forming negative adjectives by adding a prefix * In this exercise students have to find the negative adjective Remind students, however, that in exam-type word formation exercises they will ned to work out whether the word * Ask students to look at the ag brainstorm ary opposites hich t write them on the board, © Students then work indwidually 0 the sentences, ‘oud be postive or negative. tives in bold an ey might know already and with a partner to compl Lurkind 2impoite 3 unctracive 6 incapable 7 lego! 8 irelerane 4 unfor-5 dishonest yh coe op wth Unit © > Exercise 3 Jim: to introduce phrasal verbs with up * Point out to students that phrasal verb etc) sometimes have meanings that have hat share the same verbs here use up and they al something in common. Al save something to do with things appearing or being made to ‘Ask students to look at the phrasal verbs and ask: Which phrasal verb might me have @ sudden idea? (think up) Students then work dividual to complete the sentences Eicit answers Rernind students that sometimes phrasal verbs can have more than one mean «After students have completed this tsk, write on the board ' Elect which ofthe phrasal verbs From exercise 3 could fit this tence. (make courage students to make a note ofthe ciflerent mearings of phrasal verbs in their notebook out, etc particle. (up down, ‘Liuns up 2 comes up 3 thinks up 4 makes up § brings up SY Ifyou » your friend, ‘ome fiends agan. > Exercise & ‘Aim: to introcuce students to metaphorical words used for ibing people «Ask students to look at the w end of person they might be used to ord in the box and to try to speculate about wha «© AsleIfget angry easly, might be described as what? ( tempered) ‘Explain that words connected to heat are often associated with anger and that words associated with describe a person who isn't very friendly or kind cold are offen used to Encourage students to underline other acectves or phrase which appear in the sentences which might act as cues «Students then work individually or with a pa the sentences, * Blt answers. ner to complete Lcoldhearted 2worm 3 hottempered 4 cool 5 icy Suggested Homework < 13> Family Ties P Beceet Him to practise the sil preton ¢ Bator stars step ths task writ on the board He ws rely emayed becuse | et back ot ming Agk ie e atie. ola aioched tet wtih ofthe res option full be mated wi the stance one bowd (ptr 4) «Ak Whig he erage 50 0s fed 8 wos he Cored ere? (perhaps dod cae home a os wating stead cong ry honeve) « Gat any suggestion that healers ray hve and encourage patie perepbichereiaielpet + Do the sme or the rearing queione PT He was realy annoyed because | cidn' get back until midnight » Exercise 2 ‘Rim: to listen for gst and practise an exar-type task * Students now listen to five people talking in fve diferent situations. ‘Remind students that they will hear each extract twice and that they should sten to the whole of the extract before they decide on the answer * Play the listening text * Elcit answers asking students to justify their answers by paraphrasing what they heard. [@ Tack?) 1B: ‘He thinks I study as soon a get home on Frid but ‘normal go into his ofc and havea gore of Net Kile on ‘the computec He cought me and went mad 2. ‘.. and she helps he cles to bul whotever they went to uit! 3B: The speaker mentions speaking to his fier and the foc that ‘is uncle helped Josh the brother) move into his new flat. 4A: TES not expensive makeup but thas no the point I realy ‘arnayng when Im going out and Ica fed.” S.A Mur soys We dot need to tke presentso cant be her ‘pony t cant be the speakers raters party because he has ‘dread had a party. . » Soundbite ‘Nim: 1 practise listening forthe sounds /t! and fi! + Students now listen to hear the dierence between the pronunciation ofthe sound /l in words suchas bit and the sound fin words such as bet. + Explain that they wil hear someone say ten words and that they should write down the number next to the word that hey hear 10 reveal a tent number * Pay the listening text. * Elcit the answer checking pronunciation + Students now get the chance to play the game. * Each student should write down a ten-dgtt number and, using, the words from the Student’s Book say the corresponding words to their partner or tothe whote class. Unit @ © Try this round the class with several students making sure that they pronounce the words correctly = fies pace sir peor tas ‘ders at FCE rte begs with eh Seas bag acd patra pot ea ak Somce + ASCs 0 read wt Ml says bout her ani antl youl here baying wrong th va Ss (Nos would be a very good way of starting an interview.) Errors to Wath Out For Suders wll fen tak chau being in the est class of Iki the thi los of Gennasum’ Remind them thot te red to lea the Engish words forthe scons hey ater (se poge 103, exes for sucance) and cso how to say wich class they ari. Fer tc at this level of Engh its mast ie tho they wil bein the Second or thid year ot secondary school. Encourage suet oon poses tik Yn in the second year at lca) secondary sch > Beocise 2 Aim: to make students avare of common mistakes in spoken Engh * Students now read two diferent ways of ging personal deta, ‘one of which is correct. «Ask students to look at the frst two options and tel you which they woud say inan interview. Aske Why sy fami cons of tree members wong? (Although the sentence is grammatical correct ts too formal to sound