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Personal Leadership Analysis and Plan

Leadership in my perspective
Leadership is the innate ability which is by birth. leaders are very dynamic persons who are the most
powerful, high intellect and of high caliber. Leadership is the ability of a person who can motivate and
influence people to achieve their desired goal. It is relevant to my life because being an elder in my home
i influence other members of my family pertaining to all sort of matters. I took the decision and each and
every member has to accept it to achieve our shared goal. I have some sort of instinct feeling that dont let
me to be a follower it always compel me to lead the people whether its my home, friends or my
university colleagues I like to influence them in every matter. As I have mentioned above I have an in
born abilities of leadership my decision , ideas, words, my action whatever it may be in every situation it
has been given a prior importance by everyone in my circle, and I was having a group of 10, I has
heading them in a speech competition in which I secure second position in the university and that was an
act of a leader who leads a team . In university the leadership competencies which I want to develop is to
lead a team, to take a firsthand decision in any situation, I want to groom the abilities that can help me to
handle any worse situation with taking any pressure which can affect my team work.

Identification of where your passion lies

My passion lies in Central superior service, I am inspire to be a civil servant and these are the people who
leads the nation towards prosperity and toward development .I want to add my name to the list of that
great minds who leads the nation, people like sartaj aziz, raudad khan , Ghulam farooq and many more. I
want to join civil service group because these are the only people who handle the situation at firsthand
and they have the power and ability to tackle any worse condition and can rise the nation toward
prosperity and development .

Legacy I want to leave behind

I have done my final year project in Green house monitoring using wireless network this technology was
used by me for the first in the university. I want the student to further research on this technology. This
project will play a great role in the agriculture sector because most the country economy depends on the
agriculture and further research is in progress to enhance the efficiency of this technology. In the
university arwic research group was working on this project to improve its efficiency by using different

Begin to formulate a project

Being a common man of this nation I want to see my country prosperous and developed for that the
education is the utmost priority. I want to make such education system that will provide free education

for students, as compared to the high ranked school and colleges in Pakistan such as Educators, beacons
house and root millennium and many more because these high ranked schools has very high expensive so
the middle class and the lower middle class cant afford that schools due to the low income.
In this system the brilliant students would award with the scholarships and stipend for their higher
education. This system will give a platform
to the poor and needy students that they can compete with the very highly qualified school system.
These students with a high education and technical skills can lead Pakistan to raked among a developed
country these people will occupy great positions in government offices and other sectors of life and will
work for the prosperous Pakistan.
The meaning which I want to give to my life is that I want to be a philanthropist .I will help the poor and
needy people of my society though It wont bring the change in my country but it will the compensation
which I will contribute to my country.when ever I see the people of my country in such poor condition I
feel so sorry that I cant do anything for them but in future I have the zeal and courage to do something
for my people.

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