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Astrological Natal Chart

Prepared for: katarina

September 07, 1983 at 08:00 (GMT +1 hours), 20e55, 44n01

Astrology is the study of the effects of planetary forces upon man. It is not fortune telling. It is
one of the best methods for man to learn about who he is, where he came from and where he
is going. Astrology reveals CHARACTER and character is destiny. If man can change his
character, then man will have changed his destiny. The main uses of astrology are diagnosis
of health and sickness, character analysis, vocational guidance, analysis of children's
horoscopes so as to give parents a better idea as to how best to raise their children, and
analysis of the compatibilities between people.
Astrology does not show anything but tendencies. A man can rule his stars by exerting his will.
If a man decides to flow with the tide of life, then the tendencies indicated in the birth chart will
at some time have their effect. The one thing a birth chart does not show is the WILL of the
individual and how he may exert it. The matter of exercising free will is left entirely up to the
individual. The wise man rules his stars, the fool is ruled by them. Astrology forewarns and
being forewarned, a man is thus forearmed to better cope with the struggles of life.
Remember that good or so-called evil configurations are not the result of chance or luck, but
are the product of our own past acts the horoscope shows what we have earned by our
past living and therefore what we are entitled to in the present life. What we lack in this life can
be gained in the future by applying ourselves to the task at hand. The stars IMPEL but do not
COMPEL. As Goethe, the great mystic, said, "From every power that holds the world in
chains, Man frees himself when self-control he gains."
The Law of Consequence ("Whatsoever a man sows, that he shall also reap") works in
harmony with the planets. The spirit is born into the physical world at that opportune time
when the Law and the planets may operate in harmony with each other. The birth of an Ego is
so timed by the Lords of Destiny, that the horoscope, which is the clock of destiny, registers
the kind of debts which the Ego has incurred in its previous lives, and the time when these
debts come to fruition, when the harvest from the seeds which have been sown must be
garnered. However, the law of destiny is not a blind law, for it may be modified to a certain
degree in proportion to the amount of will power awakened and utilized by the Ego. "For be
not deceived, God is not mocked. The mills of the gods grind exceedingly slow, but they grind
exceedingly fine."
There are three factors which bring to us the mystic message of the stars the houses, the
signs and the planets. Each house represents a department of life, the signs are divisions of
the heavens which by their placement relative to the houses indicate our basic temperament
and attitude towards life, and the planets are the messengers of God which by their motion
through the houses and signs bring to us the opportunities for soul growth which we need for
our individual development. Think of the planets as representing the players in a play. The
signs, then, would describe the role that each player has and how he expresses his character,

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the houses represent the various settings of the play and the angular relationships between
the planets, the aspects, represent the plot of the play. Each planet has a characteristic
energy. That energy can be expressed either positively or negatively. The way that energy is
expressed is determined by the aspects of the other planets to that particular planet.
The horoscope shows tendencies only. It is a matter for you to determine how any planetary
position will work itself out. That will be determined by the use you make of your own

September 07, 1983 at 08:00 (GMT +1 hours), 20e55, 44n01

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The sign that is on the eastern horizon at the moment of birth is called the Rising Sign or the
Ascendant. The Ascendant marks the difference in temperament, disposition, physical
appearance and personality of individuals. It is the lens through which everything else in the
chart is focused or looked through, thus coloring the way we look at everything. People see us
through our rising sign and we see the world through our rising sign.
LIBRA rising
People with Libra rising tend to be charming, refined, attractive in some manner, gracious,
appealing, indecisive, cooperative, sociable, creative, artistic, perhaps musically inclined,
harmonious, and wanting to please and not make waves. You seek the approval and support
of others. You may "need" the company of others and hate to be by yourself. You are apt to
try too hard to please others and compromise your own principles in order to be liked or to be
popular. Yet you can also be very self-centered. You have a difficult time saying "no". You
cannot stand disorder and disharmony and want everything to be balanced, poised, and
harmonious. You like looking at all sides of an issue before making up your mind. You love to
compare things and find analogies. You enjoy argument, yet you can be very diplomatic with a
friendly exterior. Looks are important to you. You tend to attract whatever it is that you need
without any real effort on your part. Spiritual lesson to learn: Decisiveness, especially in
relationships. Venus rules Libra so Venus will be important in your chart.

