Grade 1 Islamic Studies - Worksheet 5.3 - Dhikr and Du'a - Part 3

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Grade One Islamic Studies Worksheet 5.

Dhikr & Du’a (Part 3)

The English word for du’aa is supplication.

The Messenger of Allah taught us many

supplications that we can make to Allah.

There are some supplications that we make at

particular times or places.

For example, we have already looked at some

du’aas (supplications) that we can say when
we enter or leave a masjid.

There are many other times where there are

particular du’aas that we can say.

Allah told us in the Qur’an

So when you recite the Qur’an, [first] seek

refuge in Allah from Satan, the expelled [from
His mercy]. (Al-Nahl 16:98)

So before we recite Qur’an we should say

A’oodhu billaahi minash-shaitaanir-rajeem

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Grade One Islamic Studies Worksheet 5.3
Dhikr & Du’a (Part 3)

“I seek Allah’s protection from Satan, the one

expelled from His mercy.”

Du’aas for sneezing

After you sneeze you should say:

Alhamdu lillah
All praise is for Allah

If you hear another Muslim saying Alhamdu

lillah after they sneeze then you should say to

May Allah have mercy on you

Then that person should say back to you:

Yahdeekumu-Allahu wa yuslihu baalakum

May Allah guide you and rectify your

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Grade One Islamic Studies Worksheet 5.3
Dhikr & Du’a (Part 3)

Two men once sneezed in front of the

Messenger of Allah . He said to one of them
“yarhamuka Allah” but he did not say it to the
other man.

The companions of the Messenger of Allah

asked him why he did this. He explained that
he said “yarhamuka Allah” to the man who
had said “Alhamdu lillah” after he sneezed; but
because the other man did not say “Alhamdu
lillah” after he sneezed the Messenger of Allah
did not say “Yarhamuka Allah” to him.1

So if someone sneezes and does not praise

Allah by saying “Alhamdu lillah” we do not
need to say to them “Yarhamuka Allah.”

I hope you all remember to say “Alhamdu

lillah” when you sneeze.

We will look at many more du’aa that we say

at specific times and places over the coming


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Grade One Islamic Studies Worksheet 5.3
Dhikr & Du’a (Part 3)

1. The English word for du’aa is


2. There are du’aa that we can say at

particular ______________ and ________________.

3. Before we recite Qur’an we should seek

__________________ in Allah from Satan.

4. When you sneeze you should say


5. If you hear another Muslim sneeze and say

Alhamdu lillah, you should say to them


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