West Cultures Ettack

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West Cultures Attack


Morning ladies and gentlemen

Today, Values culture of indonesia begin scraped by entering west cultures, without filtering and
controlling. our government, our people,and culture observers slowly leave the traditional
culture by the reason is following globalization era. As a consequence, Indonesia was losts
identifying and imaging.

The words of the big nation is that appreciate their cultures. But around its all not happen in our
country. For exemple, Malaysian government claimed Indonesian cultures, such as batik, reok,
rending, rasa sayange song, and some island made of both country heat up relations. We critizing
its all, angry to malasyian people that purely claimed our cultures, biger protest happen at some
region. Should it makes us be angry!

A matter of facts, these country prefer to adoupting outside cultures, many foreign culture
disappear more and more our local traditions.

Why can its be?

A loss of our national cultures cause two factors.

First: outside factors, that means, all of influence form that coming from outside territory. Such
as, the socialiszation of foreign culture more and more by newspapers or internet. For exemple,
the young generations inclained loves other culture poreign than their cultures. Like freesex,
dugem, drugs and others that imfact by nothing filter and control of poreign culture.

Second: inside factors, that means, all of principle form or our opinions to around of culture.
Ignoring attitude to ourselves culture, less filterization, less understanding are something that
influential to our culture. The result that, we confusing all around our culture cause we stranged
about it all and it’ll become our culture more disappear.
More and more we leaving that problems without traying to solve and to conserve it, so our
culture an tradition will be lost out of time.Beginning from government to all people class,
exactly to youth, must conserving, guarding and caring around its all, in other to our cultures not
claimed by other country. Cause that culture are our wealt which must keeped carefully. A lot of
manners to anticipate of bad possibility. Sucs as, supporting to traditional industry and trying to
love it all, by promoting method and keeping its; the government must have more programs to
documentated of these cultures by formal promotions.

So, forwhat we angry, scream without hear by government better than we showing that we love
and resfect to ourselves culture, showing to the world that we can conserve it all, doing by acts
and loving emotion. Show to them how very beautiful our cultures.

In my congclusion, nowdays, our culture more and more losing identity and characters, its cause
awerless all of us to observe and keeping our culture.

Leadies and gentlemen..

Not all west culture are bad, not all west culture are good. So we must could to classification
where is the negatife or positif imfact to us.


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