If the planets represent energies and cosmic forces that manifest in different ways, then the
planetary aspects show how these energies and forces tend to act and react, one with
another, if the will of the person is not brought into play to change them. It is the spiritual task
of each person to use the positive energies in such ways so as to change the negative
energies into positive energies. Negative energies are simply energies that are either
misdirected, misapplied, or applied in too great a quantity. One of our purposes in life is to
transform the negative energies into positive ones through the use of our Will.

Sun blending with Moon (power = 10.39 and this aspect is neutral)
The tendency here is for you to be rather one-sided. It is difficult for you to be objective and
you have little or no appreciation for other, different ways of approaching life. You feel yours is
the best way and you can't imagine how anyone else could be doing something different than
you. It is hard for you to put yourself in other people's situations and understand just what
things are like for them. You try, but you just don't have that ability. You tend to be impulsive.
You need to learn to use your willpower to control the fluctuating emotional turmoils that stir
within you. You can be extremely sensitive at times and you do not always take into
consideration how your actions will affect other people. You are not unkind, just oblivious.
Your vitality and constitution are generally strengthened with this aspect. In any case, though,
there is the need for occasional rest to allow your system to recharge and recuperate. The
vitality of the Sun can burn up the constitution of the Moon. You are apt to work on many

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projects all at the same time and it would be good if you could learn to develop more
persistence. Oh, and a little patience, also.

Saturn blending with Pluto (power = 8.54 and this aspect is discordant = -4.27)
You are quite capable of much self-discipline and self-denial. Life in your eyes is serious, so
serious at times that you may occasionally suffer from depression. Your great stamina allows
you to work as hard as needed in order to accomplish whatever you have set your Will upon.
Just be sure you do not use wrongs means to accomplish your goals. People are not here for
you to walk on or over so that you can make it to the top. The more people you wrongly use to
get yourself ahead only increases your chance of falling from grace. This aspect is telling you
to keep your nose clean and do everything above board and by the book. There are no
shortcuts to success and if you think otherwise, then life will eventually show you the error of
your thinking. Do not get into the habit of fearing change. Embrace change because it gives
you a chance to grow, reform and regenerate yourself. If you do not try to regenerate yourself
willing, then life will put the people in your way that will force you to do so, on their terms, not
yours. Change is your teacher so do not fight against it, even though it may be difficult.
Whatever failure you meet in life, resist any bitter feelings you have. Defeats are actually
spiritual aids that will help you to evolve. The only failure in life is in giving up.

Jupiter blending with Uranus (power = 8.09 and this aspect is harmonious = 4.04)
Sudden material good fortune is possible with this aspect. You like to take chances and you
get excited about new ideas, new knowledge and new experiences. You enjoy travel because
of the opportunities it gives you to learn. You have interest in philosophy and your beliefs tend
to be rather unorthodox, perhaps even a bit eccentric. You are socially aware, interested in
the betterment of all people and you possess a fine mind with good judgment, intuition and
mental quickness. You are inventive and creative and you have the ability to abstractly plan
large undertakings. You have a great need to feel free and independent. You are tolerant of
other people's viewpoints. Your love of freedom and your insatiable desire for new
experiences and knowledge will probably keep you on the move quite a lot.

Venus harmonizing with Neptune (power = 6.14 and this aspect is harmonious = 7.68)
You are a sensitive person with a lot of artistic imagination and a flair for creating beautiful
things or environments. You find peace in listening to good music and many times it will be the
catalyst for your trips of fantasy. You are romantic and would like to have a story-book kind of
life where you live in bliss with your one and only soulmate. These are indeed high ideals, but
it's okay for you to dream because at the same time you are dreaming, you are able to keep
your feet on the ground and not get carried away by it all. You are compassionate and seek to
help others who are in need. You are a natural "giver" and it makes you happy to serve. You
want what's best for all concerned and you do not have a problem with your ego getting in the
way. You find it difficult to be too assertive as you like peace and harmony, without making
waves. You are capable of great sacrifice for those you love and you do not necessarily need
to be recognized for that or receive anything in return. You have a mystical side to you and
you like being around artistic or mystical people. Church music stirs your soul and is as a
breath of fresh air from your true home, the heaven worlds. You may have real talent with
music or singing. You are devoted and devotional. You generally root for the underdog and
can sometimes be a sucker for a sob story. You will attract people in this lifetime who will help
you continue the soul growth you started in previous lives.

