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ObamaCare Support
In May 2013, Edwards Called Louisianas Medicaid Eligibility Standard The Second
Stingiest In The Country And Referred To ObamaCare As The Law Of The Land
Edwards Said The Current Medicaid Eligibility Standard, At 25 Percent Of The Poverty
Line, Is The Second Stingiest In The Country As Far As Having Medicaid Eligibility.
(Sheila V Kumar, Committee Kills Medicaid Resolution, The Times-Picayune, 5/15/13)

Edwards: The Affordable Care Act is the law of the land, and the only question we have is how do
we govern in light of the reality? Its time to govern and not to continue to view this strictly through a
political prism. (Sheila V Kumar, Committee Kills Medicaid Resolution, The Times-Picayune, 5/15/13)
With The Reelection Of Obama, Edwards Said He Hopes Jindal Will Extricate Himself
From Politically-Based Stances On The Health Care Reform Law
With The Reelection Of Obama, Edwards Said He Hopes Jindal Will Extricate Himself
From Politically-Based Stances On The Health Care Reform Law. With the re-election of
President Barack Obama securing the ongoing implementation of the Affordable Care Act, Edwards
said he hopes Jindal will extricate himself from politically-based stances on the health care reform
law. (Lil Mirando, Health Care Reform Issues Loom, The Daily Star, 11/15/12)
Edwards Admitted He Voted For Obama In The Past Two Presidential Election
Edwards Admitted He Voted For Obama, And John Kerry In The Past Three
Presidential Elections. Still another asked him who he voted for in the last three presidential
elections. The Democrat, he replied. (Stephanie Riegel, John Bel Edwards Gets Relatively Warm Reception At Meeting Of East Baton
Rouge Conservatives, Greater Baton Rouge Business Report, 4/28/15)

2012 Election
Edwards was an Obama delegate for the 2012 Democratic National Convention.
In 2012, Edwards Was Elected Delegate To Represent Louisiana At The Democratic
National Convention To Launch President Barack Obama And Vice President Joe
Biden On Their Path Towards Re-Election
Edwards Was An Obama Delegate To The 2012 Democratic National Convention. The
DNC At-Large and Party Leaders & Elected Official (PLEO) delegates elected on Saturday are: PLEO
Delegates: Representative Wesley Bishop, Representative John Bel Edwards. (Louisiana Democratic Party,
Louisiana Dems: Louisiana DNC Delegation Fired Up and Ready to Go to Charlotte!, Press Release, 6/3/12)

Louisiana Democratic Party Chairwoman Karen Carter Peterson Said Louisianas

Delegates Would Launch President Barack Obama And Vice President Joe Biden On
Their Path Towards Re-Election. Louisiana Democratic Party Chairwoman Karen Carter
Peterson was elected to lead the delegation when it met immediately after the completion of the DSCC
meeting. To those fortunate enough to be selected to represent all Louisiana Democrats in Charlotte
where we will launch President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden on their path towards reelection, I say that we should be both honored and humbled by the opportunity we have been given
and the work that we must do, Peterson added. (Louisiana Democratic Party, Louisiana Dems: Louisiana DNC Delegation
Fired Up and Ready to Go to Charlotte!, Press Release, 6/3/12)


History Of Union Support
In 2009, State Union President Steve Monaghan Said Edwards Supported Union
Issues 100 Percent Of The Time In The 2008 And 2009 Regular Sessions
In 2009, The State Union Awarded Edwards With Its Legislator of the Year Award. The
state union awarded its Legislator of the Year awards to Rep. John Bel Edwards, D-Amite, and Rep.
Harold Ritchie, D-Bogalusa, both of whom supported union issues 100 percent of the time in the
2008 and 2009 regular sessions, state union President Steve Monaghan said. (Andrea Shaw And Barri Bronston,
Assessor Pans Tax Hike In Kenner, The Times-Picayune, 11/28/09)

State Union President Steve Monaghan Said Edwards Supported Union Issues 100
Percent Of The Time In The 2008 And 2009 Regular Sessions. The state union awarded
its Legislator of the Year awards to Rep. John Bel Edwards, D-Amite, and Rep. Harold Ritchie, DBogalusa, both of whom supported union issues 100 percent of the time in the 2008 and 2009 regular
sessions, state union President Steve Monaghan said. (Andrea Shaw And Barri Bronston, Assessor Pans Tax Hike In
Kenner, The Times-Picayune, 11/28/09)

Endorsements And Scorecards

In March 2015, The Louisiana AFL-CIO Endorsed Edwards For Governor
In March 2015, The Louisiana AFL-CIO Endorsed Edwards For Governor. Louisianas
largest labor organization has endorsed Democratic state Rep. John Bel Edwards in this years
governors race giving the latest signal that the candidate lineup is unlikely to change much
between now and Election Day. (Elizabeth Crisp, Labor Group Endorses Edwards In Governors Race, The Advocate, 3/11/15)
The AFL-CIO Didnt Hesitate Over The Endorsement, Even Though Other Candidates
Had Several Months To Decide To Run. AFL-CIO, which typically endorses Democratic
candidates, didnt hesitate over the endorsement Tuesday and quickly voted to back Edwards
campaign, even though candidates legally have several months to decide to run. (Elizabeth Crisp, Labor Group
Endorses Edwards In Governors Race, The Advocate, 3/11/15)

