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Note #3


MiCOM S1 Studio V3.5.1 Release note #3

1. Release V3.5.1
This release provides a full installation of Schneider-Electric MiCOM S1 Studio V3.5.1.
- It supersedes version V3.4.1.
- It installs parallel to all other previous versions of MiCOM S1 Studio.

2. How to install
This installation
- is to be downloaded to your hard disk for later installation by running the .exe file
- is providing an installation shield for a most convenient upgrade of your MiCOM S1 Studio
- retains all existing systems (or projects)
- moves all installed data models to AllUsers location
- can be run multiple times

Schneider Electric Protection & Contrle

Postal address / Adresse postale :
Avenue de Figuires - Font de la Banquire BP 75
34975 LATTES Cedex (FRANCE)
Tl. +33 (0) 4 67 20 54 54
Fax. +33 (0) 4 67 20 54 99

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3. New features
Schneider-Electric MiCOM S1 Studio V3.5.1 provides the following enhancements to
MiCOM S1 Studio V3.4.1:
Copy a group to all other groups
This functionality permits user of MiCOM S1 Studio to copy a group in settings to any
available group regardless the target groups is enabled or not.
Model Number /Software Version / Serial Number matching can be overriden:
Studio now provides a warning if Model Number /Software Version / Serial Number of
file does not match that of the connected IED (instead of refusing connection), and
allows the user to proceed sending files if they choose to do so.
Minor enhancements:

Schneider Electric Protection & Contrle

Postal address / Adresse postale :
Avenue de Figuires - Font de la Banquire BP 75
34975 LATTES Cedex (FRANCE)
Tl. +33 (0) 4 67 20 54 54
Fax. +33 (0) 4 67 20 54 99

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343 074 142 RCS Montpellier - Code APE 3320C
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MS1 Studio #1.revA

4. Commitment Bug fixes

Note: MiCOM S1 Studio V3.5.1 release corrects a lot of other issues. The list will be too long to be place
in this document.

Schneider Electric Protection & Contrle

Postal address / Adresse postale :
Avenue de Figuires - Font de la Banquire BP 75
34975 LATTES Cedex (FRANCE)
Tl. +33 (0) 4 67 20 54 54
Fax. +33 (0) 4 67 20 54 99

Legal information / Mentions lgales

Socit Anonyme au capital de 8 000 000
343 074 142 RCS Montpellier - Code APE 3320C
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MS1 Studio #1.revA

5. Known issues
Schneider-Electric MiCOM S1 Studio has not been yet fully tested over Windows 7.
For information the following issues could exist also in MiCOM S1 Studio V3.5.1, and
are or may be related to installations in Windows 7:
Unrecognized characters in Px40 setting files
Related to languages other than English.
Extracting ICD file fails in Windows 7
The user is not able to extract an ICD file via IED Configurator.
Extracting Px20 settings file fails in Windows 7
Error message "Port is busy" when the user extracts the settings file.
Password request when start the application
Error message "Password storage corrupted, Application will be closed" when S1
Studio started in Windows 7 under certain circumstance.
User is able to remove, rename or open the secured log file. (Windows7)
Security permissions for cybersecurity log file should be protected.
PSL Editor: Compare PSL file fails in Windows 7
PSL Editor stops.

Schneider Electric Protection & Contrle

Postal address / Adresse postale :
Avenue de Figuires - Font de la Banquire BP 75
34975 LATTES Cedex (FRANCE)
Tl. +33 (0) 4 67 20 54 54
Fax. +33 (0) 4 67 20 54 99

Legal information / Mentions lgales

Socit Anonyme au capital de 8 000 000
343 074 142 RCS Montpellier - Code APE 3320C
Siret 343 074 142 00070
n ident. TVA FR 58 343 074 142

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MS1 Studio #1.revA

6. Other notes

Windows compatibility:
V3.5.1 is compatible with and verified on Windows 2000 and XP.
V3.5.1 is not fully designed for or verified on Windows Vista or Windows 7.

7. Assistance
Please go to our web site and click on Customer Care

Schneider Electric Protection & Contrle

Postal address / Adresse postale :
Avenue de Figuires - Font de la Banquire BP 75
34975 LATTES Cedex (FRANCE)
Tl. +33 (0) 4 67 20 54 54
Fax. +33 (0) 4 67 20 54 99

Legal information / Mentions lgales

Socit Anonyme au capital de 8 000 000
343 074 142 RCS Montpellier - Code APE 3320C
Siret 343 074 142 00070
n ident. TVA FR 58 343 074 142

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MS1 Studio #1.revA

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