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About Kalpana Chawla Memorial Award 2015

Kalpana Chawla was one of the role model for Biyani Girls College. They instituted
Kalpana Chawla Award in her fond memory.
It is the 9th Edition of the contest.
Kalpana Chawla Award motivates and inspires girls to achieve bigger in their life and
always be winners in their respective fields.
The award is open to all the students and the criteria to win the award is Kalpana Chawla
Award Entrance Exam which is designed in a way that it examines the analytical and
reasoning ability of the students and also their general awareness.
Topic of the Essay Competition is : "My Career Goals and Inspiration from Kalpana
Kalpana Chawla Award
Kalpana Chawla Memorial Awards-2015 Will be Held after the result is announced at
(Biyani Group Of Colleges "Utsav" Auditorium)
The winners would be given the cash prizes in the award function.

Few important Road Safety Tips are mentioned below :

Don't use your mobile phone whilst driving

Belt up in the back

Don't drink and drive

Always adhere to speed limits

Take special care about children, senior citizens and pedestrians.

Don't drive if tired.

Pedestrians should walk cautiously.

Always observe and anticipate other road users.

Keep your distances.

Always wear helmets and seat belts

Dr.avul Pakir Jainulabdeen abdul kalam was born on 15th october , 1931 at Dhanushkodi in
Rameshwaram district of Tamilnadu. He did his secondary education at schwartz high school in
Ramanathapuram ,B.Sc. at St .Josephs college ,Tiruchi and DMIT in Aeronautical Enginerring at
the MIT^,Madras (chennai) during 1954 - 57.
After passing out as a graduate aeronautical engineer Kalam joined ( Hindustan Aeronautics
Limited) Banglore as a trainee , and later joined as a Techincal assistant in the directorate of
Technical Development and Production of the Ministry of defence.
In1960's kalam joined the Vikram Sarabhai Space Research center at Thumba in Kerala . he
played a major role in developing the first indigenous satellite - launched vehicle .in 1982,he
rejoined DRDO as director and conceived the integrated Guided MIssile Development
programme (IGMDP) for five indigenous missiles : Nag Prithvi ,Akash, Trishul ,AGNI.
Dr.APJ. Abdul kalam has established an advance technology research center called 'Research
Center Imarat' to undertake development in futuristic missile technology areas . it was perhaps
the most satisfying achivenent for Kalam during the missile years.
Dr. Kalam has also servd as Principal Scientific Advisdor to the government of india during 25th
novenber 1999-10 November 2001. Later , hequit the job and took over the job as distinguished
professor at Anna University .
on july 25,2002 , Dr .A.P.J Abdul Kalam was sw2orn in as the 12th president of india by chif
Justice of India Shri B.N.Kirpal in central hall of parliment at an impressive function telecaste
live across the parliment at an impressive function telecaste live across the country Dr .Kalam
took the oath in the name of God as a 21 -gun salute boomed in the background.
Dr. Kalam a bachelor is connoisseur of classicalcarnatic music . he plays veena in his leisure.He
write poetry in tamil , his mother -tongue . seventeen of him poems were translated into English
and published in 1994 as a book entitled "My journey". He reads the quran and the Bhagavad
Gita with equal devotion . he is also New Millenium , wings of Fire ; An Autobiography and
ignited Minds .
Dr. kalam is by no means a miracle man .His advice to the youngster of the nation is to "dream'
dream and convert these into thoughts and later into actions". people Also to "think big. we are a
nation of a billiuon people and we must thik like a nation of a billion people . only then can we
become big."

Srinivasa Ramanujam

Early Life and Education:

Srinivasa Ramanujan Aiyangar was an Indian Mathematician who was born in Erode,
India in 1887 on December 22. He was born into a family that was not very well to do.
He went to school at the nearby place, Kumbakonam. Ramanujan is very well known for
his efforts on continued fractions and series of hypergeometry. When Ramanujan was
thirteen, he could work out Loneys Trigonometry exercises without any help. At the of
fourteen, he was able to acquire the theorems of cosine and sine given by L. Euler.
Synopsis of Elementary Results in Pure and Applied Mathematics by George Shoobridge
Carr was reached by him in 1903. The book helped him a lot and opened new dimensions
to him were opened which helped him introduce about 6,165 theorems for himself. As he
had no proper and good books in his reach, he had to figure out on his own the solutions
for all the questions. It was in this quest that he discovered many tremendous methods
and new algebraic series.
In 1904, he received a merit scholarship in a local college and became more indulgent
into mathematics. He lost his interest in all other subjects due to which he lost his
scholarship. Even after two attempts, he did not succeed to get a first degree in the field
of arts. In 1909, he got married and continued his clerical work and, side by side, his
investigations of mathematics. Finally in 1911, he published some of his results.
It was in January 1913 that he sent his work to a Cambridge Professor named G. H.
Hardy but he did not appreciate Ramanujans work much as he had not really done
reached the standard of the mathematicians of the west. But he was given a scholarship in
May by the University of Madras.
Contributions and Achievements:
Ramanujan went to Cambridge in 1914 and it helped him a lot but by that time his mind
worked on the patterns on which it had worked before and he seldom adopted new ways.
By then, it was more about intuition than argument. Hardy said Ramanujan could have
become an outstanding mathematician if his skills had been recognized earlier. It was said
about his talents of continued fractions and hypergeometric series that, he was
unquestionably one of the great masters. It was due to his sharp memory, calculative
mind, patience and insight that he was a great formalist of his days. But it was due to his
some methods of working in the work analysis and theories of numbers that did not let
him excel that much.
He got elected as the fellow in 1918 at the Trinity College at Cambridge and the Royal
Society. He departed from this world on April 26, 1920.

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