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Mars harmonizing with Ascendant (power = 6.09 and this aspect is harmonious = 4.57)
You tend to be independent, courageous, strong-willed and self-assertive. You do not really
care what others think about you you are your own person. You like and have active,
energetic friends. You have integrity and loyalty and will defend your beliefs and ideals. This
aspect benefits the physical body, increasing vitality and giving better than average
recuperative powers.

Neptune harmonizing with Pluto (power = 5.72 and this aspect is harmonious = 5.72)
As with all in your generation, you have the opportunity to be of service to others for the
benefit of humanity. Use any psychic or spiritual powers to help those around you.

Mercury discordant to Neptune (power = 5.01 and this aspect is discordant = -5.01)
You tend to be very imaginative and very visionary, but it is hard for you to put your thoughts
and ideas into practical, everyday terms. You may occasionally be accused of cloudy thinking
and of letting your imagination run wild. Having visions and wonderful ideas is great, but if you
can't implement them in the real world, then much of their use and effectiveness is lost. You
need to learn how to discipline your mind so that something real can come of your brilliant
When problems become too much for you, you re-create the situation in your mind with the
ending you prefer, until you become convinced the new ending is reality. You may have a
tendency to run away from the world and its problems. Finding supposed shelter in drugs or
alcohol only compounds any problems you have in the first place. Although it may be
uncomfortable or even painful, you must learn to face your problems head-on as they will not
go away if you ignore them.
At times you are very absent-minded and forgetful and there have been a number of others
who have thought of you as an air-head. You are not stupid, it's just that your focus and
concentration is on another plane. Of course, we do have to live down here on earth, so it
would be wise for you to be off in the clouds only when the situation is appropriate.
Communication with others may be difficult at times because you are not always clear on what
it is that you want to say. Either that, or you describe things in such terms that no one
understands what you're saying. Use your ability for artistic expression to communicate your
thoughts. Much of your inability to communicate with others is because you are not
concentrating. There are times, too, when you perhaps purposely try to mystify or deceive
others. You have great difficulty in paying attention and concentrating on anything for very
long, except of course, your daydreams.
You may have the tendency to believe in everything you hear or to be just the opposite and
believe nothing unless you see hard and fast proof. You do not see the world around you
accurately, hence you are prone to faulty conclusions. Your mind is highly imaginative and
creative and you possess dramatic, artistic, or musical abilities. You perceive things that
others do not grasp and understand and you have an amazing ability to read people and
situations without being told anything about them. You have a love of mystery and are
attracted to metaphysics or occult science, but you need to stay away from negative psychic
practices such as Ouija boards, sances, hypnotism and mediums. There is a need for you to

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learn to discriminate truth from fiction and reality from fantasy. You are accused of being a liar
at times and it is hard to tell whether you know the difference between truth and falsehood or
that you are simply trying to be deceitful on purpose. Some clear thinking on your part could
prevent others from getting the feeling that you are intentionally misleading them. You must
learn to discipline and focus your mind if you wish to use all your creative talents. You are not
particularly good at formal book-learning because you tend to absorb knowledge in an indirect
way. It is easier for you to pick up things by having someone tell, describe or show something
to you instead of your trying to read about it and understand what you've read. You may have
literary talent as you are excellent in describing anything imaginatively. You are a great
story-teller. Be careful of the people and environments with which you associate as you are
very sensitive to vibrations and tend to soak up the atmosphere that surrounds you.

Venus harmonizing with Pluto (power = 3.87 and this aspect is harmonious = 4.83)
You put everything you have into your emotions. Because you feel and love so deeply, so
passionately and wholeheartedly, others may find your intensity either extremely attractive or
very threatening. You are charismatic, with sex appeal and a certain amount of animal
magnetism which can't help but be noticed by the opposite sex. You have the ability to use
your attractiveness and charm to manipulate others, oftentimes without even realizing it. This
aspect gives you the opportunity to transform your values or to be the catalyst to help others
transform theirs. There is artistic ability along with a desire to create beauty, harmony and
comfort. You have an understanding and an empathy for the problems of others and you are
always looking for ways in which to help them or at least find the good that is in them.

