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E-learning In Relation to Pupils Academic Performance

E-leaning has become a global trend in education recently. We have measured the
effectiveness of e-learning program at primary level. We found out that the e-learning
programs are effective in school subjects at fundamental level. This paper shall cover
our investigation to primary school in San Mateo, Rizal. Similarly, we have implemented
Kirkpatricks model to measure the effectiveness of e-learning in primary schools. The
quantitative measurements in the study shall provide baseline data for primary schools
in San Mateo, Rizal to set its strategic direction of e-learning.

Background of the Study

One of the most rapidly changing and exciting areas of education in the world
today is the development of computer-based teaching materials, especially interactive
multimedia programs that run on personal computers. These new technologies offer
students and teachers access to materials as never before. Through the condensed
storage capabilities of computers, multimedia can deliver large amounts of information
in ways that makes it manageable, approachable, and useful. And by making it possible
to access illustrations and photographs, sound and video, as well as large amounts of
text, interactive multimedia programs that present learning information to teachers,
students, and scholars in newly engaging and meaningful ways. The integration of

multimedia programs into libraries and classrooms promises not only to change the
kinds of information that is available for learning, but the ways that learning takes place.
E-learning / Multimedia is a permanent fixture in the future landscape of
education. Multimedia-based processes stimulate all those learning paths by offering
information through pictures, written text, sound, animations and video to help teachers
develop creative and interactive teaching tools that present information in all the way
people really think and learn. The benefits of incorporating multimedia elements into a
computer program include the ability to better explain concepts and support the learning
experience with the use of senses other than just sight. Dual coding theory maintains
that learning is better when information is referentially processed through two channels
(e.g. text and sound) than when information is processed through one channel.
Learners can create more cognitive paths allowing quicker retrieval of information

Statement of the Problem

The key problem that will be addressed in the study is whether the E-learning /
integration multimedia technology in classroom beneficial to the students. How the
integration of multimedia technologies support the learning processes of pupils? How
the integration of multimedia technologies promotes the literacy of grade school pupils.
These are the questions that will be given answer to in the study.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

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