natral) * Divide the cass ito pais and ask students to work together to choose the correct answer for the remaining two options «Elis answers asking fr justifcation 1a 2b 3b > Exercise 3 ‘Rim: to practise giving personal details © Before students do this exercise, ask them to study on page 158 of the Speaking database * Divide the class into pairs * Remind students to use the phrases to help them and to ‘expand on the phrases to add some detals oftheir own, * Go round the class mentoring or helping where necessary. (Check to make sure that students arenit making any ofthe mistakes from exercise 2 © you do this exercise as a whole-lss activity ask diferent students the questions and encourage ther to expand on their * Ask students to think oftwo more appropriate questions to ask and answer about far. «14> Family Ties > Exercise 3 Ki * Students now do a multiple 0 practise mutiple-choice exp cus on stave verbs ‘ice gap, whichis designed to leat from exercises | and 2, practise sorne of what they ha as well as provide exam practic * Ask students to read through the passage and tel you what Helpine is (a number you can cll 10 somebody family problems) * Bopha ak at at this tage it is not important to understand all of ge but draw students’ attention help them find the answer sonal pronouns an ich sentence is correctlincorrect. (The fist is incorrect becaus should be used stativel The before and second is correct These include pr Students then work individually or with a partner to com determiners the exercise + Remind students that when they have completed the exercise, * Blct answers. 1 should read it through again. inserting the mi the gop to check for sense 1 think * Students then work indvicualy or witha partner 2s seeing the exercise 3 doesnt look * Elcit answers owns 5 sounds 1A 2C 3B 4A 5D 68 78 8A 9D 108 6.are you thinking EXERT] + to practise vocabulary give students definitions of words that This cake i tasting realy delicious! they might not know from the pa Im tasting the soup to see fit needs any more sat the word. (eg depressed, stots, co Pere * Blct the meaning ofthe verb in sentence 2 and ask is used inthe continuous form here. (Her Suggested Homework » Exercise 2 ‘im: to focus on lexico-grammatical word patterns © Frst,write on the board Ifyou care aboutof ti planet, jin © Bice ron isthe correct preposition (about) © Ask students he words in the box Ask students ne the preposition sentences and to see if they can match the prepositions to one ofthe verbs * Do the frst one to form ofthe verb. + Reming students to use the corr * Students then work individually or with a partner to complete the exercise * Bice answers. 1 blaming 2 deal 3 accused Score 5 looks Ifyou care aboutlof the planet. join G «15> Family Ties mies) hime tos on he purpose of fora teteseals ‘lore sets he eee ont page ake 10 Sy pge Ist of te Weer database eter cas ort home bebe the son Sar «Students tread the wring tak aro tel you wh he letter should be written to. (a female cousin) « Git vy teers oral (ec writen toa member othe amis cousn) + Encourage student ok abou he kind of orton Dat they mite ter lear to ter ch epedaly one in sarod (re wether vat the fry dona roa tohtecad/ ord ene os eres of de io) « Bano Ges tig ay sugges Ses ave on trebowr « Encourage students tomate a praraph pln before they start wtng wh teat ne piece of irmon Gat ey woud inde enh peregph > Exercise 2 ‘Rim: to match formal and informal phrases * Students naw mateh formal and informal phrases + Students work individually or wth a partner to complete the * Eleit answers le 2g 30 4f 5b 64 7c « tine alos ak senso wit a short let bsed one Covey enered lor se They ul dart andere fhe Wr comedy sn dae a ean free pecrs of ay fos te ou earner + Youray wah tose ie lito sven oi minutes for ts sto ann NINO eNO OMNOE Pscoasesiparmny.pureanrriand > Exercise 3 ‘Nim: to provide a model answer for students to refer to * Students now read the model answer to the question in exercise | ‘Ask them to read the letter through once. «© Then ask ther to read it again quichy and to undertine all the pieces of family news that Martin has included in his letter {ee Uncle Tam got marred, we all went to the wecking ..etc ) Encourage students to give their opinion on whether Martin has written a good letter and whether he has answered the question correctly oa 1 task) * Divide the clas into pairs. * Ase students to look at the letter agsn and to work in pairs to replace the pieces of family news that they underlined with family news oftheir own, Unit @ > Exercise 4 ‘Nim: to read for spect words and phrases «First ask students where in the letter they would normally expect to find words and phrases lke these. “Encourage them to visualise where the words and phrases should go. + Remind them that these are words and phrases that they can lear and use in appropriate informal letters. * Ask students to read the model answer in exercise 3 again and Underline the informal words and phrases. * Blt answers * You may lke to draw an outline ofan informal letter on the board and invite individual students to write the words and phrases in the appropriate place. Reacting ‘cs great io hear fom yout Hope everyting’ kay, Hove you started your exams ye? Good luck! ‘Anuwas you asked me t0 tl you ol the family news We, 0 fot’s happened since you were hee Te bignews is that Unc fom go marie! Can you baie