AC Nielsen Corporation - Consumer MKTG Research Firm

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Nielsen Corporation

The Nielsen Corporation, formerly known as ACNielsen or AC Nielsen is a global marketing research
rm, with worldwide headquarters in New York City,
United States of America. Regional headquarters for
North America are located in the Chicago suburb of
Schaumburg, Illinois.[1] As of May 2010, it is part of
Nielsen Holdings.

marketing strategies in heterogeneous Germany depend

on the Nielsengebiete, this even leading to the result that
some trademarks or marketing campaigns have only been
introduced in some of the Nielsengebiete. In addition, in
many newspapers or magazines disseminated nationwide,
ads may be placed for just only one or some Nielsengebiete; the circulation gures of print media are often stated
This company was founded in 1923 in Chicago, by Arthur according to Nielsengebiete, as well.
C. Nielsen, Sr., in order to give marketers reliable and objective information on the impact of marketing and sales
programs. ACNielsen began expanding internationally in
1939, and now operates in more than 100 countries.

3 M&A


In 2001, ACNielsen itself was acquired by VNU, as

part of VNUs Marketing Information group, and thus is
now under the same corporate umbrella as the company
it spawned, NMR. Nielsen Media Research is based in
New York City, while ACNielsen headquarters remain
in Schaumburg, Illinois.

One of Nielsens best known creations is the Nielsen ratings, an Audience measurement system that measures
television, radio and newspaper audiences in their respective media markets. In 1950 they acquired the C. E.
Hooper company and began attaching recording devices
to a statistical sample of about 1,200 consumer television sets in the U.S.[2] These devices used photographic
lm in mail-in cartridges to record the channels viewed
by the consumer and thus determine audience size. Later
they developed electronic methods of data collection and
transmission. In 1996, Nielsen split o this part of its
operations into a separate company called Nielsen Media Research (NMR), which operated as an independent
company until it was acquired by Dutch conglomerate
VNU in 1999.

ACNielsen is also sister company to Nielsen//NetRatings,

which measures Internet and digital media audiences,
and Nielsen BuzzMetrics, which measures ConsumerGenerated Media.

IMS Health and ACNielsen ORG-MARG entered into a

joint venture on 1 January 2004, aligning their health care
information business operations in India, bringing together the two organizations global expertise and strong
local presence to deliver a broader array of actionable,
Another market research tool is the Homescan program strategic solutions to the pharmaceutical market.
where sample members track and report all grocery and In 2005, ACNielsen initiated their MVP (Media Voice
retail purchases, allowing purchasing patterns to be re- Panel) program. Panel members carry an electronic monlated to household demographics. Homescan covers sev- itor that detects the digital station and program identi eral countries including Australia, Canada, the United cation codes hidden within the TV and radio broadcasts
Kingdom, and the United States. In 2004, ACNielsen they are exposed to. At night, members place the monchose the CipherLab CPT-8001 as its data collection ter- itor in a cradle that sends the collected data through the
minal for the Homescan program throughout Asia.[3]
homes electrical wiring to a relay device that transmits it
by phone, making it one of the rst practical uses of electrical wiring as a home network. With an approximately
one week notice to members, the MVP program ended
2 International
on March 17, 2008.
In 2007, the owner VNU changed its name to The
Nielsen Company".

In Germany, ACNielsen gained particular reputation for

their introduction of the Nielsen areas (or Nielsengebiete
in German), each of which includes one or more German
federal states sharing a similar economic structure, culture, and consumer behaviour. To a considerable part,

Arthur Charles Nielsen, Jr. (born April 8, 1919)[4] the

man who acquired the company from his father, died at
the age of 92 on October 3, 2011.[5]

External links
Nielsen areas of Germany
ACNielsen Australian two party preferred and preferred prime minister polling 1996 - 2007


[1] Nielsen - Contact

[3] CPT-8001 Preferred Terminal For AC Nielsen (Asia Paci c)" IT Reseller Online, 2004-10-28
Examples for marketing based on Nielsen areas:


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