In March Of 2015, The Louisiana Federation of Teachers Announced Their

Endorsement Of Edwards For Governor
On March 11, 2015, The Louisiana Federation of Teachers, Announced That They Are
Supporting Edwards. Citing his longstanding support for public education, his family values and
his inspiring life story, the Louisiana Federation of Teachers today announced that it is supporting
State Rep. John Bel Edwards for governor. (LFT Endorses John Bel Edwards For Governor, Louisiana Federation Of Teachers &
School Employees, Accessed 3/11/15)

LFT President Steve Monaghan, Said Edwards Earned The Federations Full
Support Based Upon His Stellar Record Of Fighting For Public Education And
Working Families During His Seven Years Of Legislative Service. Monaghan said that
Rep Edwards earned the Federations full support based upon his stellar record of fighting for
public education and working families during his seven years of legislative service. (LFT Endorses John
Bel Edwards For Governor, Louisiana Federation Of Teachers & School Employees, Accessed 3/11/15)

Monaghan Said That Edwards Has Been A Voice Of Reason Standing Against Those
Who Have Led The State To The Brink Of Disaster. From our states fiscal crisis to the

decline of higher education to the calamitous rollout of Common Core standards, Monaghan said,
Edwards has been a voice of reason standing against those who have led the state to the brink of
disaster. (LFT Endorses John Bel Edwards For Governor, Louisiana Federation Of Teachers & School Employees, Accessed 3/11/15)

Monaghan Called Edwards One Of The Heroes Of The Legislature. When Gov. Jindal
and his allies demonized our teachers and attacked public education with the ill-conceived,
unconstitutional schemes of 2012, Rep. Edwards was one of the heroes who actually read the
legislation, did his own homework, and stood tall in defense of our constitution, our kids, teachers,
and communities. (LFT Endorses John Bel Edwards For Governor, Louisiana Federation Of Teachers & School Employees, Accessed

The Political Action Committee For The Louisiana Association Of Educators Endorsed
Edwards For Governor
The PAC For The Louisiana Association of Educators Endorsed Edwards For Governor.
The LAE Fund for Children & Public Education (LAE-FCPE) the political action committee for the
Louisiana Association of Educators announces Mr. John Bel Edwards as the associations
recommended candidate in the 2015 race for Louisiana Governor (The LAE Announces John Bel Edwards As The
Groups Top Pick for Louisianas Next Governor, Louisiana Association Of Educators, 4/13/15)

Edwards Said He Was Proud To Accept The Support Of Educators And School
Employees. I am proud to accept the support of educators and school employees, Edwards said.
Together we will be able to promote policies that truly prioritize our students. Better days are
ahead! (The LAE Announces John Bel Edwards As The Groups Top Pick for Louisianas Next Governor, Louisiana Association Of Educators,


Edwards 2015 Personal Financial Disclosure
Edwards Reports Owning Two-Thirds Of Edwards & Associates Law Firm, LLC
Edwards Reports Being Employed By Edwards & Associates Law Firm LLC, A General
Civil Practice. (John Bel Edwards, Tier 1 Personal Financial Disclosure Statement, Louisiana Board Of Ethics, Filed 9/14/15)

Edwards Reports Owning Two-Thirds Of The Firm. (John Bel Edwards, Tier 1 Personal Financial Disclosure
Statement, Louisiana Board Of Ethics, Filed 9/14/15)

In 2015 Edwards Reports Earning Between $100,000 - $199,999 From Edwards &
Edwards Reports Earning Between $100,000 - $199,999 From Edwards & Associates.
(John Bel Edwards, Tier 1 Personal Financial Disclosure Statement, Louisiana Board Of Ethics, Filed 9/14/15)

Louisiana Association For Justice

Edwards Is A Member On The Board Of Directors Of A Trial Lawyer Association
Edwards Reports Being A Member Of The Board Of Directors Of The Louisiana
Association For Justice. (John Bel Edwards, Tier 1 Personal Financial Disclosure Statement, Louisiana Board Of Ethics, Filed 9/14/15)
The Louisiana Association For Justice Is A State Level Trial Lawyer Association. (State Trial
Lawyer Associations, American Association For Justice, Accessed 10/8/15)

Pushed Pro-Trial Lawyer Legislation

In 2008, Edwards Filed A Bill To Increase The Filing Period For Tort Claims From One
Year To Two Years

HB 102 Filed By Edwards Increased The Prescription Period For Delictual Actions. (HB
102, Louisiana Legislature, Accessed 10/8/15)

HB 102 Would Increase The Filing Period For Tort Claims From One Year To Two
Years. (HB 102, Louisiana Legislature, Accessed 10/8/15)
Edwards Voted Against A Measure That Would Have Stopped People From Unfairly
Shopping For Judges Likely To Rule In Their Favor
HB 245 By Rep. Kirk Talbot Would Have Stopped People From Unfairly Shopping For
Judges Likely To Rule In Their Favor. (Melissa Landry, Op-Ed, Legislators Failed To Make Tort Reform, Daily
Advertiser, 9/2/09)

