BOQ Report

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Table of contents



Table of contents

What is BOQ
Calculation of BOQ
EX of calculation
Invoices in lump sum
Invoices in unit price
Blank invoice head
Sample of an invoice
Sample of a BOQ


1-What is the BOQ (bill of quantity)?

The BOQ simply describes the quantity and the unit price of
any work will be done in the project.
Here is a simple of the header of a BOQ.

The number column refers to the order of the item.

In the item description we mention the work and any
specification for it and sometimes we leave some
comment about the work.
The unit can be measure by meter, meter square, meter
cube or by unit and it depends on the type of the work.
The quantity describes how many units needed in this
Rate or in other invoices called the unit price is the cost
of getting this item done.
The amount is the total cost of the item, in this invoice
the currency in dinner Kuwaiti but it can be in any kind of
currency and it depends on the unit price and the
quantity and sometimes can be the cost of the item as a
lump sum.

2- Calculation of BOQ .
In lump sum contracts the contractor estimates the
amount and the unit price for each item given by the
In the unit price the consultant is the one who gives the
quantity estimations and the contractor only estimates
the unit price.

3-An example of calculation of the

unit price and the quantity.
For example the excavation of a single square footing
with dimension 4m*4m*4m .
The quantity in the BOQ with be 64m^3.
If the laber cost will be 50 LE/day , and the equibment will
be 20 LE/day and the jop will take two days to be done
and the profit will be 20%
So the direct cost will be 50*2+20*2=140 and the profit
will be 0.2*140=28 LE so the total cost will be 168 LE to
the whole item
So the unit price will be 168/64=2.625 LE/m^3.
Here is an excel sheet about this item

4- Invoices in lump sum.

In this kind of contracts the contractor asks the
owner for the money of the item after doing a precent of
the jop is done for example the previous BOQ of
excavation if the contractor finishes the half of the
64m^3 he will get half the money of the item and the
rest when he finishes the whole excavation and if the
excavation exceeds the 64 m^3 the contractor must
finish the item and the owner will give him the same 168

5- Invoices in unit price contracts.

Unlike the lump sum cotracts the unit price is more
co operative between the owner and the contractor so
the contractor work the item and if the quantity exceeds
the owner bays the contractor according to the unit price
of the item and vice versa if the quantity is less the
owner will bay less . the invoice submmited to the owner
on a constant date like every month and so on .

6- a simple blank invoice head.

The BOQ and the invoice are very similar the only
difference is what they are used for, the BOQ is used for
the knowledge of the quantities and the unit prices but
the invoice is used to collect money and showing how
much work is done, so I guess its important to have
enough knowledge about these too things and how to
know the difference between the lump sum and the unit
price contracts.

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