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List of prohibited are.s otheMire r.

fer to PClor approvat:

. Qulapo,inkanu.o' St,. Cruz,Sinondo,Pa5ar,Badann.PortArea,Malate,M.bini,
Divisoriaandsihil.rcongesredareas.5anpatoc,5.nAndre58uk d,Tondoandpacoin
Maril.. Pilananin Makati.cainra in Rnal,Marikinacny, Pateros,Navoras,Matabon,
C.roocan,Valenzlela,Manil! 8ay RecldharionA.ea,CAR- BaSuio,Senguet,
3o.roc t!8ao, KalingaApayao,Abra. ReBionr-rt.cos 5uf, tto.osNorte,pangasiian.
Reglonlll Nuevat.ija, NlevaViscaF,Q!nino,6ataner,Cayagan, tsabela.RegiontV-
V - BicolRegion. R.gion Xtr - Oin.gar'lland . PampanSa and,rere

i n cebu city Sonifacio.or.s l€tuna 5$..lunqlera (or_color s15.,

p3rlicularlyatlazzaompound,Canduman. |n Negr.i Oc.idental. Canetown,
city, &bankal.nciry,si.S..ngAreainsa.olodcily. sahii. Leyre

.Ztnboan8sdelr,ltrrta,2anboangrdelSor,InCd aegOa yr o
a-nL i d X e t( a i A r e a . J n
Butuan - M a n . a A p i a y aM, 6 t i n .P a o f
C i t y - C e r r r a l D i s t r iacite . o f B a o n . I nO a v a o
Tirono.AB!t.nn€l s!ra.dAE!srn Cotabaro,Magu*danao

6/9tAyalaAvenu€cohet C/FPhilamBu,lding
1ooC.PalancaJr. cof- Delano*srs.
LegarpiVil age,1229M6161i Cily
F:xNo.:+6j2828-5t5J No.,r8oor-818192t

Unit 7o47lh FloorKeppelCente.

De r Ro5isireet,LeSaspi
vilbge SamarLoopcorn€rCardinalRosle, Ave,
CebuEusiness Park,6000 Cebr City

Me22!nineFloor,Cf.!t Aldg.
v.A nlina stee! S,lcedoVilla8e

UnirTN.2,'olFTi6es Plaza,Iaft Ave. U n l t l o 4 C . r i t a e B u l l d i n g

rorner u.N-AvenueiMalate Letas9lStfeet,comerP.Peldyo


c h a r t i sP h i l i p p i n eI nss u r a n cIen,c . et
47/? P9aontowet,
1225Matrti Ci!y,Phillppines
Createa SafetyNetAgainstthe Unexpected . Thlrd Pany Llabllhy Cov.r
We understandthatmainteinlngfinancialstabilityls a cohmon goalfor oryourfamilymember5duetothefollowldg:
business. My Buslness, My Cholcs Office provid$ comprehenslve
businessrisksohdon to yollr business.
lt helpi createa $fety net to your
Cov€rage -Sumlnsured
bosinessfrom financlal i p3ct when unfortlnate evena! happen In yout
office. P|mlr.. O?.rlrlon - protets you ln th. .f rhkd
p.rty pro?.riy d.hat€ or bodlly lnjury to thid padilr
Tailored to suit offfce/clerical/manaSement types of operatiors. Some
examples belonging to this category are trading llrms, legal &
architect!ral practicesanddeslgn studlo5. ra{rt lLbilit! " n protRts ownct." lqlres. busiBs
oFEto6 against 9.op$ty d.r.a8e aid badily 'njury
.r.imscorinE*ithinth€inslred premises.
With My Btlsiness,My Choice:Off]ce,you get the ultimate insurance
Protection! tn.& axplGid r€a.l l.!.Ultty- il p.did6<@aietor
ra.*d or E t d propdty ior {hich $. inslnd @n b.
We offer four plan options for you to choosefrom, select the plan most neld l.Sally liable for dam.8.lo pl.pe4y oceupi.d but
ntr ownedbythe jnslEd.
suitable to yogr ieeds-
Adltnbht slt6 Li.UlaV - peF for thlrd pnrty injlry
..ii,ngdt ofan oflen* in the cour$ otyou.ldv.rtisinB
Plan| - StandardCoverBa!i( actiritiesle.dinStolib€lo.sli.der
Coversyour p.operty againstfhe snd lightnln& smoke and water
l*r.p6dhnt co.{rado6 Lbbllltt - plys for thld pirty
damagesbroughtaboutbylire li:b,liv ctlsed by lhe n€li8sce ot yo8
.ontrado. In cale of mino. rpaiR doft wlth,n y@r

Planll - StandardCoverComprehensiv€
. [arthquake
c.r 9!* lLblltry . .oe6 lo.! or d.nige to moror
. TYPloon/ Flood yehicl.s and tn€ir con!.nt' b€lonSingio rrcur gu$15 and
. artended Coverage(slnokedamaSe,frlling aircraft, erplos,on, (unone6 p.rted ritnin your pMises brt exclsdi.B aSgregale
. Riot,Strike&MaliciousDama8e(RSMD)
. Eurglary&Robb€ryCove.ofuptoProo,ooo.oo
P;n lv offi cePactag€Comprehensive
Planlll -OfficePa<lageBasic
fh:s tover p.ovidesanextensjonto youf BasicOfli.e lnsuran.ePackaSe
. fi.eandLisbrning
. Burglrry& Robbel' . Earthguake
Paysfor loss of your sto(ks, mefrhandise,{urniture, maahineryor . Typhoonltlood
equlpmentfrom burglaryor robberyin.ludinS resultingdamageto ' Extend€d CoveGge (smok€ dama8e, falling aircraft, explosloq
yourpioprny. vehic!larjmpect)
Limitof Liab:lilyl Ploo,ooo.oo . Riot,Stfike&MilaciousDam3ge(RSMD)
Oed.ictible: roq6eachandeverylossminimumoI PJ,ooo

. Money l.suranc?
Peysfor lossofcash o. payrcllmoneyandother securitiesby robb€ry
tinitLiability: P2j,ooo.oo
Deductiblei P?,oooea.handeverylos!

. A(dd€nt.llrcatg.offlx€dcti!.r/SiSnagc'_1
Paystor damageto fixed glas3wallsandsiSnaSe (ausedby a.cidental
Llmitof Liability: P2o,ooo.oo
Deduatible: P:,oooea(hind everylors

. P€bonal Atrldent Ccvcrage

Compeusatesfour (d namedemploye€sfor ac.idents reslltint to
bod;lyinju.yor deathincludingmedkalrsimbursement.
Limit Liabilit),: Pto,ooo.ooeach

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