There Are Some Muffins There If You Want - . .: Alon15758 - CL - Indd 205 7/6/11 8:00 PM

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There are some muffins there if you want . . .


everybody can take a walk? Or why do we assume that a walk requires

two feet or being able to stand upwards or being able to balance on
whatever feet one has? So I wanted to call into question the idea of taking a walk. When I asked Sunny, do you take walks? I wasnt sure if
that would be the term she would use for going out for a stroll in her
wheelchair. She said, yes, I take walks everyday and I replied, perfect!
Lets start with that. You can take a walk in a variety of ways: on wheels,
through film, in your dreams. It doesnt necessarily mean that one has
the mobility and balance that we associate with physical walking. I
wanted to let taking a walk become a metaphor, or at least a transposable term that could describe any number of ways of being in motion.
Udi Aloni: That walk stayed with me for days, after the movie, after
I left the theater and went home. You spoke of this kid, the one who
always had a queer walk, and just because of that walk he was murdered
by his friend. How movement can be everything. There was something
amazing and yet simple in that. Some say that your writing is complicated, but there is a simplicity that is very deep at the same time.
I want to go back a bit. In Israel, people know you well. Your name
was even in the popular film Ha-Buah (The Bubble). (Laughs.)
Judith Butler: (Laughs.) Although I disagreed with the use of my
name in that context. I mean, it was very funny to say, dont Judith
Butler me, but to Judith Butler someone meant to say something
very negative about men and to identify with a form of feminism that
was against men. And Ive never been identified with that form of feminism. Thats not my mode. Im not known for that. So it seems like it
was confusing me with a radical feminist view that one would associate
with Catharine MacKinnon or Andrea Dworkin, a completely different
feminist modality. Im not always calling into question whos a man and
whos not, and am I a man? Maybe Im a man. (Laughs.) Call me a man.
I am much more open about categories of gender, and my feminism has
been about womens safety from violence, increased literacy, decreased
poverty, and more equality. I was never against the category of men.
Udi Aloni: A beautiful Israeli poem asks, How does one become Avot
Yeshurun? Avot Yeshurun was a poet who caused turmoil in Israeli
poetry. I want to ask, how does one become Judith Butlerespecially
with the issue of Gender Trouble, the book that so troubled the discourse on gender?
Judith Butler: You know, Im not sure that I know how to give an
account of it, and I think it troubles gender differently depending on

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