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Q Discuss the advantages and disadvantages to the inspectors of using an expert

system for mineral prospecting 8

Contains the knowledge of many experts
Produce results quicker/reduces time taken to produce results
Fewer errors in work
No need to check with other inspectors/geologists if in doubt over findings
No need to carry paper records/reference books
Can lead to demotivation/less thought process by operative
Inspectors need to be trained to use the system
Expert system follows rules while operative might have insight/use common
Expert system does not easily adapt to new/different conditions
Expert system needs to be up-to-date to provide the most useful information for
the inspectors to
Updating may take the system offline and make it unavailable
Maximum 6 marks for all advantages or all disadvantages
One mark available for a reasoned conclusion.

Q. All two marks. Describe the purpose of these network components in the
company network
Receives and/or sends packets
to all devices connected to it
Broadcasts data packets [2]

Direct flow of data packets to specific/individual devices connected to it
Stores details of mac address of connected device(s) in order to direct packets

to attempt to avoid congestion on network [2]

Wireless access point
Use radio waves
to connect into existing network [2]

To control data traffic
To analyse traffic/checks (inspects) contents of data packets
To allow or deny access by network traffic
Blocks/allows IP addresses
compares with block/allow list

What is meant by computer fraud?

The use of ICT/computer systems to intentionally deceive (others) for personal gain

Describe, with examples, what is meant by antisocial use of ICT.

Eight from, e.g:
Use of ICT/computer systems
to cause/inflict harm on others
Deleting/amending/distributing personal data
gained from company/government databases
Misuse of personal data
to gain access to services not entitled to
to distribute SPAM emails
Spreading of viruses
to cause harm to files/data
with use of social networks/email/text messages

q. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using an online focus group to find
out what people think about the plans for the road. 6
Members can be from all over the world/anywhere/wider range of views or opinions
Timings do not have to take account of travel time
Travel and accommodation do not have to be arranged or paid for
Contributors cannot remain anonymous
Organiser/moderator has less influence over the discussion
Contributors/citizens need IT skills/access to IT facilities
Members often contribute less online than face-to-face
Reactions of members cannot be observed easily

Q. four benefits of using CAD in designing farm tools.

Four descriptions of benefits from:
Designs are easily edited/altered so no need to redraw
Designs are accurate/precise with no human errors
Use of libraries of shapes/items so no need to redraw
Assist in calculating costs for production runs
Can be used to output to 3D printers to print models/prototypes

Q.Describe how anti-virus software would detect viruses

Four from:
Scan computers disks/memory
Monitor computer ports
for filenames that match those is a database of viruses
for suspicious activity by software/applications
scan files for suspicious code

Q. Explain the difference between primary market research and secondary market
Primary research is where the organisation itself obtains the data e.g. by carrying
Secondary research is where IMDC uses existing data such as from the internet or
resources to find data

Q. Describe three ways in which primary market research can be carried out.
-Focus groups
Selected people asked to provide information for the company such as their views
-Personal interviews
Such as face to face in street
Where a series of questions are asked of the interviewee
-Questionnaires given out
answers collected and analysed

q. Describe how computer models would be used in the scientific research.

Formulae would be created to represent the situation
Variables would be adjusted to follow planned route
Results would be output graphically
Time scale could be altered
one example from e.g. the reaction to a drug
Use of what-if scenarios
Use of goal seek

Q. What is meant by each of the following? Computer aided instruction (CAI)

Computer based learning (CBL) Computer aided assessment (CAA)
CAI computer provides the teaching and assessment of the students work
CBL computer system supports the teaching by an educator
CAA computer system provides only testing of the students/provides
feedback/assessments/uses ICT to record the results of assessments
Q. Describe features of Computer Aided Design (CAD) software that could be used in
planning and creating a design for the new building.
Any five points from:
Zoom used for detail/over view
Can view from different angles
3D representation generated from 2D drawings/to view representation of final
Materials required can be stored for use by CAM
Costs calculated/stored for analysis
Walk through/virtual prototype to show product/product interiors/alternative views
Use of library of elements to choose from plus example of elements e.g. windows
Can be used to create (virtual) prototype to allow changes to dimensions/shape to
see effect
on e.g. performance

Q. Describe how Derek, the project manager, would use a financial model during the
planning stage.
Any three points from
Company inputs predicted costs/values as data
Model outputs production costs/staff required
Profit prediction made
System values are adjusted-what if scenario
Use of goal-seek/break even point
Costs of individual parts are totaled

Q. Describe what is meant by each of the following and explain why the bank uses
them in its business.
Proxy Servers
Acts as a buffer between a LAN and a WAN/Internet
Filters requests from users/returned pages
Enables better management of the usage of the Internet
Forwards user requests to appropriate server
Stores pages for faster browsing

Q. The Local Government Authority is concerned about anti-social behaviour when

using ICT. Give examples of this type of behaviour and describe how they may be

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