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How can you help?

Pray for Faith, for its leaders, and for its ministries. Pray for
guidance in determining your role during this crucial time for
our church family.
Praise God for the blessings He has given Faith. Praise God
for our current ministries and future opportunities.
Plan to be involved. Plan to participate in the special
events in this campaign, and plan your commitment to this
The chart below shows one path Faith might follow to
reach our Leap of Faith three year Building Fund goal. As you
continue to pray, God, what do you want to do through
me?, where do you sense He is leading you on this chart?

Gift Level












































720 or less






Total Gift Goal

One Campaign, Two Goals:

On November 22, at the conclusion of the Leap of Faith
campaign, you will be invited to make two pledges: A threeyear commitment to the Building Fund, which pays the
mortgage on our facilities, and a one year commitment to
the General Fund, which provides for the ongoing ministry of
Three Year Goal for the Building Fund: $250,000
This amount will ensure we can continue to make our
monthly mortgage payment of $6,641.15, for the next three
years. The full debt still owed on our building is $1.2 million.
What a blessing it would be to reach this dream goal and
burn the mortgage!
One Year Goal for the General Fund: $240,000
This amount will ensure the ongoing ministry of Faith.
What a gift it would be to exceed this amount for our
General Fund, and expand the ministries of our church!

Dates to Remember:
We are looking forward to an exciting campaign. Please
mark these Leap of Faith dates in your calendar:
October 25
Gratitude Sunday (In Worship)
November 1
Hee-Haw Hoedown,
Gumbo Cook-Off,
& Faith Summit (4:30 pm)
November 8
Ministry Sunday (In Worship)
November 22
Commitment Sunday (In Worship)
Celebration Event (Noon)
December 20
First Fruits Offering (In Worship)

8608 Martin Luther King, Jr. Rd.

Orange, Texas 77632 409.886.1292
Dr. Billy Watson, Pastor

From Our Pastor:

Next year marks the tenth anniversary of Faith United Methodist Church. As Faith turns the page on her first decade of ministry, it is fitting we consider what the next might look like. Over the past
year, a discernment team called into being by the Church Council, has done just that, seeking a vision of Gods future for Faith. Their work has begun to coalesce around three key themes: 1. the
need to establish clear pathways of discipleship for the members of Faith, 2. the need to direct our energies and resources strategically to serving our neighbors, and 3. the
need for Faith to embrace a new identity, now that she is no longer a new church merger. I am confident Faith will enter her next decade with clear vision and focus.
In addition to the need for vision discernment, the Finance Committee and Church Council also recognized the challenge of a dwindling building fund with faithful, but
insufficient income to continue payments on our building beyond the near future. This prompted them to secure the services of Horizons Stewardship. Faiths partnership with
Horizons has resulted in our Leap of Faith campaign, whose details you will find outlined in this brochure.
Clarity of vision without the necessary resources leads to frustration. Sufficient resources with a lack of vision does the same. This is not Gods will for Faith. God is giving us a
new vision for ministry, and He will supply all the resources we need to achieve His dream for us. I am confident the One who began a good work in Faith will see it through to
completion. Faith United Methodist Church can celebrate the bold past which has brought us thus far. God is giving us a new vision to lead us forward. People of Faith, the
time has come for us to take a bold Leap of Faith into Gods bright future. Im leaping with you!

Our Story:
The story of Faith
United Methodist
Church is filled with
bold leaps of faith. It
all began in January
of 2006, when the
members of St. John
and Park Avenue
came together to form
a new congregation. The
next leap came in July of
2008, when those first members,
sensing a call from God to a new mission field, began
worshiping at the Little Cyprus Intermediate School. Just 18
months later, through prayer and faithful stewardship, the
next leap of faith came as Faith moved into the facility we
now enjoy on December 20, 2009. The cost to build our
current campus was just over $2 million.

Our Dream:
Just imagine our community looking to Faith as a
church that seeks to bring Christs compassion to the
world. Imagine a safe place for youth to hang out.
Imagine more people calling Faith their church
home, where they feel welcomed, nurtured, and
strengthened to faithfully follow Jesus. Can you see
Faith serving our community, as we connect with
schools, reach out to our neighbors, feed the
hungry, and visit nursing homes? Can you envision
growing children,
youth, and adult
ministries? This is
where Faith is
heading, where we
are growing. It is
exciting to think
about realizing these

Our Challenge:
Currently, the monthly cost to
operate Faith is approximately
$20,000. This annual need of
$240,000 represents an investment
in the ongoing ministries for which
we are thankful: worship, programs,
outreach, salaries, maintenance
costs, electrical and other
necessities, as well as ministry
through the global United Methodist
Church. This does not include our monthly
mortgage payments. Faith has been using
funds reserved for this purpose, along with
some ongoing giving dedicated to the
building to make these payments. At current
rates these capital funds will run out in May
of 2016. It is time for a great Leap of Faith,
trusting God is with us!

From Our Campaign Chairs:

When we came to Faith four years ago, we knew we had found a church home. The warm and friendly welcome we
received was just what we were looking for. We believe there are many others like us out there - families looking for a church
where they are welcomed, nurtured, and strengthened in their faith. Like us, we believe they can find what they are looking for at
Faith. That is why we believe God has great things in store for the church we love. Success in the Leap of Faith campaign is the
first, crucial step into this bright future. We hope this brochure acquaints you with the specific challenges Faith is facing, and why
this Leap of Faith is so critical at this point in the life of our congregation. We are confident our goals are attainable, and that great
things are just around the corner for our church family. We believe in Faith, and we are excited to be part of what God is doing
here. Should you have any questions about the information in this brochure, or if there is any other information you need as you
consider your part in this great Leap of Faith, please feel free to contact us. Please join us in continuing to pray, God, what do
you want to do through me?, and lets get ready to leap together!
- Walter and Susie Riedel

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