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CHEM 2315 Fall 2015

Polymers are macromolecules made by linking together smaller molecules, called monomers,
through covalent bonds. Polymers can be classified into two large categories, biopolymers and
synthetic polymers. Biopolymers are polymers that occur naturally in organisms, examples of
which are DNA, RNA, proteins, and polysaccharides. Synthetic polymers are important
commercial products. Polymers contain various bonds to link the repeating units. There are
various chemical characteristics of the polymers, such as the backbone structure along the
polymer, the molecular weight of the polymer chains (degree of polymerization), the nature of
the side groups, such as chlorines or benzene rings, the degree of branching from the main
chain, and the type of linkages holding the chain together. These are responsible for
determining the physical properties of plastics: flexibility, hardness, brittleness, and strength.
For example, polyethylene can be prepared as both highly branched low-density (used in plastic
shopping bags) and as mostly linear high-density polyethylene (used in milk jugs). Another very
common polymer is polystyrene. You have most likely encountered polystyrene in insulated
coffee cups, the windows of mailing envelopes, and as packing peanuts. The backbone of
polystyrene is similar to polyethylene; however, in polystyrene there is a phenyl (-C6H5) side
chain that dangles off the side of the chain. This difference in the -R group lends different
properties to the polymer.
Polymers are made of long chains. If the chains slide past each other easily, then the polymer
acts like a liquid because the molecules flow. The longer the chains in the polymer the stronger
they interact, leading to mechanical strength and elasticity. When polymer chains are linked
together by cross-links, they lose some of their ability to move as individual polymer chains.
Depending on the polymer structure, the cross-linked material may behave as a rubbery solid
called an elastomer. Vulcanized rubber is an example of such cross-linked solid elastomer.
Elastomers (Silicone Polymers)
Silicone polymers used for many industrial applications including elastomers, lubricating oils,
heat resistant tiles, hair conditioners, etc. Silicones are the only inorganic-organic hybrid
polymers that have been commercialized extensively. Their backbone is made from silicon and
oxygen instead of carbon found in most traditional polymers. The properties of silicones greatly
depend on their side groups (R = organic moiety). When the R groups are methyl groups, you
have the most common polymer called polydimethylsiloxane or methyl silicone.
The inorganic siloxane backbone is the most flexible polymer backbone available. Therefore,
silicones make good elastomers (rubber-like materials). In the first experiment, you will
combine sodium silicate with ethanol to create an elastomeric silicone polymer.

CHEM 2315 Fall 2015

The polymerization reaction is as follows:

You will create silicone polymers with varying degrees of polymerization and cross-linking by
changing the amount of ethanol used in the polymerization, and will compare the rebound
properties of the balls made of these polymers.
Viscoelastic Polymers (Cross-Linked Polyvinyl Alcohol)
In the second experiment, you will explore the effect of cross-linking on viscoelastic properties
of the polymer. Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) is a polymer used extensively in the plastics industry is
molding, surface coating, and in chemically resistant films (monomer unit highlighted with red
box). You will use sodium borate as a cross-linking agent.
Sodium borate dissolves in water to form boric acid, H3BO3, which then accepts a hydroxide
from water to become B(OH)4-. When treated with aqueous sodium borate, PVA forms a crosslinked viscoelastic polymer. Viscoelasticity is the property of materials that exhibit both viscous
and elastic characteristics when undergoing deformation. Sodium borate acts as a cross-linking
agent to bind polyvinyl alcohol chains together via hydrogen bonds. This solidifies the polyvinyl
alcohol and traps water, which forms a slimy, flexible material.
In this experiment you will start with a polyvinyl alcohol solution, and will add sodium borate in
two different concentrations to obtain slime with different amounts of cross-linking. The
reaction is shown below.

CHEM 2315 Fall 2015

Plastic graduated cylinder
Wooden stir stick
Paper cups (2)
Suction filtration apparatus

Waste Disposal

Aqueous sodium silicate, 40 mL

Ethanol, 9 mL


organic waste
organic waste

Safety Notes
-Wear gloves at all times when handling the bouncy polymers, sodium silicate can irritate the
1. Add 20 mL of aqueous sodium silicate to a paper cup (sodium silicate reacts with glass)
2. Add 3 mL of ethanol to the cup
3. Stir until a solid begins to form. Continue stirring for one minute
4. Wearing gloves, firmly press the solid together to form a ball. NOTE: You may find that your
polymer crumbles when pressed. Be patient! For best results, gently press the excess alcohol
from the polymer as it is rolled in the palm to form a ball! Wet it occasionally with a few drops
of water to make a smooth, glistening surface.
5. Test the ball by bouncing it from the height of 30 cm, record the rebound height and repeat
two more times. Average the three rebound heights for your final analysis
6. Repeat steps 1-5, using 6 mL of ethanol

