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Dheika Febry Rachmadani


University Student without Smoking

First , I will explain my motivation to be "Mawapres" . become mawapres is one of my
dreams. Give contribution, do something that could be beneficial to the place where I learned
and can be a useful person is something I dream.
I hope, if I can be Mawapres I will can prove that a hooded/hijab woman who has a
background "SMK" could be "Mawapres" with her hard work and her high desire. In addition, I
can make my parents proud to me and can give the best to them. Although, I have not been
perfect English language but im sure there is a way for someone who wants to learn.
Mawapres is an award for university students who have a good performance in hard skills and
soft skills. Becomes "Mawapres" is a rare opportunity for me and its a extraordinary thing for
me. I can be an inspiration to others and can be a motivation for others university students. I like
to be able to motivate a lot of people, I think the university students really need motivation,
motivation is a important thing for all of ours to achieve our dream. I can do that with my blog
post or with speaking in public, and

be "Mawapres" all the right push it. If I become

"Mawapres" I will improve the quality of myself , so that I can be an example for others. I will
do the best for my university and I will bring good name of my university.
One of my idea or one of my wishes when I became "Mawapres" is to make the campus
environment without a smoke or smokers. it can be done by making rules about giving fines to
cigarette sellers who are on the campus and provide penalties for university students who smoke
on campus, even not only the university students, staff and lecturers else. Indonesia university
are already doing this with the sanction of Rp 100,000 for someone smoking on campus.
University students are young successor to the future of this nation. University student behavior
at this time reflects how they lead the nation in the future. in addition, Indonesian youth

personality reflects the personality of the Indonesian nation. therefore Indonesian youth should
behave beneficial thing to this nation ( not useless) . But now, unfortunately many University
students (Indonesian youth) who do bad things and harm to other people like a smoking.
smoking, besides harming themselves also harmful to other people. Perokok Pasif can also be
dangerous to their health. Many people in indonesia who smoke in any place that is not aware of
the health of others. cigarette smoke can also be damaging air pollution. Smoking also can
impair intelligence, productivity and inhibits brain to think.
Something like that should not be there in the campus environment, which is essentially the
campus is a place to learn and a maker the nation's future. Therefore, we must be firm to prevent
these things, expressly to students who smoke, and reduce the effects of the dangers of smoking.
It can be done by making difficult a university students to smoke, especially on campus.
University student cant buy cigarette on campus and cant smoking on campus , so it can reduce
the chance of a university student for smoking and can create a smoke-free environment ( healty
campus without cigarette smoke ). Maybe we cant be able to prevent it completely, but we can
reduce it. we can reduce this effect and reduce person who did it.
Besides in the campus environment, we can do that in an office environment. Smoking chamber
system is a system that before you enter the booth you must enter a name and make sure no more
than eight people are in the smoker chamber. This system has been carried out in Japan. We can
do that in Indonesia by making smoking booths in companies which have a maximum limit
person in booths. I think it is enough effective to deter smokers because they have to learn
restraint and share together with other employees. And its also can reduce smokers in the
environment around us.
Maybe my ides is very ordinary, there are a rule for the smokers in campus or Indonesia but its
doesnt work effectively. I still see and inhale cigarette smoke on campus, both students and
faculty staff. There must be something we can do to reduce it, especially among students. Im
sure it can happen with the support of influential people in the university.
It can also be done with giving educate students about the beauty of life healthy and the dangers
of smoking and to campaign on the dangers of smoking.
Let's be healthy and intellectual students

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