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Khushwant Singh, Indian Writer

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Khushwant Singh, Indian Writer


Khushwant Singh, a post colonial novelist and journalist of India was best known for his biting secularism, sharp wits
and abiding love for poetry. The demise of this gem on 20th March 2014 caused a great loss to the world of literature.

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Singh was an
historian, political
writer, essayist
novelist and
journalist. Since
independence he
has been the
country`s most
well- known English writer. In Indian literary history Khushwant
Singh`s name is bound to evolve as one of the finest historians and
novelists, a forthright political commentator, and an outstanding observer and social critic. He is attributed with freethinking. Kushwant
Singh`s comparisons of social and behavioural characteristics of Indians and Westerners are the examples of his acid wit. He
brought history to our doorsteps and quite ideally therefore India describes him as "The Capital`s best known living monument". Apart
from his literary works, his roles as a lawyer, diplomat, critic, journalist, novelist, humorist, naturalist and politician made Khushwant
Singh a man larger than life.

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Early Life of Khushwant Singh

Khushwant Singh was born on 2nd February, 1915 at Haldi in Punjab. This place is presently in Pakistan. His father, Sir Sobha Singh

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was a prominent builder in Lutyens` Delhi. He took his early education from The Modern High School and St. Stephen`s College, New
Delhi. He passed his graduation from Government College, Lahore and

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then became barrister from King`s College, London. While he was

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practising in the Lahore High Court in 1947 he had to come to his

family`s summer cottage at Kasauli in the foothills of the Himalayas
following the partition of India and Pakistan.
Career of Khushwant Singh
Khushwant Singh was practicing law in the High Court in Lahore before
the partition of India and Pakistan. He joined the Indian Ministry of
External Affairs in 1947. After that he began a distinguished career as
journalist with All India Radio in 1951. Since then he had been foundereditor of Yojana from 1951 to 1953, editor of the Illustrated weekly of India
from 1979 to 1980, chief editor of New Delhi from 1979 to 1980 and
editor of the Hindustan Times from 1980 to1983. He had written for all
most all the major national and international newspapers in India as well
as abroad. His Saturday column "With Malice towards One and All" in the
Hindustan Times has been one of the most popular columns. He also
served UNESCO in Paris. From 1980 to 1986, he was a member of
Rajya Sabha. Although it covers a very small period of time yet it reflects his courageous spirit.
Literary Works of Khushwant Singh
Khushwant Singh`s literary works strongly reflected contemporary satire and political commentary. Many of them are also the
translations of Urdu poetry and Sikh religious texts. The experience of his journey to his family`s summer cottage at Kasauli in the
foothills of the Himalayas later reflected into his write ups. He had narrated his arrival at Kausali in a jeep of armed Sikhs who were
talking in a self-admiring way about the massacred of a Muslim village by them. His experience also resulted in the novel "Train to
Pakistan" in 1956. He distilled his experience in the novel powerfully. This book won him the international fame and the Grove Press
Award in 1954. His work "Maharaja Ranjit Singh" reflects the secularist view of his. His comments on Bhagwat Gita also revealed his



Khushwant Singh, Indian Writer

Award in 1954. His work "Maharaja Ranjit Singh" reflects the secularist view of his. His comments on Bhagwat Gita also revealed his
secularist view. Other best-known novels of Singh are "Delhi" and "The Company of Women". He was also amongst the last
remaining writers who personally knew the stalwarts of Urdu and Punjabi literature.
Personal Life of Khushwant Singh
Khushwant Singh was married to Kawal Malik and the couple was blessed with
a son, Rahul Singh, and a daughter Mala. He dwelled in Sujan Singh Park in
Delhi, which is credited as the first apartment complex and was constructed in
1945 by his father. It was named after his grandfather.
Death of Khushwant Singh
Khushwant Singh breathed his last on 20th March 2014, at the age of 99, at his
Delhi residence. He was suffering from breathing trouble.
Awards and Honours of Khushwant Singh
Awards and Honours


Rockfeller Grant,


Padma Bhushan, Government of India (He returned the

decoration in 1984 in protest against the Union government`s


siege of the Golden Temple, Amritsar)

Honest Man of the Year, Sulabh International


Punjab Rattan Award, The Government of Punjab


Padma Vibhushan, Government of India


Sahitya academy fellowship award by Sahitya academy of India


All-India Minorities Forum Annual Fellowship Award by Uttar

Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav


Books Written by Khushwant Singh



Ghadar 1915: India`s first armed revolution


A History of the Sikhs, (2nd edition)


A Bride for the Sahib and Other Stories


Black Jasmine,


Tragedy of Punjab


Delhi: A Novel


Sex, Scotch and Scholarship: Selected Writings,


Not a Nice Man to Know: The Best of Khushwant Singh


We Indians


Women and Men in My Life


Uncertain Liaisons; Sex, Strife and Togetherness in Urban India


Declaring Love in Four Languages, by Khushwant Singh and

Sharda Kaushik


The Company of Women


Truth, Love and a Little Malice (an autobiography)


With Malice towards One and All (Weekly Column)

The End of India


Burial at the Sea


Paradise and Other Stories


A History of the Sikhs: 1469-1838


Death at My Doorstep


A History of the Sikhs: 1839-2004


The Illustrated History of the Sikhs


Why I Supported the Emergency: Essays and Profiles


The Sunset Club


Agnostic Khushwant Singh, There is no GOD


The Good, the Bad and the Ridiculous, (Co-authored with Humra


Short Stories by Khushwant Singh

Short Stories
The Mark of Vishnu and Other Stories
The Voice of God and Other Stories
A Bride for the Sahib and Other Stories
Black Jasmine
The Collected Stories
The Portrait of a Lady
The Strain
Success Mantra
A Love Affair In London



Khushwant Singh, Indian Writer

(Last Updated on : 21/03/2014)

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