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Northwestern Lehigh School District

Summary of Collective Bargaining Process

January 2009 – February 2010

Date of CBA meeting Purpose Discussion Outcome

Introduction of Board Preliminary planning Set dates for upcoming meetings
January 8, 2009 members, Administrators and Agreed to exchange full proposals at
Teacher Union members each negotiations meeting
Teacher’s Union presented Clarification of Union’s proposal Set dates for upcoming meetings
February 4, 2009 their proposal
NWLSD School Board Clarification of Board’s proposal Confirmed scheduled meeting dates
March 18, 2009 presented their proposal
Grid of issues was presented Board noted the Teacher’s Union did Tentative Agreements (TA)
April 16, 2009 by the Teacher’s Union on not present a full counter proposal, but 1. Nondiscrimination Clause-TA
select items agreed to discuss specific items as 2. Union Rights
identified by the Teacher’s Union and A: Dues Deduction-TA
identified areas with tentative B: NLEA-TA
agreements. C: Fair Share-TA
3. Conditions of Employment
Board requested the Teacher’s Union G: Lump Sum Payment-TA
still present a full counter proposal at H: Personnel Records-TA
the next meeting. J: Participation in District Negotiations,
Hearings, Legal Meetings-TA
Discussion on last proposal No counter proposal was presented by No progress
May 11, 2009 the Teacher’s Union.
Discussion occurred regarding the
negotiation’s process and who was
responsible to present a counter
June 18, 2009 Meeting cancelled, the Both the Board and Teacher’s Union N/A
mediator was not available. agreed the meeting would not be
productive without the mediator

Northwestern Lehigh School District
Summary of Collective Bargaining Process
January 2009 – February 2010
Discussed Union’s counter Union presented views on a variety of Board agreed to offer a counter proposal to
July 13, 2009 proposal issues; shared data and asked Board to the Union by August 8, 2009, although the
negotiate on limited issues. The grid Union had still not presented a full counter
dated 5/11/09 was re-distributed and proposal.
reflected the items with tentative
agreements (TA) made on 4/16/09.
Both sides reviewed the document for

Discussion on the Board’s The Union acknowledged receipt of The Union walked out of the meeting
August 18, 2009 counter proposal dated 8/4/09. the Board’s counter proposal but did without discussion or agreement that the
not present a counter proposal to the meeting was over. No progress was made.
Board’s counter proposal.
Counter Proposal submitted by Board reviewed Counter Proposal Union agrees to Fact Finding.
September 23, 2009 Teacher’s Union submitted by Union. Board suggests
Fact Finding to Mediator and Union.

November 5, 2009 Fact Finding Hearing The Board and the Union presented Fact Finding report/recommendations
their proposals and supporting data to issued on November 18, 2009.
the Fact Finder
The Board and the Union must accept or
reject the Fact Finder’s entire report. It is
not permissible to choose or select parts of
the report or only some of the
November 25, 2009 Public School Board Meeting No public discussion is permitted Board votes 6 to 3 reject the Fact Finder’s
based on PLRB regulations. report.
January 22, 2010 School Board submits counter Counter proposal was submitted in N/A
proposal to the Teacher’s preparation for February 8, 2010,
Union negotiation meeting.

Northwestern Lehigh School District
Summary of Collective Bargaining Process
January 2009 – February 2010
February 8, 2010 Discussion on Board’s Counter Several TA agreements were reached School Board and Teacher’s Union agreed
Proposal dated January 22, during this meeting. School Board to meet again on February 18, 2010.
2010. reviewed Counter Proposal submitted
by Union.

February 18, 2010 School Board presented Several TA agreements were reached School Board and Teacher’s Union agreed
counter proposal. during this meeting. to meet again to continue negotiations.

March 4, 2010 Continued discussion. Review and discussion of outstanding Continued discussion scheduled for 3/31/10.

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