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Poultry (/poltri/) are domesticated birds kept by humans for the eggs they

produce, their meat, their feathers, or sometimes as pets. The word "poultry" comes
from the French/Norman word poule, itself derived from the Latin word pullus, which
means small animal. The domestication of poultry took place several thousand
years ago. This may have originally been as a result of people hatching and rearing
young birds from eggs collected from the wild, but later involved keeping the birds
permanently in captivity. Domesticated chickens may have been used for
cockfighting at first and quail kept for their songs, but soon it was realised how
useful it was having a captive-bred source of food. Selective breeding for fast
growth, egg-laying ability, conformation, plumage and docility took place over the
centuries, and modern breeds often look very different from their wild ancestors.
Although some birds are still kept in small flocks in extensive systems, most birds
available in the market today are reared in intensive commercial enterprises.
Poultry is the second most widely eaten type of meat globally and, along with eggs,
provides nutritionally beneficial food containing high-quality protein accompanied
by a low proportion of fat. All poultry meat should be properly handled and
sufficiently cooked in order to reduce the risk of food poisoning.
Chickens are medium-sized, chunky birds with an upright stance and characterised
by fleshy red combs and wattles on their heads. Males, known as cocks, are usually
larger, more boldly coloured, and have more exaggerated plumage than females
(hens). Chickens are gregarious, omnivorous, ground-dwelling birds that in their
natural surroundings search among the leaf litter for seeds, invertebrates, and other
small animals. They seldom fly except as a result of perceived danger, preferring to
run into the undergrowth if approached.[10] Today's domestic chicken (Gallus gallus
domesticus) is mainly descended from the wild red junglefowl of Asia, with some
additional input from the grey junglefowl.[11] Domestication is believed to have
taken place between 7,000 and 10,000 years ago, and what are thought to be
fossilized chicken bones have been found in northeastern China dated to around
5,400 BC. Archaeologists believe domestication was originally for the purpose of
cockfighting, the male bird being a doughty fighter. By 4,000 years ago, chickens
seem to have reached the Indus Valley and 250 years later, they arrived in Egypt.
They were still used for fighting and were regarded as symbols of fertility. The
Romans used them in divination, and the Egyptians made a breakthrough when
they learned the difficult technique of artificial incubation.[12] Since then, the
keeping of chickens has spread around the world for the production of food with the
domestic fowl being a valuable source of both eggs and meat.[13]
Poultry House
a building for housing poultry. There are different types of poultry houses, which are
grouped according to the species and age of the poultry to be housed, their
intended economic use, and the system of maintenance. Brooder houses, batteries,
and acclimators are used for raising chicks. Adult chickens, ducks, turkeys, and
geese of breeding and commercial flocks are kept in special poultry houses in cages

or on the floor. Most poultry houses have a single story. Experimental four- to sixstory buildings have been constructed for layers (housing 120,000150,000 hens)
and for broilers (housing 80,000).
Poultry houses have water-supply lines, a system for the disposal of droppings, and
central-heating and ventilating systems. Their equipment is industrially
manufactured to ensure optimal mechanization of production processes.

Suitable poultry housing is very important for successful poultry farming business.
Poultry birds can be raised in both free range and indoor production systems. In
case indoor production system, it is very crucial to manage the environment. Poultry
need accurate management and environment for better production and welfare.
Whether the poultry raised in indoor or outdoor system, make sure the well
management, ventilation, lighting, temperature and litter condition. For a small
scale poultry production, portable houses are best and this is an organic method.
But for sustainable commercial poultry production, planned and proper designed
poultry housing is very essential to keep the poultry birds healthy and productive.
And this will increase the farming production and income.

