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Using StarFriend v1.53 with

StarCraft 2: Heart Of The Swarm


Change log:
1.0 Initial release.
1.1 Added FAQ and made minor corrections.

Using StarFriend v1.53 with StarCraft 2: Heart Of The Swarm.

Initial setup
Download or install StarCraft 2: Heart Of The Swarm.
Run StarCraft 2.
Create a battle net account.
Login to battle net account and allow StarCraft 2 to download any updates.
After starting StarCraft 2 check the version number located in the bottom left hand corner and ensure that it
is a minimum of version 2.0.9

Download StarFriend version 1.53 and extract to root of c: drive.

Download mapcache file MapCache_2.0.9_HOTS_V2.7z and extract files.
Copy the extracted Blizzard Entertainment directory to the extracted StarFriend directory.

StarFriend startup
Startup StarFriend.
Ensure StarCraft 2 folder is the correct location.
Ensure that Client Version is 2.0.9. If not then check the troubleshooting section.
Ensure firewall and anti-virus is turned off on hosting computer otherwise the server cannot communicate to
the other clients/players computer.

For the hosting of the server click on the server tab.
If starting up for the first time, click on add server button a window will appear labeled Server Info leave
the default values. Optional is to add sponsor. Click on save to add to the server list.

Ensure server version is 2.0.9, If not then check the troubleshooting section, then click on Start Server

Get the ip address of the hosting computer; this will be needed for the clients/players computer, by going to
the Control Panel and selecting Network and Sharing Center.
Select Local Area Connection.

A window will appear titled Local Area Connection Status.

Click on details.
A window with Network Connection Details will be shown, the arrow, as shown below points to the ip
address of the host computer that is running the StarFriend server.

In this case the ip address is

Click on the client tab of the StarFriend client of the computer that is hosting the server.

Enter a players name.

Click on image to change to desired one.
Double click on the server on the top window this will detect the server that is running on the host
computer as shown in the bottom part of the server window indicating that it is idle.
Double click on the server in the bottom window that will add the ip address to the Server IP

Then click on start game.

After the StarCraft 2 game has started you will be promoted for a login, the details are as follows: account name: gg@gl.hf
A way to remember it is gg = good game, gl = good luck, hf = have fun.
Click on connect and enter in the password as follows:
Password: gg
You can click the checkbox on Remember Account and it will retain the login name.

The game will start with the StarFriend chat room.

Once the other player has logged in the player will appear in the StarFriendchatroom.

Click on Custom Games button.

The game will start parsing the maps.

Select the map to play then select create game.

Once the game lobby windows appears, select Race, colour, percentage.
Open up the StarFriendchat window and right click on the player. From the drop down menu select Invite
To Game.

The player will be added to the game lobby and a pending status will appear awaiting acceptance from the
other player.

On the other players computer the player is prompted to join game.

Once the other player has accepted to join game the host can then select start game.

The game then starts loading.

The client or other player

Startup StarFriend
Ensure Starcraft2 folder is correct
Ensure firewall and anti-virus is turned off otherwise the client cannot communicate to the server or host.
Find out the hosts IP address something like

Enter a players name.

Click on image to change to desired one.
Click on Add Server button a Server Info window will appear.

Enter in Server: the IP address of the host computer such as

Enter in the Port number of the host computer such as 1119

Double click on the server this will detect the server that is running on the host computer as
shown in the bottom part of the server window.

Double click on the that is shown in the bottom window this will add it to the Server ip:
Ensure client version is the same as the host 2.0.9
Then click on start game
After the StarCraft 2 game has started you will be promoted for a login the details are as follows: account name: gg@gl.hf
A way to remember it is gg = good game, gl = good luck, hf = have fun.
Click on connect and enter in the password as follows:
Password: gg
You can click the checkbox on Remember Account and it will retain the login name.

Click on connect and then you will goto the StarFriend lobby.
Wait to be invited to a game.
When prompted click on Join Game button.

The game will start loading.

If StarFriend client, on host or client, the client version is blank this indicates that the StarCraft 2 game is not
equal to or greater then version 2.0.9 in this case you need to login to battle net and download and update.
If StarFriend client, on host or client, the client version is blank this could also indicate that the StarCraft 2
directory is incorrect. Click on the Browse button and point to the correct directory.
If StarFriend client, on host or client, in the server window has a status of closed this indicates that the host
computer does not have the server started. On the host computer click on the server tab and click on Start
Server button.

Host computer with a status of closed.

Client computer with a host status of closed.

Client computer with StarFriendnow running server on host computer with a status of idle.

If StarFriend client, on client or other players computer, in the server window has a status of closed this
could also indicate that the host computer is unreachable. This could mean that the windows firewall or the
anti-virus firewall is blocking the connection. Either open up windows firewall or the anti-virus firewall to
allow StarCraft 2 to communicate to the other computers. If that doesnt work try turning off firewall on host
and/or client computer.

If on the client computer after starting StarCraft 2 from StarFriend shows a window showing Play Offline

This could indicate that the server ip is incorrect, the picture below shows that the host server has an ip
address of but the server ip is

To fix this on the client computer, quit StarCraft 2, open up StarFriend client and double click on the server
numbered and this will change the server ip to then click on start game button.
Client computer showing the correct server ip of the host computer using StarFriendserver with ip address of and port 1119.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

Q1: Why does it takes time to startup StarCraft 2?
A: StarCraft 2 program is verifying that all the necessary files are correct and present, this can take upto 2
minutes, so be patient.
Q2: Can I backup the StarCraft 2 directory for use with other computers or just in case a reinstall is required?
A: Yes, once all the necessary updates and downloads for custom maps has completed.
Q3: Can i run StarCraft 2 offline?
A: Yes, but you need to run StarFriend v1.53 first and follow the procedures in this document.
Q4: A computer is stuck at 'Entering lobby' what to do?
A: In StarCraft 2, click on menu in the bottom right hand corner and a window will appear, select 'logout'
then login again this will clear the 'Entering lobby' action.
Q5: Can a client computer host a custom game?
A: No, Only the computer that is running the StarFriend server can create a game.
Q6: The client computer gets an error message 'Play offline' when trying to connect to host computer
running StarFriend what to do?
A: Ensure that Anti-Virus is disabled and firewall on host and client are turned off. Make sure client
computer has the correct ip address of the host computer in StarFriend.

MAC Users
StarFriend does not at present have a MAC version, to overcome this you can download and install an app
called parallels use at least version 10, note that this will only work on intel based MACs with 64bit kernels
and at least 2GB of RAM.
After installing parallels you will need to install your windows operating system. Upon completion you will
also need to install at least Microsoft .net version 4.0 so that StarCraft 2 will run.
Before starting up windows it is recommend for best performance to set parallels configuration for windows
to Games only.

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