it? His we'll ~ she's a doctor and se’ realy ‘eaviful We a went othe wedding and ad o wendefl time. Ganda danced it wos so much fin. ‘Oh and anther thin! Ded ote new job Do you know the oid shopping centre in tw? They've uit rew shops tere and Dad applied fer ob os 0 mencger and he got it! He's real excite He stots nex rock ‘Doe last tng Do you remember Pf the ct Wel we con't ied her anywhere. We've goto idea where she's gone e's obit sd real, We al ms her Were hoping se comeback Soon We a miss you to. verb secs ter ve. Cont wat se you inthe sume AL ie, Moria 16> Family Ties » Brercise 5 Aim: to encourage students to think about the style of informal leters «Remind students to look back tthe model letter in exercse 3 co hep them with the true or fase questions. * Eicitansiers, asking students to justly by ging examples from the model eter: 11F: Good uk Cnt wait tse ou nthe sumer 27% ‘twos gett ear from your 37: ‘Weve got no idea where she’s gone! 47: ‘One last thing” Oh, and another thing!” 5: ‘okay, ‘anyway, big, ‘sad’. > Bxorcise 6 ‘im: to prepare students for the viriting task «Fst, remind students ofthe importance of identifying who they are writing to ‘+ Ask them to look at the suiting task and to tell you who they willbe writing to. sic Will you be writing to your pen-fiend or yo (your brother) ‘Ase Wil you be writing about your family ar your pen famiy? (per-riend’s family) ' Aske Which country are you staying in? (England) © Elcit who the students will be writing to and why. ‘Students are writing to their brother, Dean, to tel him about their per-rienas family, who they are staying with in England » Exercise 7 im: to encourage students to plan their writing * This exercise is designed to encourage stidents to use their imagination and to make sure that they all have enough ideas before they start writing «Reming students that careful planning wil improve their letters. + Ack students to look at the questions and to make notes in their notebooks. ‘+ Remind them that they should be answering the questions with fone or two sentences, * Go round the class monitoring or helping where necessary. 1 Atthe end of the exercise, ask individual Students to read out their ideas «Encourage students to make a note of any good ideas they hear from other students ‘Ifyou have time, check that al students have completed the questions with appropriate information, Unit G 40 2 Students need fo thik of a appropriate surame fer the pen- {fens fami Common Englsh surames induce ones, Smith Brown and Green 3 Students need to think ofan Engish town Eosy townsite for students to remember (or ones that they might be fair with cre London Bath Oxford Corbridge ond Manchester 4-8 Questo 4-8 wil fe or each student 9 Students should have a shor ecuctor 2/3 man paras and shor ending to ther lets 10 Love: Lots oflove:Al my love: Wheto me Soo: See you soon 11 ist rame on » Exercise 8 ‘Nim: to give students the opportunity to produce an informal eter * This exercze can be done in class or set for homework * Remind students ofthe importance of using ‘one and of answering the question by including the information from thei notes. wersational > Exercise 9 ‘him: to encourage students to check their raw students’ attention tothe checklist once they have fished writing and ask them to read each statement an to tick teach one thats true for them, * Ask them to make sure that they have ticked al ofthe boxes before handing their letter in to be marked ‘© You might consider refusing to mark ary letter that does rot meet al the criteria the checklst and asking the student co rewrite. riten work * In order to. monitor whether students have checked their work carefully you could ask ther to under in pencil on the letters places where they have ‘used informal phrases’ for example * Alternatively vite individual students to read parts oftheir letter tothe rest ofthe class or get students to exchange letters with each other and to check each other's letters for mistakes before handing them in Ft revn he ut and to prac canner spectc oman 2 Students now have the epporiunty ogo buck trgh the wnt to chek what ey have eat «fuk le cas the questions rom Look back + Bick answers rm ferent stots = Seger sree eof ak Be strat thy Lononly cid 2 presen simple 3 senstie 4 dshoest 5 They eve ro eormaly used in cortrunus tenses because they dont deserbe otis. MACMILLAN —secetrte tat einen Laser Bi+ A modern, fun and exciting course specifically designed to take teenagers from intermediate level up to B2 level. Laser B1+ is designed to bridge the gap between B1 (intermediate) and B2 (FCE) level English. It provides comprehensive coverage of the grammar and et RMS Ee ee eet ae erates ea ay Sixteen engaging and motivating topic-based units Lexical and grammatical syllabus based on the Threshold and eee ey FCC Integrated development of key reading, writing, listening ee eee Vocabulary Builder sections, focusing on topic-based lexis, collocations, word patterns, word formation, phrasal verbs and Dee eat Comprehensive practice in revised FCE exam-oriented task types DOCU Sie aa aac Cee een CR cae eee Ree eure = Grammar database at the back of the book, for students’ reference Se eu cu ek Posies De ee eae Ce oe ce ne) Pes eRe Wace y Corea ears rate NY Sere cake eo Workbook with Key, with Audio CD Same ae) ee a ee ke ree keny

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