Volume of Ethanol
3 mL
6 mL

Trial 1

Rebound height
Trial 2
Trial 3


CHEM 2315 Fall 2015

Graduated cylinder
Paper cups (2)
Stir rod
Ziploc bags (2)
Ruler/yard stick
Plastic sheet/wrap
Stop watch/timer

Waste Disposal

4% Polyvinyl Alcohol in water, 40 mL

4% Sodium borate (Borax) in water, 3 mL
8% Sodium borate (Borax) in water, 3 mL

organic waste
aqueous waste
aqueous waste

Safety Notes
-Wear gloves while handling slime. It should be ok to handle with bare hands but can still cause
irritation to the skin.
Procedure (each partner may choose to make their own slime, if interested)

Add 20 mL of 4% polyvinyl alcohol into a paper cup

Add 3 mL of 4% Borax to the cup
Give mixture a quick stir with stir rod then transfer into Ziploc bag
Mix in Ziploc bag vigorously for two minutes
Set aside first slime concentration
Repeat Steps 1-4 using 8% Borax solution

Testing viscosity
Viscosity is defined as the internal resistance to flow shown by a liquid. One method used to
measure viscosity is by dropping a metal ball through a column of liquid and measuring the
time that it takes to fall through the liquid. However, we will not do this. Measuring the rate of
flow of a specific amount of a liquid between two points is less accurate but will suffice.
1. Draw a circle using a small beaker, coin, etc. on a plastic sheet (plastic wrap).
2. Draw a larger concentric circle around the first circle using a larger circular object.
3. Roll a ball of slime of a size to almost fill the center circle and place it in the center of the
smaller circle [determining its mass provides a more accurate experiment].
4. Begin timing the flow of the SLIME when it flows to touch the inner circle and record how
long it takes to reach the outer circle. [If the SLIME stops flowing, your circles are too big]
5. Measure the distance between the two circles and calculate the rate of flow of your slime in
centimeters per minute.
4% Borax 8% Borax
1. Time to flow from inner to outer circle.
________ ________
2. Distance between the circles
________ ________
3. Rate of flow (cm/min)
________ ________

CHEM 2315 Fall 2015

Testing elasticity and tensile strength

Tensile strength of a solid substance is its strength under tension. It is the force needed to pull
a substance apart.
Elasticity allows a solid to regain its original shape and size after it has been stretched. When
the force applied to an elastic substance reaches a certain strength, the substance loses its
elasticity and may break. This force is called the elastic limit.
1. Place a meter stick on the table.
2. Take ~20 grams of slime and roll it into a sausage shape about 2 cm [inch] in diameter.
3. One student will hold the slime between two fingers and a thumb. Start at the edge of the
yardstick and stretch the slime at a uniform slow rate across the table. The other student will
count seconds per cm that the slime is stretched.
4. Record the length of the slime when it snapped. Repeat this three times and average the
results. Try maintaining the same speed each time.
5. Repeat steps 2-4 stretching the slime fast.
Slow stretch
1. Seconds per cm stretched
2. Centimeters stretched
Fast stretch
1. Seconds per cm stretched
2. Centimeters stretched
6. Repeat steps 1-5 using the slime made from the 8% Borax solution.



A. Title of the experiment.
B. Purpose/Goal of the experiment this is a brief description of why you are performing the
C. Provide a hypothesis Predict how varying the amount of ethanol used in the polymerization
of the silicone bouncy ball will change its rebound height (how high it bounces). Why? Predict
how increasing the amount of Borax will affect the viscosity and elasticity of the slime. Why?
D. Molecular structure and reactions include the chemical reactions leading to both slime and
bouncy balls.
E. Mechanism not required this week.
F. Brief Procedure Outline this should be the experiment written out in your own words.
Diagrams can be helpful to show what exactly you are trying to explain. Someone should be able
to use your procedure to complete the experiment without having the lab manual to follow.
G. Separation Scheme not required this week.

CHEM 2315 Fall 2015

Define a polymer and monomer. Give two examples of polymers in nature/your body. What
are the monomer units that make up these natural polymers?
Describe briefly your results from the bouncy ball experiment:

What was the difference in rebound height between the bouncy balls? Attempt to
explain the difference.
What other differences (if any) were observed about the different polymer

Describe your results from the PVA viscoelastomer (slime).

What force holds the polyvinyl alcohol to the borax?

How far did the slime stretch before it snapped for the slow and fast stretch? What is
happening to the molecule when you stretch slowly? Quickly? Your explanation should
include a description of what is happing to the intermolecular forces while the slime is
being stretched.

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