Design A New System Tasksheet Designnewsystem 2010

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Design a New System

with Invention Machine Goldfire

Need to create a new product line?
Have a market requirement or an opportunity that you currently
do not know how to satisfy?
Designed with engineers, scientists and researchers in mind, Invention
Machine Goldfire is innovation software that systematically guides
innovation workers through more than a dozen innovation tasks spanning
a products lifecyclefrom identifying a new market to developing a new
product to improving existing product offerings.
Goldfire brings structure and uniformity to inventive problem-solving,
concept discovery, and idea generation and validation and provides a
repeatable process for rapidly translating ideas into market-leading
Leveraging the Design a New System task within Goldfire, users can
quickly deliver:
A robust analysis of the current state of the art relative to the
technology and market space under consideration.
Validation of the rationale for exploring the new technology and
market space.
One or more conceptual designs and, for each design, an
understanding of the challenges of executing in the new space.
A set of potential implementation strategies to execute.
Specific recommendations for a market-entry strategy.

Fusing proven innovation tools and methods with precise access to

corporate and external knowledge, Goldfire gives users unprecedented
access to the relevant technical knowledge they need in order to more
efficiently and more effectively solve problems, generate solutions and
seize market opportunities. Boston Frankfurt London Minsk Paris Tokyo

For one project, we

researched patents, used
root cause analysis, and
function modeling. We
thought of a completely
new design; a brand new
idea which originated with
Goldfires tools patents,
scientific effects, inventive
principles, system
modification patterns
and from internal
documents as well. The
result is that this project
will be tested in pilot and
hopefully patented.
Innovation Project
multi-billion dollar
environmental services

The Goldfire interface guides users through more than a dozen every day innovation tasks including Designing a New System


Exploring the opportunity space
Leveraging Goldfire, users research across semantically indexed
Knowledge Bases of internal and external knowledge to identify existing
solutions that are related to the functions to be performed by the new
product or process.
Validating the rationale for the opportunity
Using Goldfires proven innovation methods and tools, such as Root Cause
Analysis and Value Engineering, users identify the root causes of nonoptimal performance in an existing product or process and then identify
the core problems that might need to be resolved.
Generating the conceptual design
In this step, users model, analyze, and improve the design of the new
product or process.
Building a functional model of the new product or process.
Here, users leverage Goldfire to build a model of their product or process
in order to understand the system in terms of its functions. Function
models help engineers and scientists to analyze the design of products or
processes and identify areas for improvement. Users can reconfigure
designs by simplifying the functionality of its elements, or by eliminating
unneeded elements from the design.

Global 2000 manufacturers in

more than 25 countries rely on
Invention Machine Goldfire for
product innovation, process
improvement and market
expansion. For additional
information, please visit

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