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Design a two stage single-ended output OPAMP (Folded

Cascode [Differential amplifier + common gate stage] + gain

Shreyash Pratap Singh


Srinivas Gopal B.V.


Arvind Biswal


Submitted in partial fulfillment of the course

EEE C443/ EEE F313/ INSTR F313 Analog & Digital VLSI Design
Under the Guidance of Mr. Sachin Maheshwari

Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani

August-December, 2013

1. Introduction
Operational amplifiers (op amps) are an integral part of many analog and
mixed-signal systems. Op amps with vastly different levels of complexity are used to realize
functions ranging from dc bias generation to high-speed amplification filtering.
As a part of analog assignment, in this report we present the design and
simulation of a two-stage single ended output OP AMP (Folded cascode [differential
amplifier + common gate stage] + gain stage) with the biasing circuit for the following

Gain 90 dB
Unity Gain Bandwidth 100 MHz
Phase margin 60

2. Theoretical Expressions ( Details of Circuit realization)

3. Frequency Compensation

4. Transistor Level Schematic of the Operational Amplifier

Figure 2 Circuit Diagram of Two Stage Folded Cascode Single Ended Output

5. Simulation Setups and Plots

5.1. Gain and Unity-Gain Bandwidth (UGB)

Figure 3 Circuit Setup for Open Loop Gain Calculation

tt Corner (27 C, +3.3 V Supply)

Gain = 105.4 dB
UGB = 122.6 MHz

ff- Corner (0 C , +3.63 V Supply)

Gain = 110.6 dB

UGB = 117 MHz

ss- Corner (100 0 C , +2.97 V Supply)

Gain = 88.66 dB

UGB = 61.2 MHz

5.2. Phase Margin

Figure 4 Circuit Setup for Phase Margin Calculation

The open loop phase margin was found to be 59.88 which falls in the range of stable
operation i.e. 45-60

Analysis to check the stability of the op-amp

Closed loop phase margin was found to be 59.23 during stability analysis which
falls within the range of stable operation i.e. 45 to 60 degrees. Consequently, the
opamp was found to operate in a stable manner during analysis at all corners

The Gain margin must be less than Phase Margin, also the Phase Margin should be
well above 50 degrees

tt Corner (27 C, +3.3 V Supply)

Stability Analysis stb freq = (1Hz -> 10GHz)
Gain margin = 9.538 dB at frequency = 207.5 MHz
Phase margin = 59.23 at frequency = 109.2 MHz

ff Corner (0 C, +3.63 V Supply)

Stability Analysis stb freq = (1Hz -> 10GHz)
Gain margin = 7.251 dB at frequency = 226.3 MHz
Phase margin = 40.64 at frequency = 145.7 MHz

ss Corner (100 C, +2.97 V Supply)

Stability Analysis stb freq = (1Hz -> 10GHz)
Gain margin = 16.98 dB at frequency = 195.2 MHz
Phase margin = 123.9 at frequency = 31.36 MHz

5.3 Input Common Mode Range

Figure 5 Circuit Setup for ICMR calculation

A DC sweep of the input to the non-inverting terminal was performed

The opamp was connected in unity gain feedback

tt Corner (27 C, +3.3 V Supply)

ICMR: 3.2133 0.8439 V = 2.3691 V

5.4 Common Mode Rejection Ratio

Figure 6 Circuit Setup for CMRR Calculation

The op-amp was connected in unity gain feedback

A common mode AC signal is provided to both the inverting and non-inverting

tt Corner (27 C, +3.3 V Supply)

CMRR = 108.9 dB

5.5 Power Supply Rejection Ratio

Figure 7 Circuit Setup for PSRR Calculation

The opamp was connected in unity gain feedback

An AC source was provided at the upper rail of the power supply

tt Corner (27 C, +3.3 V Supply)

PSRR = 80.11 dB

5.6 Slew Rate and Settling Time

Figure 9 Circuit Setup for Settling Time and Slewrate Calculation

The opamp was connected in unity gain feedback

A Transient pulse was provided at the inverting terminal input

Slew Rate = 1.83 V/s

Settling Time = 554.472 ms

tt Corner (27 C, +3.3 V Supply)

5.7 Input and Output Offset Voltage

Figure 10 Circuit Setup for Offset Voltage Calculation

A DC sweep of the input to the non-inverting terminal was performed

The opamp was connected in unity gain feedback

tt Corner (27 C, +3.3 V Supply)

Output offset voltage = 70.881 mV

Input offset voltage = 380.648 nV

5.8 Output Swing

Figure 11 Circuit Setup for Output Swing Calculation

A Transient pulse was given at both the inverting and non-inverting terminals

tt Corner (27 C, +3.3 V Supply)

Maximum Symmetric swing = 2.9296V

5.9 Unity Gain Buffer

Figure 12 Circuit Setup as Unity Gain Buffer

The opamp was connected in unity gain configuration

An AC analysis was performed to find the gain and it was found to be
approximately 0 dB

tt Corner (27 C, +3.3 V Supply)

The Gain was observed to be 0 dB for AC Analysis thus confirming the unity gain buffer.

A Transient analysis was also performed to confirm the unity gain buffer operation.

It was observed the output peak to peak voltage and the input peak to peak voltage were
almost equal giving a gain of approximately one, confirming the unity gain buffer operation.

Op-AMP Specifications
Phase Margin
Settling Time
Slew Rate
Output Swing
Input Offset
Output Offset

105.4 dB
122.6 MHz
80.11 dB
108.9 dB
554.472 ms
1.83 V/s
2.3691 V
2.9295 V
2.8298 mW
380.6481 nV
70.881 mV

UGB gain

54.36 dB

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