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COB Colloquium

Justin Jee
Speaker: Calvin Zhang
Title: Phase Response Properties of Half-Center Oscillators
Calvin begins by referencing a previous talk in which he described how
different organisms use different stroke patterns when swimming.
These processes can be modeled using the immersed boundary
method. Certain patterns are better for generating thrust. It turns out
the natural phase lag (approximately 25%) is optimal according to
these criteria.
Today Calvin will discuss intrinsic properties of oscillators, network
structure and connection dynamics, and how those interact to produce
synchronization of activity. In neuroscience, the properties of neuronal
oscillators and synaptic dynamics combine to produce coordinated
activity such as movement. He presents a model of the crayfish
swimmeret system in which two cells have a smoothly oscillating
membrane potential. He notes that only when they are coupled
through inhibition do we see this oscillatory effect; under normal
conditions, they are at rest.
Many two-cell kernels are connected through inter-segment
connections. Calvin describes how this assumption leads to a system of
equations describing a network of N weakly coupled oscillators. The
rate of shift of any given oscillator can be defined in terms of its basal
rate of oscillation plus any perturbations (described by an interaction
function H). A closer look at H shows that it combines an infinitesimal
phase response curve with coupling current from one oscillator to
Specifically, in a two-neuron model there is a minimal way (WangRinzel model) to describe half-central oscillators using a leakage
current and a post-inhibitory rebound current. Using this model, Calvin
reaffirms that without inhibition (only one neuron) the system will
approach a steady state. However, when inhibition is added, the
steady state shifts to an unstable point, allowing for oscillation. Calvin
notes that we can visualize this using nullclines because the responses
are fast.
Calvin shows movies of two cells, demonstrating how the escape of
cells from steady state is due to inhibition. The phase response curve
peaks during this escape. The release mechanism prevents cells from

being exposed to constant inhibition and thus returning to steady

state. The active cell is thus releasing the second cell from inhibition.
Overall, Calvin presents a model that is powerful because of its
simplicity and describes a system of neurons that is practically
important. He notes that more details about the model are available in
the paper. It would be interesting to see how such an oscillatory
system interacts with the rest of the nervous system. It would also be
interesting to examine more complicated oscillatory systems such as
the thalamus.

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