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Compare and differentiate the economic aspect of the Mayas, Incas and the Aztecs

The mayas produced food by various method which was shifting cultivation to adapt
there rainforest climate. Eventhough they developed through agricultural produce
they were also developed through irrigation methods by rudimentary sewer system
(developed in its simplest form) and running/tap water in houses.However, there
main produce were beans , squash and maize. Seed Corn is being taken to the
priest for blessings before its being planted but however, old stones idol are buried
alongside the field for the guaranteed of a good crop. Idols are being rented for this
very purpose. Cotton was spun, dyed and woven to be traded. One city within the
region was more powerful than the other, thus developing their state. As the state
grew trade relation developed among the city states creating a thriving maya
civilization. They traded precious metals and goods, especially cacao, which the
Mayan aristocracy brewed into a bitter drink in there urban center which later
developed into specialized centers. They built plaza, temples etc. Offerings serve

to establish and renew relations ('contracts', 'pacts', or 'covenants') with the

other world, and the choice, number, preparation, and arrangement of the
offered items (such as special breads, maize and cacao drinks and honey
licor, flowers, incense nodules, rubber figures, and also, cigars obey to
stringent rules.
In Mexico the produce that is planted is carried on mules where as in Guatemala
individuals carry them on their backs walking long hours. However, their produce is
being sold in the market place for Quetzales (this is what there monies is being
termed as). The Mayas go to the fields before day break.

They planted crops / did agricultural farming. The males head of household was
required to pay the taxes through barter in the form ofcovee labour and military
obligations. In return, the state provided security, food in times of hardship

through the supply of emergency resources, agricultural projects (e.g.

aqueducts and terraces) to increase productivity, and occasional feasts.
The aztec civilation is one in which tribute was being paid four (4 ) times a
year at differing times. The empire provided commerce and trade, exotic
goods for the houses of commoners and nobles. The imperial trading placed

a strain on the commoners due to the fact that they had to increase their job
to pay their tribute. The empire had to rely on local kings and nobles and
offered them privileges for their help in maintaining order and keeping the
tribute flowing. The nobles owned all lands whereas the commoners had
access to other lands and field through a variety of arrangements. The
payment from commoners to nobles created lavish lifestyle. A typical market
was every five (5) days whereas a city market was daily in which beans,
human, cotton etc was being used as monies.

Similarities of the groups

Each of the indigenous groups similarities were that of agriculture and trade.
There main produce was that of maize that was planted by shifting
cultivation. Shifting cultivation is an agricultural system in which plots of land
are cultivated temporarily, then abandoned and allowed to revert to their
natural vegetation while the cultivator moves on to another plot. However,
there produce were being sold at the markets or being used to prepare their
Trading played and integral part within their lives. As the indigenious groups
traded they developed themselves with each other culture.
Trading and agriculture aided in the expansion and development of the
indigenious groups economic lives.

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