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Chapter 2
What are the recommended number of steps taken per
day?( Lab 2.2)
o 10,000 steps/day
Chapter 3
Locate the radial and carotid artery to determine pulse.
o RRRadial=wrrrrist
o Carotid artery=neck
Determine Target Heart Rate range (Lab 3.3)
Step # 1: Calculate your estimated maximal heart rate
206.9-(.67 x age)
Step # 2: Calculate heart rate reserve (HRR)
HRMax-Resting heart rate
Step # 3: Calculate 50% and 85% of HRR
Step # 4: Add resting heart rate back to value

What is the FIT principle?

o Focuses on the Frequency, Intensity, and Time/Duration of
a workout
What is the mode of exercise?
o What the actual exercise is; i.e. jogging, walking, elliptical,
What is the key factor in maintaining cardiorespiratory
o Endurance?
What are the benefits of a cardiovascular endurance
o Reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases and promotes
weight loss
Describe the three phases of an aerobic exercise
o Initial conditioning (weeks 1-6), shorter duration, lower
intensity workouts
o Improvement (months 3-10) increases duration and
frequency first, then intensity. Dont increase more than
20% per week until you can do 20-30 of moderate to high
intensity exercise
o Maintenance (forever) decrease frequency and duration
but keep intensity, can be achieved after the first 4-7
months of training.

Chapter 4
What is the general weight/repetition principle of a
weight training program that increases endurance or
o Low repetition and high intensity= increased strength
o High repetition and low intensity= increased endurance
Describe the three phases of an strength training
o Starter phase (1-3 weeks) 1-2x/week with one set/exercise,
low weight with high reps (>15)
o Slow-progression phase (4-20 weeks) 2-3x/week with 2-3
sets/exercise, gradually increase weight and decrease reps
to 8-12 per set.
o Maintenance phase starts at week 20 can be as little as
once a week with same intensity
Explain the 2 for 2 rule
o If a person can complete two more repetitions than the
repetition goal in the final set of an exercise for two
consecutive training sessions, then increase the weight in
all the sets of that exercise for the next training session
Chapter 6
What is the Android and Gynoid pattern of obesity?
o Android= more common in men, fat stored in upper body
and around waist, greater risk of heart disease and
o Gynoid= more common in women, fat stored in waist, hips,
and thighs
What is the optimal body fat percentage for men and
women between 20-39 years of age?
o Men= 8-19%
o Women= 21-32%
What body-fat percentage would classify men and women
as obese?
o Men= >25%
o Women= >35%
What is the Body-Mass Index formula (Lab 6.1)
o Kg/m2
o Kg=Lbs/2.2
o M=in/39.25
What BMI classifications put men and women in the
normal, overweight, and obese category?
o Normal=18.5-24.9
o Overweight= 25-29.9
o Obese= >30

Calculate optimal range to a healthy body weight (Lab

o Weight x % of fat free weight = lean weight
o Lean weight/ (1- optimal % body fat)
Lower and upper goals

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