Saturn harmonizing with Neptune (power = 2.26 and this aspect is harmonious = 1.13)
You have the opportunity to reach a high spiritual purpose in this life by serving others through
hard work and sacrifice. You can set aside your own needs for the needs of others you trust
and you gladly work in doing so. You blend well the qualities of practicality and idealism. You
are capable of detaching yourself emotionally from situations and this allows you to see things
through to the end. Whatever your hopes and dreams, you will work hard to achieve them.
You can make do with very little if you believe it necessary in order for you to accomplish your
goal. Practical creativity is your talent. Spiritual protection has been earned in previous lives
by your willingness to help and serve others.

Mercury harmonizing with Jupiter (power = 2.05 and this aspect is harmonious = 3.08)
You have an optimistic and hopeful outlook on life. You are interested in learning and
education is important to you. You have a knack for making long-range plans and you are
blessed with good judgment. Travel is beneficial for you and you enjoy doing it as it broadens
your outlook and increases your awareness and understanding. You like working with the big
picture and you are not particularly good at or fond of detailed work. You'd rather leave that to
someone else. You are a fine speaker and can sell almost anything to anyone. People
instinctively trust you and know that you have their best interests at heart. You are an
upstanding, moral and generous person who would not intentionally deceive or hurt anyone.
You enjoy thinking about abstract subjects such as philosophy and religion. Occasionally you
may embellish your stories and exaggerate your experiences to impress an audience. You
know how to keep a conversation interesting because you have a wonderful sense of humor.
You quickly and thoroughly learn any subject that interests you. You have the ability to see
both sides of an argument and you are accomplished at compromise. You are tolerant of the

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faults of others and you rarely hold a grudge life's too short, you figure. You love discussion
and debate because it gives you a chance to exchange viewpoints and ideas. You would be
well-suited to broadcasting work, sales, advertising, publishing, diplomacy, law, consulting,
business or almost any professional career. This aspect helps to ensure success in life
because you are always positive and will keep working hard regardless of obstacles. You are
saved by your faith.

Mercury harmonizing with Uranus (power = 0.14 and this aspect is harmonious = 0.14)
You possess lightning-quick physical and mental responses to stimuli of all kinds. You have
an electric nature about you that won't let you sit still. You love being involved with several
projects at the same time because you do not like to be bored. You are open-minded,
independent, original, eccentric, creative, unusual, a bit of a genius and a free-thinker. New
ideas and concepts are important to you and you encourage everyone you come into contact
with to experiment and try new things. You are intuitive and many insights come from your
Higher Self. You like an unstructured environment free from rules and regulations where you
can respond to the needs of the moment. Routine, repetitive work makes you nuts. Your mind
functions in an intuitive, nonlinear fashion and sudden insights and flashes of inspiration often
come to you "out of the blue". You hate being told what to do and how to do it. You need to
discover your own truths and experience things for yourself first-hand. You are better suited to
a fast-paced atmosphere where things happen and change all the time. You love science and
new technology and you like keeping up with all the state-of-the-art inventions, products and
ideas. You have an interest in occult subjects such as astrology. You have a talent for writing,
speaking and communicating your ideas to others and are always ready to listen to new and
unusual thoughts and concepts.