A good poultry housing system must have to be weather proof. Weather proof
poultry housing system will keep the poultry birds safe from the adverse weather
conditions such as cold, rain, wind, hot sun etc. The poultry housing system should
have the facilities of providing warmth, particularly during brooding period and
winter season. The house must have to be well ventilated. Must have to have the
facilities of protecting the poultry birds from harmful predators. Different types of
innovative poultry housing design are used in poultry farming business. It may be
just a simple house, mobile or portable house or fixed houses with permanent

An adult chicken contains about 105 to 107 Fahrenheit temperature in its body.
The chickens can maintain their body temperature and grow very well in a
thermoneutral zone of 65 to 75 Fahrenheit. If the temperature is under or higher
than this zone, then you must have to control the temperature in any way. Chickens
reduce their food consumption rate in hot weather. They have no sweat glands. As a
result, the growth of poultry will be less in hot weather condition. They begin
panting at or above 85 Fahrenheit temperature. Drink water frequently to keep
them free from dehydration. It is very difficult to combine between high

temperature and high humidity, because in those conditions panting does not make
the body of chicken cool. In some countries, hot weather is very harmful than cold
weather. You must have to control hot weather strictly for broiler poultry farming, as
they are very fast growing bird and cant tolerate high temperature. You have to
keep sufficient cool drinking water inside the poultry housing, during summer
season. During winter season, use heaters for heating the poultry housing system.
Most of the farmers do not use heaters to heat the house and depend on the body
warmth of poultry birds for heating. The poultry birds consume more feed in winter
season, because they need more energy to keep their body warm and keep them
free from cold. Most farmer provide the poultry more food instead of heating the
house. Because feeding more feed costs less than heating the house. However, you
can use electric heaters or gas brooders for the purpose of heating the poultry
housing area. Keep a thermometer inside every poultry house for measuring the
daily temperature, and always follow the weather forecasts.
poultry house, poultry housing, how to build a poultry house

Well ventilation inside poultry housing system play a very vital role to control the
indoor environment. It removes moisture, heat, gas etc. and brings fresh air inside
the poultry house. You can design ventilation system in both natural and artificial
(mechanical) methods. Most farmers use natural ventilation for poultry production.
In natural ventilation system, you can open wide windows and side curtains to
ensure the entrance of fresh air to make the house cold during summer season (hot
weather). A pair of vent in the roof of poultry house, will help to remove the hot air.
A roof of at least six feet height from the floor, is suitable for this purpose.
Controlling natural ventilation is more difficult than artificial method. In winter
season, make proper ventilation system to preserve heat and remove moister and
gas (like ammonia) from the house. Most farmer close the windows and side
curtains during winter season, because warm air holds more moisture than cold air.
However, you should allow small amount of air inside the house with high moisture
once or twice a day. In artificial ventilation system you can fully control the
movement of air inside the poultry housing system. But this system is not suitable
for free range poultry housing.

Light is also a vary important element for poultry farming. And poultry birds become
very sensitive to light. Light helps the poultry birds to be productive, finding food
and simulating them for reproduction. Besides light, the poultry birds also need dark
period for keeping good health and producing melatonin hormone (which is very

important for immune function). Almost all types of poultry birds require 8 hours of
darkness period and 16 hours presence of light. Almost all poultry producer use only
the natural light for lighting the poultry house. Darkness is helpful for some fast
growing broiler species, and helps them for reducing leg disorders and build their
body frame. However, poultry chicks require 24 hours light daily after hatching for
finding food and water pot. Some commercial broiler poultry producer use long
lighting period to encourage the bird consuming more food. This results very fast
growing of broilers. Broiler poultry birds do not eat food and drink water in the dark.
If the poultry birds are kept in darkness for some moment, then they will be more
active in the light than continuous lighting period (and they will eat more food). This
is a good practice, and it keeps the poultry birds healthy. In accordance with natural
lighting, you have to use artificial light. In small scale poultry rearing, you can use
14 to 16 hours of lighting period for layer poultry (where artificial lighting is needed
for 4 to 6 hours daily depending on the season). But the lighting period should not
be more than the longest day of the year. Maintain the lighting period for layer
poultry farming very carefully, otherwise they will lay egg very soon or stop laying
eggs. Use incandescent or fluorescent bulb for the purpose of artificial lighting.
Fluorescent bulbs are very expensive than incandescent bulb. But fluorescent bulbs
are very energy efficient and long lasting. However, use bulb according to your
choice and demand. In the case of incandescent bulb use a 60 watt bulb for each
200 square feet area, and use a wide reflector always to maximize the light. Clean
the bulbs regularly. You can use an automatic controller for maintaining a regular
lighting period. Because if you forget to switch on the light manually, then it can
hamper the egg and meat production of your poultry birds. Always use waterproof
sockets inside the poultry housing system. Maintaining a lighting period inside the
poultry house in morning is very effective than lighting in the evening. Adjust the
lighting period according to the weather condition and season. Where there is no
electricity or load shedding is very high, use batteries, heriken or solar panel for
lighting the poultry house.

