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varadarajan: Business Knowledge >=

Business Process Knowledge ?
Posted by Arun Varadarajan 30 Mar, 2009
What is business knowledge ?
Business knowledge is the knowledge contained within the employees of a firm.
Well ... thats known - why are we talking about the same ?
Business knowedge consists of a critical part of running a company - knowledge of the business processes of
the company in order to make the same better and optimize the operations .
The above IMHO cannot be done without a very good grasp of the basic processes which drive the
organizations with a view of :
a. Evolution of the business process to come to its current state
b. Key stakeholders
c. Making sure that this does not become person specific and lead to re-inventing the wheel.
Most of this might sound commonplace in any KM system and the way the same is captured and transmitted in
a system... but then some people have spent a lot of time researching the same and a lot of published material
on the same too...
Found this website dedicated to research on preserving business knowledge within the company through a
variety of measures...
About EBK
The EBK programme involved a major investigation into the challenges confronting UK firms in the way they
acquire and exploit knowledge. Many of these challenges stem from the fact that knowledge is not an object
or commodity. It is 'sticky' - that is, it is closely tied up in social roles, relationships and learning processes.
This makes it difficult to transfer from one setting to another, limiting the spread of best practice and the
development of innovations. Given this, existing organizational forms and management practices are proving
to be ineffective in gaining the business benefits of knowledge and learning. Even new approaches such as
'Knowledge Management', which rely heavily on the use of IT systems to capture knowledge, may be of limited
value. Through the EBK programme, researchers challenged existing thinking, placed the UK's experience in
a wider international context, and provided guidance on the new policies and practices required by a dynamic
knowledge economy.
The four points addressed by EBK are :
1. Management knowledge in action
2. The impact of relationships on knowledge-sharing

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arun.varadarajan: Business Knowledge >= Business Process Knowledge ?

3. Organizing knowledge for innovation

4. Making knowledge an asset
Management knowedge in action
Managers' Role in the Evolution of Business Knowledge
The Evolution of Business Knowledge in SMEs
The Dynamics of Knowledge Production in the Business School: a Comparative Study
Organisational Learning and Dynamic Capabilities
The impact of relationships on knowledge-sharing
Knowledge Evolution in Action: Consultancy-Client Relationships
Shaping Knowledge Through Dialogue: Analysing Corporate Social Responsibility
The Role of ICT Based Applications in Business Knowledge Processes
Organizing knowledge for innovation
Knowledge Integration, Project Practice and New Organisational Forms
Managing Knowledge Represention in Design
The Evolution of Biomedical Knowledge: Interactive Innovation in the UK and US
The Dynamics of Networked Innovation: Barriers to Knowledge Transfer

Making knowledge an asset

The Measurement and Valuation of Intangible Assets in the Service Sector
Facilitating Innovation Through the Measurement and Management of Intangibles
Corporate History, Narrative, and Business Knowledge
Addresses or tries to address a lot of things we are discussin about ...
There is even a book on the research done that has been published..
The evolution of business knowledge

Kannan Ramaswamy
13 Sep, 2013 6:03 PM
Good post Arun Varadarajan on KM and making knowledge an asset is in valuable to any organisation. But
most of the links in the post or broken now. The suggested book is a good read and I have skimmed through it,
have to read though

Thank you for sharing.

Generated by Jive on 2015-10-26+01:00


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