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Sun in Virgo
Virgos desire purity and perfection in all they are and all they do. They are generally reserved,
shy, analytical, discriminating, precise, industrious, systematic, considerate, punctual, and
reliable. Virgos are hard workers who usually have a great deal of common sense and are
practical, with a flair for detailed work. On the negative side, though, they can also be aloof,
skeptical, picky, sarcastic, depressed, critical, pessimistic, whiny, and self-centered. Virgoans
are happy when they can work with a lot of details, usually of a technical or analytical nature,
in and for the service of others. They do not have to be the boss as service is more important
than leadership.
Virgoans have curious and inquiring minds, with keen analysis and excellent memories. They
enjoy analyzing people, situations, and problems. They always want to know how, why, when
and where. It is sometimes hard for a Virgo to relax because boredom is something they
cannot stand. They want to be busy, either doing or learning.
A Virgoan can generally be depended upon to fulfill a promise. They have a flair for
organization and enjoy setting up schedules. There is an inborn love of order and harmony.
They are always subconsciously seeking perfection in whatever they attempt. Because they
push themselves so hard to be perfect, they have a tendency to look for perfection in others. If
they find it lacking, they can become pretty critical and faultfinding.
Virgos have a tendency to worry. This is because they desire perfection and are always
thinking about how something can be made better or how they can do something better, even,
and especially, after the fact. This tension can affect their health, causing intestinal disorders.
Virgos need to develop a positive outlook on life, as this has a direct affect on their health. If
they become too anxious about life, they can become hypochondriacs. They are generally
healthy and are always looking for new ways to take care of themselves, usually through
better diet or through natural means of healing. Whether old or young, all Virgoans need a
quiet period each day in order to rest their active minds. In any case, many Virgos look much
younger than their years.
In love, a Virgoan has difficulty expressing himself as passionately as he desires. Virgos are
very self-sufficient, but they are also very happy when they have someone to love, someone
to serve.

Moon in Virgo
You are very sensitive, cautious, and perhaps shy about showing others your feelings.
Though you may love and care for someone a great deal, you rarely express those feelings
openly and freely. You are perhaps more mental than emotional, at least outwardly. Very often
your love for someone will be expressed by trying to help them, doing something tangible to
benefit them, or serving them in some way. It may be difficult for you to receive warmth,
affection, or appreciation, for you often feel that you don't really deserve it or that "they don't
really mean it". You can therefore seem rather cool and aloof, much more so than you feel. At
times you can be so critical of others that you drive them and their love away. You need to
learn how to forgive yourself and others when you or they do not measure up to perfection.
This need of yours for perfection can be quite stifling to your own happiness. You tend to be

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industrious, trustworthy, intuitive, reserved, practical and down-to-earth, especially where

emotions are concerned. Intelligence, usefulness and fastidiousness are important themes.
You have the ability to analyze people and situations and, then, find the quickest, most
efficient method of accomplishing whatever is needed. This may make you an excellent
housekeeper, nurse and/or manager. You must, however, watch your tendency to nit-pick or
to become overly fussy concerning small details. You like to serve others, but find it difficult to
understand the feelings of others. Your greatest need is to learn tolerance and to serve those
around you.

Mercury in Virgo
You are an exacting perfectionist with a clear, logical, and analytical mind with an aptitude for
work that requires meticulous attention to detail and efficient organization. Well-grounded,
practical, and possessing a great deal of common sense, you tend to develop specialized
skills and technical expertise in some practical field. Knowledge, ideas, and theories don't
really interest you unless they are useful in a practical, tangible way. You love to analyze,
measure, and dissect everything, but perhaps you miss hints, nuances, and subtle shades of
feeling and meaning. Your strengths are in your precise thinking, careful craftsmanship, and
mastery of technical skills. You tend to be very good at what you do and are critical of others'
work if it does not meet your high standards. You are systematic, adaptable, stable, flexible,
and good with details, although you may have a tendency to be pessimistic, sarcastic,
intolerant, complaining, whiny, critical, or get lost in the details and lose the forest for the

Venus in Leo
In affairs of the heart you are warm-hearted, spontaneous, ardent, affectionate, loyal and
generous. You hate pettiness and stinginess in your partner. You seek the Hero, the Prince or
Princess, someone you can idolize and adore, someone you have great pride in or someone
who can sweep you off your feet. You crave love, appreciation, and attention from others and
like to be at the center of things. You are rather susceptible to flattery and love to feel
SPECIAL. You want and enjoy drama in your love life and some grand romantic gesture or
extravagant expression of generosity impresses you. You dramatize your emotions. You are
honest, frank, attractive, kind, compassionate, and fun-loving with a charming personality. You
find it easy to be in love with love. You may expect too much of people and thus become
easily hurt. You must watch a tendency to be preoccupied with your physical appearance
when you should be developing your inner potential. Vanity and becoming a show-off is
possible. You need to be admired for your inner and outer beauty.