For successful poultry farming and getting desired production, litter management is
very important. Usually the litter is used for covering the floor of poultry housing
system which may be made of concrete, wooden or earthen. Litter absorbs the
moister of closet and dilutes the manure. It also works as the bed for the poultry
birds. Rice hulls and soft wood shavings are the common materials used by the
farmers around the world. Besides this, you can use some other materials for litter
making purpose such as recycled newspaper, sand, dried wood fiber, chopped pine
straw, peanut hulls etc. Small scale poultry farmer also use some other materials
such as hay and straw as poultry litter. Whatever you use, always try to use those
materials which are healthy for poultry and compost well. A good litter contain
about 20% to 30% moisture and depth about 2 to 4 inch. Ventilate the pulse very

well, and it will help to remove moisture from the litter. High moisture in litter is
very harmful for poultry health. Wet litter causes some problem like sores, and
blister on poultry birds and produce ammonia gas which hampers the respiratory
system of poultry. Use aluminum sulfate or hydrated lime to reduce ammonia gas
from the litter. You can use the litter again and again after drying the materials
properly. But dont use the used litter if any disease affect in the poultry farm. After
selling the poultry, remove the used litter from poultry house by machine or hand.
This litter can be used as a good manure in the agricultural land for crop cultivation.
In some area poultry manure and litter is very valuable and an extra source of
earning cash. Dry poultry manure contain 3.84% nitrogen, 2.01% phosphorus and
1.42% potassium. In a word, poultry manure is very suitable for make soil fertile and
it can be used in organic farming system.

These are the common consideration for creating a suitable poultry housing system
for your birds.

Poultry Housing
Poultry is housed for comfort protection,
efficient production and convenience of the poultry man.

Essentials of Good Housing:

Comfort: The best egg production is secured from birds that are comfortable and
happy. To be comfortable a house must provide adequate accommodation; be
reasonably cool in summer, free-from draft and sufficiently warm during the winter
provides adequate supply of fresh air and sunshine; and remain always dry. Given
these the hen responds excellently.

Protection: Includes safeguards against theft and attack from natural enemies of the
birds such as the fox, dog, cat kite, crow, snake, etc. The birds also should be
protected against external parasites like ticks, lice and mites.

Convenience: The house should be located at a convenient place, and the

equipment so arranged as to allow cleaning and other necessary operations as

Location of Poultry House:

In planning a poultry house, the location should be taken into consideration. In

selecting site for poultry houses the following factors should be considered.

Relation to other building: The poultry house should not be close to the home as to
create unsanitary conditions. On the other hand it should not be too far away either
because this will require more time in going to and for in caring for the birds. In
general at least three trips should be made daily to the poultry house in feeding,
watering, gathering the eggs, etc.

Exposure: The poultry house should face south or east in moist localities. A southern
exposure permits more sunlight in the house than any of the other possible
exposures. An eastern exposure is almost as good as a southern one. Birds prefer
morning sunlight to that of the afternoon. The birds are more active in the morning
and will spend more time in the sunlight.

Soil and drainage: If possible the poultry house should be placed on a sloping
hillside rather than a hilltop or in the bottom of a valley. A sloping hillside provides
good drainage and affords some protection. The type of soil is important if the birds
are to be given a range. A fertile well drained soil is desired. This will be a sandy
loam rather than a heavy clay soil. A fertile soil will grow good vegetation which is
one of the main reasons for providing range. If the poultry house is located on flat
poorly drained soil, the yards should be tiled otherwise the birds should be kept in
total confinement.

