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The charts below show the results of a survey of adult education. The first
chart shows the reasons why adults decide to study. The pie chart shows
how people think the costs of adult education should be shared.

Write a report for a university lecturer, describing the information shown


The first chart shows the reasons why adults decide to study. At an overall view
it can be seen that mainly adults decide to improve their education because it’s very
important to gain a job qualification and they feel interest in the subject. Other
reasons are related to the usefulness and personal pleasure that study activity could
give. Looking more deeply, it can be noted that a 40% of the adults surveyed
population decide to study for interest and in gaining something job related, rather
than a 20% only makes this choice because to study is useful for current job or just for
pleasure. Finally, just a 10% want to study because is an opportunity to meet people.

The second chart shows the way in which the educational expenditure should be
shared. Overall, it can be clearly seen that these costs should be mainly shared
between Individual and Employer category. In fact, people think that the costs of the
education should be afforded by Individual and Employer by a proportion of 40% and
only a 25% by Taxpayer.

In conclusion, I would say that people want to study for achieving qualifications
and for interest in study a subject but not only for these reasons.


Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist

knowledge of the following topic.

There are many different types of music in the world today. Why do we need
music? Is the traditional music of a country more important than the
International music that is heard everywhere nowadays?

Use your own ideas, knowledge and experience and support your arguments with
examples and relevant evidence.

The vast variety of music types, present nowadays worldwide generates, a

general question about the reason why we need of music and a second, more specific,
about a comparison between two genres: traditional and international music. In the
essay, I’ll argument the first question with some supporting reasons and I’ll answer to
the second one considering the case of Irish and Pop music.

All we need music. Like the Beatles’ song: “All you need is love”, here is the
same. In fact we need music because it makes us feel relaxed and happy in various
ways: listening and dancing. For example, when we listen a Mozart’s symphony we
feel relaxed as the same way as a New Age’s CD. The last one is a chill out – ambient
music very relaxing. The enjoy of happiness, on the other hands, could be performed
at a disco, for example dancing Hip – Hop music. In the last one you must coordinate
your body’s movements under a funky – soul rhythm. It must be considered the
sociability that music can gives as well. In fact, at the discos or café and everywhere
the music is played, there will be people. So the music is a message that sounds: “ We
are here altogether”.

Personally, on the vast music’s panorama I give the same importance to both
traditional and international music. To exemplify my opinion I want consider the Irish
and Pop music. The first one is an hornpipe’s music performed in Ireland and usually
played in pubs. The importance of it arose by the fact that it’s recognized for its long
tradition (passed from old to young people) and preserved until now. The second one
is an electro – acoustic genre performed everywhere (bars and discos), and it is
important because broadcasted worldwide and not only in pubs.

Finally I would say that we need of music because we can’t stay without it and
the traditional music has the same importance of the international one.

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