Edwards Voted Nay On HB 245. (HB 245 Final Passage, Louisiana Legislature, Accessed 10/14/15)
In 2012, Edwards Filed HB 672, To Extend The Period For Which Workers
Compensation Claims Could Be Filed
Edward Filed HB 672, Which Changed The Prescriptive Period For Certain Injuries For
Workers Compensation. (HB 672, Louisiana Legislature, Accessed 10/8/15)
HB 672 Extends Time To File Claim For Workers Comp From 1 Year After Injury To 3
Years. (HB 672, Louisiana Legislature, Accessed 10/8/15)
In 2008 Edwards Filed HB 664, Which Would Increase The Medical Malpractice Cap
Edwards Filed HB 664 To Increase The Medical Malpractice Cap Based On The
Consumer Price Index. (HB 664, Louisiana Legislature, Accessed 10/8/15)
In 2014, Edwards Opposed A Bill That Restricted How The State Attorney General Hires
Private Lawyers
In 2014, The Louisiana Legislature Passed The Transparency In Outside Counsel
Contracts In The Attorney Generals Office Bill. (HB799, Louisiana State Legislature, Accessed 5/28/15)

State Rep. Scott Bishop (R) Sponsored The Bill To Restrict How The State Attorney
General Hires Private Lawyers Because Of A Concern For Transparency. During
recent legislative hearings, state Rep. Stuart J. Bishop testified that he sponsored a bill to restrict
how the state attorney general hired private lawyers because of a concern for transparency. (Marc
Ballard, Jindal Signs Bills To Ban AG Contracts, The Advocate, 7/24/14)

House Bill 799 Forbids The State Attorney General From Hiring Lawyers On A
Contingency Fee Basis. House Bill 799 basically forbids the state attorney general from hiring
lawyers on a contingency-fee basis. Basically, such arrangements require the plaintiffs lawyers to
pay up-front costs in return for a portion of the winnings, if any. Louisiana became the ninth state in
the country to adopt those new rules being pushed by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, a group that
lobbies for large corporations. (Marc Ballard, Jindal Signs Bills To Ban AG Contracts, The Advocate, 7/24/14)
The Bill Prohibited The Attorney General From Retaining Any Special Attorney Or
Counsel On A Contingency Fee Basis In The Absence Of Express Statutory Authority.
To amend and reenact R.S. 42:262 and R.S. 49:259(A) and (C), relative to legal representation of
state entities; to prohibit the state entities from retaining any special attorney or counsel on a
contingency fee basis in the absence of express statutory authority; to provide that attorney fees
recovered by the state belong to the state; to provide for the deposit and use of attorney fees recovered
by the state into the Department of Justice Legal Support Fund; to provide for record-keeping and
hourly rates of a special attorney or counsel representing the state; to require certain entities to obtain
approval prior to employment of any special attorney or counsel; to provide for certain requirements
relative to the contract, application and resolution; to provide for exceptions; to provide for a

preference in hiring certain attorneys; to provide transparency relative to approval and ratification of
a contract by the attorney general and governor; to provide for prospective application; and to provide
for related matters. (HB799, Louisiana State Legislature, Accessed 5/28/15)
The Bill Was Called An Important Victory In The Fight Against Contingency Fee
Agreements. Perhaps the most important victory for the corporate lawyers came this year in
Louisiana, where Attorney General Buddy Caldwell, a Republican, has collected $294 million in
settlements since 2011 against pharmaceutical companies with the help of outside law firms, which in
turn have earned $54 million in fees. The legislation, Mr. Caldwell said in a statement, was devised by
the companies to restrict and destroy the attorney generals ability to hold them accountable. (Eric
Lipton, Lawyers Create Big Paydays By Coaxing Attorneys General To Sue, The New York Times, 12/19/14)

Edwards Voted Nay On The Final Passage Of HB 799. (HB 799, Louisiana Legislature, Accessed 10/14/15)

Funded By Trial Lawyers

Edwards Largest Donors Are By Far Are Attorneys, Which Speaks To His Own Calling
As A Trial Lawyer
Edwards Largest Donors By Far Are Attorneys, Which Speaks To His Own Calling As
A Trial Lawyer. (Jeremy Alford, Saved By The Bel?, Gambit Weekly, 5/7/13)

He Refers To His Business As A Plaintiff's Practice. (Jeremy Alford, Saved By The Bel?, Gambit
Weekly, 5/7/13)

Political Scientist Pinsonant Said His Profession Is A Trial Lawyer, And Louisiana Is
Not A Friendly State [For Trial Lawyers], One Of The Top Three In That Regard.
Pinsonat says business and industry won't see a distinction. His profession is a trial lawyer, and
Louisiana is not a friendly state [for trial lawyers], one of the top three in that regard, the pollster
says. He will certainly be up against it with the business community, and they will be throwing money
at it. (Jeremy Alford, Saved By The Bel?, Gambit Weekly, 5/7/13)

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