Mars in Leo
You are proud and probably have a big ego. You want to excel, to stand out and be
recognized for who and what you are. You like to be Number One. It is difficult for you to take
orders or to stay in the background. You like to be noticed and will do things in a dramatic
manner just to get attention and be seen. You hate being wrong and may insist that you are
always right. You are forceful, strong, energetic, artistically creative, determined, and highly
competitive. You play hard, you play to win, and you do not give up easily. In fact, you see life
as a competitive sport, game or performance. You love admiration and applause, and you
have a strong sense of personal honor and integrity. You tend to be very self-confident, even
arrogant. But you may become self-conscious, defensive, and rather belligerent if your

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self-confidence is shaken. You tend to be enthusiastic, rather impulsive, full of energy, and
ambitious. You are very ardent in matters of love and will pursue your love interest with great
fervor and passion, letting nothing get in the way of your desires. You don't beat around the
bush, but say exactly what you feel, often in an embarrassing direct way. On the negative
side, there may be a love of taking risks or of gambling. You can be quarrelsome,
argumentative and jealous. There may be heart trouble if physical activity is overdone when
you are not in shape or if anger is allowed to vent destructively. Energy and passion both
need to be disciplined. You need to be admired for your actions.

Jupiter in Sagittarius
You are big-hearted, idealistic, loyal, generous, humane, broad-minded, philosophical and
tolerant. There may be interest in religion, law, higher education or anything abstract. You
may be prophetic and inspirational and you can inspire trust in other people. They are
attracted to your sense of honor and integrity. You have a strong desire to help others and you
have an ability to inspire them to help themselves. You may be in a position of power and
prestige or work in the professions. You tend to be conservative because of a desire for
people to like you. You must watch a tendency to justify yourself by rationalization. On the
negative side, you may be too fond of sport or gambling, fond of cheap or extravagant display,
self-righteous, narrow-minded, intolerant, dogmatic and atheistic.

Saturn in Scorpio
You can be very self-disciplined. You have executive ability and are perceptive and extremely
capable. You may have psychic ability. People may find you difficult to understand because of
your reserved exterior and secretiveness. Your mind may be mechanically oriented and you
are resourceful, even under the most adverse circumstances, patient and persistent. The
action and energy of Mars is combined with the forethought of Saturn in a most wonderful
combination. Whatever you do is done with intensity. On the negative side, though, there is
danger of stubbornness, revenge, lack of forgiveness, resentment, and ruthlessness.
Tendencies to grub for money and prestige can cause harm. There can be health problems
with constipation or hemorrhoids. There is a need to transform your desires. You need to learn
when and how to let go. This also applies to eliminative bodily functions. Holding onto anger
can cause stones to develop in the gall bladder or kidneys.

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Sun in 11th house
You probably possess a desire to raise goals to a higher level and to seek ideas which would
be of benefit for the group. Or you may desire to place your own goals and desires above the
wishes of the group. You have the ability to make friends, many who are influential and wield
power. You enjoy your work with groups. You are responsible, liberal and broad-minded. You
are a humanitarian who would rather be popular than powerful. You have organizing ability
and probably take the leadership role in group activities or friendly get-togethers.

Moon in 11th house

Popularity with women often comes with this position. Many of your friends will be female. The
feeling of belonging to a group increases your feelings of security. If you feel you do not
"belong", then negative emotions surface that all basically have to do with your own needs for
security. Humanitarian projects may be important to you as you can develop your nurturing
instincts with or for the group. You enjoy working for the good of the group instead of just your
own good. You are responsive to the feelings of others. Concerning vocation: The network of
friendships within the work situation is emphasized. Friends may help get the job, make the
job rewarding and will probably endure after the job is done. A friend's advice about work
opportunity or direction is perhaps more important than that of a professional counselor.

Mercury in 12th house

You have a perceptive, intuitive and subtle mind with an interest in the metaphysical world.
You can absorb knowledge intuitively and you understand more than you wish to divulge. You
are secretive and have the ability to understand the deeper meanings of tones of voice and
hand gestures. Secret enemies may try to undo you or speak evil of you. You may lack
confidence in yourself. You may find yourself limited or incapacitated if you allow your nerves
to become too frayed. Be careful of your ears and your hearing, which may be weak.

Venus in 11th house

You are sociable, tactful and friendly. You have many helpful friends. Be careful, though, that
these friends do not encourage you to over-indulge yourself for that will have a detrimental
effect on you and your health. Be careful also of pleasing your friends at a cost to yourself.
You have the ability to put people at ease. You enjoy cultural and group pursuits. You have a
strong desire to relax with congenial companions, though you can be imposed upon by friends
because of your desire to do everything possible for their comfort and pleasure.

