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What to Do When Teacher Communication Programs Fail?

The Key Difference

Between an
Excellent Teacher and
an Average Teacher is
his/her Ability to
Respond Smartly
On the Spot!

Research* has shown that teacher
behaviours, and the resulting
teaching methods make a
difference with regard to student
achievement. And, all of them
directly link to the teachers
ability to speak effectively!

The ability to analyze, organize and present the idea

quickly on the spot, despite unfriendly or hostile
situation is the core skill that defines the effectiveness
of any teacher in the current facebook and
whatsapp environment.

Great Educational Institutions are built by Great Teachers

Who Could Influence Thousands of Students
by Their Excellent Communication Abilities.

Research data suggest that the classroom is teacher

dominated, subject centered, and fact oriented. The
student's primary responsibility seems to be to respond
to the teacher's behaviors. And, the whole class is
observing. Therefore, teacher's communication
abilities determine the effectiveness of the class.

1. Clarity of teacher's presentation and ability

to organize classroom activities.
2. Variability of teaching methods using media,
materials, and activities used by the teacher.
3. Enthusiasm, defined in terms of the teacher's
movement, voice inflection, and the like.
4. Task orientation or businesslike teacher
behaviors, structured routines, academic focus.
5. Student opportunity to learn, that is, the
teacher's coverage of the material or content in
class on which students are later tested.


Swimming is learned by swimming, not by attending lectures on
swimming theory. Similarly, Speaking skills can be built only by
Speaking in realistic situations & by implementing the feedback!
The Crucial Skills, that is expected from a good
teacher in todays complex environment include:
1. The Answering Reflex.
2. The Ability to Think on the Spot.
3. Using the Right Language On the Spot.
4. Countering comments with shrewd questions
on the spot.
5. Ability to tell stories, anecdotes and other

* Barak V. Rosenshine and Noram. Furst, "Research

in Teacher perforamnce Criteria." For a full list of
references, please visit

newsworthy items appropriately on the spot.

6. Respectable, smart body-language while
handling complex situations on the spot.

Consequences of Poor Teaching

Most of the above are cognitive, psycho-motor
abilities that cannot be ingrained by attending
lectures or reading books. These skills can be
acquired only by doing under guidance and
receiving actionable feedbacks.

Contrary to the popular belief, infrastructure has

nothing to do with student learning. Poor teaching
has. Students hate lessons and get frustrated. Parents,
employers and all other stake holders realize this fact
damaging the reputation of the institution.

Simulator-based Teacher/Mentor Communication Suite!

The Only Way to Build Smart Explanation/Responding Skills!
The Answering Reflex.

Fluent, Meaningful Talk.

Quick, Critical Thinking.

Ability to Think On the Spot.

Respectable Body-Language.

Facts, Stories & Anecdotes.


Espoir SMART
Module: 1 Speaking Simulation
Speaking Simulation is the first module. One can attempt
any number of realistic speaking situations.

Module: 2 CBI Communication

Second module is to build superior communication skills.
Use Smart Communication through Wit & Wisdom.

Module: 3 Review, Feedback & Tests

Third module consists of Review, Feedback & Tests. Self
review, Peer review and cross references for quick learning.


Step: 1 Classroom Session.
The crucial role of teacher communication in the present
scenario. How to develop respectable communication skills?

Step: 2 Confidential Simulation.

One-on-one sessions for each person. Confidential
simulation sessions at random, or through a serial number.

Step: 3 Evaluation & Review

Evaluation by experts. Identification of Opportunity for
Improvements and preparations of action plans.

An Espoir Worldwide Initiative


The Brilliance to Bring out Higher Brilliance!
Developed based on Malcolm Baldrige Criteria for Educational excellence and ISO-9000 quality systems at Oxford, England & Ann Arbor, Michigan, United States.
Patents applied for. Information in this brochure is for the Indian edition. To ensure your installation, contact:
Espoir Technologies Private Limited, SAARC Regional Office, 18, Shroff Suyash, Baner, Pune. Mobile: 0-98220-32929 email:

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