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Universidad Tecnolgica de Honduras

English V

1rd part

Heysel Avila


# Acoun

Healthy and unhealthy foods we eat in Honduras

Honduras has a wide variety of healthy foods that we consume, but are healthy
and unfortunately are not available to all Honduran families that the economy is
very bad. Within these foods we can mention the pasta that guarantee energy
throughout the day and is also good because it is released slowly throughout the
day. The pastas are also recommended for people who perform a daily mental
effort, many experts say promotes obesity but the truth is that very easily
Milk is rich in calcium is good for bones is why they give us milk from small
because there is a disease caused by lack of calcium in the bones, from small
we have to protect it, this disease is osteoporosis . Another very good food we
consume is Honduran egg, chicken egg is one of the most common products
from our diet. The clear consists of proteins of high biological value. The yolk is
rich in saturated fat, but we also have to know to prepare because it has a very
dangerous bacteria called salmonella.
The tomato is also a nutrient-rich vegetables, populations with diets high in
vegetables decrease the risk of cardiovascular disease. A food that can never be
lacking in our dish are beans, a food rich in iron. It helps strengthen our body
and protect us from some diseases such as anemia; but along with this there are
also other very healthy and typical of our region such as corn, it has nutrients
like carbohydrate foods.
Unfortunately, in Honduras we eat foods that are not healthy and if we consume
is pure necessity or bone; such as chicken nuggets are very harmful because
their fat content exceeds 50% and contain more carbohydrates than protein.
That's not counting carbohydrates containing breading. Another food that we eat
and we know it's bad but we do it because we like are sodas, these contain no
nutrition. They are empty calories and conversely, if they contain many
additives that damage health.
There is a food we eat enough, are the sausages an unhealthy food because it
contains high levels of salt, sodium nitrate and other preservatives, I was
watching a video on the internet of this food and the plant where they did some
animals so ugly they looked it was not known whether they were alive or dead,
then I will not eat sausages.
There is also a food that we use to give a better flavor to food, such as salad
dressings, I think it's better to eat the salad either lettuce or vegetables only
then, to throw these dressings and containing syrup high fructose corn because
it is a very cheap way for manufacturers to add volume to your product and
improve flavor at a very low cost.

One of my favorite meals is chicken sweet and sour

below I share my secret recipe.

Sweet and sour chicken

Serves 6
Cooking time 20 minutes.


3 pounds chicken
1 tomato paste
2 ounces of soy sauce
4 ounces of honey
juice of 3 lemons
1/2 onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic
A little bit of salt
1 tablespoon sugar.
1 stick margarine.


Once we clean the chicken and cut into small pieces, had to prepare the sauce
in a frying pan honey, soy sauce, tomato paste, lemon juice stir with the grinder
or Unused bucket until homogeneous then added the chicken pieces in the paste
form and let stand for an hour.
then already resting chicken in pasta the next step is to put the pan with
margarine , we sofreimos onion and garlic then add chicken complete with
pasta, add salt and sugar left 20 minutes or until it is cooked.

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