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1) IWAM - Internet Server Web Application Manager

2) WCAG - Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

3) nAML – .NET Application Modeling Language

4) MMC – Microsoft Management Console

5) DTO – Data Transfer Object

6) TDD – Test Driven Development

7) MVC – Model View Controller

8) MVP – Model View Presenter

9) BAL – Base Activity Library

10) TFS – Team Foundation Server

11) WIQL – Work Item Query Language

12) WMI – Windows Management Instrumentation

13) URI – Uniform Resource Identifier

14) STLC – Software Testing Life Cycle

15) MSMQ – Microsoft Message Queuing

16) LINQ – Language INtegrated Query

17) CLR – Common Language Runtime

18) JIT – Just-In Time compiler

19) AJAX – Asynchronous JavaScript and XML

20) CCW – COM Callable Wrapper

21) RCW – Runtime Callable Wrapper

22) CLI – Common Language Interface / Common Language Infrastructure

23) WSDL – Web Services Description Language

24) BCL – Base Class Library

25) SAO – Server Activated Objects

26) CAO – Client Activated Objects

27) CAS – Code Access Security

28) REPL – Real Eval Print Loop

29) CodeDom – Code Document Object Model

30) GAC – Global Assembly Cache

31) MSIL – Microsoft Intermediate Language

32) SOAP – Simple Object Access Protocol

33) PDB – Program Database

34) Pinvoke – Platform Invoke

35) SDPS – SharePoint Deployment Sharing Services

36) DLR – Dynamic Language Runtime

37) VBL – Virtual Build Labs

38) VCS – Version Control System

39) CMMI – Capability Maturity Model Integration

40) SBC – Server-Based Computing

41) VDI – Virtual Desktop Infrastructure

42) SAML – Security Assertion Markup Language

43) RIA – Rich Internet Applications

44) DOM – Document Object Model

45) XAML – Extensible Application Markup Language

46) WSE – Web Services Enhancements

47) RSS – Rich Site Summary / Really Simple Syndication

48) JSON – JavaScript Object Notation

49) REST – Representational State Transfer

50) MARS – Multiple Active Result Sets

51) MOSS 2007 – Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007

52) WPF – Windows Presentation Foundation

53) WCF – Windows Communication Foundation

54) WWF – Windows Workflow Foundation

55) XBAP – XML Browser Application

56) XSLT – Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations

57) UDDI – Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration

58) IIS – Internet Information Services

59) DTD – Document Type Definition

60) DLL – Dynamic Link Library

61) EXE – Executable

62) CTS – Common Type System

63) FCL – Framework Class Library

64) DI – Dependency Injection

65) IOC – Inversion of Control

66) MBV – Marshal by Value

67) MBR – Marshal by Reference

68) URL – Uniform Resource Locator

69) TCP – Transmission Control Protocol

70) HTTP – HyperText Transfer Protocol

71) AppDomain – Application Domain

72) XHTML – Extensible HyperText Markup Language

73) CSS – Cascading Style Sheets

74) SCM – Service Control Manager

75) HTML – HyperText Markup Language

76) BAML – Binary Application Markup Language

77) MIL – Media Integration Layer

78) XOML – Extensible Object Markup Language

79) RPC – Remote Procedure Call

80) ASP – Active Server Pages

81) ADO – Active Data Objects

82) COM – Component Object Model

83) SMTP – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

84) API – Application Programming Interface

85) XSD – XML Schema Definition

86) W3C – World Wide Web Consortium

87) CSDL – Conceptual Schema Definition Language

88) SSDL – Store Schema Definition Language

89) MSL – Mapping Schema Language

90) EDM – Entity Data Model

91) OOP – Object-Oriented programming

92) GC – Garbage Collector

93) CLS – Common Language Specification

94) SOA – Service Oriented Architecture

95) TBS – Tabular Data Services

96) RDL – Report Definition Language

97) WCS – Windows Cardspace

98) WWF – Windows Workflow Foundation

99) ADO.NET – ActiveX Data Objects for .NET

100) ASP.NET – Active Server Pages for .NET

101) B2B – Business to Business

102) B2C – Business to Consumer

103) CIL – Common Intermediate Language

104) VES – Virtual Execution System

105) COFF – Common Object File Format

106) CSC – C# command line compiler

107) DCOM – Distributed Component Object Model

108) DSI – Distributed System Initiative / Dynamic System Initiative

109) ECMA – European Computer Manufacturers Association

110) EIF – Enterprise Instrumentation Framework

111) GDI – Graphics Device Interface

112) GDI+ - Graphics Device Interface Plus

113) IDL – Interface Definition Language

114) MIDL – Microsoft IDL compiler

115) IL – Intermediate Language

116) PDA – Personal Digital Assistant

117) MSDE – Microsoft Data Engine

118) PE – Portable Executable

119) OLE – Object Linking and Embedding

120) NGSCB – Next Generation Secure Computing Base

121) PIAs – Primary Interop Assemblies

122) SEE – Secure Execution Environment

123) SGML – Standard Generalized Markup Language

124) SLAM – Specifications, Languages, Analysis and Model checking

125) SDE – Smart Device Extensions

126) SDM – System Definition Model

127) WSUS – Windows Server Update Services

128) WinFS – Windows Future System

129) WPO – Whole Program Optimization

130) XDR – XML Data Reduced

131) Xlink – XML Linking Language

132) XPath – XML Path Language

133) XPointer – XML Pointer Language

134) XSL – Extensible Stylesheet Language

135) XQL – XML Query Language

136) DDL – Data Definition Language

137) DML – Data Manipulation Language

138) GUID – Globally Unique Identifier

139) TLB – Type Library

140) RAD – Rapid Application Development

141) MS –DTC – Microsoft Distributed Transaction Coordinator

142) OLTP – Online Transaction Processing

143) OLAP – Online Analytical Processing

144) UDF – Uniform Data Format / User-Defined Function

145) DBMS – Database Management System

146) GUI – Graphic User Interface

147) IDE – Integrated Development Environment

148) ILDASM – Intermediate Language Disassembler

149) SAX – Simple API for XML

150) WAP – Wireless Access Protocol

151) WKO – Well Known Object

152) WML – Wireless Markup Language

153) VSTS – Visual Studio Team Site

154) VSS – Visual Source Safe

155) VS – Visual Studio

156) VS.NET – Visual Studio for >NET

157) XML – Extensible Markup Language

158) VBC.exe – VB.NET compiler

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