Shade and Protection: Shade and protection of the poultry house are just as
desirable as for the home. Trees serve as a windbreak in the winter and for shade in
the summer. They should be tall, with no low limbs. Low shrubbery is no good as in
their presence the soil becomes contaminated under the shrubbery, remains damp/
and sunlight cannot reach it to destroy the di ease germs. One thing we should
remember that plenty of sun shines should be available at the site.

Housing requirements:

Floor space: The smaller the house the more square feet are required for each hen.
Bigger pens have more actual usable floor space per bird than smaller pens. The
recommend at as suggested might be useful regarding floor, feeders and watering

For economic production of laying hens it is always better to keep them in small unit
of 15 to 25 birds. This number can go up to a maximum limit of 250 birds. In
commercial poultry farms units of 125 or so are advisable. Where there is a long
house, partitioning at every 20 feet should be made to eliminate drafts, etc.

Ventilation: Ventilation in the poultry house is necessary to provide the birds with
fresh air and to carry off moisture. Since the fowl is a small animal with a rapid
metabolism its air requirements per unit of body is high in comparison with that of
other animals. A hen weighing 2 kg and on full feed, produces about 52 liters of CO2
every 24 hours. Since CO2 content of expired air is about 3.5 per cent, total air
breathed amounts to 0.5 liter per kg live weight per minute. A house that is a tall
enough for the attendant to more around comfortably will supply far more air space
than will be required by the birds that can be accommodated in the given floor

Temperature: Hens need a moderate temperature of 50F to 70F. Birds need

warmer temperature at night, when they are inactive, than during the day. The use
of insulation with straw pack or other materials, not only keeps the house. Warmer
during the winter months but cooler during the summer months Cross ventilation
also aids in keeping the house comfortable during hot weather.

Dryness: Absolute dry conditions inside a poultry house is always ideal condition
dampness causes discomfort to the birds and also gives rise to the diseases like
colds, pneumonic etc. Dampness in poultry house caused by: (1) moisture rising
through the floor; (2) leaky roofs or walls; (3) rain or snow entering through the
windows; (4) leaky water containers; (5) exhalation of birds.

Light: Daylight in the house is desirable for the comfort of the birds. They seem
more contented on bright sunny days than in dark, cloudy weather. Sunlight in the
poultry house is desirable not only because of the destruction of disease germs and
for supplying vitamin-D but also because it brightens the house and makes the birds
happy. Birds do fairly well when kept under artificial lights.

Sanitations: The worst enemies of the birds, i.e., lice, ticks, fleas and mites are
abundant in poultry houses. They not only transmit diseases but also retard growth
and laying capacity. The design of the house should be such which admits easy
cleaning and spraying. There should be minimum cracks and crevices. Angle irons
for the frame and cement asbestos or metal sheets for the roof and walls are ideal
construction materials, as they permit effective disinfection of the house. When
wood is to be used, every piece should be treated with coaltar, cresol, or similar
strong insecticides before being fitted.

In addition to outdoor access, an appropriate indoor environment is important for
birds in alternative poultry production. Attention to good ventilation, proper lighting,
litter and air quality will help maintainperformance while providing good welfare.

Format for a Scientific Report


Short (three-quarters of a page) description of the paper. Describe what the

issue or problem is, why it is important or interesting, and your findings.


What is the issue or problem?

Literature review: what is current thinking, findings, and approaches on the

What is the significance of the problem?

How do you plan to deal with the problem? What is your solution?

How did you search for information or data on the topic?

What is your impression of the ulility, relevance, or quality of the data you
What special steps did you take to select or utilize the data?

What are your findings?

Are their problems with your findings in terms of answering the questions posed in
the introduction?

What do your observations mean?

Summarize the most important findings.
What conclusions can you draw?
How do your results fit into a broader context?

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