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Arts (Visual Communication Design) Lesson Plan

What can I learn from Social Media that I cant learn from Sport or Art?

Designed by Paula Binnie for VU AEG5138 Inclusion and Diversity, Term 2, 2015


Week 4, Lessons 10 & 12

Year Level:


Lesson duration:

45 minutes each*

Lesson name:

Teenspirit the making of sexual health website

An ICT based lesson drawing from lesson learnt in Health and Physical Education and Visual
Communication Design.

Learning Outcome/s:
Students will analyse and edit material given to them during the course of this unit, then using
that information they will apply design methods and build a user friendly Wix website that will
incorporate and address the needs of their audience.

Students to be able to understand design principles, and apply them to communicate ideas to
the target audience, and to justify the reasons behind the text and visual elements incorporated
into their webpage.
Students will understand and make ethical decisions when producing visual communication.

Higher order thinking -
Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Creating, Analysing & Evaluating

Links to the Victorian Curriculum:

Learning Areas: The Arts Visual Communication Design

Strands: Explore and Represent Ideas - Explore and apply methods, materials, media, design
elements and design principles to create and present visual communications

Present and Perform - Develop and present visual communications for different purposes,
audiences and in response to specific needs (VCAVCDP003)

Prerequisite Knowledge:

Students will bring with them work books from Physical Education classes that covered off areas such
as: Sexually transmitted diseases, self images, relationships and where to ask for help.

Location / Setting:
Classroom / Computer / ICT room

Key words:

Materials, Sources and Resources:
This is a free webpage builder. It would be best if the teacher set up the basic format so that it is
ready to go prior to the start of lesson 10, and modify (if needed) when students are having
initial discussions about their individual pages.
The teacher will direct students to search for examples of webpage designs and Canva offers
great blogs and ideas.

Group Facebook page further notes / questions will be inserted as a follow up to lessons.
Students can take screen grabs of their mocked up wix webpage to get early feedback from the
rest of the class and the teacher.
(The Facebook page was created at the start of the unit as a way of utilising a social media. Homework,
notes or discussions would be posted online and responses would be posted online.
It is a closed group page.)

Access to computers with internet.

Computer with overhead projector.
Sample design example.

Lesson 10 - Introduction:
Time Allocated

Teacher outlines the task of building a website and divides
class into groups of 4 (the fewer the better). Each group will
design one page.
Teacher engages class to discuss what they believe should be
included on the webpage and what the webpage will be
Guided by the teacher, the pages might be:
1.Where to get help,
2. Myths and Facts about Sexual Health
3. Ask the Experts
4. Sexual Health (with various subheadings)
Teacher outlines the requirements of the exercise which is
that each group will work together to design one page of the
webpage, including editing text, design layout and image
creation (if required).
Teacher provides each student with a rubric, which will be
use for assessment at the completion of the task.
Timetable is drawn up so that each group has access to wix

Engage and Explore (e5) Remembering Understanding

Lesson 10 & 12 Main Body:
Time Allocated

Students will work in groups to edit text and information
55 minutes
gathered from previous lessons 1 & 2.

Students will start to access wix and begin choosing design
and layout formats.
Students will need to allocate their time carefully, identifying
who will research and type text (which will need proof
reading by teacher prior to webpage launch) and who will
look at design layout etc.
Teacher will walk and talk throughout the classes to assist
and guild students as required.

Explore (e5) Applying Creating

Lesson 12 Conclusion:
Time Allocated

Students will respond to the reasons behind their visual
20 minutes
communication design choices.
Students will give feedback to other groups webpage designs.
The webpage will be launched.
Students will hand in art journal for review.
Students will provide a short reflective statement via
facebook page.
Teacher to complete rubric for group assessment following
reflective comments provided by students.

Explain and Evaluate (e5) Analysing Evaluating

Assessment of Student (group) Learning:

See attached rubric for assessment of webpages. Students will be assessed in their groups.


This lesson allows for different learning abilities listen skills, as well as making small notes at the end
of the class. Teacher will be note taking, observing and asking questions of students throughout the
class to ensure there is engagement in the activity.

* This class has intentionally not been made as a double lesson so as to allow students to participate in
group work outside of classroom hours, if they choose too. This would allow them time to take their own
photographs, or design their own images if they desire. Otherwise the body of the classroom activity would
be able to be completed within the timeframe, if students used free images theyve accessed via the wix

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