Mars in 10th house

You have an ambitious, enthusiastic nature with lots of energy. You have good executive
ability and organizational powers. You want to lead and show the way, taking the initiative in
your career. Success comes through your own enterprise. You do best in an occupation with
variety. Your self-reliance is strong and you are practical and results oriented. There may be
some difficulty or friction with one of your parents or with superiors at work.

Jupiter in 2nd house

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You have the ability to be financially successful. Money seems to come to you and you have
probably never missed a meal in your life. You have confidence and optimism in your talents
and abilities. Your visionary ideas and investments usually prosper due to your intuitive
appraisal of situations. You enjoy material possessions and may be termed "lucky". You
inspire trust in others and may benefit from receiving financial assistance from others in order
to develop your visionary and idealistic ideas. You must guard against self-indulgence and
over-extravagance. Curb your desire for rich, sweet food and desserts.

Saturn in 1st house

You are probably reserved, quiet, and serious. People may take you for quite a cold person.
You are responsible, hard-working and duty comes first on your list of priorities. Self-controlled
and disciplined are how others see you. You may have experienced a rather austere or
difficult early childhood. Perhaps there was illness that kept you on the sidelines. Feelings of
inferiority, insecurity, or unworthiness may push you to great ambitions and accomplishments.
Perhaps you feel unloved or that you are not worthy of love. These feelings may have been
activated in your early, formative years. Pessimism and depression may come upon you
because everything looks like such a struggle for you. Keep your chin up and realize that no
hard work is ever wasted and that rewards will come to you later in life if you buckle down now
and toe the line. Survival issues may come into play.

Uranus in 2nd house

You can earn money in original and inventive ways. Money and possessions come and go in
sudden, unexpected ways. There may be unusual and disruptive changes in your financial
condition. You may value money for the freedom it gives you to pursue your inner talents,
which may be rare and unique. You have the ability to get yourself out of financial difficulties.

Neptune in 3rd house

You are idealistic and artistic. Your mind soaks up information rather than acquiring it by brute
force. Your ability to visualize and imagine is probably quite pronounced. Flashes of
inspiration can come to you quite suddenly. There may even be traces of clairvoyance.
Perhaps you have felt as if you could read people's minds? Concentration on book work may
be difficult for you. Did you ever try sleeping with the book under your pillow? Possible karmic
obligations to siblings or neighbors may need to be reconciled. Some feelings of insecurity
may cause nervous disorders. You may have a tendency to be unreliable or negative. Avoid
procrastination and idle day-dreaming. Avoid all negative psychic practices and drugs.

Pluto in 1st house

You are strong-willed, brave, self-sufficient and probably enjoy throwing your weight around.
Yet you may lack self-confidence. Controlling others may become an issue for you. You crave
experience and transformation. Regeneration is a topic that occupies your thoughts. There is
a magnetism that surrounds you that draws other people to you, yet you may be a loner whom
others find difficult to understand. You can be gentle and sensitive, yet will always fight for
what you believe in. You don't back down from anyone. You are capable of great anger under
the right circumstances and when this occurs, you can go off like an A-bomb. You may be a
channel for healing and can perhaps develop this ability should you decide. Forgive and forget
and don't brood over slights, whether real or imaginary. Trying to be a little more flexible

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wouldn't hurt either.

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The astrological interpretations in this report have been formulated with the assumption that
your birth date, time, and place are accurately given. This includes whether the birth time was
daylight savings time or standard time. Even a difference of one hour in birth time can
invalidate much of the interpretation given in this report, most notably 'HOUSE POSITIONS
By no means is this astrological analysis complete. Obviously, you are far more complex than
what a few pages of writing can depict. Hopefully, this short description of you and your inner
character will lead you on your way to really discovering who you are, what you can become,
and what you need to be doing in this life.

September 07, 1983 at 08:00 (GMT +1 hours), 20e55, 44n01

Created by:
Allen Edwall
736 Center Dr #328, San Marcos, CA 92069
Copyright 2012 by Allen Edwall. All rights reserved.
Phone: 760.294.9577

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